blob: 3b3aaaa645c575eaf81e1e639e308e2106aed349 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -emit-silgen -emit-verbose-sil %s | FileCheck %s
// Test if 'transparent' attribute gets propagated correctly to apply instructions.
// Test that the attribute gets set on default argument generators.
@_transparent func transparentFuncWithDefaultArgument (x: Int = 1) -> Int {
return x
func useTransparentFuncWithDefaultArgument() ->Int {
return transparentFuncWithDefaultArgument();
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_TF21transparent_attribute37useTransparentFuncWithDefaultArgumentFT_Si
// CHECK: apply {{.*}} line:10:44
// CHECK: apply {{.*}} line:10:10
// CHECK: return
func transparentFuncWithoutDefaultArgument (x: Int = 1) -> Int {
return x
func useTransparentFuncWithoutDefaultArgument() -> Int {
return transparentFuncWithoutDefaultArgument();
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @_TF21transparent_attribute40useTransparentFuncWithoutDefaultArgumentFT_Si
// CHECK: apply {{.*}} line:23:47
// CHECK-NOT: transparent
// CHECK: apply {{.*}} line:23:10
// CHECK: return
// Make sure the transparent attribute is set on constructors (allocating and initializing).
struct StructWithTranspConstructor {
@_transparent init () {}
func testStructWithTranspConstructor() -> StructWithTranspConstructor {
return StructWithTranspConstructor()
// transparent_attribute.StructWithTranspConstructor.constructor
// CHECK-APPLY: sil hidden @_TFV21transparent_attribute27StructWithTranspConstructorC
// testStructWithTranspConstructor
// CHECK-APPLY: _T21transparent_attribute31testStructWithTranspConstructorFT_VS_27StructWithTranspConstructor
// CHECK: apply {{.*}} line:38:10
struct MySt {}
var _x = MySt()
var x1 : MySt {
get {
return _x
set {
_x = newValue
var x2 : MySt {
set(v) {
_x = v
get {
return _x
func testProperty(z: MySt) {
x1 = z
x2 = z
var m1 : MySt = x1;
var m2 : MySt = x2;
// CHECK-APPLY: sil hidden @_TF21transparent_attribute12testPropertyFT1zVS_4MySt_T_
// CHECK: function_ref @_TF21transparent_attributes2x1VS_4MySt
// CHECK-NEXT: apply
// CHECK: function_ref @_TF21transparent_attributes2x2VS_4MySt
// CHECK-NEXT: apply
// CHECK: function_ref @_TF21transparent_attributeg2x1VS_4MySt
// CHECK-NEXT: apply
// CHECK: function_ref @_TF21transparent_attributeg2x2VS_4MySt
// CHECK-NEXT: apply
var _tr2 = MySt()
var _tr3 = MySt()
struct MyTranspStruct {}
@_transparent extension MyTranspStruct {
init(input : MySt) {}
func tr1() {}
var tr2: MySt {
get {
return _tr2
set {
_tr2 = newValue
extension MyTranspStruct {
var tr3: MySt {
get {
return _tr3
set {
_tr3 = newValue
func testStructExtension() {
var c : MyTranspStruct = MyTranspStruct(input: _x)
var s : MySt = c.tr2
var t : MySt = c.tr3
// CHECK-APPLY: sil hidden @_TF21transparent_attribute13testStructExtensionFT_T_
// CHECK: [[INIT:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @_TFV21transparent_attribute14MyTranspStructC
// CHECK: apply [[INIT]]
// CHECK: [[TR1:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @_TFV21transparent_attribute14MyTranspStruct3tr1
// CHECK: apply [[TR1]]
// CHECK: [[TR2:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @_TFV21transparent_attribute14MyTranspStructg3tr2VS_4MySt
// CHECK: apply [[TR2]]
// CHECK: [[TR3:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @_TFV21transparent_attribute14MyTranspStructg3tr3VS_4MySt
// CHECK: apply [[TR3]]
enum MyEnum {
case onetransp
case twotransp
@_transparent extension MyEnum {
func tr3() {}
func testEnumExtension() {
// CHECK-APPLY: sil hidden @_TF21transparent_attribute17testEnumExtensionFT_T_
// CHECK: [[TR3:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @_TFO21transparent_attribute6MyEnum3tr3
// CHECK: [[INIT:%[0-9]+]] = enum $MyEnum, #MyEnum.onetransp!enumelt
// CHECK: apply [[TR3]]([[INIT]])
struct testVarDecl {
@_transparent var max: Int {
get {
return 0xFF
set {
max = 0xFF
func testVarDeclFoo () {
var z: Int = max
// CHECK-APPLY: sil hidden @_TFV21transparent_attribute11testVarDecl14testVarDeclFoo
// CHECK: [[TR4:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @_TFV21transparent_attribute11testVarDeclg3maxSi
// CHECK: apply [[TR4]]
struct testVarDeclShortenedSyntax {
@_transparent static var max: Int { return 0xFF };
func testVarDeclShortenedSyntaxfoo () {
var z: Int = testVarDeclShortenedSyntax.max
// CHECK-APPLY: sil hidden @_TFV21transparent_attribute26testVarDeclShortenedSyntax29testVarDeclShortenedSyntaxfoo
// CHECK: [[TR5:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @_TZFV21transparent_attribute26testVarDeclShortenedSyntaxg3maxSi
// CHECK: apply [[TR5]]
@_transparent var transparentOnGlobalVar: Int {
get {
return 0xFF
// CHECK: sil hidden [transparent] @_TF21transparent_attributeg22transparentOnGlobalVarSi
// Local functions in transparent context have public linkage.
@_transparent func foo() {
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @_TFF21transparent_attribute3fooFT_T_L_3barFT_T_ : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
func bar() {}
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @_TFF21transparent_attribute3fooFT_T_U_FT_T_ : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
let f: () -> () = {}
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @_TFF21transparent_attribute3fooFT_T_L_3zimFT_T_ : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
func zim() {
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @_TFFF21transparent_attribute3fooFT_T_L_3zimFT_T_L_4zangFT_T_ : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
func zang() {