blob: aa9894185cc78e999658f62a25911568d562a4c1 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -O -emit-sil %s | FileCheck %s
// Make sure we are not looping forever.
extension Array {
mutating func new_method(predicate: (Element, Element) -> Bool, left : Int, right : Int) {
new_method(predicate, left: left, right: right);
var x1 = [1]
x1.new_method(<, left: 0, right: 1)
struct Test<T> {
init() {}
func recursive(x x : T) {
return recursive(x: x)
// Make sure that the specialized function calls itself.
//CHECK: sil shared @_TTSg5Si___TFV14spec_recursion4Test9recursive
//CHECK: function_ref @_TTSg5Si___TFV14spec_recursion4Test9recursive
//CHECK: return
var x2 = Test<Int>()
x2.recursive(x: 3)