blob: d73def27f2911c055dcbddf1d6ff41ebba4dd9c6 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift
struct X { }
struct Y { }
struct WithOverloadedSubscript {
subscript(i: Int) -> X {
get {}
set {}
subscript(i: Int) -> Y {
get {}
set {}
func test_assign() {
var a = WithOverloadedSubscript()
a[0] = X()
a[0] = Y()
var i: X
var j: X
var f: Y
func getXY() -> (X, Y) {}
var ift : (X, Y)
var ovl = WithOverloadedSubscript()
var slice: [X]
i = j
(i, f) = getXY()
(i, f) = ift
(i, f) = (i, f)
(ovl[0], ovl[0]) = ift
(ovl[0], ovl[0]) = (i, f)
(_, ovl[0]) = (i, f)
(ovl[0], _) = (i, f)
_ = (i, f)
slice[7] = i
slice[7] = f // expected-error{{cannot assign value of type 'Y' to type 'X'}}
slice[7] = _ // expected-error{{'_' can only appear in a pattern or on the left side of an assignment}}
func value(_ x: Int) {}
func value2(_ x: inout Int) {}
value2(&_) // expected-error{{'_' can only appear in a pattern or on the left side of an assignment}}
value(_) // expected-error{{'_' can only appear in a pattern or on the left side of an assignment}}
// <rdar://problem/23798944> = vs. == in Swift if string character count statement causes segmentation fault
func f23798944() {
let s = ""
if s.characters.count = 0 { // expected-error {{cannot assign to property: 'count' is a get-only property}}
.sr_3506 = 0 // expected-error {{reference to member 'sr_3506' cannot be resolved without a contextual type}}