blob: b4ccb89f7d692ddd576fb207747c47fe86ba90b1 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- LineList.h - Data structures for Markup parsing ------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2015 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#include "swift/AST/RawComment.h"
#include "swift/Basic/PrimitiveParsing.h"
#include "swift/Markup/LineList.h"
#include "swift/Markup/Markup.h"
using namespace llvm;
using namespace markup;
std::string LineList::str() const {
std::string Result;
raw_string_ostream Stream(Result);
if (Lines.empty())
return "";
auto FirstLine = Lines.begin();
while (FirstLine->Text.empty() && FirstLine != Lines.end())
if (FirstLine == Lines.end())
return "";
auto InitialIndentation = measureIndentation(FirstLine->Text);
for (auto Line = FirstLine; Line != Lines.end(); ++Line) {
auto Drop = std::min(InitialIndentation, Line->FirstNonspaceOffset);
Stream << Line->Text.drop_front(Drop) << "\n";
return Result;
size_t llvm::markup::measureIndentation(StringRef Text) {
size_t Col = 0;
for (size_t i = 0, e = Text.size(); i != e; ++i) {
if (Text[i] == ' ' || Text[i] == '\v' || Text[i] == '\f') {
if (Text[i] == '\t') {
Col += ((i + 8) / 8) * 8;
return i;
return Text.size();
void LineListBuilder::addLine(llvm::StringRef Text, swift::SourceRange Range) {
Lines.push_back({Text, Range});
LineList LineListBuilder::takeLineList() const {
return LineList(Context.allocateCopy(ArrayRef<Line>(Lines)));
static unsigned measureASCIIArt(StringRef S, unsigned NumLeadingSpaces) {
StringRef Spaces = S.substr(0, NumLeadingSpaces);
if (Spaces.size() != NumLeadingSpaces)
return 0;
if (Spaces.find_first_not_of(' ') != StringRef::npos)
return 0;
S = S.drop_front(NumLeadingSpaces);
if (S.startswith(" * "))
return NumLeadingSpaces + 3;
if (S.startswith(" *\n") || S.startswith(" *\n\r"))
return NumLeadingSpaces + 2;
return 0;
LineList MarkupContext::getLineList(swift::RawComment RC) {
LineListBuilder Builder(*this);
for (const auto &C : RC.Comments) {
if (C.isLine()) {
// Skip comment marker.
unsigned CommentMarkerBytes = 2 + (C.isOrdinary() ? 0 : 1);
StringRef Cleaned = C.RawText.drop_front(CommentMarkerBytes);
// Drop trailing newline.
Cleaned = Cleaned.rtrim("\n\r");
auto CleanedStartLoc =
auto CleanedEndLoc =
Builder.addLine(Cleaned, { CleanedStartLoc, CleanedEndLoc });
} else {
// Skip comment markers at the beginning and at the end.
unsigned CommentMarkerBytes = 2 + (C.isOrdinary() ? 0 : 1);
StringRef Cleaned = C.RawText.drop_front(CommentMarkerBytes);
if (Cleaned.endswith("*/"))
Cleaned = Cleaned.drop_back(2);
else if (Cleaned.endswith("/"))
Cleaned = Cleaned.drop_back(1);
swift::SourceLoc CleanedStartLoc =
// Determine if we have leading decorations in this block comment.
bool HasASCIIArt = false;
if (swift::startsWithNewline(Cleaned)) {
Builder.addLine(Cleaned.substr(0, 0), { C.Range.getStart(),
C.Range.getStart() });
unsigned NewlineBytes = swift::measureNewline(Cleaned);
Cleaned = Cleaned.drop_front(NewlineBytes);
CleanedStartLoc = CleanedStartLoc.getAdvancedLocOrInvalid(NewlineBytes);
HasASCIIArt = measureASCIIArt(Cleaned, C.StartColumn - 1) != 0;
while (!Cleaned.empty()) {
size_t Pos = Cleaned.find_first_of("\n\r");
if (Pos == StringRef::npos)
Pos = Cleaned.size();
// Skip over ASCII art, if present.
if (HasASCIIArt)
if (unsigned ASCIIArtBytes =
measureASCIIArt(Cleaned, C.StartColumn - 1)) {
Cleaned = Cleaned.drop_front(ASCIIArtBytes);
CleanedStartLoc =
Pos -= ASCIIArtBytes;
StringRef Line = Cleaned.substr(0, Pos);
auto CleanedEndLoc = CleanedStartLoc.getAdvancedLocOrInvalid(Pos);
Cleaned = Cleaned.drop_front(Pos);
unsigned NewlineBytes = swift::measureNewline(Cleaned);
Cleaned = Cleaned.drop_front(NewlineBytes);
Pos += NewlineBytes;
CleanedStartLoc = CleanedStartLoc.getAdvancedLocOrInvalid(Pos);
Builder.addLine(Line, { CleanedStartLoc, CleanedEndLoc });
return Builder.takeLineList();
LineList LineList::subListWithRange(MarkupContext &MC, size_t StartLine,
size_t EndLine, size_t StartColumn,
size_t EndColumn) const {
auto TrimmedLines = ArrayRef<Line>(Lines.begin() + StartLine,
Lines.begin() + EndLine);
LineListBuilder Builder(MC);
if (TrimmedLines.empty())
return LineList();
auto FirstLine = TrimmedLines.begin();
auto End = TrimmedLines.end();
auto LastLine = End - 1;
for (auto Line = FirstLine; Line != End; ++Line) {
auto T = Line->Text;
auto RangeStart = Line->Range.Start;
auto RangeEnd = Line->Range.End;
if (Line == LastLine) {
T = T.drop_back(T.size() - EndColumn);
RangeEnd = RangeStart.getAdvancedLocOrInvalid(EndColumn);
if (Line == FirstLine) {
T = T.drop_front(StartColumn);
RangeStart = RangeStart.getAdvancedLocOrInvalid(StartColumn);
Builder.addLine(T, {RangeStart, RangeEnd});
return Builder.takeLineList();