blob: 264bac6250ac09baaecdd1b1dd22b5fba178e5c7 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift
func markUsed<T>(_ t: T) {}
func f0(_: Float) -> Float {}
func f0(_: Int) -> Int {}
func f1(_: Int) {}
func identity<T>(_: T) -> T {}
func f2<T>(_: T) -> T {}
// FIXME: Fun things happen when we make this T, U!
func f2<T>(_: T, _: T) -> (T, T) { }
struct X {}
var x : X
var i : Int
var f : Float
_ = f0(i)
_ = f0(1.0)
_ = f0(1)
f0(x) // expected-error{{cannot invoke 'f0' with an argument list of type '(X)'}}
// expected-note @-1 {{overloads for 'f0' exist with these partially matching parameter lists: (Float), (Int)}}
_ = f + 1
_ = f2(i)
_ = f2((i, f))
class A {
init() {}
class B : A {
override init() { super.init() }
class C : B {
override init() { super.init() }
func bar(_ b: B) -> Int {} // #1
func bar(_ a: A) -> Float {} // #2
var barResult = bar(C()) // selects #1, which is more specialized
i = barResult // make sure we got #1
f = bar(C()) // selects #2 because of context
// Overload resolution for constructors
protocol P1 { }
struct X1a : P1 { }
struct X1b {
init(x : X1a) { }
init<T : P1>(x : T) { }
X1b(x: X1a()) // expected-warning{{unused}}
// Overload resolution for subscript operators.
class X2a { }
class X2b : X2a { }
class X2c : X2b { }
struct X2d {
subscript (index : X2a) -> Int {
return 5
subscript (index : X2b) -> Int {
return 7
func foo(_ x : X2c) -> Int {
return self[x]
// Invalid declarations
// FIXME: Suppress the diagnostic for the call below, because the invalid
// declaration would have matched.
func f3(_ x: Intthingy) -> Int { } // expected-error{{use of undeclared type 'Intthingy'}}
func f3(_ x: Float) -> Float { }
f3(i) // expected-error{{cannot convert value of type 'Int' to expected argument type 'Float'}}
func f4(_ i: Wonka) { } // expected-error{{use of undeclared type 'Wonka'}}
func f4(_ j: Wibble) { } // expected-error{{use of undeclared type 'Wibble'}}
func f1() {
var c : Class // expected-error{{use of undeclared type 'Class'}}
markUsed(c.x) // make sure error does not cascade here
// We don't provide return-type sensitivity unless there is context.
func f5(_ i: Int) -> A { return A() } // expected-note{{candidate}}
func f5(_ i: Int) -> B { return B() } // expected-note{{candidate}}
f5(5) // expected-error{{ambiguous use of 'f5'}}
struct HasX1aProperty {
func write(_: X1a) {}
func write(_: P1) {}
var prop = X1a()
func test() {
write(prop) // no error, not ambiguous
// rdar://problem/16554496
@available(*, unavailable)
func availTest(_ x: Int) {}
func availTest(_ x: Any) { markUsed("this one") }
func doAvailTest(_ x: Int) {
// rdar://problem/20886179
func test20886179(_ handlers: [(Int) -> Void], buttonIndex: Int) {
// The problem here is that the call has a contextual result type incompatible
// with *all* overload set candidates. This is not an ambiguity.
func overloaded_identity(_ a : Int) -> Int {}
func overloaded_identity(_ b : Float) -> Float {}
func test_contextual_result_1() {
return overloaded_identity() // expected-error {{cannot invoke 'overloaded_identity' with no arguments}}
// expected-note @-1 {{overloads for 'overloaded_identity' exist with these partially matching parameter lists: (Int), (Float)}}
func test_contextual_result_2() {
return overloaded_identity(1) // expected-error {{unexpected non-void return value in void function}}
// rdar://problem/24128153
struct X0 {
init(_ i: Any.Type) { }
init?(_ i: Any.Type, _ names: String...) { }
let x0 = X0(Int.self)
let x0check: X0 = x0 // okay: chooses first initializer
struct X1 {
init?(_ i: Any.Type) { }
init(_ i: Any.Type, _ names: String...) { }
let x1 = X1(Int.self)
let x1check: X1 = x1 // expected-error{{value of optional type 'X1?' not unwrapped; did you mean to use '!' or '?'?}}
struct X2 {
init?(_ i: Any.Type) { }
init(_ i: Any.Type, a: Int = 0) { }
init(_ i: Any.Type, a: Int = 0, b: Int = 0) { }
init(_ i: Any.Type, a: Int = 0, c: Int = 0) { }
let x2 = X2(Int.self)
let x2check: X2 = x2 // expected-error{{value of optional type 'X2?' not unwrapped; did you mean to use '!' or '?'?}}
// rdar://problem/28051973
struct R_28051973 {
mutating func f(_ i: Int) {}
@available(*, deprecated, message: "deprecated")
func f(_ f: Float) {}
let r28051973: Int = 42
R_28051973().f(r28051973) // expected-error {{cannot use mutating member on immutable value: function call returns immutable value}}
// Fix for CSDiag vs CSSolver disagreement on what constitutes a
// valid overload.
func overloadedMethod(n: Int) {} // expected-note {{'overloadedMethod(n:)' declared here}}
func overloadedMethod<T>() {}
// expected-error@-1 {{generic parameter 'T' is not used in function signature}}
// expected-error@-1 {{missing argument for parameter 'n' in call}}
// Ensure we select the overload of '??' returning T? rather than T.
func SR3817(_ d: [String : Any], _ s: String, _ t: String) -> Any {
if let r = d[s] ?? d[t] {
return r
} else {
return 0