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//===--- ValueWitness.h - Enumeration of value witnesses --------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file defines the list of witnesses required to attest that a
// type is a value type.
namespace swift {
namespace irgen {
/// The members required to attest that a type is a value type.
/// Logically, there are three basic data operations we must support
/// on arbitrary types:
/// - initializing an object by copying another
/// - changing an object to be a copy of another
/// - destroying an object
/// As an optimization to permit efficient transfers of data, the
/// "copy" operations each have an analogous "take" operation which
/// implicitly destroys the source object.
/// Therefore there are five basic data operations:
/// initWithCopy(T*, T*)
/// initWithTake(T*, T*)
/// assignWithCopy(T*, T*)
/// assignWithTake(T*, T*)
/// destroy(T*)
/// As a further optimization, for every T*, there is a related
/// operation which replaces that T* with a B*, combinatorially. This
/// makes 18 operations, except that some of these operations are
/// fairly unlikely and so do not merit optimized entries, due to
/// the common code patterns of the two use cases:
/// - Existential code usually doesn't work directly with T*s
/// because pointers into existential objects are not generally
/// reliable.
/// - Generic code works with T*s a fair amount, but it usually
/// doesn't have to deal with B*s after initialization
/// because initialization returns a reliable pointer.
/// This leads us to the following conclusions:
// - Operations to copy a B* to a T* are very unlikely
/// to be used (-4 operations).
/// - Assignments involving two B*s are only likely in
/// existential code, where we won't have the right
/// typing guarantees to use them (-2 operations).
/// Furthermore, take-initializing a buffer from a buffer is just a
/// memcpy of the buffer (-1), and take-assigning a buffer from a
/// buffer is just a destroy and a memcpy (-1).
/// This leaves us with 12 data operations, to which we add the
/// meta-operation 'sizeAndAlign' for a total of 13.
enum class ValueWitness : unsigned {
// destroyBuffer comes first because I expect it to be the most
// common operation (both by code size and occurrence), since it's
// the optimal way to destroy an individual local/temporary.
// Several other candidates that are likely to see use in
// existential code are then grouped together for cache-locality
// reasons.
/// void (*destroyBuffer)(B *buffer, M *self);
/// Given a valid buffer which owns a valid object of this type,
/// destroy it. This can be decomposed as
/// self->destroy(self->projectBuffer(buffer), self);
/// self->deallocateBuffer(buffer), self);
/// T *(*initializeBufferWithCopyOfBuffer)(B *dest, B *src, M *self);
/// Given an invalid buffer, initialize it as a copy of the
/// object in the source buffer. This can be decomposed as:
/// initializeBufferWithCopy(dest, self->projectBuffer(src), self)
/// T *(*projectBuffer)(B *buffer, M *self);
/// Given an initialized fixed-size buffer, find its allocated
/// storage.
/// void (*deallocateBuffer)(B *buffer, M *self);
/// Given a buffer owning storage for an uninitialized object of this
/// type, deallocate the storage, putting the buffer in an invalid
/// state.
DeallocateBuffer, // likely along exception edges of initializers
/// void (*destroy)(T *object, witness_t *self);
/// Given a valid object of this type, destroy it, leaving it as an
/// invalid object. This is useful when generically destroying
/// an object which has been allocated in-line, such as an array,
/// struct, or tuple element.
/// T *(*initializeBufferWithCopy)(B *dest, T *src, M *self);
/// Given an invalid buffer, initialize it as a copy of the
/// source object. This can be decomposed as:
/// initializeWithCopy(self->allocateBuffer(dest, self), src, self)
/// T *(*initializeWithCopy)(T *dest, T *src, M *self);
/// Given an invalid object of this type, initialize it as a copy of
/// the source object. Returns the dest object.
/// T *(*assignWithCopy)(T *dest, T *src, M *self);
/// Given a valid object of this type, change it to be a copy of the
/// source object. Returns the dest object.
/// T *(*initializeBufferWithTake)(B *dest, T *src, M *self);
/// Given an invalid buffer, initialize it by taking the value
/// of the source object. The source object becomes invalid.
/// Returns the dest object.
/// T *(*initializeWithTake)(T *dest, T *src, M *self);
/// Given an invalid object of this type, initialize it by taking
/// the value of the source object. The source object becomes
/// invalid. Returns the dest object.
/// T *(*assignWithTake)(T *dest, T *src, M *self);
/// Given a valid object of this type, change it to be a copy of the
/// source object. The source object becomes invalid. Returns the
/// dest object.
/// T *(*allocateBuffer)(B *buffer, M *self);
/// Given a buffer in an invalid state, make it the owner of storage
/// for an uninitialized object of this type. Return the address of
/// that object.
/// T *(*initializeBufferWithTakeOfBuffer)(B *dest, B *src, M *self);
/// Given an invalid buffer, initialize it by taking the value out of
/// the source buffer. This can be (inefficiently) decomposed as:
/// initializeBufferWithTake(dest, self->projectBuffer(src), self)
/// deallocateBuffer(src, self)
/// void (*destroyArray)(T *object, size_t n, witness_t *self);
/// Given a valid array of n objects of this type, destroy the object, leaving
/// the array invalid. This is useful when generically destroying an array of
/// objects to avoid calling the scalar 'destroy' witness in a loop.
/// T *(*initializeArrayWithCopy)(T *dest, T *src, size_t n, M *self);
/// Given an invalid array of n objects of this type, initialize the objects
/// as a copy of the source array. Returns the dest array.
/// T *(*initializeArrayWithTakeFrontToBack)(T *dest, T *src, size_t n, M *self);
/// Given an invalid array of n objects of this type, initialize the objects
/// by taking them from the source array in front-to-back order.
/// The source array becomes invalid.
/// Returns the dest array.
/// T *(*initializeArrayWithTakeBackToFront)(T *dest, T *src, size_t n, M *self);
/// Given an invalid array of n objects of this type, initialize the objects
/// by taking them from the source array in back-to-front order.
/// The source array becomes invalid.
/// Returns the dest array.
Last_RequiredValueWitnessFunction = InitializeArrayWithTakeBackToFront,
/// The offset at which type layout witnesses begin.
/// size_t size;
/// The required storage size of a single object of this type.
Size = First_TypeLayoutWitness,
/// size_t flags;
/// The ValueWitnessAlignmentMask bits represent the required
/// alignment of the first byte of an object of this type, expressed
/// as a mask of the low bits that must not be set in the pointer.
/// This representation can be easily converted to the 'alignof'
/// result by merely adding 1, but it is more directly useful for
/// performing dynamic structure layouts, and it grants an
/// additional bit of precision in a compact field without needing
/// to switch to an exponent representation.
/// The ValueWitnessIsNonPOD bit is set if the type is not POD.
/// The ValueWitnessIsNonInline bit is set if the type cannot be
/// represented in a fixed-size buffer.
/// The Enum_HasExtraInhabitants bit is set if the type's binary
/// representation has "extra inhabitants" that do not form valid values of
/// the type, and the value witness table contains the ExtraInhabitantWitness
/// entries.
/// The Enum_HasSpareBits bit is set if the type's binary representation
/// has unused bits.
/// The HasEnumWitnesses bit is set if the type is an enum type.
/// size_t stride;
/// The required size per element of an array of this type. It is at least
/// one, even for zero-sized types, like the empty tuple.
Last_RequiredValueWitness = Stride,
Last_RequiredTypeLayoutWitness = Last_RequiredValueWitness,
/// The following value witnesses are conditionally present based on
/// the Enum_HasExtraInhabitants bit of the flags.
/// size_t extraInhabitantFlags;
/// These bits are always present if the extra inhabitants witnesses are:
/// - The NumExtraInhabitantsMask bits contain the number of extra
/// inhabitants of the type representation.
/// If the Enum_HasSpareBits flag is set in the value witness flags, these
/// additional flags are available:
/// - The NumSpareBitsMask bits contain the number of (host-endian) contiguous
/// spare bits in the type representation.
/// - The SpareBitsShiftMask bits contain the (host-endian) bit offset of the
/// lowest spare bit.
ExtraInhabitantFlags = First_ExtraInhabitantValueWitness,
Last_TypeLayoutWitness = ExtraInhabitantFlags,
/// void (*storeExtraInhabitant)(T *obj, unsigned index, M *self);
/// Given an invalid object of this type, store the representation of an
/// extra inhabitant of the type. The object will remain invalid, because
/// an extra inhabitant is by definition an invalid representation of the
/// type. index must be less than numExtraInhabitants.
StoreExtraInhabitant = First_ExtraInhabitantValueWitnessFunction,
/// int (*getExtraInhabitantIndex)(T *obj, M *self);
/// Given an invalid object of this type with an extra inhabitant
/// representation, returns the index of the extra inhabitant representation.
/// Returns -1 if the object is a valid value of the type. If non-negative,
/// the return value is the same index that can be passed to
/// storeExtraInhabitant to reproduce the representation.
Last_ExtraInhabitantValueWitnessFunction = GetExtraInhabitantIndex,
Last_ExtraInhabitantValueWitness = Last_ExtraInhabitantValueWitnessFunction,
/// The following value witnesses are conditionally present if the witnessed
/// type is an enum.
/// int (*getEnumTag)(T *obj, M *self);
/// Given a valid object of this enum type, extracts the tag value indicating
/// which case of the enum is inhabited. Returned values are in the range
/// [-ElementsWithPayload..ElementsWithNoPayload-1].
GetEnumTag = First_EnumValueWitness,
/// void (*destructiveProjectEnumData)(T *obj, M *self);
/// Given a valid object of this enum type, destructively extracts the
/// associated payload.
/// void (*destructiveInjectEnumTag)(T *obj, int tag, M *self);
/// Given an enum case tag and a valid object of case's payload type,
/// destructively inserts the tag into the payload. The given tag value
/// must be in the range [-ElementsWithPayload..ElementsWithNoPayload-1].
Last_EnumValueWitness = DestructiveInjectEnumTag,
Last_ValueWitness = Last_EnumValueWitness,
// The namespaces here are to force the enumerators to be scoped. We don't
// use 'enum class' because we want the enumerators to convert freely
// to uint64_t.
namespace ValueWitnessFlags {
enum : uint64_t {
AlignmentMask = 0x0FFFF,
IsNonPOD = 0x10000,
IsNonInline = 0x20000,
/// Flags pertaining to enum representation.
Enum_FlagMask = 0xC0000,
/// If Flags & Enum_FlagMask == Enum_IsOpaque, then the type does not
/// support any optimized representation in enums.
Enum_IsOpaque = 0x00000,
/// If Flags & Enum_FlagMask == Enum_HasExtraInhabitants, then the type
/// has "extra inhabitants" of its binary representation which do not form
/// valid values of the type, such as null in a class type. The
/// ExtraInhabitants value witnesses are present in the value witness table.
Enum_HasExtraInhabitants = 0x40000,
/// If Flags & Enum_FlagMask == Enum_HasSpareBits, then the type has
/// unused bits in its binary representation. This implies
/// HasExtraInhabitants. Both the ExtraInhabitants and SpareBits value
/// witnesses are present in the value witness table.
Enum_HasSpareBits = 0xC0000,
IsNonBitwiseTakable = 0x100000,
/// If Flags & HasEnumWitnesses, then enum value witnesses are present in
/// the value witness table.
HasEnumWitnesses = 0x00200000,
namespace ExtraInhabitantFlags {
enum : uint64_t {
NumExtraInhabitantsMask = 0x7FFFFFFFULL,
NumSpareBitsMask = 0x0000FFFF00000000ULL,
NumSpareBitsShift = 32,
SpareBitsShiftMask = 0xFFFF000000000000ULL,
SpareBitsShiftShift = 48,
enum {
= unsigned(ValueWitness::Last_RequiredValueWitness) + 1,
= unsigned(ValueWitness::Last_RequiredValueWitnessFunction) + 1,
= unsigned(ValueWitness::Last_ValueWitness) + 1,
= unsigned(ValueWitness::Last_TypeLayoutWitness)
- unsigned(ValueWitness::First_TypeLayoutWitness)
+ 1,
static inline bool isValueWitnessFunction(ValueWitness witness) {
auto ord = unsigned(witness);
return ord < NumRequiredValueWitnessFunctions
|| (ord >= unsigned(ValueWitness::First_ExtraInhabitantValueWitness)
&& ord <= unsigned(
|| (ord >= unsigned(ValueWitness::First_EnumValueWitness)
&& ord <= unsigned(ValueWitness::Last_EnumValueWitness));
const char *getValueWitnessName(ValueWitness witness);
} // end namespace irgen
} // end namespace swift