blob: 743c939be5c65ce0c935212048d976688d51e8fb [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-sil-opt -enable-sil-verify-all -global-property-opt %s | FileCheck %s
// REQUIRES: objc_interop
sil_stage canonical
import Builtin
import Swift
import SwiftShims
public class X {
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @test_unknown_init
// CHECK: [[F:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @_is_native_X_no_type_check
// CHECK: [[R:%[0-9]+]] = apply [[F]]
// CHECK: return [[R]]
sil @test_unknown_init : $@convention(thin) (@owned _ArrayBuffer<X>) -> Bool {
bb0(%0 : $_ArrayBuffer<X>):
%a1 = struct $Array<X> (%0 : $_ArrayBuffer<X>)
%f1 = function_ref @_is_native_X_no_type_check : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed Array<X>) -> Bool
%10 = apply %f1(%a1) : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed Array<X>) -> Bool
return %10 : $Bool
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @test_buffer_overwritten
// CHECK: [[F:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @_is_native_X_no_type_check
// CHECK: [[R:%[0-9]+]] = apply [[F]]
// CHECK: return [[R]]
sil @test_buffer_overwritten : $@convention(thin) (@owned _ArrayBuffer<X>) -> Bool {
bb0(%0 : $_ArrayBuffer<X>):
%1 = alloc_stack $Array<X>
%3 = function_ref @_array_X_init : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned Array<X>
%4 = apply %3() : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned Array<X>
store %4 to %1#1 : $*Array<X>
%b1 = struct_element_addr %1#1 : $*Array<X>, #Array._buffer
store %0 to %b1 : $*_ArrayBuffer<X>
%5 = load %1#1 : $*Array<X>
%6 = function_ref @_is_native_X_no_type_check : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed Array<X>) -> Bool
%10 = apply %6(%5) : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed Array<X>) -> Bool
dealloc_stack %1#0 : $*@local_storage Array<X>
return %10 : $Bool
sil [_semantics "array.init"] @_array_X_init : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned Array<X>
sil [_semantics "array.props.isNativeTypeChecked"] @_is_native_X_no_type_check : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed Array<X>) -> Bool