blob: bef4bba0325675d5ba93c1d44f9994cebcad8674 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- IRGenModule.h - Swift Global IR Generation Module ------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file defines the interface used
// the AST into LLVM IR.
#include "swift/AST/Decl.h"
#include "swift/AST/Module.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILFunction.h"
#include "swift/Basic/LLVM.h"
#include "swift/Basic/ClusteredBitVector.h"
#include "swift/Basic/SuccessorMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Hashing.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SetVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallPtrSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
#include "llvm/IR/CallingConv.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Constant.h"
#include "llvm/IR/ValueHandle.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Attributes.h"
#include "llvm/Target/TargetMachine.h"
#include "IRGen.h"
#include "SwiftTargetInfo.h"
#include "ValueWitness.h"
#include <atomic>
namespace llvm {
class Constant;
class DataLayout;
class Function;
class FunctionType;
class GlobalVariable;
class IntegerType;
class LLVMContext;
class MDNode;
class Metadata;
class Module;
class PointerType;
class StructType;
class StringRef;
class Type;
class AttributeSet;
namespace clang {
class ASTContext;
template <class> class CanQual;
class CodeGenerator;
class Decl;
class GlobalDecl;
class Type;
namespace CodeGen {
class CGFunctionInfo;
namespace swift {
class ArchetypeBuilder;
class ASTContext;
class BraceStmt;
class CanType;
class ClassDecl;
class ConstructorDecl;
class Decl;
class DestructorDecl;
class ExtensionDecl;
class FuncDecl;
class LinkLibrary;
class SILFunction;
class EnumElementDecl;
class EnumDecl;
class IRGenOptions;
class NormalProtocolConformance;
class ProtocolConformance;
class ProtocolCompositionType;
class ProtocolDecl;
struct SILDeclRef;
class SILGlobalVariable;
class SILModule;
class SILType;
class SILWitnessTable;
class SourceLoc;
class SourceFile;
class StructDecl;
class Type;
class TypeAliasDecl;
class TypeDecl;
class ValueDecl;
class VarDecl;
namespace Lowering {
class TypeConverter;
namespace irgen {
class Address;
class ClangTypeConverter;
class DebugTypeInfo;
class EnumImplStrategy;
class ExplosionSchema;
class FixedTypeInfo;
class ForeignFunctionInfo;
class FormalType;
class HeapLayout;
class IRGenDebugInfo;
class IRGenFunction;
class LinkEntity;
class LoadableTypeInfo;
class ProtocolInfo;
class TypeConverter;
class TypeInfo;
enum class ValueWitness : unsigned;
enum class ReferenceCounting : unsigned char;
class IRGenModule;
/// A type descriptor for a field type accessor.
class FieldTypeInfo {
llvm::PointerIntPair<CanType, 2, unsigned> Info;
/// Bits in the "int" part of the Info pair.
enum : unsigned {
/// Flag indicates that the case is indirectly stored in a box.
Indirect = 1,
/// Indicates a weak optional reference
Weak = 2,
static unsigned getFlags(bool indirect, bool weak) {
return (indirect ? Indirect : 0)
| (weak ? Weak : 0);
// | (blah ? Blah : 0) ...
FieldTypeInfo(CanType type, bool indirect, bool weak)
: Info(type, getFlags(indirect, weak))
CanType getType() const { return Info.getPointer(); }
bool isIndirect() const { return Info.getInt() & Indirect; }
bool isWeak() const { return Info.getInt() & Weak; }
bool hasFlags() const { return Info.getInt() != 0; }
/// The principal singleton which manages all of IR generation.
/// The IRGenerator delegates the emission of different top-level entities
/// to different instances of IRGenModule, each of which creates a different
/// llvm::Module.
/// In single-threaded compilation, the IRGenerator creates only a single
/// IRGenModule. In multi-threaded compilation, it contains multiple
/// IRGenModules - one for each LLVM module (= one for each input/output file).
class IRGenerator {
IRGenOptions &Opts;
SILModule &SIL;
llvm::DenseMap<SourceFile *, IRGenModule *> GenModules;
// Stores the IGM from which a function is referenced the first time.
// It is used if a function has no source-file association.
llvm::DenseMap<SILFunction *, IRGenModule *> DefaultIGMForFunction;
// The IGM of the first source file.
IRGenModule *PrimaryIGM = nullptr;
// The current IGM for which IR is generated.
IRGenModule *CurrentIGM = nullptr;
/// The set of type metadata that have been enqueue for lazy emission.
llvm::SmallPtrSet<CanType, 4> LazilyEmittedTypeMetadata;
/// The queue of lazy type metadata to emit.
llvm::SmallVector<CanType, 4> LazyTypeMetadata;
llvm::SmallPtrSet<SILFunction*, 4> LazilyEmittedFunctions;
struct LazyFieldTypeAccessor {
NominalTypeDecl *type;
std::vector<FieldTypeInfo> fieldTypes;
llvm::Function *fn;
IRGenModule *IGM;
/// Field type accessors we need to emit.
llvm::SmallVector<LazyFieldTypeAccessor, 4> LazyFieldTypeAccessors;
/// SIL functions that we need to emit lazily.
llvm::SmallVector<SILFunction*, 4> LazyFunctionDefinitions;
/// The order in which all the SIL function definitions should
/// appear in the translation unit.
llvm::DenseMap<SILFunction*, unsigned> FunctionOrder;
/// The queue of IRGenModules for multi-threaded compilation.
SmallVector<IRGenModule *, 8> Queue;
std::atomic<int> QueueIndex;
friend class CurrentIGMPtr;
explicit IRGenerator(IRGenOptions &opts, SILModule &module);
/// Attempt to create an llvm::TargetMachine for the current target.
std::unique_ptr<llvm::TargetMachine> createTargetMachine();
/// Add an IRGenModule for a source file.
/// Should only be called from IRGenModule's constructor.
void addGenModule(SourceFile *SF, IRGenModule *IGM);
/// Get an IRGenModule for a source file.
IRGenModule *getGenModule(SourceFile *SF) {
IRGenModule *IGM = GenModules[SF];
return IGM;
/// Get an IRGenModule for a declaration context.
/// Returns the IRGenModule of the containing source file, or if this cannot
/// be determined, returns the primary IRGenModule.
IRGenModule *getGenModule(DeclContext *ctxt);
/// Get an IRGenModule for a function.
/// Returns the IRGenModule of the containing source file, or if this cannot
/// be determined, returns the IGM from which the function is referenced the
/// first time.
IRGenModule *getGenModule(SILFunction *f);
/// Returns the primary IRGenModule. This is the first added IRGenModule.
/// It is used for everything which cannot be correlated to a specific source
/// file. And of course, in single-threaded compilation there is only the
/// primary IRGenModule.
IRGenModule *getPrimaryIGM() const {
return PrimaryIGM;
bool hasMultipleIGMs() const { return GenModules.size() >= 2; }
llvm::DenseMap<SourceFile *, IRGenModule *>::iterator begin() {
return GenModules.begin();
llvm::DenseMap<SourceFile *, IRGenModule *>::iterator end() {
return GenModules.end();
/// Emit functions, variables and tables which are needed anyway, e.g. because
/// they are externally visible.
void emitGlobalTopLevel();
/// Emit the protocol conformance records needed by each IR module.
void emitProtocolConformances();
/// Emit type metadata records for types without explicit protocol conformance.
void emitTypeMetadataRecords();
/// Emit reflection metadata records for builtin and imported types referenced
/// from this module.
void emitBuiltinReflectionMetadata();
/// Emit a symbol identifying the reflection metadata version.
void emitReflectionMetadataVersion();
/// Emit everything which is reachable from already emitted IR.
void emitLazyDefinitions();
void addLazyFunction(SILFunction *f) {
// Add it to the queue if it hasn't already been put there.
if (LazilyEmittedFunctions.insert(f).second) {
DefaultIGMForFunction[f] = CurrentIGM;
void addLazyTypeMetadata(CanType type) {
// Add it to the queue if it hasn't already been put there.
if (LazilyEmittedTypeMetadata.insert(type).second)
void addLazyFieldTypeAccessor(NominalTypeDecl *type,
ArrayRef<FieldTypeInfo> fieldTypes,
llvm::Function *fn,
IRGenModule *IGM) {
{fieldTypes.begin(), fieldTypes.end()},
fn, IGM});
unsigned getFunctionOrder(SILFunction *F) {
auto it = FunctionOrder.find(F);
assert(it != FunctionOrder.end() &&
"no order number for SIL function definition?");
return it->second;
/// In multi-threaded compilation fetch the next IRGenModule from the queue.
IRGenModule *fetchFromQueue() {
int idx = QueueIndex++;
if (idx < (int)Queue.size()) {
return Queue[idx];
return nullptr;
class ConstantReference {
enum Directness : bool { Direct, Indirect };
llvm::PointerIntPair<llvm::Constant *, 1, Directness> ValueAndIsIndirect;
ConstantReference() {}
ConstantReference(llvm::Constant *value, Directness isIndirect)
: ValueAndIsIndirect(value, isIndirect) {}
Directness isIndirect() const { return ValueAndIsIndirect.getInt(); }
llvm::Constant *getValue() const { return ValueAndIsIndirect.getPointer(); }
llvm::Constant *getDirectValue() const {
return getValue();
explicit operator bool() const {
return ValueAndIsIndirect.getPointer() != nullptr;
/// IRGenModule - Primary class for emitting IR for global declarations.
class IRGenModule {
// The ABI version of the Swift data generated by this file.
static const uint32_t swiftVersion = 4;
IRGenerator &IRGen;
ASTContext &Context;
std::unique_ptr<clang::CodeGenerator> ClangCodeGen;
llvm::Module &Module;
llvm::LLVMContext &LLVMContext;
const llvm::DataLayout DataLayout;
const llvm::Triple &Triple;
std::unique_ptr<llvm::TargetMachine> TargetMachine;
ModuleDecl *getSwiftModule() const;
Lowering::TypeConverter &getSILTypes() const;
SILModule &getSILModule() const { return IRGen.SIL; }
llvm::SmallString<128> OutputFilename;
/// Order dependency -- TargetInfo must be initialized after Opts.
const SwiftTargetInfo TargetInfo;
/// Holds lexical scope info, etc. Is a nullptr if we compile without -g.
IRGenDebugInfo *DebugInfo;
/// A global variable which stores the hash of the module. Used for
/// incremental compilation.
llvm::GlobalVariable *ModuleHash;
/// Does the current target require Objective-C interoperation?
bool ObjCInterop = true;
/// Should we add value names to local IR values?
bool EnableValueNames = false;
llvm::Type *VoidTy; /// void (usually {})
llvm::IntegerType *Int1Ty; /// i1
llvm::IntegerType *Int8Ty; /// i8
llvm::IntegerType *Int16Ty; /// i16
union {
llvm::IntegerType *Int32Ty; /// i32
llvm::IntegerType *RelativeAddressTy;
llvm::IntegerType *Int64Ty; /// i64
union {
llvm::IntegerType *SizeTy; /// usually i32 or i64
llvm::IntegerType *IntPtrTy;
llvm::IntegerType *MetadataKindTy;
llvm::IntegerType *OnceTy;
llvm::IntegerType *FarRelativeAddressTy;
llvm::IntegerType *ObjCBoolTy; /// i8 or i1
union {
llvm::PointerType *Int8PtrTy; /// i8*
llvm::PointerType *WitnessTableTy;
llvm::PointerType *ObjCSELTy;
llvm::PointerType *FunctionPtrTy;
llvm::PointerType *CaptureDescriptorPtrTy;
union {
llvm::PointerType *Int8PtrPtrTy; /// i8**
llvm::PointerType *WitnessTablePtrTy;
llvm::StructType *RefCountedStructTy;/// %swift.refcounted = type { ... }
llvm::PointerType *RefCountedPtrTy; /// %swift.refcounted*
llvm::PointerType *WeakReferencePtrTy;/// %swift.weak_reference*
llvm::PointerType *UnownedReferencePtrTy;/// %swift.unowned_reference*
llvm::Constant *RefCountedNull; /// %swift.refcounted* null
llvm::StructType *FunctionPairTy; /// { i8*, %swift.refcounted* }
llvm::StructType *WitnessFunctionPairTy; /// { i8*, %witness.table* }
llvm::FunctionType *DeallocatingDtorTy; /// void (%swift.refcounted*)
llvm::StructType *TypeMetadataStructTy; /// %swift.type = type { ... }
llvm::PointerType *TypeMetadataPtrTy;/// %swift.type*
llvm::PointerType *TupleTypeMetadataPtrTy; /// %swift.tuple_type*
llvm::StructType *FullHeapMetadataStructTy; /// %swift.full_heapmetadata = type { ... }
llvm::PointerType *FullHeapMetadataPtrTy;/// %swift.full_heapmetadata*
llvm::StructType *FullBoxMetadataStructTy; /// %swift.full_boxmetadata = type { ... }
llvm::PointerType *FullBoxMetadataPtrTy;/// %swift.full_boxmetadata*
llvm::StructType *TypeMetadataPatternStructTy;/// %swift.type_pattern = type { ... }
llvm::PointerType *TypeMetadataPatternPtrTy;/// %swift.type_pattern*
llvm::StructType *FullTypeMetadataStructTy; /// %swift.full_type = type { ... }
llvm::PointerType *FullTypeMetadataPtrTy;/// %swift.full_type*
llvm::StructType *ProtocolDescriptorStructTy; /// %swift.protocol = type { ... }
llvm::PointerType *ProtocolDescriptorPtrTy; /// %swift.protocol*
union {
llvm::PointerType *ObjCPtrTy; /// %objc_object*
llvm::PointerType *UnknownRefCountedPtrTy;
llvm::PointerType *BridgeObjectPtrTy; /// %swift.bridge*
llvm::PointerType *OpaquePtrTy; /// %swift.opaque*
llvm::StructType *ObjCClassStructTy; /// %objc_class
llvm::PointerType *ObjCClassPtrTy; /// %objc_class*
llvm::StructType *ObjCSuperStructTy; /// %objc_super
llvm::PointerType *ObjCSuperPtrTy; /// %objc_super*
llvm::StructType *ObjCBlockStructTy; /// %objc_block
llvm::PointerType *ObjCBlockPtrTy; /// %objc_block*
llvm::StructType *ProtocolConformanceRecordTy;
llvm::PointerType *ProtocolConformanceRecordPtrTy;
llvm::StructType *NominalTypeDescriptorTy;
llvm::PointerType *NominalTypeDescriptorPtrTy;
llvm::StructType *TypeMetadataRecordTy;
llvm::PointerType *TypeMetadataRecordPtrTy;
llvm::StructType *FieldDescriptorTy;
llvm::PointerType *FieldDescriptorPtrTy;
llvm::PointerType *ErrorPtrTy; /// %swift.error*
llvm::StructType *OpenedErrorTripleTy; /// { %swift.opaque*, %swift.type*, i8** }
llvm::PointerType *OpenedErrorTriplePtrTy; /// { %swift.opaque*, %swift.type*, i8** }*
unsigned InvariantMetadataID; /// !invariant.load
unsigned DereferenceableID; /// !dereferenceable
llvm::MDNode *InvariantNode;
llvm::CallingConv::ID C_CC; /// standard C calling convention
llvm::CallingConv::ID DefaultCC; /// default calling convention
llvm::CallingConv::ID RegisterPreservingCC; /// lightweight calling convention
llvm::FunctionType *getAssociatedTypeMetadataAccessFunctionTy();
llvm::FunctionType *getAssociatedTypeWitnessTableAccessFunctionTy();
llvm::StructType *getGenericWitnessTableCacheTy();
/// Get the bit width of an integer type for the target platform.
unsigned getBuiltinIntegerWidth(BuiltinIntegerType *t);
unsigned getBuiltinIntegerWidth(BuiltinIntegerWidth w);
Size getPointerSize() const { return PtrSize; }
Alignment getPointerAlignment() const {
// We always use the pointer's width as its swift ABI alignment.
return Alignment(PtrSize.getValue());
Alignment getWitnessTableAlignment() const {
return getPointerAlignment();
Alignment getTypeMetadataAlignment() const {
return getPointerAlignment();
Size::int_type getOffsetInWords(Size offset) {
return offset / getPointerSize();
llvm::Type *getReferenceType(ReferenceCounting style);
static bool isUnownedReferenceAddressOnly(ReferenceCounting style) {
switch (style) {
case ReferenceCounting::Native:
return false;
case ReferenceCounting::Unknown:
case ReferenceCounting::ObjC:
case ReferenceCounting::Block:
return true;
case ReferenceCounting::Bridge:
case ReferenceCounting::Error:
llvm_unreachable("unowned references to this type are not supported");
llvm_unreachable("Not a valid ReferenceCounting.");
/// Return the spare bit mask to use for types that comprise heap object
/// pointers.
const SpareBitVector &getHeapObjectSpareBits() const;
const SpareBitVector &getFunctionPointerSpareBits() const;
const SpareBitVector &getWitnessTablePtrSpareBits() const;
SpareBitVector getWeakReferenceSpareBits() const;
Size getWeakReferenceSize() const { return PtrSize; }
Alignment getWeakReferenceAlignment() const { return getPointerAlignment(); }
SpareBitVector getUnownedReferenceSpareBits(ReferenceCounting style) const;
unsigned getUnownedExtraInhabitantCount(ReferenceCounting style);
APInt getUnownedExtraInhabitantValue(unsigned bits, unsigned index,
ReferenceCounting style);
APInt getUnownedExtraInhabitantMask(ReferenceCounting style);
llvm::Type *getFixedBufferTy();
llvm::Type *getValueWitnessTy(ValueWitness index);
void unimplemented(SourceLoc, StringRef Message);
void fatal_unimplemented(SourceLoc, StringRef Message);
void error(SourceLoc loc, const Twine &message);
Size PtrSize;
llvm::Type *FixedBufferTy; /// [N x i8], where N == 3 * sizeof(void*)
llvm::Type *ValueWitnessTys[MaxNumValueWitnesses];
llvm::FunctionType *AssociatedTypeMetadataAccessFunctionTy = nullptr;
llvm::FunctionType *AssociatedTypeWitnessTableAccessFunctionTy = nullptr;
llvm::StructType *GenericWitnessTableCacheTy = nullptr;
llvm::DenseMap<llvm::Type *, SpareBitVector> SpareBitsForTypes;
//--- Types -----------------------------------------------------------------
const ProtocolInfo &getProtocolInfo(ProtocolDecl *D);
SILType getLoweredType(AbstractionPattern orig, Type subst);
SILType getLoweredType(Type subst);
const TypeInfo &getTypeInfoForUnlowered(AbstractionPattern orig,
CanType subst);
const TypeInfo &getTypeInfoForUnlowered(AbstractionPattern orig,
Type subst);
const TypeInfo &getTypeInfoForUnlowered(Type subst);
const TypeInfo &getTypeInfoForLowered(CanType T);
const TypeInfo &getTypeInfo(SILType T);
const TypeInfo &getWitnessTablePtrTypeInfo();
const TypeInfo &getTypeMetadataPtrTypeInfo();
const TypeInfo &getObjCClassPtrTypeInfo();
const LoadableTypeInfo &getOpaqueStorageTypeInfo(Size size, Alignment align);
const LoadableTypeInfo &
getReferenceObjectTypeInfo(ReferenceCounting refcounting);
const LoadableTypeInfo &getNativeObjectTypeInfo();
const LoadableTypeInfo &getUnknownObjectTypeInfo();
const LoadableTypeInfo &getBridgeObjectTypeInfo();
const LoadableTypeInfo &getRawPointerTypeInfo();
llvm::Type *getStorageTypeForUnlowered(Type T);
llvm::Type *getStorageTypeForLowered(CanType T);
llvm::Type *getStorageType(SILType T);
llvm::PointerType *getStoragePointerTypeForUnlowered(Type T);
llvm::PointerType *getStoragePointerTypeForLowered(CanType T);
llvm::PointerType *getStoragePointerType(SILType T);
llvm::StructType *createNominalType(CanType type);
llvm::StructType *createNominalType(ProtocolCompositionType *T);
void getSchema(SILType T, ExplosionSchema &schema);
ExplosionSchema getSchema(SILType T);
unsigned getExplosionSize(SILType T);
llvm::PointerType *isSingleIndirectValue(SILType T);
llvm::PointerType *requiresIndirectResult(SILType T);
bool isPOD(SILType type, ResilienceExpansion expansion);
clang::CanQual<clang::Type> getClangType(CanType type);
clang::CanQual<clang::Type> getClangType(SILType type);
clang::CanQual<clang::Type> getClangType(SILParameterInfo param);
const clang::ASTContext &getClangASTContext() {
assert(ClangASTContext &&
"requesting clang AST context without clang importer!");
return *ClangASTContext;
bool isResilient(NominalTypeDecl *decl, ResilienceExpansion expansion);
ResilienceExpansion getResilienceExpansionForAccess(NominalTypeDecl *decl);
ResilienceExpansion getResilienceExpansionForLayout(NominalTypeDecl *decl);
ResilienceExpansion getResilienceExpansionForLayout(SILGlobalVariable *var);
SpareBitVector getSpareBitsForType(llvm::Type *scalarTy, Size size);
TypeConverter &Types;
friend class TypeConverter;
const clang::ASTContext *ClangASTContext;
ClangTypeConverter *ClangTypes;
void initClangTypeConverter();
void destroyClangTypeConverter();
friend class GenericContextScope;
//--- Globals ---------------------------------------------------------------
std::pair<llvm::GlobalVariable *, llvm::Constant *>
createStringConstant(StringRef Str, bool willBeRelativelyAddressed = false,
StringRef sectionName = "");
llvm::Constant *getAddrOfGlobalString(StringRef utf8,
bool willBeRelativelyAddressed = false);
llvm::Constant *getAddrOfGlobalUTF16String(StringRef utf8);
llvm::Constant *getAddrOfObjCSelectorRef(StringRef selector);
llvm::Constant *getAddrOfObjCMethodName(StringRef methodName);
llvm::Constant *getAddrOfObjCProtocolRecord(ProtocolDecl *proto,
ForDefinition_t forDefinition);
llvm::Constant *getAddrOfObjCProtocolRef(ProtocolDecl *proto,
ForDefinition_t forDefinition);
void addUsedGlobal(llvm::GlobalValue *global);
void addCompilerUsedGlobal(llvm::GlobalValue *global);
void addObjCClass(llvm::Constant *addr, bool nonlazy);
void addProtocolConformanceRecord(NormalProtocolConformance *conformance);
void addLazyFieldTypeAccessor(NominalTypeDecl *type,
ArrayRef<FieldTypeInfo> fieldTypes,
llvm::Function *fn);
llvm::Constant *emitProtocolConformances();
llvm::Constant *emitTypeMetadataRecords();
llvm::Constant *getOrCreateHelperFunction(StringRef name,
llvm::Type *resultType,
ArrayRef<llvm::Type*> paramTypes,
llvm::function_ref<void(IRGenFunction &IGF)> generate);
llvm::Constant *getAddrOfClangGlobalDecl(clang::GlobalDecl global,
ForDefinition_t forDefinition);
llvm::DenseMap<LinkEntity, llvm::Constant*> GlobalVars;
llvm::DenseMap<LinkEntity, llvm::Constant*> GlobalGOTEquivalents;
llvm::DenseMap<LinkEntity, llvm::Function*> GlobalFuncs;
llvm::DenseSet<const clang::Decl *> GlobalClangDecls;
llvm::StringMap<std::pair<llvm::GlobalVariable*, llvm::Constant*>>
llvm::StringMap<llvm::Constant*> GlobalUTF16Strings;
llvm::StringMap<std::pair<llvm::GlobalVariable*, llvm::Constant*>>
llvm::DenseMap<CanType, llvm::GlobalVariable*> TypeRefs;
llvm::StringMap<std::pair<llvm::GlobalVariable*, llvm::Constant*>> FieldNames;
llvm::StringMap<llvm::Constant*> ObjCSelectorRefs;
llvm::StringMap<llvm::Constant*> ObjCMethodNames;
/// LLVMUsed - List of global values which are required to be
/// present in the object file; bitcast to i8*. This is used for
/// forcing visibility of symbols which may otherwise be optimized
/// out.
SmallVector<llvm::WeakVH, 4> LLVMUsed;
/// LLVMCompilerUsed - List of global values which are required to be
/// present in the object file; bitcast to i8*. This is used for
/// forcing visibility of symbols which may otherwise be optimized
/// out.
/// Similar to LLVMUsed, but emitted as llvm.compiler.used.
SmallVector<llvm::WeakVH, 4> LLVMCompilerUsed;
/// Metadata nodes for autolinking info.
/// This is typed using llvm::Value instead of llvm::MDNode because it
/// needs to be used to produce another MDNode during finalization.
SmallVector<llvm::Metadata *, 32> AutolinkEntries;
/// List of Objective-C classes, bitcast to i8*.
SmallVector<llvm::WeakVH, 4> ObjCClasses;
/// List of Objective-C classes that require nonlazy realization, bitcast to
/// i8*.
SmallVector<llvm::WeakVH, 4> ObjCNonLazyClasses;
/// List of Objective-C categories, bitcast to i8*.
SmallVector<llvm::WeakVH, 4> ObjCCategories;
/// List of protocol conformances to generate records for.
SmallVector<NormalProtocolConformance *, 4> ProtocolConformances;
/// List of nominal types to generate type metadata records for.
SmallVector<CanType, 4> RuntimeResolvableTypes;
/// List of ExtensionDecls corresponding to the generated
/// categories.
SmallVector<ExtensionDecl*, 4> ObjCCategoryDecls;
/// Map of Objective-C protocols and protocol references, bitcast to i8*.
/// The interesting global variables relating to an ObjC protocol.
struct ObjCProtocolPair {
/// The global variable that contains the protocol record.
llvm::WeakVH record;
/// The global variable that contains the indirect reference to the
/// protocol record.
llvm::WeakVH ref;
llvm::DenseMap<ProtocolDecl*, ObjCProtocolPair> ObjCProtocols;
llvm::SmallVector<ProtocolDecl*, 4> LazyObjCProtocolDefinitions;
/// Uniquing key for a fixed type layout record.
struct FixedLayoutKey {
unsigned size;
unsigned numExtraInhabitants;
unsigned align: 16;
unsigned pod: 1;
unsigned bitwiseTakable: 1;
friend struct ::llvm::DenseMapInfo<swift::irgen::IRGenModule::FixedLayoutKey>;
llvm::DenseMap<FixedLayoutKey, llvm::Constant *> PrivateFixedLayouts;
/// A mapping from order numbers to the LLVM functions which we
/// created for the SIL functions with those orders.
SuccessorMap<unsigned, llvm::Function*> EmittedFunctionsByOrder;
ObjCProtocolPair getObjCProtocolGlobalVars(ProtocolDecl *proto);
void emitLazyObjCProtocolDefinitions();
void emitLazyObjCProtocolDefinition(ProtocolDecl *proto);
void emitGlobalLists();
void emitAutolinkInfo();
void cleanupClangCodeGenMetadata();
//--- Remote reflection metadata --------------------------------------------
/// Section names.
std::string FieldTypeSection;
std::string BuiltinTypeSection;
std::string AssociatedTypeSection;
std::string CaptureDescriptorSection;
std::string ReflectionStringsSection;
std::string ReflectionTypeRefSection;
/// Builtin types referenced by types in this module when emitting
/// reflection metadata.
llvm::SetVector<CanType> BuiltinTypes;
/// Opaque but fixed-size types for which we also emit builtin type
/// descriptors, allowing the reflection library to layout these types
/// without knowledge of their contents. This includes imported structs
/// and fixed-size multi-payload enums.
llvm::SetVector<const NominalTypeDecl *> OpaqueTypes;
/// Imported classes referenced by types in this module when emitting
/// reflection metadata.
llvm::SetVector<const ClassDecl *> ImportedClasses;
/// Imported protocols referenced by types in this module when emitting
/// reflection metadata.
llvm::SetVector<const ProtocolDecl *> ImportedProtocols;
llvm::Constant *getAddrOfStringForTypeRef(StringRef Str);
llvm::Constant *getAddrOfFieldName(StringRef Name);
llvm::Constant *getAddrOfCaptureDescriptor(SILFunction &caller,
CanSILFunctionType origCalleeType,
CanSILFunctionType substCalleeType,
ArrayRef<Substitution> subs,
const HeapLayout &layout);
llvm::Constant *getAddrOfBoxDescriptor(CanType boxedType);
void emitAssociatedTypeMetadataRecord(const ProtocolConformance *Conformance);
void emitFieldMetadataRecord(const NominalTypeDecl *Decl);
/// Emit a reflection metadata record for a builtin type referenced
/// from this module.
void emitBuiltinTypeMetadataRecord(CanType builtinType);
/// Emit a reflection metadata record for an imported type referenced
/// from this module.
void emitOpaqueTypeMetadataRecord(const NominalTypeDecl *nominalDecl);
/// Some nominal type declarations require us to emit a fixed-size type
/// descriptor, because they have special layout considerations.
bool shouldEmitOpaqueTypeMetadataRecord(const NominalTypeDecl *nominalDecl);
/// Emit reflection metadata records for builtin and imported types referenced
/// from this module.
void emitBuiltinReflectionMetadata();
/// Emit a symbol identifying the reflection metadata version.
void emitReflectionMetadataVersion();
const char *getBuiltinTypeMetadataSectionName();
const char *getFieldTypeMetadataSectionName();
const char *getAssociatedTypeMetadataSectionName();
const char *getCaptureDescriptorMetadataSectionName();
const char *getReflectionStringsSectionName();
const char *getReflectionTypeRefSectionName();
//--- Runtime ---------------------------------------------------------------
llvm::Constant *getEmptyTupleMetadata();
llvm::Constant *getObjCEmptyCachePtr();
llvm::Constant *getObjCEmptyVTablePtr();
llvm::Value *getObjCRetainAutoreleasedReturnValueMarker();
ClassDecl *getObjCRuntimeBaseForSwiftRootClass(ClassDecl *theClass);
ClassDecl *getObjCRuntimeBaseClass(Identifier name, Identifier objcName);
llvm::Module *getModule() const;
llvm::Module *releaseModule();
llvm::AttributeSet getAllocAttrs();
llvm::Constant *EmptyTupleMetadata = nullptr;
llvm::Constant *ObjCEmptyCachePtr = nullptr;
llvm::Constant *ObjCEmptyVTablePtr = nullptr;
llvm::Constant *ObjCISAMaskPtr = nullptr;
Optional<llvm::Value*> ObjCRetainAutoreleasedReturnValueMarker;
llvm::DenseMap<Identifier, ClassDecl*> SwiftRootClasses;
llvm::AttributeSet AllocAttrs;
#define FUNCTION_ID(Id) \
public: \
llvm::Constant *get##Id##Fn(); \
private: \
llvm::Constant *Id##Fn = nullptr;
#include "swift/Runtime/RuntimeFunctions.def"
llvm::Constant *FixLifetimeFn = nullptr;
mutable Optional<SpareBitVector> HeapPointerSpareBits;
//--- Generic ---------------------------------------------------------------
llvm::Constant *getFixLifetimeFn();
/// The constructor.
/// The \p SF is the source file for which the llvm module is generated when
/// doing multi-threaded whole-module compilation. Otherwise it is null.
IRGenModule(IRGenerator &irgen,
std::unique_ptr<llvm::TargetMachine> &&target,
SourceFile *SF, llvm::LLVMContext &LLVMContext,
StringRef ModuleName,
StringRef OutputFilename);
llvm::LLVMContext &getLLVMContext() const { return LLVMContext; }
void emitSourceFile(SourceFile &SF, unsigned StartElem);
void addLinkLibrary(const LinkLibrary &linkLib);
/// Attempt to finalize the module.
/// This can fail, in which it will return false and the module will be
/// invalid.
bool finalize();
llvm::AttributeSet constructInitialAttributes();
void emitProtocolDecl(ProtocolDecl *D);
void emitEnumDecl(EnumDecl *D);
void emitStructDecl(StructDecl *D);
void emitClassDecl(ClassDecl *D);
void emitExtension(ExtensionDecl *D);
Address emitSILGlobalVariable(SILGlobalVariable *gv);
void emitCoverageMapping();
void emitSILFunction(SILFunction *f);
void emitSILWitnessTable(SILWitnessTable *wt);
void emitSILStaticInitializers();
llvm::Constant *emitFixedTypeLayout(CanType t, const FixedTypeInfo &ti);
void emitNestedTypeDecls(DeclRange members);
void emitClangDecl(const clang::Decl *decl);
void finalizeClangCodeGen();
void finishEmitAfterTopLevel();
llvm::FunctionType *getFunctionType(CanSILFunctionType type,
llvm::AttributeSet &attrs,
ForeignFunctionInfo *foreignInfo=nullptr);
ForeignFunctionInfo getForeignFunctionInfo(CanSILFunctionType type);
llvm::Constant *getSize(Size size);
Address getAddrOfFieldOffset(VarDecl *D, bool isIndirect,
ForDefinition_t forDefinition);
Address getAddrOfWitnessTableOffset(SILDeclRef fn,
ForDefinition_t forDefinition);
Address getAddrOfWitnessTableOffset(VarDecl *field,
ForDefinition_t forDefinition);
llvm::Function *getAddrOfValueWitness(CanType concreteType,
ValueWitness index,
ForDefinition_t forDefinition);
llvm::Constant *getAddrOfValueWitnessTable(CanType concreteType,
llvm::Type *definitionType = nullptr);
Optional<llvm::Function*> getAddrOfIVarInitDestroy(ClassDecl *cd,
bool isDestroyer,
bool isForeign,
ForDefinition_t forDefinition);
llvm::GlobalValue *defineTypeMetadata(CanType concreteType,
bool isIndirect,
bool isPattern,
bool isConstant,
llvm::Constant *init,
std::unique_ptr<llvm::GlobalVariable> replace,
llvm::StringRef section = {});
llvm::Constant *getAddrOfTypeMetadata(CanType concreteType, bool isPattern);
ConstantReference getAddrOfTypeMetadata(CanType concreteType, bool isPattern,
SymbolReferenceKind kind);
llvm::Function *getAddrOfTypeMetadataAccessFunction(CanType type,
ForDefinition_t forDefinition);
llvm::Function *getAddrOfGenericTypeMetadataAccessFunction(
NominalTypeDecl *nominal,
ArrayRef<llvm::Type *> genericArgs,
ForDefinition_t forDefinition);
llvm::Constant *getAddrOfTypeMetadataLazyCacheVariable(CanType type,
ForDefinition_t forDefinition);
llvm::Constant *getAddrOfForeignTypeMetadataCandidate(CanType concreteType);
llvm::Constant *getAddrOfNominalTypeDescriptor(NominalTypeDecl *D,
llvm::Type *definitionType);
llvm::Constant *getAddrOfProtocolDescriptor(ProtocolDecl *D,
ForDefinition_t forDefinition,
llvm::Type *definitionType);
llvm::Constant *getAddrOfObjCClass(ClassDecl *D,
ForDefinition_t forDefinition);
Address getAddrOfObjCClassRef(ClassDecl *D);
llvm::Constant *getAddrOfObjCMetaclass(ClassDecl *D,
ForDefinition_t forDefinition);
llvm::Constant *getAddrOfSwiftMetaclassStub(ClassDecl *D,
ForDefinition_t forDefinition);
llvm::Constant *getAddrOfMetaclassObject(ClassDecl *D,
ForDefinition_t forDefinition);
llvm::Function *getAddrOfSILFunction(SILFunction *f,
ForDefinition_t forDefinition);
Address getAddrOfSILGlobalVariable(SILGlobalVariable *var,
const TypeInfo &ti,
ForDefinition_t forDefinition);
llvm::Function *getAddrOfWitnessTableAccessFunction(
const NormalProtocolConformance *C,
ForDefinition_t forDefinition);
llvm::Function *getAddrOfWitnessTableLazyAccessFunction(
const NormalProtocolConformance *C,
CanType conformingType,
ForDefinition_t forDefinition);
llvm::Constant *getAddrOfWitnessTableLazyCacheVariable(
const NormalProtocolConformance *C,
CanType conformingType,
ForDefinition_t forDefinition);
llvm::Constant *getAddrOfWitnessTable(const NormalProtocolConformance *C,
llvm::Type *definitionTy = nullptr);
llvm::Constant *
getAddrOfGenericWitnessTableCache(const NormalProtocolConformance *C,
ForDefinition_t forDefinition);
llvm::Function *
const NormalProtocolConformance *C);
llvm::Function *getAddrOfAssociatedTypeMetadataAccessFunction(
const NormalProtocolConformance *C,
AssociatedTypeDecl *associatedType);
llvm::Function *getAddrOfAssociatedTypeWitnessTableAccessFunction(
const NormalProtocolConformance *C,
AssociatedTypeDecl *associatedType,
ProtocolDecl *requiredProtocol);
Address getAddrOfObjCISAMask();
StringRef mangleType(CanType type, SmallVectorImpl<char> &buffer);
/// Retrieve the generic environment for the current generic context.
/// Fails if there is no generic context.
GenericEnvironment *getGenericEnvironment();
getAddrOfLLVMVariableOrGOTEquivalent(LinkEntity entity, Alignment alignment,
llvm::Type *defaultType);
llvm::Constant *
emitRelativeReference(ConstantReference target,
llvm::Constant *base,
ArrayRef<unsigned> baseIndices);
llvm::Constant *
emitDirectRelativeReference(llvm::Constant *target,
llvm::Constant *base,
ArrayRef<unsigned> baseIndices);
/// Mark a global variable as true-const by putting it in the text section of
/// the binary.
void setTrueConstGlobal(llvm::GlobalVariable *var);
llvm::Constant *getAddrOfLLVMVariable(LinkEntity entity,
Alignment alignment,
llvm::Type *definitionType,
llvm::Type *defaultType,
DebugTypeInfo debugType);
llvm::Constant *getAddrOfLLVMVariable(LinkEntity entity,
Alignment alignment,
ForDefinition_t forDefinition,
llvm::Type *defaultType,
DebugTypeInfo debugType);
ConstantReference getAddrOfLLVMVariable(LinkEntity entity,
Alignment alignment,
llvm::Type *definitionType,
llvm::Type *defaultType,
DebugTypeInfo debugType,
SymbolReferenceKind refKind);
void emitLazyPrivateDefinitions();
void addRuntimeResolvableType(CanType type);
//--- Global context emission --------------------------------------------------
void emitRuntimeRegistration();
void emitVTableStubs();
void emitTypeVerifier();
void emitGlobalDecl(Decl *D);
/// Stores a pointer to an IRGenModule.
/// As long as the CurrentIGMPtr is alive, the CurrentIGM in the dispatcher
/// is set to the containing IRGenModule.
class CurrentIGMPtr {
IRGenModule *IGM;
CurrentIGMPtr(IRGenModule *IGM) : IGM(IGM) {
assert(!IGM->IRGen.CurrentIGM && "Another CurrentIGMPtr is alive");
IGM->IRGen.CurrentIGM = IGM;
~CurrentIGMPtr() {
IGM->IRGen.CurrentIGM = nullptr;
IRGenModule *get() const { return IGM; }
IRGenModule *operator->() const { return IGM; }
} // end namespace irgen
} // end namespace swift
namespace llvm {
struct DenseMapInfo<swift::irgen::IRGenModule::FixedLayoutKey> {
using FixedLayoutKey = swift::irgen::IRGenModule::FixedLayoutKey;
static inline FixedLayoutKey getEmptyKey() {
return {0, 0xFFFFFFFFu, 0, 0, 0};
static inline FixedLayoutKey getTombstoneKey() {
return {0, 0xFFFFFFFEu, 0, 0, 0};
static unsigned getHashValue(const FixedLayoutKey &key) {
return hash_combine(key.size, key.numExtraInhabitants, key.align,
(bool)key.pod, (bool)key.bitwiseTakable);
static bool isEqual(const FixedLayoutKey &a, const FixedLayoutKey &b) {
return a.size == b.size
&& a.numExtraInhabitants == b.numExtraInhabitants
&& a.align == b.align
&& a.pod == b.pod
&& a.bitwiseTakable == b.bitwiseTakable;