blob: 70414fec71000a8f6b28e367efdc596bdb70fab4 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend(mock-sdk: %clang-importer-sdk) -typecheck -verify %s
// XFAIL: linux
@_exported import macros
func circle_area(_ radius: CDouble) -> CDouble {
return M_PI * radius * radius
func circle_area2(_ radius: CDouble) -> CDouble {
return A_PI * radius * radius
func circle_area3(_ radius: CFloat) -> CFloat {
return M_PIf * radius * radius
func convertGLBool(_ b: CInt) -> Bool {
return b != GL_FALSE
func pixelFormat(_ alpha: Bool) -> CInt {
if alpha {
return GL_RGBA
} else {
return GL_RGB
func boundsCheckU32(_ x: CUnsignedInt) -> Bool {
return x >= 0 && x <= UINT32_MAX
func boundsCheckS64(_ x: CLongLong) -> Bool {
return x <= INT64_MAX
func isEOF(_ c: CInt) -> Bool {
return c == EOF
func subThree(_ x: CInt) -> CInt {
return x + MINUS_THREE
// true/false are keywords, so they shouldn't conflict with the true/false in
// the C header.
func testTrueFalse() {
var x : Bool = true
var y : Bool = false
_ = true // should not result in ambiguous use error
_ = false
_ = TRUE // expected-error {{use of unresolved identifier 'TRUE'}}
_ = FALSE // expected-error {{use of unresolved identifier 'FALSE'}}
_ = `true` // expected-error {{use of unresolved identifier 'true'}}
_ = `false` // expected-error {{use of unresolved identifier 'false'}}
func testCStrings() -> Bool {
var str: String = UTF8_STRING
_ = str
func testObjCString() -> String {
let str: String = OBJC_STRING
return str
func testCFString() -> String {
let str: String = CF_STRING
return str
func testInvalidIntegerLiterals() {
var l1 = INVALID_INTEGER_LITERAL_1 // expected-error {{use of unresolved identifier 'INVALID_INTEGER_LITERAL_1'}}
// FIXME: <rdar://problem/16445608> Swift should set up a DiagnosticConsumer for Clang
// var l2 = INVALID_INTEGER_LITERAL_2 // FIXME {{use of unresolved identifier 'INVALID_INTEGER_LITERAL_2'}}
func testUsesMacroFromOtherModule() {
let m3 = USES_MACRO_FROM_OTHER_MODULE_2 // expected-error {{use of unresolved identifier 'USES_MACRO_FROM_OTHER_MODULE_2'}}
let m4 = macros.USES_MACRO_FROM_OTHER_MODULE_2 // expected-error {{module 'macros' has no member named 'USES_MACRO_FROM_OTHER_MODULE_2'}}
func testSuppressed() {
let m1 = NS_BLOCKS_AVAILABLE // expected-error {{use of unresolved identifier 'NS_BLOCKS_AVAILABLE'}}
let m2 = CF_USE_OSBYTEORDER_H // expected-error {{use of unresolved identifier 'CF_USE_OSBYTEORDER_H'}}
func testNil() {
var localNil: ()
localNil = NULL_VIA_NAME // expected-error {{'NULL_VIA_NAME' is unavailable: use 'nil' instead of this imported macro}}
localNil = NULL_VIA_VALUE // expected-error {{'NULL_VIA_VALUE' is unavailable: use 'nil' instead of this imported macro}}
localNil = NULL_AS_NIL // expected-error {{'NULL_AS_NIL' is unavailable: use 'nil' instead of this imported macro}}
localNil = NULL_AS_CLASS_NIL // expected-error {{'NULL_AS_CLASS_NIL' is unavailable: use 'nil' instead of this imported macro}}
localNil = Nil // expected-error {{use of unresolved identifier 'Nil'}}
func testBitwiseOps() {
_ = DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER as CUnsignedLongLong
_ = (BIT_SHIFT_1 | BIT_SHIFT_2) as CInt
_ = BIT_SHIFT_3 as CLongLong
_ = BIT_SHIFT_4 as CUnsignedInt
func testRecursion() {
_ = RECURSION // expected-error {{use of unresolved identifier 'RECURSION'}}
_ = REF_TO_RECURSION // expected-error {{use of unresolved identifier 'REF_TO_RECURSION'}}