blob: 5d48c2644299602124054cdf1036624b6ea1d3ee [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-sil-opt -assume-parsing-unqualified-ownership-sil -enable-sil-verify-all -eager-specializer %s | %FileCheck %s
sil_stage canonical
import Builtin
import Swift
import SwiftShims
public protocol AnElt {
public protocol HasElt {
associatedtype Elt
init(e: Elt)
struct X : AnElt {
@sil_stored var i: Int { get set }
init(i: Int)
struct S : HasElt {
typealias Elt = X
@sil_stored var e: X { get set }
init(e: Elt)
public struct G<Container : HasElt> {
public func getContainer(e: Container.Elt) -> Container
// CHECK: @_specialize(S)
// CHECK: public func getGenericContainer<T>(g: G<T>, e: T.Elt) -> T where T : HasElt, T.Elt : AnElt
public func getGenericContainer<T>(g: G<T>, e: T.Elt) -> T where T : HasElt, T.Elt : AnElt
enum ArithmeticError : Error {
case DivByZero
var hashValue: Int { get }
var _code: Int { get }
// CHECK: @_specialize(Int)
// CHECK: public func divideNum<T>(num: T, den: T) throws -> T where T : SignedInteger
public func divideNum<T : SignedInteger>(num: T, den: T) throws -> T
@inline(never) @_semantics("optimize.sil.never") func foo<T>(t: T) -> Int64
// CHECK: @_specialize(Int64)
// CHECK: @_specialize(Float)
// CHECK: public func voidReturn<T>(t: T)
public func voidReturn<T>(t: T)
// CHECK: @_specialize(Int64)
// CHECK: @_specialize(Float)
// CHECK: public func nonvoidReturn<T>(t: T) -> Int64
public func nonvoidReturn<T>(t: T) -> Int64
// --- test: protocol conformance, substitution for dependent types
// non-layout dependent generic arguments, emitUncheckedBitCast (non
// address-type)
sil_scope 19 { parent @_TFV16eager_specialize1G12getContainerfwx3Eltx : $@convention(method) _0_0 where τ_0_0 : HasElt> (@in τ_0_0.Elt, G_0_0>) -> @out τ_0_0 }
sil_scope 20 { parent 19 }
// Helper
// G.getContainer(A.Elt) -> A
sil @_TFV16eager_specialize1G12getContainerfwx3Eltx : $@convention(method) <Container where Container : HasElt> (@in Container.Elt, G<Container>) -> @out Container {
bb0(%0 : $*Container, %1 : $*Container.Elt, %2 : $G<Container>):
%4 = witness_method $Container, #HasElt.init!allocator.1 : $@convention(witness_method) <τ_0_0 where τ_0_0 : HasElt> (@in τ_0_0.Elt, @thick τ_0_0.Type) -> @out τ_0_0, scope 20 // user: %6
%5 = metatype $@thick Container.Type, scope 20 // user: %6
%6 = apply %4<Container>(%0, %1, %5) : $@convention(witness_method) _0_0 where τ_0_0 : HasElt> (@in τ_0_0.Elt, @thick τ_0_0.Type) -> @out τ_0_0, scope 20
%7 = tuple (), scope 20 // user: %8
return %7 : $(), scope 20 // id: %8
sil_scope 5 { parent @_TF16eager_specialize19getGenericContaineruRxS_6HasEltwx3EltS_5AnEltrFTGVS_1Gx_1ewxS1__x : $@convention(thin) _0_0 where τ_0_0 : HasElt, τ_0_0.Elt : AnElt> (G_0_0>, @in τ_0_0.Elt) -> @out τ_0_0 }
sil_scope 6 { parent 5 }
// getGenericContainer<A where ...> (G<A>, e : A.Elt) -> A
sil [_specialize <S, X>] @_TF16eager_specialize19getGenericContaineruRxS_6HasEltwx3EltS_5AnEltrFTGVS_1Gx_1ewxS1__x : $@convention(thin) <T where T : HasElt, T.Elt : AnElt> (G<T>, @in T.Elt) -> @out T {
bb0(%0 : $*T, %1 : $G<T>, %2 : $*T.Elt):
// function_ref G.getContainer(A.Elt) -> A
%5 = function_ref @_TFV16eager_specialize1G12getContainerfwx3Eltx : $@convention(method) _0_0 where τ_0_0 : HasElt> (@in τ_0_0.Elt, G_0_0>) -> @out τ_0_0, scope 6 // user: %6
%6 = apply %5<T>(%0, %2, %1) : $@convention(method) _0_0 where τ_0_0 : HasElt> (@in τ_0_0.Elt, G_0_0>) -> @out τ_0_0, scope 6
%7 = tuple (), scope 6 // user: %8
return %7 : $(), scope 6 // id: %8
// Specialization getGenericContainer<S, X>
// CHECK-LABEL: sil shared @_TTSg5V4main1SS0_S_6HasEltS____TF16eager_specialize19getGenericContaineruRxS_6HasEltwx3EltS_5AnEltrFTGVS_1Gx_1ewxS1__x : $@convention(thin) (G<S>, X) -> S {
// CHECK: bb0(%0 : $G<S>, %1 : $X):
// CHECK: return %{{.*}} : $S
// Generic with specialized dispatch. No more [specialize] attribute.
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @_TF16eager_specialize19getGenericContaineruRxS_6HasEltwx3EltS_5AnEltrFTGVS_1Gx_1ewxS1__x : $@convention(thin) <T where T : HasElt, T.Elt : AnElt> (G<T>, @in T.Elt) -> @out T {
// CHECK: bb0(%0 : $*T, %1 : $G<T>, %2 : $*T.Elt):
// CHECK: %3 = metatype $@thick T.Type
// CHECK: %4 = metatype $@thick S.Type
// CHECK: %5 = unchecked_bitwise_cast %3 : $@thick T.Type to $Builtin.Word
// CHECK: %6 = unchecked_bitwise_cast %4 : $@thick S.Type to $Builtin.Word
// CHECK: %7 = builtin "cmp_eq_Word"(%5 : $Builtin.Word, %6 : $Builtin.Word) : $Builtin.Int1
// CHECK: cond_br %7, bb3, bb1
// CHECK: bb1: // Preds: bb0
// CHECK: %9 = function_ref @_TFV16eager_specialize1G12getContainerfwx3Eltx : $@convention(method) <τ_0_0 where τ_0_0 : HasElt> (@in τ_0_0.Elt, G<τ_0_0>) -> @out τ_0_0
// CHECK: %10 = apply %9<T>(%0, %2, %1) : $@convention(method) <τ_0_0 where τ_0_0 : HasElt> (@in τ_0_0.Elt, G<τ_0_0>) -> @out τ_0_0
// CHECK: br bb2
// CHECK: bb2: // Preds: bb3 bb1
// CHECK: %12 = tuple ()
// CHECK: return %12 : $()
// CHECK: bb3: // Preds: bb0
// CHECK: %14 = unchecked_addr_cast %0 : $*T to $*S
// CHECK: %15 = unchecked_trivial_bit_cast %1 : $G<T> to $G<S>
// CHECK: %16 = unchecked_addr_cast %2 : $*T.Elt to $*X
// CHECK: %17 = load %16 : $*X
// function_ref specialized getGenericContainer<A where ...> (G<A>, e : A.Elt) -> A
// CHECK: %18 = function_ref @_TTSg5V4main1SS0_S_6HasEltS____TF16eager_specialize19getGenericContaineruRxS_6HasEltwx3EltS_5AnEltrFTGVS_1Gx_1ewxS1__x : $@convention(thin) (G<S>, X) -> S
// CHECK: %19 = apply %18(%15, %17) : $@convention(thin) (G<S>, X) -> S
// CHECK: store %19 to %14 : $*S
// CHECK: %21 = tuple ()
// CHECK: %22 = unchecked_trivial_bit_cast %21 : $() to $()
// CHECK: br bb2
sil_scope 9 { parent @_TF16eager_specialize9divideNumuRxs13SignedIntegerrFzTx3denx_x : $@convention(thin) _0_0 where τ_0_0 : SignedInteger, τ_0_0.IntegerLiteralType : _ExpressibleByBuiltinIntegerLiteral, τ_0_0.IntegerLiteralType : _ExpressibleByBuiltinIntegerLiteral, τ_0_0.Stride : SignedNumber, τ_0_0.Stride.IntegerLiteralType : _ExpressibleByBuiltinIntegerLiteral> (@in τ_0_0, @in τ_0_0) -> (@out τ_0_0, @error Error) }
sil_scope 10 { parent 9 }
sil_scope 11 { parent 10 }
// --- test: rethrow
sil_scope 181 { parent @_TZFsoi2neuRxs9EquatablerFTxx_Sb : $@convention(thin) _0_0 where τ_0_0 : Equatable> (@in τ_0_0, @in τ_0_0) -> Bool }
// Helper
// static != infix<A where ...> (A, A) -> Bool
sil public_external [fragile] @_TZFsoi2neuRxs9EquatablerFTxx_Sb : $@convention(thin) <T where T : Equatable> (@in T, @in T) -> Bool {
// %0 // users: %2, %6
// %1 // users: %3, %6
bb0(%0 : $*T, %1 : $*T):
%4 = witness_method $T, #Equatable."=="!1 : $@convention(witness_method) <τ_0_0 where τ_0_0 : Equatable> (@in τ_0_0, @in τ_0_0, @thick τ_0_0.Type) -> Bool, scope 181 // user: %6
%5 = metatype $@thick T.Type, scope 181 // user: %6
%6 = apply %4<T>(%0, %1, %5) : $@convention(witness_method) _0_0 where τ_0_0 : Equatable> (@in τ_0_0, @in τ_0_0, @thick τ_0_0.Type) -> Bool, scope 181 // user: %7
%7 = struct_extract %6 : $Bool, #Bool._value, scope 181 // user: %9
%8 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int1, -1, scope 181 // user: %9
%9 = builtin "xor_Int1"(%7 : $Builtin.Int1, %8 : $Builtin.Int1) : $Builtin.Int1, scope 181 // user: %10
%10 = struct $Bool (%9 : $Builtin.Int1), scope 181 // user: %11
return %10 : $Bool, scope 181 // id: %11
// divideNum<A where ...> (A, den : A) throws -> A
sil [_specialize <Int>] @_TF16eager_specialize9divideNumuRxs13SignedIntegerrFzTx3denx_x : $@convention(thin) <T where T : SignedInteger> (@in T, @in T) -> (@out T, @error Error) {
// %0 // user: %19
// %1 // users: %3, %19, %23
// %2 // users: %4, %7, %19, %22
bb0(%0 : $*T, %1 : $*T, %2 : $*T):
// function_ref static != infix<A where ...> (A, A) -> Bool
%5 = function_ref @_TZFsoi2neuRxs9EquatablerFTxx_Sb : $@convention(thin) _0_0 where τ_0_0 : Equatable> (@in τ_0_0, @in τ_0_0) -> Bool, scope 10 // user: %13
%6 = alloc_stack $T, scope 10 // users: %7, %13, %16
copy_addr %2 to [initialization] %6 : $*T, scope 10 // id: %7
%8 = witness_method $T, #_ExpressibleByBuiltinIntegerLiteral.init!allocator.1 : $@convention(witness_method) <τ_0_0 where τ_0_0 : _ExpressibleByBuiltinIntegerLiteral> (Builtin.Int2048, @thick τ_0_0.Type) -> @out τ_0_0, scope 10 // user: %12
%9 = metatype $@thick T.Type, scope 10 // users: %12, %19
%10 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int2048, 0, scope 10 // user: %12
%11 = alloc_stack $T, scope 10 // users: %12, %13, %15
%12 = apply %8<T>(%11, %10, %9) : $@convention(witness_method) _0_0 where τ_0_0 : _ExpressibleByBuiltinIntegerLiteral> (Builtin.Int2048, @thick τ_0_0.Type) -> @out τ_0_0, scope 10
%13 = apply %5<T>(%6, %11) : $@convention(thin) _0_0 where τ_0_0 : Equatable> (@in τ_0_0, @in τ_0_0) -> Bool, scope 10 // user: %14
%14 = struct_extract %13 : $Bool, #Bool._value, scope 10 // user: %17
dealloc_stack %11 : $*T, scope 10 // id: %15
dealloc_stack %6 : $*T, scope 10 // id: %16
cond_br %14, bb2, bb1, scope 10 // id: %17
bb1: // Preds: bb0
destroy_addr %2 : $*T, scope 10 // id: %22
destroy_addr %1 : $*T, scope 10 // id: %23
%24 = alloc_existential_box $Error, $ArithmeticError, scope 11 // users: %25, %28
%25 = project_existential_box $ArithmeticError in %24 : $Error, scope 11 // user: %27
%26 = enum $ArithmeticError, #ArithmeticError.DivByZero!enumelt, scope 11 // user: %27
store %26 to %25 : $*ArithmeticError, scope 11 // id: %27
throw %24 : $Error, scope 10 // id: %28
bb2: // Preds: bb0
%18 = witness_method $T, #IntegerArithmetic."/"!1 : $@convention(witness_method) <τ_0_0 where τ_0_0 : IntegerArithmetic> (@in τ_0_0, @in τ_0_0, @thick τ_0_0.Type) -> @out τ_0_0, scope 10 // user: %19
%19 = apply %18<T>(%0, %1, %2, %9) : $@convention(witness_method) _0_0 where τ_0_0 : IntegerArithmetic> (@in τ_0_0, @in τ_0_0, @thick τ_0_0.Type) -> @out τ_0_0, scope 10
%20 = tuple (), scope 10 // user: %21
return %20 : $(), scope 10 // id: %21
// specialized divideNum<A where ...> (A, den : A) throws -> A
// CHECK-LABEL: sil shared @_TTSg5SiSis13SignedIntegers___TF16eager_specialize9divideNumuRxs13SignedIntegerrFzTx3denx_x : $@convention(thin) (Int, Int) -> (Int, @error Error) {
// CHECK: bb0(%0 : $Int, %1 : $Int):
// CHECK: return %{{.*}}
// CHECK: throw %{{.*}}
// Generic with specialized dispatch. No more [specialize] attribute.
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @_TF16eager_specialize9divideNumuRxs13SignedIntegerrFzTx3denx_x : $@convention(thin) <T where T : SignedInteger> (@in T, @in T) -> (@out T, @error Error) {
// CHECK: bb0(%0 : $*T, %1 : $*T, %2 : $*T):
// CHECK: %3 = metatype $@thick T.Type
// CHECK: %4 = metatype $@thick Int.Type
// CHECK: %5 = unchecked_bitwise_cast %3 : $@thick T.Type to $Builtin.Word
// CHECK: %6 = unchecked_bitwise_cast %4 : $@thick Int.Type to $Builtin.Word
// CHECK: %7 = builtin "cmp_eq_Word"(%5 : $Builtin.Word, %6 : $Builtin.Word) : $Builtin.Int1
// CHECK: cond_br %7, bb6, bb1
// CHECK: bb1: // Preds: bb0
// CHECK: // function_ref static != infix<A where ...> (A, A) -> Bool
// CHECK: cond_br %{{.*}}, bb4, bb2
// CHECK: bb2: // Preds: bb1
// CHECK: br bb3(%{{.*}} : $Error)
// CHECK: bb3(%{{.*}} : $Error): // Preds: bb7 bb2
// CHECK: throw %{{.*}} : $Error
// CHECK: bb4: // Preds: bb1
// CHECK: %{{.*}} = witness_method $T, #IntegerArithmetic."/"!1 : $@convention(witness_method) <τ_0_0 where τ_0_0 : IntegerArithmetic> (@in τ_0_0, @in τ_0_0, @thick τ_0_0.Type) -> @out τ_0_0
// CHECK: apply %{{.*}}<T>({{.*}}) : $@convention(witness_method) <τ_0_0 where τ_0_0 : IntegerArithmetic> (@in τ_0_0, @in τ_0_0, @thick τ_0_0.Type) -> @out τ_0_0
// CHECK: br bb5
// CHECK: bb5: // Preds: bb8 bb4
// CHECK: %{{.*}} = tuple ()
// CHECK: return %{{.*}} : $()
// CHECK: bb6: // Preds: bb0
// CHECK: %{{.*}} = unchecked_addr_cast %0 : $*T to $*Int
// CHECK: %{{.*}} = unchecked_addr_cast %1 : $*T to $*Int
// CHECK: %{{.*}} = load %{{.*}} : $*Int
// CHECK: %{{.*}} = unchecked_addr_cast %2 : $*T to $*Int
// CHECK: %{{.*}} = load %{{.*}} : $*Int
// CHECK: // function_ref specialized divideNum<A where ...> (A, den : A) throws -> A
// CHECK: %{{.*}} = function_ref @_TTSg5SiSis13SignedIntegers___TF16eager_specialize9divideNumuRxs13SignedIntegerrFzTx3denx_x : $@convention(thin) (Int, Int) -> (Int, @error Error)
// CHECK: try_apply %{{.*}}(%{{.*}}, %{{.*}}) : $@convention(thin) (Int, Int) -> (Int, @error Error), normal bb8, error bb7
// CHECK: bb7(%{{.*}} : $Error): // Preds: bb6
// CHECK: %{{.*}} = builtin "willThrow"(%{{.*}} : $Error) : $()
// CHECK: br bb3(%{{.*}} : $Error)
// CHECK: bb8(%{{.*}} : $Int): // Preds: bb6
// CHECK: store %{{.*}} to %{{.*}} : $*Int
// CHECK: %{{.*}} = tuple ()
// CHECK: %{{.*}} = unchecked_trivial_bit_cast %{{.*}} : $() to $()
// CHECK: br bb5
// --- test: multiple void and non-void return values
sil_scope 7 { parent @_TF16eager_specialize3foourFxVs5Int64 : $@convention(thin) _0_0> (@in τ_0_0) -> Int64 }
sil_scope 8 { parent 7 }
// foo<A> (A) -> Int64
sil hidden [noinline] [_semantics "optimize.sil.never"] @_TF16eager_specialize3foourFxVs5Int64 : $@convention(thin) <T> (@in T) -> Int64 {
// %0 // users: %1, %4
bb0(%0 : $*T):
%2 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, 3, scope 8 // user: %3
%3 = struct $Int64 (%2 : $Builtin.Int64), scope 8 // user: %5
destroy_addr %0 : $*T, scope 8 // id: %4
return %3 : $Int64, scope 8 // id: %5
sil_scope 1 { parent @_TF16eager_specialize10voidReturnurFxT_ : $@convention(thin) _0_0> (@in τ_0_0) -> () }
sil_scope 2 { parent 1 }
// voidReturn<A> (A) -> ()
sil [_specialize <Float>] [_specialize <Int64>] @_TF16eager_specialize10voidReturnurFxT_ : $@convention(thin) <T> (@in T) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $*T):
// function_ref foo<A> (A) -> Int64
%2 = function_ref @_TF16eager_specialize3foourFxVs5Int64 : $@convention(thin) _0_0> (@in τ_0_0) -> Int64, scope 2 // user: %3
%3 = apply %2<T>(%0) : $@convention(thin) _0_0> (@in τ_0_0) -> Int64, scope 2
%4 = tuple (), scope 2 // user: %5
return %4 : $(), scope 2 // id: %5
// CHECK-LABEL: // specialized voidReturn<A> (A) -> ()
// CHECK: sil shared @_TTSg5Sf___TF16eager_specialize10voidReturnurFxT_ : $@convention(thin) (Float) -> () {
// %0 // user: %2
// CHECK: bb0(%0 : $Float):
// CHECK: return %5 : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: // specialized voidReturn<A> (A) -> ()
// CHECK: sil shared @_TTSg5Vs5Int64___TF16eager_specialize10voidReturnurFxT_ : $@convention(thin) (Int64) -> () {
// CHECK: bb0(%0 : $Int64):
// CHECK: return %5 : $()
// Generic with specialized dispatch. No more [specialize] attribute.
// CHECK-LABEL: // voidReturn<A> (A) -> ()
// CHECK: sil @_TF16eager_specialize10voidReturnurFxT_ : $@convention(thin) <T> (@in T) -> () {
// CHECK: bb0(%0 : $*T):
// CHECK: builtin "cmp_eq_Word"
// CHECK: cond_br %5, bb5, bb1
// CHECK: bb1: // Preds: bb0
// CHECK: builtin "cmp_eq_Word"
// CHECK: cond_br %11, bb4, bb2
// CHECK: bb2: // Preds: bb1
// CHECK: function_ref @_TF16eager_specialize3foourFxVs5Int64 : $@convention(thin) <τ_0_0> (@in τ_0_0) -> Int64
// CHECK: apply %13<T>(%0) : $@convention(thin) <τ_0_0> (@in τ_0_0) -> Int64
// CHECK: br bb3
// CHECK: bb3: // Preds: bb5 bb4 bb2
// CHECK: tuple ()
// CHECK: return
// CHECK: bb4: // Preds: bb1
// CHECK: function_ref @_TTSg5Sf___TF16eager_specialize10voidReturnurFxT_ : $@convention(thin) (Float) -> ()
// CHECK: br bb3
// CHECK: bb5: // Preds: bb0
// CHECK: br bb3
sil_scope 3 { parent @_TF16eager_specialize13nonvoidReturnurFxVs5Int64 : $@convention(thin) _0_0> (@in τ_0_0) -> Int64 }
sil_scope 4 { parent 3 }
// nonvoidReturn<A> (A) -> Int64
sil [_specialize <Float>] [_specialize <Int64>] @_TF16eager_specialize13nonvoidReturnurFxVs5Int64 : $@convention(thin) <T> (@in T) -> Int64 {
// %0 // users: %1, %3
bb0(%0 : $*T):
// function_ref foo<A> (A) -> Int64
%2 = function_ref @_TF16eager_specialize3foourFxVs5Int64 : $@convention(thin) _0_0> (@in τ_0_0) -> Int64, scope 4 // user: %3
%3 = apply %2<T>(%0) : $@convention(thin) _0_0> (@in τ_0_0) -> Int64, scope 4 // user: %4
return %3 : $Int64, scope 4 // id: %4
// CHECK-LABEL: // specialized nonvoidReturn<A> (A) -> Int64
// CHECK: sil shared @_TTSg5Sf___TF16eager_specialize13nonvoidReturnurFxVs5Int64 : $@convention(thin) (Float) -> Int64 {
// CHECK: bb0(%0 : $Float):
// CHECK: return %4 : $Int64
// CHECK-LABEL: // specialized nonvoidReturn<A> (A) -> Int64
// CHECK: sil shared @_TTSg5Vs5Int64___TF16eager_specialize13nonvoidReturnurFxVs5Int64 : $@convention(thin) (Int64) -> Int64 {
// CHECK: bb0(%0 : $Int64):
// CHECK: return %4 : $Int64
sil_scope 35 { loc "/s/s/swift/test/SILOptimizer/eager_specialize.sil":190:22 parent @_TF16eager_specialize13nonvoidReturnurFxVs5Int64 : $@convention(thin) _0_0> (@in τ_0_0) -> Int64 }
sil_scope 36 { parent @_TF16eager_specialize13nonvoidReturnurFxVs5Int64 : $@convention(thin) _0_0> (@in τ_0_0) -> Int64 }
sil_scope 37 { parent 36 }
// CHECK-LABEL: // nonvoidReturn<A> (A) -> Int64
// CHECK: sil @_TF16eager_specialize13nonvoidReturnurFxVs5Int64 : $@convention(thin) <T> (@in T) -> Int64 {
// CHECK: bb0(%0 : $*T):
// CHECK: builtin "cmp_eq_Word"
// CHECK: cond_br %{{.*}}, bb5, bb1
// CHECK: bb1: // Preds: bb0
// CHECK: builtin "cmp_eq_Word"
// CHECK: cond_br %{{.*}}, bb4, bb2
// CHECK: bb2: // Preds: bb1
// CHECK: // function_ref foo<A> (A) -> Int64
// CHECK: function_ref @_TF16eager_specialize3foourFxVs5Int64 : $@convention(thin) <τ_0_0> (@in τ_0_0) -> Int64
// CHECK: apply %13<T>
// CHECK: br bb3(%{{.*}} : $Int64)
// CHECK: bb3(%{{.*}} : $Int64): // Preds: bb5 bb4 bb2
// CHECK: return %{{.*}} : $Int64
// CHECK: bb4: // Preds: bb1
// CHECK: br bb3(%{{.*}} : $Int64)
// CHECK: bb5: // Preds: bb0
// CHECK: br bb3(%{{.*}} : $Int64)