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//===--- SILType.cpp - Defines SILType ------------------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2015 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#include "swift/SIL/SILType.h"
#include "swift/AST/Type.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILModule.h"
#include "swift/SIL/TypeLowering.h"
#include "swift/SIL/AbstractionPattern.h"
using namespace swift;
using namespace swift::Lowering;
SILType SILType::getExceptionType(const ASTContext &C) {
return SILType::getPrimitiveObjectType(C.getExceptionType());
SILType SILType::getNativeObjectType(const ASTContext &C) {
return SILType(C.TheNativeObjectType, SILValueCategory::Object);
SILType SILType::getBridgeObjectType(const ASTContext &C) {
return SILType(C.TheBridgeObjectType, SILValueCategory::Object);
SILType SILType::getUnknownObjectType(const ASTContext &C) {
return getPrimitiveObjectType(C.TheUnknownObjectType);
SILType SILType::getRawPointerType(const ASTContext &C) {
return getPrimitiveObjectType(C.TheRawPointerType);
SILType SILType::getBuiltinIntegerType(unsigned bitWidth,
const ASTContext &C) {
return getPrimitiveObjectType(CanType(BuiltinIntegerType::get(bitWidth, C)));
SILType SILType::getBuiltinFloatType(BuiltinFloatType::FPKind Kind,
const ASTContext &C) {
CanType ty;
switch (Kind) {
case BuiltinFloatType::IEEE16: ty = C.TheIEEE16Type; break;
case BuiltinFloatType::IEEE32: ty = C.TheIEEE32Type; break;
case BuiltinFloatType::IEEE64: ty = C.TheIEEE64Type; break;
case BuiltinFloatType::IEEE80: ty = C.TheIEEE80Type; break;
case BuiltinFloatType::IEEE128: ty = C.TheIEEE128Type; break;
case BuiltinFloatType::PPC128: ty = C.ThePPC128Type; break;
return getPrimitiveObjectType(ty);
SILType SILType::getBuiltinWordType(const ASTContext &C) {
return getPrimitiveObjectType(CanType(BuiltinIntegerType::getWordType(C)));
bool SILType::isTrivial(SILModule &M) const {
return M.getTypeLowering(*this).isTrivial();
bool SILType::isReferenceCounted(SILModule &M) const {
return M.getTypeLowering(*this).isReferenceCounted();
std::string SILType::getAsString() const {
std::string Result;
llvm::raw_string_ostream OS(Result);
return OS.str();
bool SILType::isPointerSizeAndAligned() {
auto &C = getASTContext();
if (isHeapObjectReferenceType()
|| getSwiftRValueType()->isEqual(C.TheRawPointerType)) {
return true;
if (auto intTy = dyn_cast<BuiltinIntegerType>(getSwiftRValueType()))
return intTy->getWidth().isPointerWidth();
return false;
// Allow casting a struct by value when all elements in toType correspond to
// an element of the same size or larger laid out in the same order in
// fromType. The assumption is that if fromType has larger elements, or
// additional elements, their presence cannot induce a more compact layout of
// the overlapping elements.
// struct {A, B} -> A is castable
// struct {A, B, C} -> struct {A, B} is castable
// struct { struct {A, B}, C} -> struct {A, B} is castable
// struct { A, B, C} -> struct { struct {A, B}, C} is NOT castable
static bool canUnsafeCastStruct(SILType fromType, StructDecl *fromStruct,
SILType toType, SILModule &M) {
auto fromRange = fromStruct->getStoredProperties();
if (fromRange.begin() == fromRange.end())
return false;
// Can the first element of fromStruct be cast by value into toType?
SILType fromEltTy = fromType.getFieldType(*fromRange.begin(), M);
if (SILType::canUnsafeCastValue(fromEltTy, toType, M))
return true;
// Otherwise, flatten one level of struct elements on each side.
StructDecl *toStruct = toType.getStructOrBoundGenericStruct();
if (!toStruct)
return false;
auto toRange = toStruct->getStoredProperties();
for (auto toI = toRange.begin(), toE = toRange.end(),
fromI = fromRange.begin(), fromE = fromRange.end();
toI != toE; ++toI, ++fromI) {
if (fromI == fromE)
return false; // fromType is a struct with fewer elements.
SILType fromEltTy = fromType.getFieldType(*fromI, M);
SILType toEltTy = toType.getFieldType(*toI, M);
if (!SILType::canUnsafeCastValue(fromEltTy, toEltTy, M))
return false;
// fromType's overlapping elements are compatible.
return true;
// Allow casting a tuple by value when all elements in toType correspond to an
// element of the same size or larger in fromType in the same order.
static bool canUnsafeCastTuple(SILType fromType, CanTupleType fromTupleTy,
SILType toType, SILModule &M) {
unsigned numFromElts = fromTupleTy->getNumElements();
// Can the first element of fromTupleTy be cast by value into toType?
if (numFromElts != 0 && SILType::canUnsafeCastValue(
fromType.getTupleElementType(0), toType, M)) {
return true;
// Otherwise, flatten one level of tuple elements on each side.
CanTupleType toTupleTy = dyn_cast<TupleType>(toType.getSwiftRValueType());
if (!toTupleTy)
return false;
unsigned numToElts = toTupleTy->getNumElements();
if (numFromElts < numToElts)
return false;
for (unsigned i = 0; i != numToElts; ++i) {
if (!SILType::canUnsafeCastValue(fromType.getTupleElementType(i),
toType.getTupleElementType(i), M)) {
return false;
return true;
// Allow casting an enum by value when toType is an enum and each elements is
// individually castable to toType. An enum cannot be smaller than its payload.
static bool canUnsafeCastEnum(SILType fromType, EnumDecl *fromEnum,
SILType toType, SILModule &M) {
unsigned numToElements = 0;
SILType toElementTy;
if (EnumDecl *toEnum = toType.getEnumOrBoundGenericEnum()) {
for (auto toElement : toEnum->getAllElements()) {
if (!toElement->hasArgumentType())
// Bail on multiple payloads.
if (!toElementTy.isNull())
return false;
toElementTy = toType.getEnumElementType(toElement, M);
} else {
// If toType is not an enum, handle it like a singleton
numToElements = 1;
toElementTy = toType;
// If toType has more elements, it may be larger.
auto fromElements = fromEnum->getAllElements();
if (numToElements > std::distance(fromElements.begin(), fromElements.end()))
return false;
if (toElementTy.isNull())
return true;
// If any of the fromElements can be cast by value to the singleton toElement,
// then the overall enum can be cast by value.
for (auto fromElement : fromElements) {
if (!fromElement->hasArgumentType())
auto fromElementTy = fromType.getEnumElementType(fromElement, M);
if (SILType::canUnsafeCastValue(fromElementTy, toElementTy, M))
return true;
return false;
static bool canUnsafeCastScalars(SILType fromType, SILType toType,
SILModule &M) {
CanType fromCanTy = fromType.getSwiftRValueType();
bool isToPointer = toType.isPointerSizeAndAligned();
unsigned LeastFromWidth = 0;
// Like UnsafeRefBitCast, allow class existentials to be truncated to
// single-pointer references. Unlike UnsafeRefBitCast, this also supports raw
// pointers and words.
if (fromType.isPointerSizeAndAligned()
|| fromCanTy.isAnyClassReferenceType()) {
// Allow casting from a value that contains an aligned pointer into another
// pointer value regardless of the fixed width.
if (isToPointer)
return true;
LeastFromWidth = BuiltinIntegerWidth::pointer().getLeastWidth();
} else if (auto fromIntTy = dyn_cast<BuiltinIntegerType>(fromCanTy)) {
if (fromIntTy->isFixedWidth())
LeastFromWidth = fromIntTy->getFixedWidth();
unsigned GreatestToWidth = UINT_MAX;
if (isToPointer) {
GreatestToWidth = BuiltinIntegerWidth::pointer().getGreatestWidth();
} else if (auto toIntTy = dyn_cast<BuiltinIntegerType>(
toType.getSwiftRValueType())) {
if (toIntTy->isFixedWidth())
GreatestToWidth = toIntTy->getFixedWidth();
return LeastFromWidth >= GreatestToWidth;
bool SILType::canUnsafeCastValue(SILType fromType, SILType toType,
SILModule &M) {
if (fromType == toType)
return true;
// Unwrap single element structs.
if (StructDecl *toStruct = toType.getStructOrBoundGenericStruct()) {
auto toRange = toStruct->getStoredProperties();
if (toRange.begin() != toRange.end()
&& std::next(toRange.begin()) == toRange.end()) {
toType = toType.getFieldType(*toRange.begin(), M);
if (canUnsafeCastScalars(fromType, toType, M))
return true;
if (StructDecl *fromStruct = fromType.getStructOrBoundGenericStruct())
return canUnsafeCastStruct(fromType, fromStruct, toType, M);
if (CanTupleType fromTupleTy =
dyn_cast<TupleType>(fromType.getSwiftRValueType())) {
return canUnsafeCastTuple(fromType, fromTupleTy, toType, M);
if (EnumDecl *fromEnum = fromType.getEnumOrBoundGenericEnum())
return canUnsafeCastEnum(fromType, fromEnum, toType, M);
return false;
// Reference cast from representations with single pointer low bits.
// Only reference cast to simple single pointer representations.
// TODO: handle casting to a loadable existential by generating
// init_existential_ref. Until then, only promote to a heap object dest.
bool SILType::canRefCast(SILType operTy, SILType resultTy, SILModule &M) {
OptionalTypeKind otk;
auto fromTy = unwrapAnyOptionalType(operTy, M, otk);
auto toTy = unwrapAnyOptionalType(resultTy, M, otk);
return (fromTy.isHeapObjectReferenceType() || fromTy.isClassExistentialType())
&& toTy.isHeapObjectReferenceType();
SILType SILType::getFieldType(VarDecl *field, SILModule &M) const {
assert(field->getDeclContext() == getNominalOrBoundGenericNominal());
AbstractionPattern origFieldTy = M.Types.getAbstractionPattern(field);
CanType substFieldTy;
if (field->hasClangNode()) {
substFieldTy = origFieldTy.getType();
} else {
substFieldTy =
field, nullptr)->getCanonicalType();
auto loweredTy = M.Types.getLoweredType(origFieldTy, substFieldTy);
if (isAddress() || getClassOrBoundGenericClass() != nullptr) {
return loweredTy.getAddressType();
} else {
return loweredTy.getObjectType();
SILType SILType::getEnumElementType(EnumElementDecl *elt, SILModule &M) const {
assert(elt->getDeclContext() == getEnumOrBoundGenericEnum());
auto substEltTy =
elt, nullptr,
auto loweredTy =
M.Types.getLoweredType(M.Types.getAbstractionPattern(elt), substEltTy);
// If the case is indirect, then the payload is boxed.
if (elt->isIndirect() || elt->getParentEnum()->isIndirect())
loweredTy = SILType::getPrimitiveObjectType(
return SILType(loweredTy.getSwiftRValueType(), getCategory());
bool SILType::hasFixedLayout(SILModule &M) const {
if (auto *NTD = getNominalOrBoundGenericNominal())
return NTD->hasFixedLayout(M.getSwiftModule());
llvm_unreachable("hasFixedLayout on non-nominal types not implemented");
/// True if the type, or the referenced type of an address type, is
/// address-only. For example, it could be a resilient struct or something of
/// unknown size.
bool SILType::isAddressOnly(SILModule &M) const {
return M.getTypeLowering(*this).isAddressOnly();
SILType SILType::substGenericArgs(SILModule &M,
ArrayRef<Substitution> Subs) const {
SILFunctionType *fnTy = getSwiftRValueType()->castTo<SILFunctionType>();
if (Subs.empty()) {
assert(!fnTy->isPolymorphic() && "function type without subs must not "
"be polymorphic.");
return *this;
assert(fnTy->isPolymorphic() && "Can only subst interface generic args on "
"polymorphic function types.");
CanSILFunctionType canFnTy =
fnTy->substGenericArgs(M, M.getSwiftModule(), Subs);
return SILType::getPrimitiveObjectType(canFnTy);
ArrayRef<Substitution> SILType::gatherAllSubstitutions(SILModule &M) {
return getSwiftRValueType()->gatherAllSubstitutions(M.getSwiftModule(),
bool SILType::isHeapObjectReferenceType() const {
auto &C = getASTContext();
if (getSwiftRValueType()->isBridgeableObjectType())
return true;
if (getSwiftRValueType()->isEqual(C.TheNativeObjectType))
return true;
if (getSwiftRValueType()->isEqual(C.TheBridgeObjectType))
return true;
if (getSwiftRValueType()->isEqual(C.TheUnknownObjectType))
return true;
if (is<SILBoxType>())
return true;
return false;
SILType SILType::getMetatypeInstanceType(SILModule &M) const {
CanType MetatypeType = getSwiftRValueType();
assert(MetatypeType->is<AnyMetatypeType>() &&
"This method should only be called on SILTypes with an underlying "
"metatype type.");
assert(isObject() && "Should only be called on object types.");
Type instanceType =
return M.Types.getLoweredType(instanceType->getCanonicalType());
bool SILType::aggregateContainsRecord(SILType Record, SILModule &Mod) const {
assert(!hasArchetype() && "Agg should be proven to not be generic "
"before passed to this function.");
assert(!Record.hasArchetype() && "Record should be proven to not be generic "
"before passed to this function.");
llvm::SmallVector<SILType, 8> Worklist;
// For each "subrecord" of agg in the worklist...
while (!Worklist.empty()) {
SILType Ty = Worklist.pop_back_val();
// If it is record, we succeeded. Return true.
if (Ty == Record)
return true;
// Otherwise, we gather up sub-records that need to be checked for
// checking... First handle the tuple case.
if (CanTupleType TT = Ty.getAs<TupleType>()) {
for (unsigned i = 0, e = TT->getNumElements(); i != e; ++i)
// Then if we have an enum...
if (EnumDecl *E = Ty.getEnumOrBoundGenericEnum()) {
for (auto Elt : E->getAllElements())
if (Elt->hasArgumentType())
Worklist.push_back(Ty.getEnumElementType(Elt, Mod));
// Then if we have a struct address...
if (StructDecl *S = Ty.getStructOrBoundGenericStruct())
for (VarDecl *Var : S->getStoredProperties())
Worklist.push_back(Ty.getFieldType(Var, Mod));
// If we have a class address, it is a pointer so it can not contain other
// types.
// If we reached this point, then this type has no subrecords. Since it does
// not equal our record, we can skip it.
// Could not find the record in the aggregate.
return false;
bool SILType::aggregateHasUnreferenceableStorage() const {
if (auto s = getStructOrBoundGenericStruct()) {
return s->hasUnreferenceableStorage();
return false;
OptionalTypeKind SILType::getOptionalTypeKind() const {
OptionalTypeKind result;
return result;
SILType SILType::getAnyOptionalObjectType(SILModule &M,
OptionalTypeKind &OTK) const {
if (auto objectTy = getSwiftRValueType()->getAnyOptionalObjectType(OTK)) {
// Lower the payload type at the abstraction level of Optional's generic
// parameter.
auto archetype = getNominalOrBoundGenericNominal()->getGenericParams()
auto loweredTy
= M.Types.getLoweredType(AbstractionPattern(archetype), objectTy);
return SILType(loweredTy.getSwiftRValueType(), getCategory());
OTK = OTK_None;
return SILType();
/// True if the given type value is nonnull, and the represented type is NSError
/// or CFError, the error classes for which we support "toll-free" bridging to
/// ErrorType existentials.
static bool isBridgedErrorClass(SILModule &M,
Type t) {
if (!t)
return false;
if (auto archetypeType = t->getAs<ArchetypeType>())
t = archetypeType->getSuperclass();
// NSError (TODO: and CFError) can be bridged.
auto errorType = M.Types.getNSErrorType();
if (t && errorType && t->isEqual(errorType)) {
return true;
return false;
static bool isErrorTypeExistential(ArrayRef<ProtocolDecl*> protocols) {
return protocols.size() == 1
&& protocols[0]->isSpecificProtocol(KnownProtocolKind::ErrorType);
SILType::getPreferredExistentialRepresentation(SILModule &M,
Type containedType) const {
SmallVector<ProtocolDecl *, 4> protocols;
// Existential metatypes always use metatype representation.
if (is<ExistentialMetatypeType>())
return ExistentialRepresentation::Metatype;
// Get the list of existential constraints. If the type isn't existential,
// then there is no representation.
if (!getSwiftRValueType()->isAnyExistentialType(protocols))
return ExistentialRepresentation::None;
// The (uncomposed) ErrorType existential uses a special boxed representation.
if (isErrorTypeExistential(protocols)) {
// NSError or CFError references can be adopted directly as ErrorType
// existentials.
if (isBridgedErrorClass(M, containedType)) {
return ExistentialRepresentation::Class;
} else {
return ExistentialRepresentation::Boxed;
// A class-constrained protocol composition can adopt the conforming
// class reference directly.
for (auto proto : protocols) {
if (proto->requiresClass())
return ExistentialRepresentation::Class;
// Otherwise, we need to use a fixed-sized buffer.
return ExistentialRepresentation::Opaque;
SILType::canUseExistentialRepresentation(SILModule &M,
ExistentialRepresentation repr,
Type containedType) const {
switch (repr) {
case ExistentialRepresentation::None:
return !isAnyExistentialType();
case ExistentialRepresentation::Opaque:
case ExistentialRepresentation::Class:
case ExistentialRepresentation::Boxed: {
// Look at the protocols to see what representation is appropriate.
SmallVector<ProtocolDecl *, 4> protocols;
if (!getSwiftRValueType()->isAnyExistentialType(protocols))
return false;
// The (uncomposed) ErrorType existential uses a special boxed
// representation. It can also adopt class references of bridged error types
// directly.
if (isErrorTypeExistential(protocols))
return repr == ExistentialRepresentation::Boxed
|| (repr == ExistentialRepresentation::Class
&& isBridgedErrorClass(M, containedType));
// A class-constrained composition uses ClassReference representation;
// otherwise, we use a fixed-sized buffer
for (auto *proto : protocols) {
if (proto->requiresClass())
return repr == ExistentialRepresentation::Class;
return repr == ExistentialRepresentation::Opaque;
case ExistentialRepresentation::Metatype:
return is<ExistentialMetatypeType>();