blob: 4c93c8cee18f1188db3756b9a80c8dae728184df [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-sil-opt -enable-sil-verify-all %s -definite-init -verify | FileCheck %s
import Builtin
import Swift
sil @takes_Int_inout : $@convention(thin) (@inout Int) -> ()
sil @makesInt : $@convention(thin) () -> Int
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @use_before_init
sil @use_before_init : $@convention(thin) () -> Int {
%0 = alloc_box $Int
%1 = mark_uninitialized [var] %0#1 : $*Int // expected-note {{variable defined here}}
%4 = load %1 : $*Int // expected-error {{variable '<unknown>' used before being initialized}}
strong_release %0#0 : $@box Int
%9 = return %4 : $Int
// CHECK-LABEL: @inout_uninit
sil @inout_uninit : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
%0 = alloc_box $Int
%1 = mark_uninitialized [var] %0#1 : $*Int // expected-note {{variable defined here}}
%5 = function_ref @takes_Int_inout : $@convention(thin) (@inout Int) -> ()
%6 = apply %5(%1) : $@convention(thin) (@inout Int) -> () // expected-error {{variable '<unknown>' passed by reference before being initialized}}
%t = tuple ()
strong_release %0#0 : $@box Int
return %t : $()
// This function shouldn't produce any diagnostics.
// func used_by_inout(a : Int) -> (Int, Int) {
// var t = a
// takes_Int_inout(&a)
// return (t,a)
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @used_by_inout
sil @used_by_inout : $@convention(thin) (Int) -> (Int, Int) {
bb0(%0 : $Int):
%91 = alloc_box $Int
%1 = mark_uninitialized [var] %91#1 : $*Int
%2 = store %0 to %1 : $*Int
%3 = load %1 : $*Int
%5 = function_ref @takes_Int_inout : $@convention(thin) (@inout Int) -> ()
%6 = apply %5(%1) : $@convention(thin) (@inout Int) -> ()
%7 = load %1 : $*Int
%8 = tuple (%3 : $Int, %7 : $Int)
strong_release %91#0 : $@box Int
%11 = return %8 : $(Int, Int)
struct AddressOnlyStruct {
var a : protocol<>
var b : Int
/// returns_generic_struct - This returns a struct by reference.
sil @returns_generic_struct : $@convention(thin) (@out AddressOnlyStruct) -> ()
// There should be no error in this function.
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @call_struct_return_function
sil @call_struct_return_function : $@convention(thin) () -> Int {
%0 = alloc_box $AddressOnlyStruct
%1 = mark_uninitialized [var] %0#1 : $*AddressOnlyStruct
%2 = function_ref @returns_generic_struct : $@convention(thin) (@out AddressOnlyStruct) -> ()
%3 = apply %2(%1) : $@convention(thin) (@out AddressOnlyStruct) -> ()
%4 = struct_element_addr %1 : $*AddressOnlyStruct, #AddressOnlyStruct.b
%5 = load %4 : $*Int
strong_release %0#0 : $@box AddressOnlyStruct
return %5 : $Int
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @tuple_elements1
sil @tuple_elements1 : $@convention(thin) (Int) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $Int):
%2 = alloc_box $(Int, Int)
%3 = mark_uninitialized [var] %2#1 : $*(Int, Int) // expected-note {{variable defined here}}
%4 = tuple_element_addr %3 : $*(Int, Int), 0
%5 = tuple_element_addr %3 : $*(Int, Int), 1
%14 = function_ref @takes_Int_inout : $@convention(thin) (@inout Int) -> ()
%15 = tuple_element_addr %3 : $*(Int, Int), 1
%16 = apply %14(%15) : $@convention(thin) (@inout Int) -> () // expected-error {{variable '<unknown>.1' passed by reference before being initialized}}
strong_release %2#0 : $@box (Int, Int)
%99 = tuple ()
return %99 : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @tuple_elements2
sil @tuple_elements2 : $@convention(thin) (Int) -> (Int, Int) {
bb0(%0 : $Int):
%2 = alloc_box $(Int, Int)
%3 = mark_uninitialized [var] %2#1 : $*(Int, Int) // expected-note {{variable defined here}}
%18 = tuple_element_addr %3 : $*(Int, Int), 0
store %0 to %18 : $*Int
%20 = load %3 : $*(Int, Int) // expected-error {{variable '<unknown>.1' used before being initialized}}
%21 = tuple_extract %20 : $(Int, Int), 0
%22 = tuple_extract %20 : $(Int, Int), 1
%23 = tuple (%21 : $Int, %22 : $Int)
strong_release %2#0 : $@box (Int, Int)
return %23 : $(Int, Int)
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @copy_addr1
sil @copy_addr1 : $@convention(thin) <T> (@out T, @in T) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $*T, %1 : $*T):
%3 = alloc_box $T
%4 = mark_uninitialized [var] %3#1 : $*T
copy_addr [take] %1 to [initialization] %4 : $*T
copy_addr %4 to [initialization] %0 : $*T
strong_release %3#0 : $@box T
%9 = tuple ()
return %9 : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @copy_addr2
sil @copy_addr2 : $@convention(thin) <T> (@out T, @in T) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $*T, %1 : $*T):
%3 = alloc_box $T
%4 = mark_uninitialized [var] %3#1 : $*T // expected-note {{variable defined here}}
copy_addr %4 to [initialization] %0 : $*T // expected-error {{variable '<unknown>' used before being initialized}}
strong_release %3#0 : $@box T
%9 = tuple ()
return %9 : $()
sil @takes_closure : $@convention(thin) (@callee_owned () -> ()) -> ()
sil @closure0 : $@convention(thin) (@owned @box Int) -> ()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @closure_test
sil @closure_test : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
%1 = alloc_box $Int
%0 = mark_uninitialized [var] %1#1 : $*Int // expected-note {{variable defined here}}
%5 = function_ref @takes_closure : $@convention(thin) (@callee_owned () -> ()) -> ()
%6 = function_ref @closure0 : $@convention(thin) (@owned @box Int) -> ()
strong_retain %1#0 : $@box Int
mark_function_escape %0 : $*Int // expected-error {{variable '<unknown>' used by function definition before being initialized}}
%8 = partial_apply %6(%1#0) : $@convention(thin) (@owned @box Int) -> ()
%9 = apply %5(%8) : $@convention(thin) (@callee_owned () -> ()) -> ()
strong_release %1#0 : $@box Int
%11 = tuple ()
return %11 : $()
class SomeClass {}
sil @getSomeClass : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned SomeClass
sil @getSomeOptionalClass : $@convention(thin) () -> Optional<SomeClass>
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @assign_test_trivial
sil @assign_test_trivial : $@convention(thin) (Int) -> Int {
bb0(%0 : $Int):
%7 = alloc_box $Int
%1 = mark_uninitialized [var] %7#1 : $*Int
// These assigns are a mix of init + store forms, but because Int is trivial,
// they all turn into stores.
assign %0 to %1 : $*Int
assign %0 to %1 : $*Int
assign %0 to %1 : $*Int
%2 = load %1 : $*Int
strong_release %7#0 : $@box Int
return %2 : $Int
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @assign_test_nontrivial
sil @assign_test_nontrivial : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
// Assignments of nontrivial types. The first becomes an initialize (i.e.,
// lone store), the second becomes an assignment (retain/release dance).
%b = alloc_box $SomeClass
%c = mark_uninitialized [var] %b#1 : $*SomeClass
%f = function_ref @getSomeClass : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned SomeClass
%4 = apply %f() : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned SomeClass
// CHECK: [[C1:%[0-9]+]] = apply
assign %4 to %c : $*SomeClass
// CHECK-NEXT: store
%8 = apply %f() : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned SomeClass
// CHECK-NEXT: [[C2:%[0-9]+]] = apply
assign %8 to %c : $*SomeClass
// CHECK-NEXT: load
// CHECK-NEXT: store [[C2]]
// CHECK-NEXT: strong_release
destroy_addr %c : $*SomeClass
// CHECK-NEXT: destroy_addr
dealloc_box %b#0 : $@box SomeClass
%11 = tuple ()
return %11 : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @assign_test_addressonly
sil @assign_test_addressonly : $@convention(thin) <T> (@out T, @in T) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $*T, %1 : $*T):
%b = alloc_box $T
%2 = mark_uninitialized [var] %b#1 : $*T
// CHECK: alloc_box
// This should become an initialization of %4
copy_addr %1 to %2 : $*T
// CHECK-NEXT: copy_addr %1 to [initialization] %2#1 : $*T
// This should stay an assignment of %4
copy_addr [take] %1 to %2 : $*T
// CHECK-NEXT: copy_addr [take] %1 to %2#1 : $*T
// This is a load, and shouldn't be changed.
copy_addr %2 to [initialization] %0 : $*T
// CHECK-NEXT: copy_addr %2#1 to [initialization] %0 : $*T
strong_release %b#0 : $@box T
// CHECK-NEXT: strong_release %2#0
%9 = tuple ()
return %9 : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @assign_test_weak
sil @assign_test_weak : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
// Assignments of weak pointer. The first becomes an initialize, and the
// second becomes an assignment.
%b = alloc_box $@sil_weak Optional<SomeClass>
%c = mark_uninitialized [var] %b#1 : $*@sil_weak Optional<SomeClass> // expected-note {{variable defined here}}
// Invalid load to keep the alloc_box around so we can check init semantics.
load %c : $*@sil_weak Optional<SomeClass> // expected-error {{used before being initialized}}
%f = function_ref @getSomeOptionalClass : $@convention(thin) () -> Optional<SomeClass>
%4 = apply %f() : $@convention(thin) () -> Optional<SomeClass>
// CHECK: [[C1:%[0-9]+]] = apply
// This should become an initialization.
store_weak %4 to %c : $*@sil_weak Optional<SomeClass>
// CHECK-NEXT: store_weak [[C1]] to [initialization] %0#1
release_value %4 : $Optional<SomeClass>
// CHECK-NEXT: release_value [[C1]]
%8 = apply %f() : $@convention(thin) () -> Optional<SomeClass>
// CHECK-NEXT: [[C2:%[0-9]+]] = apply
store_weak %8 to %c : $*@sil_weak Optional<SomeClass>
// CHECK-NEXT: store_weak [[C2]] to %0#1
release_value %8 : $Optional<SomeClass>
// CHECK-NEXT: release_value [[C2]]
strong_release %b#0 : $@box @sil_weak Optional<SomeClass>
%11 = tuple ()
return %11 : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @assign_test_unowned
sil @assign_test_unowned : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
// Assignments of unowned pointer. The first becomes an initialize, and the
// second becomes an assignment.
%b = alloc_box $@sil_unowned SomeClass
%c = mark_uninitialized [var] %b#1 : $*@sil_unowned SomeClass
%f = function_ref @getSomeClass : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned SomeClass
%4 = apply %f() : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned SomeClass
// CHECK: [[C1:%[0-9]+]] = apply
// This should become an initialization.
%5 = ref_to_unowned %4 : $SomeClass to $@sil_unowned SomeClass
// CHECK-NEXT: [[C1u:%[0-9]+]] = ref_to_unowned [[C1]]
unowned_retain %5 : $@sil_unowned SomeClass
// CHECK-NEXT: unowned_retain [[C1u]]
assign %5 to %c : $*@sil_unowned SomeClass
// CHECK-NEXT: store [[C1u]]
strong_release %4 : $SomeClass
// CHECK-NEXT: strong_release [[C1]]
%8 = apply %f() : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned SomeClass
// CHECK-NEXT: [[C2:%[0-9]+]] = apply
%9 = ref_to_unowned %8 : $SomeClass to $@sil_unowned SomeClass
// CHECK: [[C2u:%[0-9]+]] = ref_to_unowned [[C2]]
unowned_retain %9 : $@sil_unowned SomeClass
// CHECK-NEXT: unowned_retain [[C2u]]
assign %9 to %c : $*@sil_unowned SomeClass
// CHECK-NEXT: load
// CHECK-NEXT: store
// CHECK-NEXT: unowned_release
strong_release %8 : $SomeClass
// CHECK-NEXT: strong_release [[C2]]
destroy_addr %c : $*@sil_unowned SomeClass
dealloc_box %b#0 : $@box @sil_unowned SomeClass
%11 = tuple ()
return %11 : $()
struct ContainsNativeObject {
var x : Int
var y : Builtin.NativeObject
sil @test_struct : $@convention(thin) (@inout ContainsNativeObject) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $*ContainsNativeObject):
%b = alloc_box $ContainsNativeObject
%c = mark_uninitialized [var] %b#1 : $*ContainsNativeObject
%1 = load %0 : $*ContainsNativeObject
assign %1 to %c : $*ContainsNativeObject
strong_release %b#0 : $@box ContainsNativeObject
%x = tuple ()
return %x : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @non_box_assign_trivial
// CHECK-NOT: load
// CHECK: store
// CHECK: return
sil @non_box_assign_trivial : $@convention(thin) (@inout Bool, Bool) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $*Bool, %1 : $Bool):
assign %1 to %0 : $*Bool
%9 = tuple ()
return %9 : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @non_box_assign
// CHECK: load
// CHECK: store
// CHECK: return
sil @non_box_assign : $@convention(thin) (@inout SomeClass, @owned SomeClass) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $*SomeClass, %1 : $SomeClass):
assign %1 to %0 : $*SomeClass
%9 = tuple ()
return %9 : $()
sil_global @int_global : $Int
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @test_tlc
// CHECK-NOT: mark_uninitialized
// CHECK: return
sil @test_tlc : $() -> () {
%0 = global_addr @int_global : $*Int
%1 = mark_uninitialized [var] %0 : $*Int
%9 = tuple ()
return %9 : $()
struct XYStruct { var x, y : Int }
sil @init_xy_struct : $@convention(thin) () -> XYStruct
protocol P {}
class C : P {}
sil @use : $@convention(thin) (@in P) -> ()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @release_not_constructed
sil @release_not_constructed : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
bb0: // CHECK: bb0:
%3 = alloc_stack $SomeClass
// CHECK-NEXT: alloc_stack
%c = mark_uninitialized [var] %3#1 : $*SomeClass
// This should get removed.
destroy_addr %c : $*SomeClass
dealloc_stack %3#0 : $*@local_storage SomeClass
// CHECK-NEXT: dealloc_stack
// CHECK-NEXT: tuple ()
%15 = tuple ()
return %15 : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @release_some_constructed
sil @release_some_constructed : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
%0 = tuple ()
%b = alloc_stack $(SomeClass, SomeClass)
%1 = mark_uninitialized [var] %b#1 : $*(SomeClass, SomeClass)
%2 = function_ref @getSomeClass : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned SomeClass
%3 = apply %2() : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned SomeClass
%4 = tuple_element_addr %1 : $*(SomeClass, SomeClass), 0
store %3 to %4 : $*SomeClass
// CHECK: store
// Only Element #0 should get released.
// CHECK-NEXT: [[ELT0:%[0-9]+]] = tuple_element_addr {{.*}}, 0
// CHECK-NEXT: destroy_addr [[ELT0]]
destroy_addr %1 : $*(SomeClass, SomeClass)
// CHECK-NEXT: dealloc_stack
dealloc_stack %b#0 : $*@local_storage (SomeClass, SomeClass)
%8 = tuple ()
return %8 : $()
// rdar://15379013
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @init_existential_with_class
sil @init_existential_with_class : $@convention(thin) (@inout C) -> () {
entry(%a : $*C):
%p = alloc_stack $P
%b = mark_uninitialized [var] %p#1 : $*P
%q = init_existential_addr %b : $*P, $C
// CHECK: copy_addr {{.*}} to [initialization] %2 : $*C
copy_addr %a to [initialization] %q : $*C
%u = function_ref @use : $@convention(thin) (@in P) -> ()
%v = apply %u(%b) : $@convention(thin) (@in P) -> ()
dealloc_stack %p#0 : $*@local_storage P
%z = tuple ()
return %z : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @conditional_init
// This test checks conditional destruction logic. Because the value is only
// initialized on some paths, we need to either hoist up the destroy_addr or
// emit a boolean control value to make sure the value is only destroyed if
// actually initialized.
sil @conditional_init : $@convention(thin) (Bool) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $Bool):
%2 = alloc_stack $SomeClass
%3 = mark_uninitialized [var] %2#1 : $*SomeClass
// CHECK: [[CONTROL:%[0-9]+]] = alloc_stack $Builtin.Int1
// CHECK: [[ZERO:%[0-9]+]] = integer_literal $Builtin.Int1, 0
// CHECK: store [[ZERO]] to [[CONTROL]]#1 : $*Builtin.Int1
%5 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int1, 1
cond_br %5, bb1, bb2
// CHECK: bb1:
// CHECK: function_ref @getSomeClass
// CHECK: [[ONE:%[0-9]+]] = integer_literal $Builtin.Int1, -1
// CHECK: store [[ONE]] to [[CONTROL]]#1 : $*Builtin.Int1
%f = function_ref @getSomeClass : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned SomeClass
%6 = apply %f() : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned SomeClass
assign %6 to %3 : $*SomeClass
br bb2
destroy_addr %3 : $*SomeClass
dealloc_stack %2#0 : $*@local_storage SomeClass
%14 = tuple ()
return %14 : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @conditionalInitOrAssign
sil @conditionalInitOrAssign : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.Int1) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $Builtin.Int1):
// CHECK: [[CONTROL:%[0-9]+]] = alloc_stack $Builtin.Int1
// CHECK: [[CLASSVAL:%[0-9]+]] = alloc_stack $SomeClass
// CHECK: integer_literal $Builtin.Int1, 0
// CHECK: store
%5 = alloc_stack $SomeClass
%6 = mark_uninitialized [var] %5#1 : $*SomeClass
cond_br %0, bb1, bb2
// CHECK: = function_ref
%2 = function_ref @getSomeClass : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned SomeClass
// CHECK-NEXT: [[V1:%[0-9]+]] = apply
%12 = apply %2() : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned SomeClass
// This assign becomes a simple store, since it is an initialize. This updates
// the control variable to say that it is initialized.
// CHECK: integer_literal $Builtin.Int1, -1
// CHECK: store {{.*}} to [[CONTROL]]
// CHECK: store [[V1]] to [[CLASSVAL]]
assign %12 to %6 : $*SomeClass // id: %13
br bb2 // id: %14
// CHECK: = function_ref @getSomeClass : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned SomeClass
%3 = function_ref @getSomeClass : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned SomeClass
// CHECK-NEXT: [[V2:%[0-9]+]] = apply
%17 = apply %3() : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned SomeClass
// This assign is either an initialize or an assign depending on whether %0 is
// true or not. This gets expanded out to a conditional destroy of the value.
// CHECK: load [[CONTROL]]
// CHECK: cond_br
// CHECK: bb3:
// CHECK: destroy_addr [[CLASSVAL]]
// CHECK: br bb4
// CHECK: bb4:
// CHECK: store [[V2]] to [[CLASSVAL]]
assign %17 to %6 : $*SomeClass // id: %18
destroy_addr %6 : $*SomeClass // id: %19
dealloc_stack %5#0 : $*@local_storage SomeClass // id: %20
%23 = tuple () // user: %24
return %23 : $() // id: %24
/// Root class tests.
class RootClassWithIVars {
var x: Int // expected-note {{'self.x' not initialized}}
var y: Int
var z: (Int, Int) // expected-note 2 {{'self.z.1' not initialized}} expected-note {{'self.z.0' not initialized}}
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @rootclass_test1
sil @rootclass_test1 : $@convention(method) (@owned RootClassWithIVars, Int) -> @owned RootClassWithIVars {
bb0(%0 : $RootClassWithIVars, %1 : $Int):
%3 = mark_uninitialized [rootself] %0 : $RootClassWithIVars
%10 = ref_element_addr %3 : $RootClassWithIVars, #RootClassWithIVars.x
assign %1 to %10 : $*Int
%11 = ref_element_addr %3 : $RootClassWithIVars, #RootClassWithIVars.y
assign %1 to %11 : $*Int
%12 = ref_element_addr %3 : $RootClassWithIVars, #RootClassWithIVars.z
%13 = tuple_element_addr %12 : $*(Int, Int), 0
assign %1 to %13 : $*Int
%14 = tuple_element_addr %12 : $*(Int, Int), 1
assign %1 to %14 : $*Int
return %3 : $RootClassWithIVars
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @rootclass_test2
sil @rootclass_test2 : $@convention(method) (@owned RootClassWithIVars, Int) -> @owned RootClassWithIVars {
bb0(%0 : $RootClassWithIVars, %1 : $Int):
%3 = mark_uninitialized [rootself] %0 : $RootClassWithIVars
%10 = ref_element_addr %3 : $RootClassWithIVars, #RootClassWithIVars.x
assign %1 to %10 : $*Int
%11 = ref_element_addr %3 : $RootClassWithIVars, #RootClassWithIVars.y
assign %1 to %11 : $*Int
%12 = ref_element_addr %3 : $RootClassWithIVars, #RootClassWithIVars.z
%13 = tuple_element_addr %12 : $*(Int, Int), 0
assign %1 to %13 : $*Int
return %3 : $RootClassWithIVars // expected-error {{return from initializer without initializing all stored properties}}
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @rootclass_test3
sil @rootclass_test3 : $@convention(method) (@owned RootClassWithIVars, Int) -> @owned RootClassWithIVars {
bb0(%0 : $RootClassWithIVars, %1 : $Int):
%3 = mark_uninitialized [rootself] %0 : $RootClassWithIVars
%11 = ref_element_addr %3 : $RootClassWithIVars, #RootClassWithIVars.y
assign %1 to %11 : $*Int
return %3 : $RootClassWithIVars // expected-error {{return from initializer without initializing all stored properties}}
class DerivedClassWithIVars : RootClassWithIVars {
var a: Int
override init()
sil @superinit : $@convention(method) (@owned RootClassWithIVars) -> @owned RootClassWithIVars
sil @derived_test1 : $@convention(method) (@owned DerivedClassWithIVars) -> @owned DerivedClassWithIVars {
bb0(%0 : $DerivedClassWithIVars):
%1 = alloc_box $DerivedClassWithIVars
%3 = mark_uninitialized [derivedself] %1#1 : $*DerivedClassWithIVars
store %0 to %3 : $*DerivedClassWithIVars
// Get an int
%5 = function_ref @makesInt : $@convention(thin) () -> Int
%7 = apply %5() : $@convention(thin) () -> Int
// Initialize the 'a' ivar with the int.
%8 = load %3 : $*DerivedClassWithIVars
%9 = ref_element_addr %8 : $DerivedClassWithIVars, #DerivedClassWithIVars.a
assign %7 to %9 : $*Int
%11 = load %3 : $*DerivedClassWithIVars
%13 = upcast %11 : $DerivedClassWithIVars to $RootClassWithIVars
%14 = function_ref @superinit : $@convention(method) (@owned RootClassWithIVars) -> @owned RootClassWithIVars
%15 = apply %14(%13) : $@convention(method) (@owned RootClassWithIVars) -> @owned RootClassWithIVars
%16 = unconditional_checked_cast %15 : $RootClassWithIVars to $DerivedClassWithIVars
assign %16 to %3 : $*DerivedClassWithIVars
%18 = load %3 : $*DerivedClassWithIVars
strong_retain %18 : $DerivedClassWithIVars
strong_release %1#0 : $@box DerivedClassWithIVars
return %18 : $DerivedClassWithIVars
sil @derived_test2 : $@convention(method) (@owned DerivedClassWithIVars) -> @owned DerivedClassWithIVars {
bb0(%0 : $DerivedClassWithIVars):
%1 = alloc_box $DerivedClassWithIVars
%3 = mark_uninitialized [derivedself] %1#1 : $*DerivedClassWithIVars
store %0 to %3 : $*DerivedClassWithIVars
%11 = load %3 : $*DerivedClassWithIVars
%13 = upcast %11 : $DerivedClassWithIVars to $RootClassWithIVars
%14 = function_ref @superinit : $@convention(method) (@owned RootClassWithIVars) -> @owned RootClassWithIVars
%15 = apply %14(%13) : $@convention(method) (@owned RootClassWithIVars) -> @owned RootClassWithIVars // expected-error {{property 'self.a' not initialized at super.init call}}
%16 = unconditional_checked_cast %15 : $RootClassWithIVars to $DerivedClassWithIVars
assign %16 to %3 : $*DerivedClassWithIVars
%18 = load %3 : $*DerivedClassWithIVars
strong_retain %18 : $DerivedClassWithIVars
strong_release %1#0 : $@box DerivedClassWithIVars
return %18 : $DerivedClassWithIVars
struct MyStruct : P {}
//CHECK-LABEL: @self_init_assert_instruction
//CHECK: apply
//CHECK-NEXT: store
//CHECK-NEXT: load
//CHECK: return
sil @self_init_assert_instruction : $@convention(thin) (Int, @thin MyStruct.Type) -> MyStruct {
bb0(%0 : $Int, %1 : $@thin MyStruct.Type):
%2 = alloc_stack $MyStruct, var, name "sf" // users: %3, %10
%3 = mark_uninitialized [delegatingself] %2#1 : $*MyStruct // users: %8, %9
debug_value %0 : $Int, let, name "i" // id: %4
%6 = function_ref @selfinit : $@convention(thin) () -> MyStruct
%7 = apply %6() : $@convention(thin) () -> MyStruct
assign %7 to %3 : $*MyStruct
%9 = load %3 : $*MyStruct
dealloc_stack %2#0 : $*@local_storage MyStruct
return %9 : $MyStruct
sil @selfinit : $@convention(thin) () -> MyStruct // user: %7
struct MyStruct2 {
var x: P
init(delegate: ())
sil @selfinit_delegate : $@convention(thin) (@out MyStruct2, @thin MyStruct2.Type) -> ()
// <rdar://problem/18089574> Protocol member in struct + delegating init miscompilation
// CHECK-LABEL: @self_init_copyaddr
sil @self_init_copyaddr : $@convention(thin) (@out MyStruct2, @thin MyStruct2.Type) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $*MyStruct2, %1 : $@thin MyStruct2.Type):
// CHECK: [[SELF:%[0-9]+]] = alloc_stack $MyStruct2
%2 = alloc_stack $MyStruct2, var, name "sf"
%3 = mark_uninitialized [delegatingself] %2#1 : $*MyStruct2
%6 = metatype $@thin MyStruct2.Type
%7 = function_ref @selfinit_delegate : $@convention(thin) (@out MyStruct2, @thin MyStruct2.Type) -> ()
%8 = alloc_stack $MyStruct2
// Make sure this copy_addr ends up being an initialization.
apply %7(%8#1, %6) : $@convention(thin) (@out MyStruct2, @thin MyStruct2.Type) -> ()
copy_addr [take] %8#1 to %3 : $*MyStruct2
dealloc_stack %8#0 : $*@local_storage MyStruct2
// CHECK: apply
// CHECK-NEXT: copy_addr [take] {{.*}} to [initialization] [[SELF]]#1 : $*MyStruct2
// CHECK-NEXT: dealloc_stack
copy_addr [take] %3 to [initialization] %0 : $*MyStruct2
%13 = tuple ()
dealloc_stack %2#0 : $*@local_storage MyStruct2
return %13 : $()
class RootClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties {
var x, y: SomeClass
class DerivedClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties : RootClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties {
var a, b: SomeClass
override init()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @test_root_release
// CHECK: bb0(%0 : $RootClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties):
// CHECK-NEXT: [[METATYPE:%[0-9]+]] = metatype $@thick RootClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties.Type
// CHECK-NEXT: dealloc_partial_ref %0 : $RootClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties, [[METATYPE]] : $@thick RootClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties.Type
sil @test_root_release : $@convention(method) (@owned RootClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $RootClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties):
%4 = mark_uninitialized [rootself] %0 : $RootClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties
strong_release %4 : $RootClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties
%13 = tuple ()
return %13 : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @test_root_partial_release
// CHECK: bb0(%0 : $RootClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties):
// CHECK-NEXT: alloc_ref
// CHECK-NEXT: ref_element_addr
// CHECK-NEXT: store
// CHECK-NEXT: ref_element_addr
// CHECK-NEXT: destroy_addr
// CHECK-NEXT: [[METATYPE:%[0-9]+]] = metatype $@thick RootClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties.Type
// CHECK-NEXT: dealloc_partial_ref %0 : $RootClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties, [[METATYPE]] : $@thick RootClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties.Type
sil @test_root_partial_release : $@convention(method) (@owned RootClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $RootClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties):
%4 = mark_uninitialized [rootself] %0 : $RootClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties
%1 = alloc_ref $SomeClass
%2 = ref_element_addr %4 : $RootClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties, #RootClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties.x
assign %1 to %2 : $*SomeClass
strong_release %4 : $RootClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties
%13 = tuple ()
return %13 : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @test_derived_release
// CHECK: bb0(%0 : $DerivedClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties):
// CHECK-NEXT: [[SELFBOX:%[0-9]+]] = alloc_stack
// CHECK-NEXT: store
// CHECK-NEXT: [[SELF:%[0-9]+]] = load [[SELFBOX]]#1
// CHECK-NEXT: [[METATYPE:%[0-9]+]] = metatype $@thick DerivedClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties.Type
// CHECK-NEXT: dealloc_partial_ref [[SELF]] : $DerivedClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties, [[METATYPE]] : $@thick DerivedClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties.Type
// CHECK-NEXT: dealloc_stack [[SELFBOX]]
sil @test_derived_release : $@convention(method) (@owned DerivedClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $DerivedClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties):
%1 = alloc_stack $DerivedClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties
%4 = mark_uninitialized [derivedself] %1#1 : $*DerivedClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties
store %0 to %4 : $*DerivedClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties
destroy_addr %4 : $*DerivedClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties
dealloc_stack %1#0 : $*@local_storage DerivedClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties
%13 = tuple ()
return %13 : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @test_derived_partial_release
// CHECK: bb0(%0 : $DerivedClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties):
// CHECK-NEXT: [[SELFBOX:%[0-9]+]] = alloc_stack
// CHECK-NEXT: store
// CHECK-NEXT: alloc_ref
// CHECK-NEXT: [[SELF:%[0-9]+]] = load [[SELFBOX]]#1
// CHECK-NEXT: ref_element_addr [[SELF]]
// CHECK-NEXT: store
// CHECK-NEXT: [[SELF:%[0-9]+]] = load [[SELFBOX]]#1
// CHECK-NEXT: ref_element_addr [[SELF]]
// CHECK-NEXT: destroy_addr
// CHECK-NEXT: [[SELF:%[0-9]+]] = load [[SELFBOX]]#1
// CHECK-NEXT: [[METATYPE:%[0-9]+]] = metatype $@thick DerivedClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties.Type
// CHECK-NEXT: dealloc_partial_ref [[SELF]] : $DerivedClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties, [[METATYPE]] : $@thick DerivedClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties.Type
// CHECK-NEXT: dealloc_stack [[SELFBOX]]
sil @test_derived_partial_release : $@convention(method) (@owned DerivedClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $DerivedClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties):
%1 = alloc_stack $DerivedClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties
%4 = mark_uninitialized [derivedself] %1#1 : $*DerivedClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties
store %0 to %4 : $*DerivedClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties
%8 = alloc_ref $SomeClass
%9 = load %4 : $*DerivedClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties
%10 = ref_element_addr %9 : $DerivedClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties, #DerivedClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties.a
assign %8 to %10 : $*SomeClass
destroy_addr %4 : $*DerivedClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties
dealloc_stack %1#0 : $*@local_storage DerivedClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties
%13 = tuple ()
return %13 : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @test_delegating_box_release
// CHECK: bb0(%0 : $RootClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties):
// CHECK-NEXT: [[SELFBOX:%[0-9]+]] = alloc_box $RootClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties
// CHECK-NEXT: store %0 to [[SELFBOX]]#1
// CHECK-NEXT: [[SELF:%[0-9]+]] = load [[SELFBOX]]#1
// CHECK-NEXT: [[METATYPE:%[0-9]+]] = value_metatype $@thick RootClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties.Type, [[SELF]] : $RootClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties
// CHECK-NEXT: dealloc_partial_ref [[SELF]] : $RootClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties, [[METATYPE]] : $@thick RootClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties.Type
// CHECK-NEXT: dealloc_box [[SELFBOX]]#0
sil @test_delegating_box_release : $@convention(method) (@owned RootClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $RootClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties):
%2 = alloc_box $RootClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties
%4 = mark_uninitialized [delegatingself] %2#1 : $*RootClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties
store %0 to %4 : $*RootClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties
strong_release %2#0 : $@box RootClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties
%13 = tuple ()
return %13 : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @test_delegating_rvalue_release
// CHECK: bb0(%0 : $RootClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties):
// CHECK-NEXT: [[SELFBOX:%[0-9]+]] = alloc_box $RootClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties
// CHECK-NEXT: store %0 to [[SELFBOX]]#1
// CHECK-NEXT: [[SELF:%[0-9]+]] = load [[SELFBOX]]#1
// CHECK-NEXT: [[METATYPE:%[0-9]+]] = value_metatype $@thick RootClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties.Type, [[SELF]] : $RootClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties
// CHECK-NEXT: dealloc_partial_ref [[SELF]] : $RootClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties, [[METATYPE]] : $@thick RootClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties.Type
// CHECK-NEXT: [[SELF2:%[0-9]+]] = load [[SELFBOX]]#1
// CHECK-NEXT: [[METATYPE2:%[0-9]+]] = value_metatype $@thick RootClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties.Type, [[SELF2]] : $RootClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties
// CHECK-NEXT: dealloc_partial_ref [[SELF2]] : $RootClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties, [[METATYPE2]] : $@thick RootClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties.Type
// CHECK-NEXT: dealloc_box [[SELFBOX]]#0
sil @test_delegating_rvalue_release : $@convention(method) (@owned RootClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $RootClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties):
%2 = alloc_box $RootClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties
%4 = mark_uninitialized [delegatingself] %2#1 : $*RootClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties
store %0 to %4 : $*RootClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties
%6 = load %4 : $*RootClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties
strong_release %6 : $RootClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties
strong_release %2#0 : $@box RootClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties
%13 = tuple ()
return %13 : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @test_delegating_derived_release
// CHECK: bb0(%0 : $DerivedClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties):
// CHECK-NEXT: [[SELFBOX:%[0-9]+]] = alloc_stack $DerivedClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties
// CHECK-NEXT: store %0 to [[SELFBOX]]#1
// CHECK-NEXT: [[SELF:%[0-9]+]] = load [[SELFBOX]]#1
// CHECK-NEXT: [[METATYPE:%[0-9]+]] = value_metatype $@thick DerivedClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties.Type, [[SELF]] : $DerivedClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties
// CHECK-NEXT: dealloc_partial_ref [[SELF]] : $DerivedClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties, [[METATYPE]] : $@thick DerivedClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties.Type
// CHECK-NEXT: dealloc_stack [[SELFBOX]]#0
sil @test_delegating_derived_release : $@convention(method) (@owned DerivedClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $DerivedClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties):
%2 = alloc_stack $DerivedClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties
%4 = mark_uninitialized [delegatingself] %2#1 : $*DerivedClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties
store %0 to %4 : $*DerivedClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties
destroy_addr %4 : $*DerivedClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties
dealloc_stack %2#0 : $*@local_storage DerivedClassWithNontrivialStoredProperties
%13 = tuple ()
return %13 : $()
// <rdar://problem/18199087> DI doesn't catch use of super properties lexically inside super.init call
sil @super_init_out_of_order : $@convention(method) (@owned DerivedClassWithIVars, Int) -> @owned DerivedClassWithIVars {
bb0(%0 : $DerivedClassWithIVars, %i : $Int):
%1 = alloc_box $DerivedClassWithIVars
%3 = mark_uninitialized [derivedself] %1#1 : $*DerivedClassWithIVars
store %0 to %3 : $*DerivedClassWithIVars
// Initialize properties in derived class.
%8 = load %3 : $*DerivedClassWithIVars
%9 = ref_element_addr %8 : $DerivedClassWithIVars, #DerivedClassWithIVars.a
assign %i to %9 : $*Int
// Get the super.init function information, but don't apply it.
%11 = load %3 : $*DerivedClassWithIVars
%13 = upcast %11 : $DerivedClassWithIVars to $RootClassWithIVars
%14 = function_ref @superinit : $@convention(method) (@owned RootClassWithIVars) -> @owned RootClassWithIVars
// Access a super property before super.init is called.
%a = load %3 : $*DerivedClassWithIVars
%b = upcast %11 : $DerivedClassWithIVars to $RootClassWithIVars
%c = ref_element_addr %b : $RootClassWithIVars, #RootClassWithIVars.x // expected-error {{use of 'self' in property access 'x' before super.init initializes self}}
load %c : $*Int
// Call super.init.
%15 = apply %14(%13) : $@convention(method) (@owned RootClassWithIVars) -> @owned RootClassWithIVars
%16 = unconditional_checked_cast %15 : $RootClassWithIVars to $DerivedClassWithIVars
assign %16 to %3 : $*DerivedClassWithIVars
%18 = load %3 : $*DerivedClassWithIVars
strong_retain %18 : $DerivedClassWithIVars
strong_release %1#0 : $@box DerivedClassWithIVars
return %18 : $DerivedClassWithIVars
// <rdar://problem/20608881> DI miscompiles this testcase into a memory leak
struct MyStruct3 {
@sil_stored var c: C
sil @selfinit_mystruct3 : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned MyStruct3
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @test_conditional_destroy_delegating_init
sil hidden @test_conditional_destroy_delegating_init : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.Int1) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $Builtin.Int1):
// CHECK: [[CONTROL:%[0-9]+]] = alloc_stack $Builtin.Int1
// CHECK-NEXT: [[SELF_BOX:%[0-9]+]] = alloc_stack $MyStruct3
%2 = alloc_stack $MyStruct3
%3 = mark_uninitialized [delegatingself] %2#1 : $*MyStruct3
// CHECK: cond_br %0, [[SUCCESS:bb[0-9]+]], [[EXIT:bb[0-9]+]]
cond_br %0, bb1, bb2
%9 = function_ref @selfinit_mystruct3 : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned MyStruct3
%10 = apply %9() : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned MyStruct3
assign %10 to %3 : $*MyStruct3
// CHECK: [[NEW_SELF:%[0-9]+]] = apply {{.*}}() : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned MyStruct3
// CHECK-NEXT: [[SET:%[0-9]+]] = integer_literal $Builtin.Int1, -1
// CHECK-NEXT: store [[SET]] to [[CONTROL]]#1 : $*Builtin.Int1
// CHECK-NEXT: store [[NEW_SELF]] to [[SELF_BOX]]#1 : $*MyStruct3
// CHECK-NEXT: br [[CHECK:bb[0-9]+]]
br bb2
// CHECK: [[CHECK]]:
// CHECK-NEXT: [[BIT:%[0-9]+]] = load [[CONTROL]]#1 : $*Builtin.Int1
// CHECK-NEXT: cond_br [[BIT]], [[INITIALIZED:bb[0-9]+]], [[UNINITIALIZED:bb[0-9]+]]
// CHECK-NEXT: destroy_addr [[SELF_BOX]]#1 : $*MyStruct3
// CHECK-NEXT: br [[EXIT:bb[0-9]+]]
// CHECK-NEXT: br [[EXIT]]
// CHECK: [[EXIT]]:
destroy_addr %3 : $*MyStruct3
dealloc_stack %2#0 : $*@local_storage MyStruct3
%15 = tuple ()
return %15 : $()
// <rdar://problem/21991742> DI miscompiles this testcase into a double free
class MyClass3 {
sil @selfinit_myclass3 : $@convention(thin) (@owned MyClass3) -> @owned MyClass3
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @test_conditional_destroy_class_delegating_init
sil hidden @test_conditional_destroy_class_delegating_init : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.Int1) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $Builtin.Int1):
// CHECK: [[CONTROL:%[0-9]+]] = alloc_stack $Builtin.Int1
// CHECK-NEXT: [[SELF_BOX:%[0-9]+]] = alloc_stack $MyClass3
%2 = alloc_stack $MyClass3
%3 = mark_uninitialized [delegatingself] %2#1 : $*MyClass3
// CHECK: cond_br %0, [[SUCCESS:bb[0-9]+]], [[EXIT:bb[0-9]+]]
cond_br %0, bb1, bb2
%4 = load %3 : $*MyClass3
%5 = function_ref @selfinit_myclass3 : $@convention(thin) (@owned MyClass3) -> @owned MyClass3
%6 = apply %5(%4) : $@convention(thin) (@owned MyClass3) -> @owned MyClass3
store %6 to %3 : $*MyClass3
// CHECK: [[SET:%[0-9]+]] = integer_literal $Builtin.Int1, -1
// CHECK-NEXT: store [[SET]] to [[CONTROL]]#1 : $*Builtin.Int1
// CHECK: [[NEW_SELF:%[0-9]+]] = apply {{.*}}({{.*}}) : $@convention(thin) (@owned MyClass3) -> @owned MyClass3
// CHECK-NEXT: store [[NEW_SELF]] to [[SELF_BOX]]#1 : $*MyClass3
// CHECK-NEXT: br [[CHECK:bb[0-9]+]]
br bb2
// CHECK: [[CHECK]]:
// CHECK-NEXT: [[BIT:%[0-9]+]] = load [[CONTROL]]#1 : $*Builtin.Int1
// CHECK-NEXT: cond_br [[BIT]], [[INITIALIZED:bb[0-9]+]], [[UNINITIALIZED:bb[0-9]+]]
// CHECK-NEXT: destroy_addr [[SELF_BOX]]#1 : $*MyClass3
// CHECK-NEXT: br [[EXIT:bb[0-9]+]]
// CHECK-NEXT: [[OLD_SELF:%[0-9]+]] = load [[SELF_BOX]]#1 : $*MyClass3
// CHECK-NEXT: [[METATYPE:%[0-9]+]] = value_metatype $@thick MyClass3.Type, [[OLD_SELF]] : $MyClass3
// CHECK-NEXT: dealloc_partial_ref [[OLD_SELF]] : $MyClass3, [[METATYPE]] : $@thick MyClass3.Type
// CHECK-NEXT: br [[EXIT]]
// CHECK: [[EXIT]]:
destroy_addr %3 : $*MyClass3
dealloc_stack %2#0 : $*@local_storage MyClass3
%7 = tuple ()
return %7 : $()