blob: c28f041455a87a034635be560eff1768a2498703 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -O -disable-arc-opts -emit-sil -Xllvm -enable-destroyhoisting=false %s | FileCheck %s
// We can't deserialize apply_inst with subst lists. When radar://14443304
// is fixed then we should convert this test to a SIL test.
protocol P { func p() }
protocol Q { func q() }
class Foo: P, Q {
func p() {}
func q() {}
func inner_function<T : protocol<P, Q> >(In In : T) { }
func outer_function<T : protocol<P, Q> >(In In : T) { inner_function(In: In) }
//CHECK: sil shared [noinline] @_TTSg5C10spec_conf23FooS0_S_1PS_S0_S_1QS____TF10spec_conf214outer_function
//CHECK: function_ref @_TTSg5C10spec_conf23FooS0_S_1PS_S0_S_1QS____TF10spec_conf214inner_function
//CHECK-NEXT: retain
//CHECK-NEXT: apply
//CHECK: return
outer_function(In: Foo())