blob: 33fe88c0bb0b2d27cac8836e7197a21109558e9b [file] [log] [blame]
// Verify errors in this file to ensure that parse and type checker errors
// occur where we expect them.
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift -show-diagnostics-after-fatal %s
// RUN: %target-swift-ide-test -print-ast-typechecked -source-filename %s -prefer-type-repr=false > %t.printed.txt
// RUN: %FileCheck %s -strict-whitespace < %t.printed.txt
// RUN: %FileCheck -check-prefix=NO-TYPEREPR %s -strict-whitespace < %t.printed.txt
// RUN: %target-swift-ide-test -print-ast-typechecked -source-filename %s -prefer-type-repr=true > %t.printed.txt
// RUN: %FileCheck %s -strict-whitespace < %t.printed.txt
// RUN: %FileCheck -check-prefix=TYPEREPR %s -strict-whitespace < %t.printed.txt
//===--- Helper types.
class FooClass {}
class BarClass {}
protocol FooProtocol {}
protocol BarProtocol {}
protocol BazProtocol { func baz() }
protocol QuxProtocol {
associatedtype Qux
class FooProtocolImpl : FooProtocol {}
class FooBarProtocolImpl : FooProtocol, BarProtocol {}
class BazProtocolImpl : BazProtocol { func baz() {} }
//===--- Import printing.
import not_existent_module_a // expected-error{{no such module 'not_existent_module_a'}}
// CHECK: {{^}}import not_existent_module_a{{$}}
import not_existent_module_a.submodule // expected-error{{no such module}}
// CHECK-NEXT: {{^}}import not_existent_module_a.submodule{{$}}
@_exported import not_existent_module_b // expected-error{{no such module 'not_existent_module_b'}}
// CHECK-NEXT: {{^}}@_exported import not_existent_module_b{{$}}
@_exported import not_existent_module_b.submodule // expected-error{{no such module}}
// CHECK-NEXT: {{^}}@_exported import not_existent_module_b.submodule{{$}}
import struct // expected-error{{no such module 'not_existent_module_c'}}
// CHECK-NEXT: {{^}}import struct{{$}}
import class // expected-error{{no such module 'not_existent_module_c'}}
// CHECK-NEXT: {{^}}import class{{$}}
import enum // expected-error{{no such module 'not_existent_module_c'}}
// CHECK-NEXT: {{^}}import enum{{$}}
import protocol // expected-error{{no such module 'not_existent_module_c'}}
// CHECK-NEXT: {{^}}import protocol{{$}}
import var // expected-error{{no such module 'not_existent_module_c'}}
// CHECK-NEXT: {{^}}import var{{$}}
import func // expected-error{{no such module 'not_existent_module_c'}}
// CHECK-NEXT: {{^}}import func{{$}}
//===--- Inheritance list in structs.
struct StructWithInheritance1 : FooNonExistentProtocol {} // expected-error {{use of undeclared type 'FooNonExistentProtocol'}}
// NO-TYPEREPR: {{^}}struct StructWithInheritance1 : <<error type>> {{{$}}
// TYPEREPR: {{^}}struct StructWithInheritance1 : FooNonExistentProtocol {{{$}}
struct StructWithInheritance2 : FooNonExistentProtocol, BarNonExistentProtocol {} // expected-error {{use of undeclared type 'FooNonExistentProtocol'}} expected-error {{use of undeclared type 'BarNonExistentProtocol'}}
// NO-TYPEREPR: {{^}}struct StructWithInheritance2 : <<error type>>, <<error type>> {{{$}}
// TYPEREPR: {{^}}struct StructWithInheritance2 : FooNonExistentProtocol, BarNonExistentProtocol {{{$}}
//===--- Inheritance list in classes.
class ClassWithInheritance1 : FooNonExistentProtocol {} // expected-error {{use of undeclared type 'FooNonExistentProtocol'}}
// NO-TYREPR: {{^}}class ClassWithInheritance1 : <<error type>> {{{$}}
// TYREPR: {{^}}class ClassWithInheritance1 : FooNonExistentProtocol {{{$}}
class ClassWithInheritance2 : FooNonExistentProtocol, BarNonExistentProtocol {} // expected-error {{use of undeclared type 'FooNonExistentProtocol'}} expected-error {{use of undeclared type 'BarNonExistentProtocol'}}
// NO-TYREPR: {{^}}class ClassWithInheritance2 : <<error type>>, <<error type>> {{{$}}
// TYREPR: {{^}}class ClassWithInheritance2 : FooNonExistentProtocol, BarNonExistentProtocol {{{$}}
class ClassWithInheritance3 : FooClass, FooNonExistentProtocol {} // expected-error {{use of undeclared type 'FooNonExistentProtocol'}}
// NO-TYREPR: {{^}}class ClassWithInheritance3 : FooClass, <<error type>> {{{$}}
// TYREPR: {{^}}class ClassWithInheritance3 : FooClass, FooNonExistentProtocol {{{$}}
class ClassWithInheritance4 : FooProtocol, FooClass {} // expected-error {{superclass 'FooClass' must appear first in the inheritance clause}} {{31-31=FooClass, }} {{42-52=}}
// CHECK: {{^}}class ClassWithInheritance4 : FooProtocol, FooClass {{{$}}
class ClassWithInheritance5 : FooProtocol, BarProtocol, FooClass {} // expected-error {{superclass 'FooClass' must appear first in the inheritance clause}} {{31-31=FooClass, }} {{55-65=}}
// CHECK: {{^}}class ClassWithInheritance5 : FooProtocol, BarProtocol, FooClass {{{$}}
class ClassWithInheritance6 : FooClass, BarClass {} // expected-error {{multiple inheritance from classes 'FooClass' and 'BarClass'}}
// NO-TYREPR: {{^}}class ClassWithInheritance6 : FooClass, <<error type>> {{{$}}
// TYREPR: {{^}}class ClassWithInheritance6 : FooClass, BarClass {{{$}}
class ClassWithInheritance7 : FooClass, BarClass, FooProtocol {} // expected-error {{multiple inheritance from classes 'FooClass' and 'BarClass'}}
// NO-TYREPR: {{^}}class ClassWithInheritance7 : FooClass, <<error type>>, FooProtocol {{{$}}
// TYREPR: {{^}}class ClassWithInheritance7 : FooClass, BarClass, FooProtocol {{{$}}
class ClassWithInheritance8 : FooClass, BarClass, FooProtocol, BarProtocol {} // expected-error {{multiple inheritance from classes 'FooClass' and 'BarClass'}}
// NO-TYREPR: {{^}}class ClassWithInheritance8 : FooClass, <<error type>>, FooProtocol, BarProtocol {{{$}}
// TYREPR: {{^}}class ClassWithInheritance8 : FooClass, BarClass, FooProtocol, BarProtocol {{{$}}
class ClassWithInheritance9 : FooClass, BarClass, FooProtocol, BarProtocol, FooNonExistentProtocol {} // expected-error {{multiple inheritance from classes 'FooClass' and 'BarClass'}} expected-error {{use of undeclared type 'FooNonExistentProtocol'}}
// NO-TYREPR: {{^}}class ClassWithInheritance9 : FooClass, <<error type>>, FooProtocol, BarProtocol, <<error type>> {{{$}}
// TYREPR: {{^}}class ClassWithInheritance9 : FooClass, BarClass, FooProtocol, BarProtocol, FooNonExistentProtocol {{{$}}
//===--- Inheritance list in enums.
enum EnumWithInheritance1 : FooNonExistentProtocol {} // expected-error {{use of undeclared type 'FooNonExistentProtocol'}}
// expected-error@-1{{type 'EnumWithInheritance1' does not conform to protocol 'RawRepresentable'}}
// NO-TYREPR: {{^}}enum EnumWithInheritance1 : <<error type>> {{{$}}
// TYREPR: {{^}}enum EnumWithInheritance1 : FooNonExistentProtocol {{{$}}
enum EnumWithInheritance2 : FooNonExistentProtocol, BarNonExistentProtocol {} // expected-error {{use of undeclared type 'FooNonExistentProtocol'}} expected-error {{use of undeclared type 'BarNonExistentProtocol'}}
// expected-error@-1{{type 'EnumWithInheritance2' does not conform to protocol 'RawRepresentable'}}
// NO-TYREPR: {{^}}enum EnumWithInheritance2 : <<error type>>, <<error type>> {{{$}}
// TYREPR: {{^}}enum EnumWithInheritance2 : FooNonExistentProtocol, BarNonExistentProtocol {{{$}}
enum EnumWithInheritance3 : FooClass { case X } // expected-error {{raw type 'FooClass' is not expressible by any literal}}
// expected-error@-1{{'EnumWithInheritance3' declares raw type 'FooClass', but does not conform to RawRepresentable and conformance could not be synthesized}}
// expected-error@-2{{RawRepresentable conformance cannot be synthesized because raw type 'FooClass' is not Equatable}}
// NO-TYREPR: {{^}}enum EnumWithInheritance3 : <<error type>> {{{$}}
// TYREPR: {{^}}enum EnumWithInheritance3 : FooClass {{{$}}
enum EnumWithInheritance4 : FooClass, FooProtocol { case X } // expected-error {{raw type 'FooClass' is not expressible by any literal}}
// expected-error@-1{{'EnumWithInheritance4' declares raw type 'FooClass', but does not conform to RawRepresentable and conformance could not be synthesized}}
// expected-error@-2{{RawRepresentable conformance cannot be synthesized because raw type 'FooClass' is not Equatable}}
// NO-TYREPR: {{^}}enum EnumWithInheritance4 : <<error type>>, FooProtocol {{{$}}
// TYREPR: {{^}}enum EnumWithInheritance4 : FooClass, FooProtocol {{{$}}
enum EnumWithInheritance5 : FooClass, BarClass { case X } // expected-error {{raw type 'FooClass' is not expressible by any literal}} expected-error {{multiple enum raw types 'FooClass' and 'BarClass'}}
// expected-error@-1{{'EnumWithInheritance5' declares raw type 'FooClass', but does not conform to RawRepresentable and conformance could not be synthesized}}
// expected-error@-2{{RawRepresentable conformance cannot be synthesized because raw type 'FooClass' is not Equatable}}
// NO-TYREPR: {{^}}enum EnumWithInheritance5 : <<error type>>, <<error type>> {{{$}}
// TYREPR: {{^}}enum EnumWithInheritance5 : FooClass, BarClass {{{$}}
//===--- Inheritance list in protocols.
protocol ProtocolWithInheritance1 : FooNonExistentProtocol {} // expected-error {{use of undeclared type 'FooNonExistentProtocol'}}
// NO-TYREPR: {{^}}protocol ProtocolWithInheritance1 : <<error type>> {{{$}}
// TYREPR: {{^}}protocol ProtocolWithInheritance1 : FooNonExistentProtocol {{{$}}
protocol ProtocolWithInheritance2 : FooNonExistentProtocol, BarNonExistentProtocol {} // expected-error {{use of undeclared type 'FooNonExistentProtocol'}} expected-error {{use of undeclared type 'BarNonExistentProtocol'}}
// NO-TYREPR: {{^}}protocol ProtocolWithInheritance2 : <<error type>>, <<error type>> {{{$}}
// TYREPR: {{^}}protocol ProtocolWithInheritance2 : FooNonExistentProtocol, BarNonExistentProtocol {{{$}}
protocol ProtocolWithInheritance3 : FooClass {} // expected-error {{non-class type 'ProtocolWithInheritance3' cannot inherit from class 'FooClass'}}
// NO-TYREPR: {{^}}protocol ProtocolWithInheritance3 : <<error type>> {{{$}}
// TYREPR: {{^}}protocol ProtocolWithInheritance3 : FooClass {{{$}}
protocol ProtocolWithInheritance4 : FooClass, FooProtocol {} // expected-error {{non-class type 'ProtocolWithInheritance4' cannot inherit from class 'FooClass'}}
// NO-TYREPR: {{^}}protocol ProtocolWithInheritance4 : <<error type>>, FooProtocol {{{$}}
// TYREPR: {{^}}protocol ProtocolWithInheritance4 : FooClass, FooProtocol {{{$}}
protocol ProtocolWithInheritance5 : FooClass, BarClass {} // expected-error {{non-class type 'ProtocolWithInheritance5' cannot inherit from class 'FooClass'}} expected-error {{non-class type 'ProtocolWithInheritance5' cannot inherit from class 'BarClass'}}
// NO-TYREPR: {{^}}protocol ProtocolWithInheritance5 : <<error type>>, <<error type>> {{{$}}
// TYREPR: {{^}}protocol ProtocolWithInheritance5 : FooClass, BarClass {{{$}}
//===--- Typealias printing.
// Normal typealiases.
typealias Typealias1 = FooNonExistentProtocol // expected-error {{use of undeclared type 'FooNonExistentProtocol'}}
// NO-TYREPR: {{^}}typealias Typealias1 = <<error type>>{{$}}
// TYREPR: {{^}}typealias Typealias1 = FooNonExistentProtocol{{$}}
// sr-197
func foo(bar: Typealias1<Int>) {} // Should not generate error "cannot specialize non-generic type '<<error type>>'"
// Associated types.
protocol AssociatedType1 {
// CHECK-LABEL: AssociatedType1 {
associatedtype AssociatedTypeDecl1 : FooProtocol = FooClass
// CHECK: {{^}} associatedtype AssociatedTypeDecl1 : FooProtocol = FooClass{{$}}
associatedtype AssociatedTypeDecl2 : BazProtocol = FooClass
// CHECK: {{^}} associatedtype AssociatedTypeDecl2 : BazProtocol = FooClass{{$}}
associatedtype AssociatedTypeDecl3 : FooNonExistentProtocol // expected-error {{use of undeclared type 'FooNonExistentProtocol'}}
// NO-TYREPR: {{^}} associatedtype AssociatedTypeDecl3 : <<error type>>{{$}}
// TYREPR: {{^}} associatedtype AssociatedTypeDecl3 : FooNonExistentProtocol{{$}}
associatedtype AssociatedTypeDecl4 : FooNonExistentProtocol, BarNonExistentProtocol // expected-error {{use of undeclared type 'FooNonExistentProtocol'}} expected-error {{use of undeclared type 'BarNonExistentProtocol'}}
// NO-TYREPR: {{^}} associatedtype AssociatedTypeDecl4 : <<error type>>, <<error type>>{{$}}
// TYREPR: {{^}} associatedtype AssociatedTypeDecl4 : FooNonExistentProtocol, BarNonExistentProtocol{{$}}
associatedtype AssociatedTypeDecl5 : FooClass
// CHECK: {{^}} associatedtype AssociatedTypeDecl5 : FooClass{{$}}
//===--- Variable declaration printing.
var topLevelVar1 = 42
// CHECK: {{^}}var topLevelVar1: Int{{$}}
// CHECK-NOT: topLevelVar1
// CHECK: class C1
class C1 {
// CHECK: init(data: <<error type>>)
init(data:) // expected-error {{expected parameter type following ':'}}
protocol IllegalExtension {}
class OuterContext {
// CHECK: class OuterContext {
extension IllegalExtension { // expected-error {{declaration is only valid at file scope}}
// CHECK: extension IllegalExtension {
func protocolFunc() {}
// CHECK: func protocolFunc()
static func topLevelStaticFunc() {} // expected-error {{static methods may only be declared on a type}}
// NO-TYPEPR: {{^}}func topLevelStaticFunc() -> <<error type>>{{$}}
// TYPEPR: {{^}}func topLevelStaticFunc() {{$}}
static var topLevelStaticVar = 42 // expected-error {{static properties may only be declared on a type}}
// CHECK: {{^}}var topLevelStaticVar: Int{{$}}