blob: 7d429c5d85c140213b02690594eb3f60a858feea [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -emit-silgen %s | %FileCheck %s
class C {}
struct A {}
struct B { var owner: C }
var a = A()
// CHECK: assign {{%.*}} to {{%.*}} : $*A
// CHECK: destroy_value {{%.*}} : $B
(a, _) = (A(), B(owner: C()))
class D { var child: C = C() }
// Verify that the LHS is formally evaluated before the RHS.
// CHECK: sil hidden @_TF10assignment5test1FT_T_ : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
func test1() {
// CHECK: [[CTOR:%.*]] = function_ref @_TFC10assignment1DC
// CHECK: [[T0:%.*]] = metatype $@thick D.Type
// CHECK: [[D:%.*]] = apply [[CTOR]]([[T0]])
// CHECK: [[CTOR:%.*]] = function_ref @_TFC10assignment1CC
// CHECK: [[T0:%.*]] = metatype $@thick C.Type
// CHECK: [[C:%.*]] = apply [[CTOR]]([[T0]])
// CHECK: [[SETTER:%.*]] = class_method [[D]] : $D, #D.child!setter.1
// CHECK: apply [[SETTER]]([[C]], [[D]])
D().child = C()