blob: e932fd0e1fcf3a89a666bf366ed50c5f057dfa67 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift %s -enable-astscope-lookup
// Name binding in default arguments
// FIXME: Semantic analysis should produce an error here, because 'x'
// is not actually available.
func functionParamScopes(x: Int, y: Int = x) -> Int {
return x + y
// Name binding in instance methods.
class C1 {
var x = 0
var hashValue: Int {
return x
// Protocols involving 'Self'.
protocol P1 {
associatedtype A = Self
// Protocols involving associated types.
protocol AProtocol {
associatedtype e : e
// expected-error@-1 {{use of undeclared type 'e'}}
// Extensions.
protocol P2 {
extension P2 {
func getSelf() -> Self {
return self
#if false
// Lazy properties
class LazyProperties {
init() {
lazy var localvar = 42 // FIXME: should error {{lazy is only valid for members of a struct or class}} {{5-10=}}
localvar += 1
_ = localvar
var value: Int = 17
lazy var prop1: Int = value
lazy var prop2: Int = { value + 1 }()
lazy var prop3: Int = { [weak self] in self.value + 1 }()
lazy var prop4: Int = self.value
lazy var prop5: Int = { self.value + 1 }()
// Protocol extensions.
// Extending via a superclass constraint.
class Superclass {
func foo() { }
static func bar() { }
typealias Foo = Int
protocol PConstrained4 { }
extension PConstrained4 where Self : Superclass {
final func testFoo() -> Foo {
return Foo(5)
final static func testBar() {
// Local computed properties.
func localComputedProperties() {
var localProperty: Int {
get {
return localProperty // expected-warning{{attempting to access 'localProperty' within its own getter}}
set {
{ print(localProperty) }()
// Top-level code.
func topLevel() { }
let c1opt: C1? = C1()
guard let c1 = c1opt else { }
protocol Fooable {
associatedtype Foo
var foo: Foo { get }
// The extension below once caused infinite recursion.
struct S<T> // expected-error{{expected '{' in struct}}
extension S // expected-error{{expected '{' in extension}}
let a = b ; let b = a // expected-error{{could not infer type for 'a'}}
// expected-error@-1 {{'a' used within its own type}}
// FIXME: That second error is bogus.