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Driver Design & Internals
.. contents::
This document serves to describe the high-level design of the Swift 2.0 compiler
driver (which includes what the driver is intended to do, and the approach it
takes to do that), as well as the internals of the driver (which is meant to
provide a brief overview of and rationale for how the high-level design is
The Swift driver is not intended to be GCC/Clang compatible, as it does not
need to serve as a drop-in replacement for either driver. However, the design
of the driver is inspired by Clang's design.
Driver Stages
The compiler driver for Swift roughly follows the same design as Clang's
compiler driver:
1. Parse: Command-line arguments are parsed into ``Arg``\ s. A ToolChain is
selected based on the current platform.
2. Pipeline: Based on the arguments and inputs, a tree of ``Action``\ s is
generated. These are the high-level processing steps that need to occur,
such as "compile this file" or "link the output of all compilation actions".
3. Bind: The ToolChain converts the ``Action``\ s into a set of ``Job``\ s.
These are individual commands that need to be run, such as
"ld main.o -o main". Jobs have dependencies, but are not organized into a
tree structure.
4. Execute: The ``Job``\ s are run in a ``Compilation``, which spawns off
sub-processes for each job that needs execution. The ``Compilation`` is
responsible for deciding which ``Job``\ s actually need to run, based on
dependency information provided by the output of each sub-process. The
low-level management of sub-processes is handled by a ``TaskQueue``.
Parse: Option parsing
The command line arguments are parsed as options and inputs into Arg instances.
Some miscellaneous validation and normalization is performed. Most of the
implementation is provided by LLVM.
An important part of this step is selecting a ToolChain. This is the Swift
driver's view of the current platform's set of compiler tools, and determines
how it will attempt to accomplish tasks. More on this below.
One of the optional steps here is building an *output file map.* This allows a
build system (such as Xcode) to control the location of intermediate output
files. The output file map uses a simple JSON format mapping inputs to a map of
output paths, keyed by file type. Entries under an input of "" refer to the
top-level driver process.
.. admonition:: FIXME
Certain capabilities, like incremental builds or compilation without
linking, currently require an output file map. This should not be necessary.
Pipeline: Converting Args into Actions
At this stage, the driver will take the input Args and input files and
establish a graph of Actions. This details the high-level tasks that need to be
performed. The graph (a DAG) tracks dependencies between actions, but also
manages ownership.
.. admonition:: FIXME
Actions currently map one-to-one to sub-process invocations. This means
that there are actions for things that should be implementation details,
like generating dSYM output.
Build: Translating Actions into Jobs using a ToolChain
Once we have a graph of high-level Actions, we need to translate that into
actual tasks to execute. This starts by determining the output that each Action
needs to produce based on its inputs. Then we ask the ToolChain how to perform
that Action on the current platform. The ToolChain produces a Job, which wraps
up both the output information and the actual invocation. It also remembers
which Action it came from and any Jobs it depends on. Unlike the Action graph,
Jobs are owned by a single Compilation object and stored in a flat list.
When a Job represents a compile of a single file, it may also be used for
dependency analysis, to determine whether it is safe to not recompile that file
in the current build. This is covered by checking if the input has been
modified since the last build; if it hasn't, we only need to recompile if
something it depends on has changed.
Execute: Running the Jobs in a Compilation using a TaskQueue
A Compilation's goal is to make sure every Job in its list of Jobs is handled.
If a Job needs to be run, the Compilation attempts to *schedule* it. If the
Job's dependencies have all been completed (or determined to be skippable), it
is added to the TaskQueue; otherwise it is marked as *blocked.*
To support Jobs compiling individual Swift files, which may or may not need to
be run, the Compilation keeps track of a DependencyGraph. (If file A depends on
file B and file B has changed, file A needs to be recompiled.) When a Job
completes successfully, the Compilation will both re-attempt to schedule Jobs
that were directly blocked on it, and check to see if any other Jobs now need
to run based on the DependencyGraph. See the section on :doc:`Dependency
Analysis` for more information.
The Compilation's TaskQueue controls the low-level aspects of managing
subprocesses. Multiple Jobs may execute simultaneously, but communication with
the parent process (the driver) is handled on a single thread. The level of
parallelism may be controlled by a compiler flag.
If a Job does not finish successfully, the Compilation needs to record which
jobs have failed, so that they get rebuilt next time the user tries to build
the project.