blob: 8eeeb8435e14535ef27cad759b8847a0d0b61bbf [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift
// REQUIRES: objc_interop
import Foundation
import CoreGraphics
var roomName : String?
if let realRoomName = roomName as! NSString { // expected-warning{{forced cast from 'String?' to 'NSString' only unwraps and bridges; did you mean to use '!' with 'as'?}}
// expected-error@-1{{initializer for conditional binding must have Optional type, not 'NSString'}}
var pi = 3.14159265358979
var d: CGFloat = 2.0
var dpi:CGFloat = d*pi // expected-error{{binary operator '*' cannot be applied to operands of type 'CGFloat' and 'Double'}} // expected-note{{expected an argument list of type '(CGFloat, CGFloat)'}}
let ff: CGFloat = floorf(20.0) // expected-error{{cannot convert value of type 'Float' to specified type 'CGFloat'}}
let total = 15.0
let count = 7
let median = total / count // expected-error {{binary operator '/' cannot be applied to operands of type 'Double' and 'Int'}} expected-note {{overloads for '/' exist with these partially matching parameter lists: (Int, Int), (Double, Double)}}
if (1) {} // expected-error{{'Int' is not convertible to 'Bool'}}
if 1 {} // expected-error {{'Int' is not convertible to 'Bool'}}
var a: [String] = [1] // expected-error{{cannot convert value of type 'Int' to expected element type 'String'}}
var b: Int = [1, 2, 3] // expected-error{{contextual type 'Int' cannot be used with array literal}}
var f1: Float = 2.0
var f2: Float = 3.0
var dd: Double = f1 - f2 // expected-error{{cannot convert value of type 'Float' to specified type 'Double'}}
func f() -> Bool {
return 1 + 1 // expected-error{{cannot convert return expression of type 'Int' to return type 'Bool'}}
// Test that nested diagnostics are properly surfaced.
func takesInt(_ i: Int) {}
func noParams() -> Int { return 0 }
func takesAndReturnsInt(_ i: Int) -> Int { return 0 }
takesInt(noParams(1)) // expected-error{{argument passed to call that takes no arguments}}
takesInt(takesAndReturnsInt("")) // expected-error{{cannot convert value of type 'String' to expected argument type 'Int'}}
// Test error recovery for type expressions.
struct MyArray<Element> {}
class A {
var a: MyArray<Int>
init() {
a = MyArray<Int // expected-error{{binary operator '<' cannot be applied to operands of type 'MyArray<_>.Type' and 'Int.Type'}}
// expected-note @-1 {{overloads for '<' exist with these partially matching parameter lists:}}
func retV() { return true } // expected-error {{unexpected non-void return value in void function}}
func retAI() -> Int {
let a = [""]
let b = [""]
return (a + b) // expected-error{{cannot convert return expression of type '[String]' to return type 'Int'}}
func bad_return1() {
return 42 // expected-error {{unexpected non-void return value in void function}}
func bad_return2() -> (Int, Int) {
return 42 // expected-error {{cannot convert return expression of type 'Int' to return type '(Int, Int)'}}
// <rdar://problem/14096697> QoI: Diagnostics for trying to return values from void functions
func bad_return3(lhs: Int, rhs: Int) {
return lhs != 0 // expected-error {{unexpected non-void return value in void function}}
class MyBadReturnClass {
static var intProperty = 42
func ==(lhs:MyBadReturnClass, rhs:MyBadReturnClass) {
return MyBadReturnClass.intProperty == MyBadReturnClass.intProperty // expected-error{{unexpected non-void return value in void function}}
func testIS1() -> Int { return 0 }
let _: String = testIS1() // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type 'Int' to specified type 'String'}}
func insertA<T>(array : inout [T], elt : T) {
array.append(T); // expected-error {{cannot invoke 'append' with an argument list of type '((T).Type)'}} expected-note {{expected an argument list of type '(T)'}}
// <rdar://problem/17875634> can't append to array of tuples
func test17875634() {
var match: [(Int, Int)] = []
var row = 1
var col = 2
var coord = (row, col)
match += (1, 2) // expected-error{{argument type '(Int, Int)' does not conform to expected type 'Sequence'}}
match += (row, col) // expected-error{{argument type '(@lvalue Int, @lvalue Int)' does not conform to expected type 'Sequence'}}
match += coord // expected-error{{argument type '@lvalue (Int, Int)' does not conform to expected type 'Sequence'}}
match.append(row, col) // expected-error{{extra argument in call}}
match.append(1, 2) // expected-error{{extra argument in call}}
match.append((1, 2))
// Make sure the behavior matches the non-generic case.
struct FakeNonGenericArray {
func append(_ p: (Int, Int)) {}
let a2 = FakeNonGenericArray()
a2.append(row, col) // expected-error{{extra argument in call}}
a2.append(1, 2) // expected-error{{extra argument in call}}
a2.append((1, 2))
// <rdar://problem/20770032> Pattern matching ranges against tuples crashes the compiler
func test20770032() {
if case let 1...10 = (1, 1) { // expected-warning{{'let' pattern has no effect; sub-pattern didn't bind any variables}} {{11-15=}} expected-error{{expression pattern of type 'CountableClosedRange<Int>' cannot match values of type '(Int, Int)'}}
func tuple_splat1(_ a : Int, _ b : Int) { // expected-note {{'tuple_splat1' declared here}}
let x = (1,2)
tuple_splat1(x) // expected-error {{passing 2 arguments to a callee as a single tuple value has been removed in Swift 3}}
tuple_splat1(1, 2) // Ok.
tuple_splat1((1, 2)) // expected-error {{missing argument for parameter #2 in call}}
// This take a tuple as a value, so it isn't a tuple splat.
func tuple_splat2(_ q : (a : Int, b : Int)) {
let x = (1,2)
tuple_splat2(x) // Ok
let y = (1, b: 2)
tuple_splat2(y) // Ok
tuple_splat2((1, b: 2)) // Ok.
tuple_splat2(1, b: 2) // expected-error {{extra argument 'b' in call}}
// SR-1612: Type comparison of foreign types is always true.
func is_foreign(a: AnyObject) -> Bool {
return a is CGColor // expected-warning {{'is' test is always true because 'CGColor' is a Core Foundation type}}