blob: e53a7c35acce989f6990eac39010e9a833fce923 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- GenStruct.cpp - Swift IR Generation For 'struct' Types -----------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2015 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file implements IR generation for struct types.
#include "GenStruct.h"
#include "swift/AST/Types.h"
#include "swift/AST/Decl.h"
#include "swift/AST/IRGenOptions.h"
#include "swift/AST/Pattern.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILModule.h"
#include "llvm/IR/DerivedTypes.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Function.h"
#include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "clang/AST/Decl.h"
#include "clang/AST/RecordLayout.h"
#include "GenMeta.h"
#include "GenSequential.h"
#include "GenType.h"
#include "IRGenFunction.h"
#include "IRGenModule.h"
#include "Linking.h"
#include "IndirectTypeInfo.h"
#include "NonFixedTypeInfo.h"
#include "ResilientTypeInfo.h"
#include "StructMetadataLayout.h"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Winconsistent-missing-override"
using namespace swift;
using namespace irgen;
/// The kinds of TypeInfos implementing struct types.
enum class StructTypeInfoKind {
static StructTypeInfoKind getStructTypeInfoKind(const TypeInfo &type) {
return (StructTypeInfoKind) type.getSubclassKind();
namespace {
class StructFieldInfo : public SequentialField<StructFieldInfo> {
StructFieldInfo(VarDecl *field, const TypeInfo &type)
: SequentialField(type), Field(field) {}
/// The field.
VarDecl * const Field;
StringRef getFieldName() const {
return Field->getName().str();
SILType getType(IRGenModule &IGM, SILType T) const {
return T.getFieldType(Field, *IGM.SILMod);
/// A field-info implementation for fields of Clang types.
class ClangFieldInfo : public SequentialField<ClangFieldInfo> {
ClangFieldInfo(VarDecl *swiftField, const ElementLayout &layout,
unsigned explosionBegin, unsigned explosionEnd)
: SequentialField(layout, explosionBegin, explosionEnd),
Field(swiftField) {}
VarDecl * const Field;
StringRef getFieldName() const {
if (Field) return Field->getName().str();
return "<unimported>";
SILType getType(IRGenModule &IGM, SILType T) const {
if (Field)
return T.getFieldType(Field, *IGM.SILMod);
// The Swift-field-less cases use opaque storage, which is
// guaranteed to ignore the type passed to it.
return {};
/// A common base class for structs.
template <class Impl, class Base, class FieldInfoType = StructFieldInfo>
class StructTypeInfoBase :
public SequentialTypeInfo<Impl, Base, FieldInfoType> {
typedef SequentialTypeInfo<Impl, Base, FieldInfoType> super;
template <class... As>
StructTypeInfoBase(StructTypeInfoKind kind, As &&...args)
: super(std::forward<As>(args)...) {
super::setSubclassKind((unsigned) kind);
using super::asImpl;
const FieldInfoType &getFieldInfo(VarDecl *field) const {
// FIXME: cache the physical field index in the VarDecl.
for (auto &fieldInfo : asImpl().getFields()) {
if (fieldInfo.Field == field)
return fieldInfo;
llvm_unreachable("field not in struct?");
/// Given a full struct explosion, project out a single field.
void projectFieldFromExplosion(IRGenFunction &IGF,
Explosion &in,
VarDecl *field,
Explosion &out) const {
auto &fieldInfo = getFieldInfo(field);
// If the field requires no storage, there's nothing to do.
if (fieldInfo.isEmpty())
// Otherwise, project from the base.
auto fieldRange = fieldInfo.getProjectionRange();
auto elements = in.getRange(fieldRange.first, fieldRange.second);
/// Given the address of a tuple, project out the address of a
/// single element.
Address projectFieldAddress(IRGenFunction &IGF,
Address addr,
SILType T,
VarDecl *field) const {
auto &fieldInfo = getFieldInfo(field);
if (fieldInfo.isEmpty())
return fieldInfo.getTypeInfo().getUndefAddress();
auto offsets = asImpl().getNonFixedOffsets(IGF, T);
return fieldInfo.projectAddress(IGF, addr, offsets);
/// Return the constant offset of a field as a SizeTy, or nullptr if the
/// field is not at a fixed offset.
llvm::Constant *getConstantFieldOffset(IRGenModule &IGM,
VarDecl *field) const {
auto &fieldInfo = getFieldInfo(field);
if (fieldInfo.getKind() == ElementLayout::Kind::Fixed) {
return llvm::ConstantInt::get(IGM.SizeTy,
return nullptr;
// For now, just use extra inhabitants from the first field.
// FIXME: generalize
bool mayHaveExtraInhabitants(IRGenModule &IGM) const override {
if (asImpl().getFields().empty()) return false;
return asImpl().getFields()[0].getTypeInfo().mayHaveExtraInhabitants(IGM);
// This is dead code in NonFixedStructTypeInfo.
unsigned getFixedExtraInhabitantCount(IRGenModule &IGM) const {
if (asImpl().getFields().empty()) return 0;
auto &fieldTI = cast<FixedTypeInfo>(asImpl().getFields()[0].getTypeInfo());
return fieldTI.getFixedExtraInhabitantCount(IGM);
// This is dead code in NonFixedStructTypeInfo.
APInt getFixedExtraInhabitantValue(IRGenModule &IGM,
unsigned bits,
unsigned index) const {
auto &fieldTI = cast<FixedTypeInfo>(asImpl().getFields()[0].getTypeInfo());
return fieldTI.getFixedExtraInhabitantValue(IGM, bits, index);
// This is dead code in NonFixedStructTypeInfo.
APInt getFixedExtraInhabitantMask(IRGenModule &IGM) const {
if (asImpl().getFields().empty())
return APInt();
// Currently we only use the first field's extra inhabitants. The other
// fields can be ignored.
const FixedTypeInfo &fieldTI
= cast<FixedTypeInfo>(asImpl().getFields()[0].getTypeInfo());
auto targetSize = asImpl().getFixedSize().getValueInBits();
if (fieldTI.isKnownEmpty())
return APInt(targetSize, 0);
APInt fieldMask = fieldTI.getFixedExtraInhabitantMask(IGM);
if (targetSize > fieldMask.getBitWidth())
fieldMask = fieldMask.zext(targetSize);
return fieldMask;
llvm::Value *getExtraInhabitantIndex(IRGenFunction &IGF,
Address structAddr,
SILType structType) const override {
auto &field = asImpl().getFields()[0];
Address fieldAddr =
asImpl().projectFieldAddress(IGF, structAddr, structType, field.Field);
return field.getTypeInfo().getExtraInhabitantIndex(IGF, fieldAddr,
field.getType(IGF.IGM, structType));
void storeExtraInhabitant(IRGenFunction &IGF,
llvm::Value *index,
Address structAddr,
SILType structType) const override {
auto &field = asImpl().getFields()[0];
Address fieldAddr =
asImpl().projectFieldAddress(IGF, structAddr, structType, field.Field);
field.getTypeInfo().storeExtraInhabitant(IGF, index, fieldAddr,
field.getType(IGF.IGM, structType));
/// A type implementation for loadable record types imported from Clang.
class ClangRecordTypeInfo :
public StructTypeInfoBase<ClangRecordTypeInfo, LoadableTypeInfo,
ClangFieldInfo> {
ClangRecordTypeInfo(ArrayRef<ClangFieldInfo> fields,
unsigned explosionSize,
llvm::Type *storageType, Size size,
SpareBitVector &&spareBits, Alignment align)
: StructTypeInfoBase(StructTypeInfoKind::ClangRecordTypeInfo,
fields, explosionSize,
storageType, size, std::move(spareBits),
align, IsPOD, IsFixedSize) {
void initializeFromParams(IRGenFunction &IGF, Explosion &params,
Address addr, SILType T) const override {
ClangRecordTypeInfo::initialize(IGF, params, addr);
llvm::NoneType getNonFixedOffsets(IRGenFunction &IGF) const {
return None;
llvm::NoneType getNonFixedOffsets(IRGenFunction &IGF, SILType T) const {
return None;
/// A type implementation for loadable struct types.
class LoadableStructTypeInfo
: public StructTypeInfoBase<LoadableStructTypeInfo, LoadableTypeInfo> {
// FIXME: Spare bits between struct members.
LoadableStructTypeInfo(ArrayRef<StructFieldInfo> fields,
unsigned explosionSize,
llvm::Type *storageType, Size size,
SpareBitVector &&spareBits,
Alignment align, IsPOD_t isPOD,
IsFixedSize_t alwaysFixedSize)
: StructTypeInfoBase(StructTypeInfoKind::LoadableStructTypeInfo,
fields, explosionSize,
storageType, size, std::move(spareBits),
align, isPOD, alwaysFixedSize)
void initializeFromParams(IRGenFunction &IGF, Explosion &params,
Address addr, SILType T) const override {
LoadableStructTypeInfo::initialize(IGF, params, addr);
llvm::NoneType getNonFixedOffsets(IRGenFunction &IGF) const {
return None;
llvm::NoneType getNonFixedOffsets(IRGenFunction &IGF, SILType T) const {
return None;
/// A type implementation for non-loadable but fixed-size struct types.
class FixedStructTypeInfo
: public StructTypeInfoBase<FixedStructTypeInfo,
FixedTypeInfo>> {
// FIXME: Spare bits between struct members.
FixedStructTypeInfo(ArrayRef<StructFieldInfo> fields, llvm::Type *T,
Size size, SpareBitVector &&spareBits,
Alignment align, IsPOD_t isPOD, IsBitwiseTakable_t isBT,
IsFixedSize_t alwaysFixedSize)
: StructTypeInfoBase(StructTypeInfoKind::FixedStructTypeInfo,
fields, T, size, std::move(spareBits), align,
isPOD, isBT, alwaysFixedSize)
llvm::NoneType getNonFixedOffsets(IRGenFunction &IGF) const {
return None;
llvm::NoneType getNonFixedOffsets(IRGenFunction &IGF, SILType T) const {
return None;
/// Find the beginning of the field offset vector in a struct's metadata.
static Address
emitAddressOfFieldOffsetVector(IRGenFunction &IGF,
StructDecl *S,
llvm::Value *metadata) {
struct GetStartOfFieldOffsets
: StructMetadataScanner<GetStartOfFieldOffsets>
GetStartOfFieldOffsets(IRGenModule &IGM, StructDecl *target)
: StructMetadataScanner(IGM, target) {}
Size StartOfFieldOffsets = Size::invalid();
void noteAddressPoint() {
assert(StartOfFieldOffsets == Size::invalid()
&& "found field offsets before address point?");
NextOffset = Size(0);
void noteStartOfFieldOffsets() { StartOfFieldOffsets = NextOffset; }
// Find where the field offsets begin.
GetStartOfFieldOffsets scanner(IGF.IGM, S);
assert(scanner.StartOfFieldOffsets != Size::invalid()
&& "did not find start of field offsets?!");
Size StartOfFieldOffsets = scanner.StartOfFieldOffsets;
// Find that offset into the metadata.
llvm::Value *fieldVector
= IGF.Builder.CreateBitCast(metadata, IGF.IGM.SizeTy->getPointerTo());
return IGF.Builder.CreateConstArrayGEP(
Address(fieldVector, IGF.IGM.getPointerAlignment()),
StartOfFieldOffsets / IGF.IGM.getPointerSize(),
/// Accessor for the non-fixed offsets of a struct type.
class StructNonFixedOffsets : public NonFixedOffsetsImpl {
SILType TheStruct;
StructNonFixedOffsets(SILType type) : TheStruct(type) {
llvm::Value *getOffsetForIndex(IRGenFunction &IGF, unsigned index) {
// Get the field offset vector from the struct metadata.
llvm::Value *metadata = IGF.emitTypeMetadataRefForLayout(TheStruct);
Address fieldVector = emitAddressOfFieldOffsetVector(IGF,
// Grab the indexed offset.
fieldVector = IGF.Builder.CreateConstArrayGEP(fieldVector, index,
return IGF.Builder.CreateLoad(fieldVector);
/// A type implementation for non-fixed struct types.
class NonFixedStructTypeInfo
: public StructTypeInfoBase<NonFixedStructTypeInfo,
NonFixedStructTypeInfo(ArrayRef<StructFieldInfo> fields, llvm::Type *T,
Alignment align,
IsPOD_t isPOD, IsBitwiseTakable_t isBT)
: StructTypeInfoBase(StructTypeInfoKind::NonFixedStructTypeInfo,
fields, T, align, isPOD, isBT) {
// We have an indirect schema.
void getSchema(ExplosionSchema &s) const override {
getNonFixedOffsets(IRGenFunction &IGF, SILType T) const {
return StructNonFixedOffsets(T);
void initializeMetadata(IRGenFunction &IGF,
llvm::Value *metadata,
llvm::Value *vwtable,
SILType T) const override {
// Get the field offset vector.
llvm::Value *fieldVector = emitAddressOfFieldOffsetVector(IGF,
// Collect the stored properties of the type.
llvm::SmallVector<VarDecl*, 4> storedProperties;
for (auto prop : T.getStructOrBoundGenericStruct()
->getStoredProperties()) {
// Fill out an array with the field type layout records.
Address fields = IGF.createAlloca(
IGF.IGM.getPointerAlignment(), "structFields");
fields = IGF.Builder.CreateStructGEP(fields, 0, Size(0));
unsigned index = 0;
for (auto prop : storedProperties) {
auto propTy = T.getFieldType(prop, *IGF.IGM.SILMod);
llvm::Value *metadata = IGF.emitTypeLayoutRef(propTy);
Address field = IGF.Builder.CreateConstArrayGEP(fields, index,
IGF.Builder.CreateStore(metadata, field);
// Ask the runtime to lay out the struct.
auto numFields = llvm::ConstantInt::get(IGF.IGM.SizeTy,
{numFields, fields.getAddress(),
fieldVector, vwtable});
class StructTypeBuilder :
public SequentialTypeBuilder<StructTypeBuilder, StructFieldInfo, VarDecl*> {
llvm::StructType *StructTy;
CanType TheStruct;
StructTypeBuilder(IRGenModule &IGM, llvm::StructType *structTy,
CanType type) :
SequentialTypeBuilder(IGM), StructTy(structTy), TheStruct(type) {
LoadableStructTypeInfo *createLoadable(ArrayRef<StructFieldInfo> fields,
StructLayout &&layout,
unsigned explosionSize) {
return LoadableStructTypeInfo::create(fields,
FixedStructTypeInfo *createFixed(ArrayRef<StructFieldInfo> fields,
StructLayout &&layout) {
return FixedStructTypeInfo::create(fields, layout.getType(),
NonFixedStructTypeInfo *createNonFixed(ArrayRef<StructFieldInfo> fields,
StructLayout &&layout) {
return NonFixedStructTypeInfo::create(fields, layout.getType(),
StructFieldInfo getFieldInfo(unsigned index,
VarDecl *field, const TypeInfo &fieldTI) {
return StructFieldInfo(field, fieldTI);
SILType getType(VarDecl *field) {
assert(field->getDeclContext() == TheStruct->getAnyNominal());
auto silType = SILType::getPrimitiveAddressType(TheStruct);
return silType.getFieldType(field, *IGM.SILMod);
StructLayout performLayout(ArrayRef<const TypeInfo *> fieldTypes) {
return StructLayout(IGM, TheStruct, LayoutKind::NonHeapObject,
LayoutStrategy::Optimal, fieldTypes, StructTy);
/// A class for lowering Clang records.
class ClangRecordLowering {
IRGenModule &IGM;
StructDecl *SwiftDecl;
SILType SwiftType;
const clang::RecordDecl *ClangDecl;
const clang::ASTContext &ClangContext;
const clang::ASTRecordLayout &ClangLayout;
const Size TotalStride;
Size TotalSize;
const Alignment TotalAlignment;
SpareBitVector SpareBits;
SmallVector<llvm::Type *, 8> LLVMFields;
SmallVector<ClangFieldInfo, 8> FieldInfos;
Size NextOffset = Size(0);
unsigned NextExplosionIndex = 0;
ClangRecordLowering(IRGenModule &IGM, StructDecl *swiftDecl,
const clang::RecordDecl *clangDecl,
SILType swiftType)
: IGM(IGM), SwiftDecl(swiftDecl), SwiftType(swiftType),
ClangDecl(clangDecl), ClangContext(clangDecl->getASTContext()),
TotalAlignment(Alignment(ClangLayout.getAlignment().getQuantity())) {
SpareBits.reserve(TotalSize.getValue() * 8);
void collectRecordFields() {
if (ClangDecl->isUnion()) {
} else {
// Lots of layout will get screwed up if our structure claims more
// storage than we allocated to it.
assert(NextOffset == TotalSize && NextOffset <= TotalStride);
assert(TotalSize.roundUpToAlignment(TotalAlignment) == TotalStride);
const TypeInfo *createTypeInfo(llvm::StructType *llvmType) {
llvmType->setBody(LLVMFields, /*packed*/ true);
return ClangRecordTypeInfo::create(FieldInfos, NextExplosionIndex,
llvmType, TotalSize,
std::move(SpareBits), TotalAlignment);
/// Collect all the fields of a union.
void collectUnionFields() {
addOpaqueField(Size(0), TotalSize);
static bool isImportOfClangField(VarDecl *swiftField,
const clang::FieldDecl *clangField) {
return (swiftField->getClangNode().castAsDecl() == clangField);
void collectStructFields() {
auto cfi = ClangDecl->field_begin(), cfe = ClangDecl->field_end();
auto swiftProperties = SwiftDecl->getStoredProperties();
auto sfi = swiftProperties.begin(), sfe = swiftProperties.end();
while (cfi != cfe) {
const clang::FieldDecl *clangField = *cfi++;
// Bitfields are currently never mapped, but that doesn't mean
// we don't have to copy them.
if (clangField->isBitField()) {
// Collect all of the following bitfields.
unsigned bitStart =
unsigned bitEnd = bitStart + clangField->getBitWidthValue(ClangContext);
while (cfi != cfe && (*cfi)->isBitField()) {
clangField = *cfi++;
unsigned nextStart =
assert(nextStart >= bitEnd && "laying out bit-fields out of order?");
// In a heuristic effort to reduce the number of weird-sized
// fields, whenever we see a bitfield starting on a 32-bit
// boundary, start a new storage unit.
if (nextStart % 32 == 0) {
addOpaqueBitField(bitStart, bitEnd);
bitStart = nextStart;
bitEnd = nextStart + clangField->getBitWidthValue(ClangContext);
addOpaqueBitField(bitStart, bitEnd);
VarDecl *swiftField;
if (sfi != sfe) {
swiftField = *sfi;
if (isImportOfClangField(swiftField, clangField)) {
} else {
swiftField = nullptr;
} else {
swiftField = nullptr;
// Try to position this field. If this fails, it's because we
// didn't lay out padding correctly.
addStructField(clangField, swiftField);
assert(sfi == sfe && "more Swift fields than there were Clang fields?");
// Treat this as the end of the value size.
TotalSize = NextOffset;
/// Place the next struct field at its appropriate offset.
void addStructField(const clang::FieldDecl *clangField,
VarDecl *swiftField) {
unsigned fieldOffset = ClangLayout.getFieldOffset(clangField->getFieldIndex());
Size offset(fieldOffset / 8);
// If we have a Swift import of this type, use our lowered information.
if (swiftField) {
auto &fieldTI = cast<LoadableTypeInfo>(
IGM.getTypeInfo(SwiftType.getFieldType(swiftField, *IGM.SILMod)));
addField(swiftField, offset, fieldTI);
// Otherwise, add it as an opaque blob.
auto fieldSize = ClangContext.getTypeSizeInChars(clangField->getType());
return addOpaqueField(offset, Size(fieldSize.getQuantity()));
/// Add opaque storage for bitfields spanning the given range of bits.
void addOpaqueBitField(unsigned bitBegin, unsigned bitEnd) {
assert(bitBegin <= bitEnd);
// No need to add storage for zero-width bitfields.
if (bitBegin == bitEnd) return;
// Round up to an even number of bytes.
assert(bitBegin % 8 == 0);
Size offset = Size(bitBegin / 8);
Size byteLength = Size((bitEnd - bitBegin + 7) / 8);
addOpaqueField(offset, byteLength);
/// Add opaque storage at the given offset.
void addOpaqueField(Size offset, Size fieldSize) {
// No need to add storage for zero-size fields (e.g. incomplete array
// decls).
if (fieldSize.isZero()) return;
auto &opaqueTI = IGM.getOpaqueStorageTypeInfo(fieldSize, Alignment(1));
addField(nullptr, offset, opaqueTI);
/// Add storage for an (optional) Swift field at the given offset.
void addField(VarDecl *swiftField, Size offset,
const LoadableTypeInfo &fieldType) {
assert(offset >= NextOffset && "adding fields out of order");
// Add a padding field if required.
if (offset != NextOffset)
addFieldInfo(swiftField, fieldType);
/// Add information to track a value field at the current offset.
void addFieldInfo(VarDecl *swiftField, const LoadableTypeInfo &fieldType) {
unsigned explosionSize = fieldType.getExplosionSize();
unsigned explosionBegin = NextExplosionIndex;
NextExplosionIndex += explosionSize;
unsigned explosionEnd = NextExplosionIndex;
ElementLayout layout = ElementLayout::getIncomplete(fieldType);
NextOffset, LLVMFields.size());
ClangFieldInfo(swiftField, layout, explosionBegin, explosionEnd));
NextOffset += fieldType.getFixedSize();
/// Add padding to get up to the given offset.
void addPaddingField(Size offset) {
assert(offset > NextOffset);
Size count = offset - NextOffset;
LLVMFields.push_back(llvm::ArrayType::get(IGM.Int8Ty, count.getValue()));
NextOffset = offset;
} // end anonymous namespace.
/// A convenient macro for delegating an operation to all of the
/// various struct implementations.
#define FOR_STRUCT_IMPL(IGF, type, op, ...) do { \
auto &structTI = IGF.getTypeInfo(type); \
switch (getStructTypeInfoKind(structTI)) { \
case StructTypeInfoKind::ClangRecordTypeInfo: \
return<ClangRecordTypeInfo>().op(IGF, __VA_ARGS__); \
case StructTypeInfoKind::LoadableStructTypeInfo: \
return<LoadableStructTypeInfo>().op(IGF, __VA_ARGS__); \
case StructTypeInfoKind::FixedStructTypeInfo: \
return<FixedStructTypeInfo>().op(IGF, __VA_ARGS__); \
case StructTypeInfoKind::NonFixedStructTypeInfo: \
return<NonFixedStructTypeInfo>().op(IGF, __VA_ARGS__); \
case StructTypeInfoKind::ResilientStructTypeInfo: \
llvm_unreachable("resilient structs are opaque"); \
} \
llvm_unreachable("bad struct type info kind!"); \
} while(0)
Address irgen::projectPhysicalStructMemberAddress(IRGenFunction &IGF,
Address base,
SILType baseType,
VarDecl *field) {
FOR_STRUCT_IMPL(IGF, baseType, projectFieldAddress, base,
baseType, field);
void irgen::projectPhysicalStructMemberFromExplosion(IRGenFunction &IGF,
SILType baseType,
Explosion &base,
VarDecl *field,
Explosion &out) {
FOR_STRUCT_IMPL(IGF, baseType, projectFieldFromExplosion, base, field, out);
llvm::Constant *irgen::emitPhysicalStructMemberFixedOffset(IRGenModule &IGM,
SILType baseType,
VarDecl *field) {
FOR_STRUCT_IMPL(IGM, baseType, getConstantFieldOffset, field);
void IRGenModule::emitStructDecl(StructDecl *st) {
emitStructMetadata(*this, st);
namespace {
/// A type implementation for resilient struct types. This is not a
/// StructTypeInfoBase at all, since we don't know anything about
/// the struct's fields.
class ResilientStructTypeInfo
: public ResilientTypeInfo<ResilientStructTypeInfo>
ResilientStructTypeInfo(llvm::Type *T)
: ResilientTypeInfo(T) {
setSubclassKind((unsigned) StructTypeInfoKind::ResilientStructTypeInfo);
const TypeInfo *TypeConverter::convertResilientStruct() {
llvm::Type *storageType = IGM.OpaquePtrTy->getElementType();
return new ResilientStructTypeInfo(storageType);
const TypeInfo *TypeConverter::convertStructType(TypeBase *key, CanType type,
StructDecl *D) {
// All resilient structs have the same opaque lowering, since they are
// indistinguishable as values.
if (IGM.isResilient(D, ResilienceScope::Component))
return &getResilientStructTypeInfo();
// Create the struct type.
auto ty = IGM.createNominalType(D);
// Register a forward declaration before we look at any of the child types.
addForwardDecl(key, ty);
// Use different rules for types imported from C.
if (D->hasClangNode()) {
const clang::Decl *clangDecl = D->getClangNode().getAsDecl();
assert(clangDecl && "Swift struct from an imported C macro?");
if (auto clangRecord = dyn_cast<clang::RecordDecl>(clangDecl)) {
ClangRecordLowering lowering(IGM, D, clangRecord,
return lowering.createTypeInfo(ty);
} else if (isa<clang::EnumDecl>(clangDecl)) {
// Fall back to Swift lowering for the enum's representation as a struct.
D->getStoredProperties().end()) == 1 &&
"Struct representation of a Clang enum should wrap one value");
} else {
llvm_unreachable("Swift struct represents unexpected imported type");
// Collect all the fields from the type.
SmallVector<VarDecl*, 8> fields;
for (VarDecl *VD : D->getStoredProperties())
// Build the type.
StructTypeBuilder builder(IGM, ty, type);
return builder.layout(fields);