blob: e71eebe8e8764a5cca5e5c95abdc4da6ebe1156e [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %swift -typecheck -verify -parse-stdlib -target i386-apple-watchos2.0 %s
@available(watchOS, introduced: 1.0, deprecated: 1.5, obsoleted: 2.0,
message: "you don't want to do that anyway")
func doSomething() { }
// expected-note @-1{{'doSomething()' was obsoleted in watchOS 2.0}}
doSomething() // expected-error{{'doSomething()' is unavailable: you don't want to do that anyway}}
// Preservation of major.minor.micro
@available(watchOS, introduced: 1.0, deprecated: 1.5, obsoleted: 1.5.3)
func doSomethingElse() { }
// expected-note @-1{{'doSomethingElse()' was obsoleted in watchOS 1.5.3}}
doSomethingElse() // expected-error{{'doSomethingElse()' is unavailable}}
// Preservation of minor-only version
@available(watchOS, introduced: 1.0, deprecated: 1.5, obsoleted: 2)
func doSomethingReallyOld() { }
// expected-note @-1{{'doSomethingReallyOld()' was obsoleted in watchOS 2}}
doSomethingReallyOld() // expected-error{{'doSomethingReallyOld()' is unavailable}}
// Test deprecations in 2.0 and later
@available(watchOS, introduced: 1.1, deprecated: 2.0,
message: "Use another function")
func deprecatedFunctionWithMessage() { }
deprecatedFunctionWithMessage() // expected-warning{{'deprecatedFunctionWithMessage()' was deprecated in watchOS 2.0: Use another function}}
@available(watchOS, introduced: 1.0, deprecated: 2.0)
func deprecatedFunctionWithoutMessage() { }
deprecatedFunctionWithoutMessage() // expected-warning{{'deprecatedFunctionWithoutMessage()' was deprecated in watchOS 2.0}}
@available(watchOS, introduced: 1.0, deprecated: 2.0,
message: "Use BetterClass instead")
class DeprecatedClass { }
func functionWithDeprecatedParameter(p: DeprecatedClass) { } // expected-warning{{'DeprecatedClass' was deprecated in watchOS 2.0: Use BetterClass instead}}
@available(watchOS, introduced: 2.0, deprecated: 4.0,
message: "Use BetterClass instead")
class DeprecatedClassIn3_0 { }
// Elements deprecated later than the minimum deployment target (which is 2.0, in this case) should not generate warnings
func functionWithDeprecatedLaterParameter(p: DeprecatedClassIn3_0) { }
// Treat watchOS as distinct from iOS in availability queries
@available(watchOS, introduced: 2.2)
func functionIntroducedOnwatchOS2_2() { }
if #available(iOS 9.3, *) {
functionIntroducedOnwatchOS2_2() // expected-error {{'functionIntroducedOnwatchOS2_2()' is only available on watchOS 2.2 or newer}}
// expected-note@-1 {{add 'if #available' version check}}
if #available(iOS 9.3, watchOS 2.1, *) {
functionIntroducedOnwatchOS2_2() // expected-error {{'functionIntroducedOnwatchOS2_2()' is only available on watchOS 2.2 or newer}}
// expected-note@-1 {{add 'if #available' version check}}
if #available(iOS 9.1, watchOS 2.2, *) {
if #available(iOS 8.0, watchOS 2.2, *) {
if #available(iOS 9.2, watchOS 1.0, *) { // no-warning
// Swift-originated iOS availability attributes should not be transcribed to watchOS
@available(iOS, unavailable)
func swiftOriginatedFunctionUnavailableOnIOS() { }
@available(iOS, introduced: 6.0, deprecated: 9.0)
func swiftOriginatedFunctionDeprecatedOnIOS() { }
@available(iOS, introduced: 10.0)
func swiftOriginatedFunctionPotentiallyUnavailableOnIOS() { }
func useSwiftOriginatedFunctions() {
// We do not expect diagnostics here because iOS availability attributes coming from
// Swift should not be transcribed to watchOS.