blob: 2fb76eec99a37b02ec5df7c29cc915ca11e6f945 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -O -disable-arc-opts -emit-sil -primary-file %s | FileCheck %s
// We can't deserialize apply_inst with subst lists. When radar://14443304
// is fixed then we should convert this test to a SIL test.
protocol pingable {
func ping()
class ABC : pingable {
func ping() {}
func generic_call<T : pingable>(x x: T) {
struct A<B> : pingable {
func ping() {}
func useFoo<T>(x x: T) {
let a = A<T>()
generic_call(x: a)
//CHECK-LABEL: sil @_TF21spec_archetype_method21interesting_code_hereFT_T_
//CHECK: function_ref @_TTSg5C21spec_archetype_method3ABCS0_S_8pingableS____TF21spec_archetype_method12generic_call
//CHECK-NEXT: retain
//CHECK-NEXT: apply
//CHECK: function_ref @_TTSg5C21spec_archetype_method3ABC___TF21spec_archetype_method6useFoo{{.*}} : $@convention(thin) (@in ABC) -> ()
//CHECK-NEXT: apply
//CHECK: return
func interesting_code_here() {
let x = ABC()
// Make sure that we can specialize the function generic_call that has a
// generic call to
generic_call(x: x)
useFoo(x: x)