blob: 95c50dc98e548b9fd96588f68a0e8d55fba88590 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Mark function's return value as discardable and silence warning
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
func f1() -> [Int] { }
func f2() -> [Int] { }
func f3() { }
func f4<R>(blah: () -> R) -> R { return blah() }
func testGlobalFunctions() -> [Int] {
f1() // okay
f2() // expected-warning {{result of call to 'f2()' is unused}}
_ = f2() // okay
f3() // okay
f4 { 5 } // expected-warning {{result of call to 'f4(blah:)' is unused}}
f4 { } // okay
return f2() // okay
class C1 {
static func f1Static() -> Int { }
static func f2Static() -> Int { }
class func f1Class() -> Int { }
class func f2Class() -> Int { }
@discardableResult init() { }
init(foo: Int) { }
func f1() -> Int { }
func f2() -> Int { }
func f1Optional() -> Int? { }
func f2Optional() -> Int? { }
func me() -> Self { return self }
func reallyMe() -> Self { return self }
class C2 : C1 {}
func testFunctionsInClass(c1 : C1, c2: C2) {
C1.f1Static() // okay
C1.f2Static() // expected-warning {{result of call to 'f2Static()' is unused}}
_ = C1.f2Static() // okay
C1.f1Class() // okay
C1.f2Class() // expected-warning {{result of call to 'f2Class()' is unused}}
_ = C1.f2Class() // okay
C1() // okay, marked @discardableResult
_ = C1() // okay
C1(foo: 5) // expected-warning {{result of 'C1' initializer is unused}}
_ = C1(foo: 5) // okay
c1.f1() // okay
c1.f2() // expected-warning {{result of call to 'f2()' is unused}}
_ = c1.f2() // okay
c1.f1Optional() // okay
c1.f2Optional() // expected-warning {{result of call to 'f2Optional()' is unused}}
_ = c1.f2Optional() // okay // okay // okay
c1.reallyMe() // expected-warning {{result of call to 'reallyMe()' is unused}}
c2.reallyMe() // expected-warning {{result of call to 'reallyMe()' is unused}}
_ = c1.reallyMe() // okay
_ = c2.reallyMe() // okay
struct S1 {
static func f1Static() -> Int { }
static func f2Static() -> Int { }
@discardableResult init() { }
init(foo: Int) { }
func f1() -> Int { }
func f2() -> Int { }
func f1Optional() -> Int? { }
func f2Optional() -> Int? { }
func testFunctionsInStruct(s1 : S1) {
S1.f1Static() // okay
S1.f2Static() // expected-warning {{result of call to 'f2Static()' is unused}}
_ = S1.f2Static() // okay
S1() // okay, marked @discardableResult
_ = S1() // okay
S1(foo: 5) // expected-warning {{result of 'S1' initializer is unused}}
_ = S1(foo: 5) // okay
s1.f1() // okay
s1.f2() // expected-warning {{result of call to 'f2()' is unused}}
_ = s1.f2() // okay
s1.f1Optional() // okay
s1.f2Optional() // expected-warning {{result of call to 'f2Optional()' is unused}}
_ = s1.f2Optional() // okay
protocol P1 {
func me() -> Self
func reallyMe() -> Self
func testFunctionsInExistential(p1 : P1) { // okay
p1.reallyMe() // expected-warning {{result of call to 'reallyMe()' is unused}}
_ = p1.reallyMe() // okay
let x = 4
"Hello \(x+1) world" // expected-warning {{string literal is unused}}
func f(a : () -> Int) {
42 // expected-warning {{integer literal is unused}}
4 + 5 // expected-warning {{result of operator '+' is unused}}
a() // expected-warning {{result of call is unused, but produces 'Int'}}
@warn_unused_result func g() -> Int { } // expected-warning {{'warn_unused_result' attribute behavior is now the default}} {{1-21=}}
class X {
@warn_unused_result // expected-warning {{'warn_unused_result' attribute behavior is now the default}} {{3-23=}}
func h() -> Int { }
func testOptionalChaining(c1: C1?, s1: S1?) {
c1?.f1() // okay
c1!.f1() // okay
c1?.f1Optional() // okay
c1!.f1Optional() // okay
c1?.f2() // expected-warning {{result of call to 'f2()' is unused}}
c1!.f2() // expected-warning {{result of call to 'f2()' is unused}}
c1?.f2Optional() // expected-warning {{result of call to 'f2Optional()' is unused}}
c1!.f2Optional() // expected-warning {{result of call to 'f2Optional()' is unused}}
s1?.f1() // okay
s1!.f1() // okay
s1?.f1Optional() // okay
s1!.f1Optional() // okay
s1?.f2() // expected-warning {{result of call to 'f2()' is unused}}
s1!.f2() // expected-warning {{result of call to 'f2()' is unused}}
s1?.f2Optional() // expected-warning {{result of call to 'f2Optional()' is unused}}
s1!.f2Optional() // expected-warning {{result of call to 'f2Optional()' is unused}}
@discardableResult func SR2948 (_ closure: @escaping ()->()) -> (()->()) {
return closure
SR2948({}) // okay