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//===--- Constraint.h - Constraint in the Type Checker ----------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2015 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file provides the \c Constraint class and its related types,
// which is used by the constraint-based type checker to describe a
// constraint that must be solved.
#include "OverloadChoice.h"
#include "swift/AST/Identifier.h"
#include "swift/AST/Type.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ilist.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ilist_node.h"
namespace llvm {
class raw_ostream;
namespace swift {
class ProtocolDecl;
class SourceManager;
class TypeVariableType;
namespace constraints {
class ConstraintLocator;
class ConstraintSystem;
/// \brief Describes the kind of constraint placed on one or more types.
enum class ConstraintKind : char {
/// \brief The two types must be bound to the same type. This is the only
/// truly symmetric constraint.
/// \brief The two types must be bound to the same type, dropping
/// lvalueness when comparing a type variable to a type.
/// \brief The first type is the type of a function parameter; the second
/// type is the type of a reference to that parameter from within the
/// function body. Specifically, the left type is an inout type iff the right
/// type is an lvalue type with the same object type. Otherwise, the two
/// types must be the same type.
/// \brief The first type is a subtype of the second type, i.e., a value
/// of the type of the first type can be used wherever a value of the
/// second type is expected.
/// \brief The first type is convertible to the second type.
/// \brief The first type is convertible to the second type using an 'as'
/// statement. This differs from 'Conversion' in that it also allows bridging.
/// \brief The first type is the element of an argument tuple that is
/// convertible to the second type (which represents the corresponding
/// parameter type).
/// \brief The first type is an argument type (or tuple) that is convertible
/// to the second type (which represents the parameter type/tuple).
/// An argument tuple conversion for operators.
/// \brief The first type is convertible to the second type, including inout.
/// \brief The first type must conform to the second type (which is a
/// protocol type).
/// A checked cast from the first type to the second.
/// \brief The first type can act as the Self type of the second type (which
/// is a protocol).
/// This constraint is slightly looser than a conforms-to constraint, because
/// an existential can be used as the Self of any protocol within the
/// existential, even if it doesn't conform to that protocol (e.g., due to
/// the use of associated types).
/// \brief Both types are function types. The first function type's
/// input is the value being passed to the function and its output
/// is a type variable that describes the output. The second
/// function type is expected to become a function type. Note, we
/// do not require the function type attributes to match.
/// \brief The first type is the type of the dynamicType member of the
/// second type.
/// \brief Binds the left-hand type to a particular overload choice.
/// \brief The first type has a member with the given name, and the
/// type of that member, when referenced as a value, is the second type.
/// \brief The first type (which is implicit) has a member with the given
/// name, and the type of that member, when referenced as a value, is the
/// second type.
/// \brief The first type has a type member with the given name, and the
/// type of that member, when referenced as a type, is the second type.
/// \brief The first type must be an archetype.
/// \brief The first type is a class or an archetype of a class-bound
/// protocol.
/// \brief The first type implements the _BridgedToObjectiveC protocol.
/// \brief The first type can be defaulted to the second (which currently
/// cannot be dependent). This is more like a type property than a
/// relational constraint.
/// \brief A disjunction constraint that specifies that one or more of the
/// stored constraints must hold.
/// \brief The first type is an optional type whose object type is the second
/// type, preserving lvalue-ness.
/// \brief Classification of the different kinds of constraints.
enum class ConstraintClassification : char {
/// \brief A relational constraint, which relates two types.
/// \brief A member constraint, which names a member of a type and assigns
/// it a reference type.
/// \brief An property of a single type, such as whether it is an archetype.
/// \brief A disjunction constraint.
/// Specifies a restriction on the kind of conversion that should be
/// performed between the types in a constraint.
/// It's common for there to be multiple potential conversions that can
/// apply between two types, e.g., given class types A and B, there might be
/// a superclass conversion from A to B or there might be a user-defined
/// conversion from A to B. The solver may need to explore both paths.
enum class ConversionRestrictionKind {
/// Tuple-to-tuple conversion.
/// Scalar-to-tuple conversion.
/// Tuple-to-scalar conversion.
/// Deep equality comparison.
/// Subclass-to-superclass conversion.
/// Class metatype to AnyObject conversion.
/// Existential metatype to AnyObject conversion.
/// Protocol value metatype to Protocol class conversion.
/// Inout-to-pointer conversion.
/// Array-to-pointer conversion.
/// String-to-pointer conversion.
/// Pointer-to-pointer conversion.
/// Lvalue-to-rvalue conversion.
/// Value to existential value conversion, or existential erasure.
/// Metatype to existential metatype conversion.
/// T -> U? value to optional conversion (or to implicitly unwrapped optional).
/// T? -> U? optional to optional conversion (or unchecked to unchecked).
/// T! -> U? unchecked-optional to optional conversion
/// T? -> U! optional to implicitly unwrapped optional conversion
/// Implicit forces of implicitly unwrapped optionals to their presumed values
/// Implicit upcast conversion of array types.
/// Implicit upcast conversion of dictionary types, which includes
/// bridging.
/// Implicit upcast conversion of set types, which includes bridging.
/// Implicit bridging from a value type to an Objective-C class.
/// Explicit bridging from an Objective-C class to a value type.
/// Explicit bridging from an ErrorType to an Objective-C NSError.
/// Implicit conversion from a CF type to its toll-free-bridged Objective-C
/// class type.
/// Implicit conversion from an Objective-C class type to its
/// toll-free-bridged CF type.
/// Return a string representation of a conversion restriction.
llvm::StringRef getName(ConversionRestrictionKind kind);
/// Should we record which choice was taken in this disjunction for
/// the purposes of applying it later?
enum RememberChoice_t : bool {
ForgetChoice = false,
RememberChoice = true
/// Describes the kind of fix to apply to the given constraint before
/// visiting it.
enum class FixKind : uint8_t {
/// No fix, which is used as a placeholder indicating that future processing
/// of this constraint should not attempt fixes.
/// Introduce a '!' to force an optional unwrap.
/// Append 'as! T' to force a downcast to the specified type.
/// Introduce a '&' to take the address of an lvalue.
/// Remove a no-argument call to something that is not a function.
/// Relabel a tuple due to a tuple-to-scalar conversion.
/// Relabel a tuple due to a scalar-to-tuple conversion.
/// Relabel a tuple due to a call
/// Introduce a '!= nil' to convert an Optional to a Boolean expression.
/// Replace a use of 'fromRaw' with an initializer requirement.
/// Replace a call of 'toRaw' with a reference to 'rawValue'.
/// Replace a call of 'X.allZeros' with a reference to 'X()'.
/// Replace a coercion ('as') with a forced checked cast ('as!').
/// Describes a fix that can be applied to a constraint before visiting it.
class Fix {
FixKind Kind;
uint16_t Data;
Fix(FixKind kind, uint16_t data) : Kind(kind), Data(data){ }
uint16_t getData() const { return Data; }
friend class Constraint;
Fix() : Kind(FixKind::None), Data(0) { }
Fix(FixKind kind) : Kind(kind), Data(0) {
assert(!isRelabelTuple() && "Use getRelabelTuple()");
assert(kind != FixKind::ForceDowncast && "Use getForceDowncast()");
/// Produce a new fix that relabels a tuple.
static Fix getRelabelTuple(ConstraintSystem &cs, FixKind kind,
ArrayRef<Identifier> names);
/// Produce a new fix that performs a forced downcast to the given type.
static Fix getForcedDowncast(ConstraintSystem &cs, Type toType);
/// Retrieve the kind of fix.
FixKind getKind() const { return Kind; }
/// Whether the fix is a tuple-relabelling fix.
bool isRelabelTuple() const { return isRelabelTupleKind(getKind()); }
/// Whether the fix kind is a tuple-relabelling fix.
static bool isRelabelTupleKind(FixKind kind) {
return kind == FixKind::TupleToScalar ||
kind == FixKind::ScalarToTuple ||
kind == FixKind::RelabelCallTuple;
/// For a relabel-tuple fix, retrieve the new names.
ArrayRef<Identifier> getRelabelTupleNames(ConstraintSystem &cs) const;
/// If this fix has a type argument, retrieve it.
Type getTypeArgument(ConstraintSystem &cs) const;
/// Return a string representation of a fix.
static llvm::StringRef getName(FixKind kind);
void print(llvm::raw_ostream &Out, ConstraintSystem *cs) const;
LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_DEPRECATED(void dump(ConstraintSystem *cs) const
"only for use within the debugger");
/// \brief A constraint between two type variables.
class Constraint : public llvm::ilist_node<Constraint> {
/// \brief The kind of constraint.
ConstraintKind Kind : 8;
/// The kind of restriction placed on this constraint.
ConversionRestrictionKind Restriction : 8;
/// The kind of fix to be applied to the constraint before visiting it.
FixKind TheFix;
/// Data associated with the fix.
uint16_t FixData;
/// Whether the \c Restriction field is valid.
unsigned HasRestriction : 1;
/// Whether the \c Fix field is valid.
unsigned HasFix : 1;
/// Whether this constraint is currently active, i.e., stored in the worklist.
unsigned IsActive : 1;
/// Whether the choice of this disjunction should be recorded in the
/// solver state.
unsigned RememberChoice : 1;
/// Whether or not this constraint is 'favored' in the sense that, if
/// successfully applied, it should be preferred over any other constraints
/// in its disjunction.
unsigned IsFavored : 1;
/// The number of type variables referenced by this constraint.
/// The type variables themselves are tail-allocated.
unsigned NumTypeVariables : 12;
union {
struct {
/// \brief The first type.
Type First;
/// \brief The second type.
Type Second;
/// \brief If non-null, the name of a member of the first type is that
/// being related to the second type.
DeclName Member;
} Types;
/// The set of constraints for a disjunction.
ArrayRef<Constraint *> Nested;
struct {
/// \brief The first type
Type First;
/// \brief The overload choice
OverloadChoice Choice;
} Overload;
/// \brief The locator that describes where in the expression this
/// constraint applies.
ConstraintLocator *Locator;
/// \brief Constraints are always allocated within a given constraint
/// system.
void *operator new(size_t) = delete;
Constraint(ConstraintKind kind, ArrayRef<Constraint *> constraints,
ConstraintLocator *locator, ArrayRef<TypeVariableType *> typeVars);
/// Construct a new constraint.
Constraint(ConstraintKind kind, Type first, Type second, DeclName member,
ConstraintLocator *locator, ArrayRef<TypeVariableType *> typeVars);
/// Construct a new overload-binding constraint.
Constraint(Type type, OverloadChoice choice, ConstraintLocator *locator,
ArrayRef<TypeVariableType *> typeVars);
/// Construct a restricted constraint.
Constraint(ConstraintKind kind, ConversionRestrictionKind restriction,
Type first, Type second, ConstraintLocator *locator,
ArrayRef<TypeVariableType *> typeVars);
/// Construct a relational constraint with a fix.
Constraint(ConstraintKind kind, Fix fix,
Type first, Type second, ConstraintLocator *locator,
ArrayRef<TypeVariableType *> typeVars);
/// Retrieve the type variables buffer, for internal mutation.
MutableArrayRef<TypeVariableType *> getTypeVariablesBuffer() {
return { reinterpret_cast<TypeVariableType **>(this + 1), NumTypeVariables };
/// Create a new constraint.
static Constraint *create(ConstraintSystem &cs, ConstraintKind Kind,
Type First, Type Second, DeclName Member,
ConstraintLocator *locator);
/// Create an overload-binding constraint.
static Constraint *createBindOverload(ConstraintSystem &cs, Type type,
OverloadChoice choice,
ConstraintLocator *locator);
/// Create a restricted relational constraint.
static Constraint *createRestricted(ConstraintSystem &cs, ConstraintKind kind,
ConversionRestrictionKind restriction,
Type first, Type second,
ConstraintLocator *locator);
/// Create a relational constraint with a fix.
static Constraint *createFixed(ConstraintSystem &cs, ConstraintKind kind,
Fix fix,
Type first, Type second,
ConstraintLocator *locator);
/// Create a new disjunction constraint.
static Constraint *createDisjunction(ConstraintSystem &cs,
ArrayRef<Constraint *> constraints,
ConstraintLocator *locator,
RememberChoice_t shouldRememberChoice
= ForgetChoice);
/// \brief Determine the kind of constraint.
ConstraintKind getKind() const { return Kind; }
/// Retrieve the restriction placed on this constraint.
Optional<ConversionRestrictionKind> getRestriction() const {
if (!HasRestriction)
return None;
return Restriction;
/// Retrieve the fix associated with this constraint.
Optional<Fix> getFix() const {
if (!HasFix)
return None;
return Fix(TheFix, FixData);
/// Whether this constraint is active, i.e., in the worklist.
bool isActive() const { return IsActive; }
/// Set whether this constraint is active or not.
void setActive(bool active) { IsActive = active; }
/// Mark or retrieve whether this constraint should be favored in the system.
void setFavored() { IsFavored = true; }
bool isFavored() const { return IsFavored; }
/// Whether the solver should remember which choice was taken for
/// this constraint.
bool shouldRememberChoice() const { return RememberChoice; }
/// Retrieve the set of type variables referenced by this constraint.
ArrayRef<TypeVariableType *> getTypeVariables() const {
return { reinterpret_cast<TypeVariableType * const *>(this + 1),
NumTypeVariables };
/// \brief Determine the classification of this constraint, providing
/// a broader categorization than \c getKind().
ConstraintClassification getClassification() const {
switch (Kind) {
case ConstraintKind::Bind:
case ConstraintKind::Equal:
case ConstraintKind::BindParam:
case ConstraintKind::Subtype:
case ConstraintKind::Conversion:
case ConstraintKind::ExplicitConversion:
case ConstraintKind::ArgumentConversion:
case ConstraintKind::ArgumentTupleConversion:
case ConstraintKind::OperatorArgumentTupleConversion:
case ConstraintKind::OperatorArgumentConversion:
case ConstraintKind::ConformsTo:
case ConstraintKind::CheckedCast:
case ConstraintKind::SelfObjectOfProtocol:
case ConstraintKind::ApplicableFunction:
case ConstraintKind::BindOverload:
case ConstraintKind::OptionalObject:
return ConstraintClassification::Relational;
case ConstraintKind::ValueMember:
case ConstraintKind::UnresolvedValueMember:
case ConstraintKind::TypeMember:
return ConstraintClassification::Member;
case ConstraintKind::Archetype:
case ConstraintKind::Class:
case ConstraintKind::BridgedToObjectiveC:
case ConstraintKind::DynamicTypeOf:
case ConstraintKind::Defaultable:
return ConstraintClassification::TypeProperty;
case ConstraintKind::Disjunction:
return ConstraintClassification::Disjunction;
/// \brief Retrieve the first type in the constraint.
Type getFirstType() const {
assert(getKind() != ConstraintKind::Disjunction);
if (getKind() == ConstraintKind::BindOverload)
return Overload.First;
return Types.First;
/// \brief Retrieve the second type in the constraint.
Type getSecondType() const {
assert(getKind() != ConstraintKind::Disjunction);
return Types.Second;
/// \brief Retrieve the protocol in a conformance constraint.
ProtocolDecl *getProtocol() const;
/// \brief Retrieve the name of the member for a member constraint.
DeclName getMember() const {
assert(Kind == ConstraintKind::ValueMember ||
Kind == ConstraintKind::UnresolvedValueMember ||
Kind == ConstraintKind::TypeMember);
return Types.Member;
/// \brief Determine whether this constraint kind has a second type.
static bool hasMember(ConstraintKind kind) {
return kind == ConstraintKind::ValueMember
|| kind == ConstraintKind::UnresolvedValueMember
|| kind == ConstraintKind::TypeMember;
/// Retrieve the set of constraints in a disjunction.
ArrayRef<Constraint *> getNestedConstraints() const {
assert(Kind == ConstraintKind::Disjunction);
return Nested;
/// Retrieve the overload choice for an overload-binding constraint.
OverloadChoice getOverloadChoice() const {
assert(Kind == ConstraintKind::BindOverload);
return Overload.Choice;
/// \brief Retrieve the locator for this constraint.
ConstraintLocator *getLocator() const { return Locator; }
/// Clone the given constraint.
Constraint *clone(ConstraintSystem &cs) const;
void print(llvm::raw_ostream &Out, SourceManager *sm) const;
void dump(SourceManager *SM) const LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_USED,
"only for use within the debugger");
void dump(ConstraintSystem *CS) const LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_USED,
"only for use within the debugger");
void *operator new(size_t bytes, ConstraintSystem& cs,
size_t alignment = alignof(Constraint));
inline void operator delete(void *, const ConstraintSystem &cs, size_t) {}
void *operator new(size_t bytes, void *mem) { return mem; }
void operator delete(void *mem) { }
} } // end namespace swift::constraints
namespace llvm {
/// Specialization of \c ilist_traits for constraints.
struct ilist_traits<swift::constraints::Constraint>
: public ilist_default_traits<swift::constraints::Constraint> {
typedef swift::constraints::Constraint Element;
static Element *createNode(const Element &V) = delete;
static void deleteNode(Element *V) { /* never deleted */ }
Element *createSentinel() const { return static_cast<Element *>(&Sentinel); }
static void destroySentinel(Element *) {}
Element *provideInitialHead() const { return createSentinel(); }
Element *ensureHead(Element *) const { return createSentinel(); }
static void noteHead(Element *, Element *) {}
mutable ilist_half_node<Element> Sentinel;
} // end namespace llvm