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//===--- ArrayCast.swift - Casts and conversions for Array ----------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// Because NSArray is effectively an [AnyObject], casting [T] -> [U]
// is an integral part of the bridging process and these two issues
// are handled together.
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
// FIXME: These need to be implemented even for non-objc:
// rdar://problem/18881196
internal enum _ValueOrReference {
case Reference, Value
internal init<T>(_: T.Type) {
self = _isClassOrObjCExistential(T.self) ? .Reference : .Value
internal enum _BridgeStyle {
case Verbatim, Explicit
internal init<T>(_: T.Type) {
self = _isBridgedVerbatimToObjectiveC(T.self) ? .Verbatim : .Explicit
//===--- Forced casts: [T] as! [U] ----------------------------------------===//
/// Implements `source as! [TargetElement]`.
/// - Requires: At least one of `SourceElement` and `TargetElement` is a
/// class type or ObjC existential. May trap for other "valid" inputs
/// when `TargetElement` is not bridged verbatim, if an element can't
/// be converted.
public func _arrayForceCast<SourceElement, TargetElement>(
source: Array<SourceElement>
) -> Array<TargetElement> {
switch (
_ValueOrReference(SourceElement.self), _BridgeStyle(TargetElement.self)
) {
case (.Reference, .Verbatim):
let native = source._buffer.requestNativeBuffer()
if _fastPath(native != nil) {
if _fastPath(native!.storesOnlyElementsOfType(TargetElement.self)) {
// A native buffer that is known to store only elements of the
// TargetElement can be used directly
return Array(source._buffer.castToBufferOf(TargetElement.self))
// Other native buffers must use deferred element type checking
return Array(
// All non-native buffers use deferred element typechecking
return Array(_immutableCocoaArray: source._buffer._asCocoaArray())
case (.Reference, .Explicit):
let result: [TargetElement]? = _arrayConditionalBridgeElements(source)
_precondition(result != nil, "array cannot be bridged from Objective-C")
return result!
case (.Value, .Verbatim):
var buf = _ContiguousArrayBuffer<TargetElement>(
count: source.count, minimumCapacity: 0)
let _: Void = buf.withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer {
var p = $0.baseAddress
for value in source {
let bridged: AnyObject? = _bridgeToObjectiveC(value)
bridged != nil, "array element cannot be bridged to Objective-C")
// FIXME: should be an unsafeDowncast.
p.initialize(unsafeBitCast(bridged!, TargetElement.self))
p += 1
return Array(_ArrayBuffer(buf, shiftedToStartIndex: 0))
case (.Value, .Explicit):
"Force-casting between Arrays of value types not prevented at compile-time"
//===--- Conditional casts: [T] as? [U] -----------------------------------===//
/// Implements the semantics of `x as? [TargetElement]` where `x` has type
/// `[SourceElement]` and `TargetElement` is a verbatim-bridged trivial subtype of
/// `SourceElement`.
/// Returns an Array<TargetElement> containing the same elements as a
/// O(1) if a's buffer elements are dynamically known to have type
/// TargetElement or a type derived from TargetElement. O(N)
/// otherwise.
internal func _arrayConditionalDownCastElements<SourceElement, TargetElement>(
a: Array<SourceElement>
) -> [TargetElement]? {
if _fastPath(!a.isEmpty) {
let native = a._buffer.requestNativeBuffer()
if _fastPath(native != nil) {
if native!.storesOnlyElementsOfType(TargetElement.self) {
return Array(a._buffer.castToBufferOf(TargetElement.self))
return nil
// slow path: we store an NSArray
// We can skip the check if TargetElement happens to be AnyObject
if !(AnyObject.self is TargetElement.Type) {
for element in a {
if !(element is TargetElement) {
return nil
return Array(a._buffer.castToBufferOf(TargetElement.self))
return []
/// Try to convert the source array of objects to an array of values
/// produced by bridging the objects from Objective-C to `TargetElement`.
/// - Precondition: SourceElement is a class type.
/// - Precondition: TargetElement is bridged non-verbatim to Objective-C.
/// O(n), because each element must be bridged separately.
internal func _arrayConditionalBridgeElements<SourceElement, TargetElement>(
source: Array<SourceElement>
) -> Array<TargetElement>? {
let buf = _ContiguousArrayBuffer<TargetElement>(
count: source.count, minimumCapacity: 0)
var p = buf.firstElementAddress
repeat {
for object: SourceElement in source {
let value = Swift._conditionallyBridgeFromObjectiveC(
unsafeBitCast(object, AnyObject.self), TargetElement.self)
if _slowPath(value == nil) {
break ElementwiseBridging
p += 1
return Array(_ArrayBuffer(buf, shiftedToStartIndex: 0))
while false
// Don't destroy anything we never created.
buf.count = p - buf.firstElementAddress
// Report failure
return nil
/// Implements `source as? [TargetElement]`: convert each element of
/// `source` to a `TargetElement` and return the resulting array, or
/// return `nil` if any element fails to convert.
/// - Requires: `SourceElement` is a class or ObjC existential type.
/// O(n), because each element must be checked.
public func _arrayConditionalCast<SourceElement, TargetElement>(
source: [SourceElement]
) -> [TargetElement]? {
switch (_ValueOrReference(SourceElement.self), _BridgeStyle(TargetElement.self)) {
case (.Value, _):
"Conditional cast from array of value types not prevented at compile-time")
case (.Reference, .Verbatim):
return _arrayConditionalDownCastElements(source)
case (.Reference, .Explicit):
return _arrayConditionalBridgeElements(source)