blob: 14e836c0c6c255ce97f187a1b4d0138b2df76736 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- GenEnum.h - Swift IR Generation For 'enum' Types -------* C++ *-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2015 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#ifndef __SWIFT_IRGen_GenEnum_H__
#define __SWIFT_IRGen_GenEnum_H__
#include "TypeInfo.h"
namespace llvm {
class BasicBlock;
class ConstantInt;
class StructType;
class Type;
class Value;
namespace swift {
class EnumElementDecl;
namespace irgen {
class EnumPayload;
class EnumPayloadSchema;
class IRGenFunction;
class TypeConverter;
/// \brief Emit the dispatch branch(es) for an address-only enum.
void emitSwitchAddressOnlyEnumDispatch(IRGenFunction &IGF,
SILType enumTy,
Address enumAddr,
llvm::BasicBlock*>> dests,
llvm::BasicBlock *defaultDest);
/// \brief Injects a case and its associated data, if any, into a loadable enum
/// value.
void emitInjectLoadableEnum(IRGenFunction &IGF,
SILType enumTy,
EnumElementDecl *theCase,
Explosion &data,
Explosion &out);
/// \brief Extracts the associated data for an enum case. This is an unchecked
/// operation; the input enum value must be of the given case.
void emitProjectLoadableEnum(IRGenFunction &IGF,
SILType enumTy,
Explosion &inData,
EnumElementDecl *theCase,
Explosion &out);
/// \brief Projects the address of the associated data for a case inside a
/// enum, to which a new data value can be stored.
Address emitProjectEnumAddressForStore(IRGenFunction &IGF,
SILType enumTy,
Address enumAddr,
EnumElementDecl *theCase);
/// \brief Projects the address of the associated data for a case inside a
/// enum, clearing any tag bits interleaved into the data area, so that the
/// value inside can be loaded. Does not check that the enum has a value of the
/// given case.
Address emitDestructiveProjectEnumAddressForLoad(IRGenFunction &IGF,
SILType enumTy,
Address enumAddr,
EnumElementDecl *theCase);
/// \brief Stores the tag bits for an enum case to the given address, overlaying
/// the data (if any) stored there.
void emitStoreEnumTagToAddress(IRGenFunction &IGF,
SILType enumTy,
Address enumAddr,
EnumElementDecl *theCase);
/// Interleave the occupiedValue and spareValue bits, taking a bit from one
/// or the other at each position based on the spareBits mask.
interleaveSpareBits(IRGenModule &IGM, const SpareBitVector &spareBits,
unsigned bits, unsigned spareValue, unsigned occupiedValue);
/// A version of the above where the tag value is dynamic.
EnumPayload interleaveSpareBits(IRGenFunction &IGF,
const EnumPayloadSchema &schema,
const SpareBitVector &spareBitVector,
llvm::Value *value);
/// Gather spare bits into the low bits of a smaller integer value.
llvm::Value *emitGatherSpareBits(IRGenFunction &IGF,
const SpareBitVector &spareBitMask,
llvm::Value *spareBits,
unsigned resultLowBit,
unsigned resultBitWidth);
/// Scatter spare bits from the low bits of a smaller integer value.
llvm::Value *emitScatterSpareBits(IRGenFunction &IGF,
const SpareBitVector &spareBitMask,
llvm::Value *packedBits,
unsigned packedLowBit);
/// An implementation strategy for an enum, which handles how the enum is
/// laid out and how to perform TypeInfo operations on values of the enum.
class EnumImplStrategy {
struct Element {
EnumElementDecl *decl;
const TypeInfo *ti;
const TypeInfo *origTI;
enum TypeInfoKind {
Opaque, ///< The enum has a NonFixedTypeInfo.
Fixed, ///< The enum has a FixedTypeInfo.
Loadable, ///< The enum has a LoadableTypeInfo.
std::vector<Element> ElementsWithPayload;
std::vector<Element> ElementsWithNoPayload;
IRGenModule &IGM;
const TypeInfo *TI = nullptr;
TypeInfoKind TIK;
IsFixedSize_t AlwaysFixedSize;
unsigned NumElements;
EnumImplStrategy(IRGenModule &IGM,
TypeInfoKind tik,
IsFixedSize_t alwaysFixedSize,
unsigned NumElements,
std::vector<Element> &&ElementsWithPayload,
std::vector<Element> &&ElementsWithNoPayload)
: ElementsWithPayload(std::move(ElementsWithPayload)),
IGM(IGM), TIK(tik), AlwaysFixedSize(alwaysFixedSize),
/// Save the TypeInfo created for the enum.
TypeInfo *registerEnumTypeInfo(TypeInfo *mutableTI) {
TI = mutableTI;
return mutableTI;
/// Constructs a TypeInfo for an enum of the best possible kind for its
/// layout, FixedEnumTypeInfo or LoadableEnumTypeInfo.
TypeInfo *getFixedEnumTypeInfo(llvm::StructType *T, Size S, SpareBitVector SB,
Alignment A, IsPOD_t isPOD,
IsBitwiseTakable_t isBT);
virtual ~EnumImplStrategy() { }
/// Construct a layout strategy appropriate to the enum type.
static EnumImplStrategy *get(TypeConverter &TC,
SILType Type,
EnumDecl *theEnum);
/// Given an incomplete StructType for the enum, completes layout of the
/// storage type, calculates its size and alignment, and produces the
/// TypeInfo for the enum.
virtual TypeInfo *completeEnumTypeLayout(TypeConverter &TC,
SILType Type,
EnumDecl *theEnum,
llvm::StructType *enumTy) = 0;
const TypeInfo &getTypeInfo() const {
return *TI;
llvm::StructType *getStorageType() const {
return cast<llvm::StructType>(getTypeInfo().getStorageType());
IsPOD_t isPOD(ResilienceScope scope) const {
return getTypeInfo().isPOD(scope);
/// \group Query enum layout
/// These APIs assume a fixed layout; they will not work on generic
/// enum types that have not been fully instantiated.
/// Return the list of cases determined to have a payload.
/// The payloads are discriminated using the bits in the mask returned by
/// getTagBits().
ArrayRef<Element> getElementsWithPayload() const {
return ElementsWithPayload;
/// Return the list of cases determined to have no payload.
/// Each no-payload case is represented by a specific bit pattern which can
/// be queried using getBitPatternForNoPayloadElement.
ArrayRef<Element> getElementsWithNoPayload() const {
return ElementsWithNoPayload;
unsigned getTagIndex(EnumElementDecl *Case) const;
/// Map the given element to the appropriate index in the
/// discriminator type.
/// Returns -1 if this is not supported by the enum implementation.
virtual int64_t getDiscriminatorIndex(EnumElementDecl *target) const {
return -1;
/// Emit field names for enum reflection.
virtual llvm::Constant *emitCaseNames() const;
/// \brief Return the bits used for discriminators for payload cases.
/// These bits are populated in increasing value according to the order of
/// the getElementsWithPayload() array, starting from zero for the first
/// element with payload.
virtual ClusteredBitVector getTagBitsForPayloads() const = 0;
/// Return the bit pattern used for the given no-payload case.
virtual ClusteredBitVector
getBitPatternForNoPayloadElement(EnumElementDecl *theCase) const = 0;
/// Return the bit mask used to test for no-payload cases.
virtual ClusteredBitVector
getBitMaskForNoPayloadElements() const = 0;
/// \group Indirect enum operations
/// Return the enum case tag for the given value. Payload cases come first,
/// followed by non-payload cases. Used for the getEnumTag value witness.
virtual llvm::Value *emitGetEnumTag(IRGenFunction &IGF,
SILType T,
Address enumAddr) const = 0;
/// Project the address of the data for a case. Does not check or modify
/// the referenced enum value.
/// Corresponds to the SIL 'init_enum_data_addr' instruction.
Address projectDataForStore(IRGenFunction &IGF,
EnumElementDecl *elt,
Address enumAddr) const;
/// Overlay the tag value for a case onto a data value in memory.
/// Corresponds to the SIL 'inject_enum_addr' instruction.
virtual void storeTag(IRGenFunction &IGF,
SILType T,
Address enumAddr,
EnumElementDecl *elt) const = 0;
/// Overlay a dynamic case tag onto a data value in memory. Used when
/// generating the destructiveInjectEnumTag value witness.
virtual void emitStoreTag(IRGenFunction &IGF,
SILType T,
Address enumAddr,
llvm::Value *tag) const = 0;
/// Clears tag bits from within the payload of an enum in memory and
/// projects the address of the data for a case. Does not check
/// the referenced enum value.
/// Performs the block argument binding for a SIL
/// 'switch_enum_addr' instruction.
/// Also used when generating the destructiveProjectEnumData value
/// witness.
Address destructiveProjectDataForLoad(IRGenFunction &IGF,
SILType T,
Address enumAddr,
EnumElementDecl *Case) const;
/// Clears tag bits from within the payload of an enum in memory and
/// projects the address of the data for a case. Does not check
/// the referenced enum value.
virtual void destructiveProjectDataForLoad(IRGenFunction &IGF,
SILType T,
Address enumAddr) const = 0;
/// Return an i1 value that indicates whether the specified indirect enum
/// value holds the specified case. This is a light-weight form of a switch.
virtual llvm::Value *emitIndirectCaseTest(IRGenFunction &IGF,
SILType T,
Address enumAddr,
EnumElementDecl *Case) const = 0;
/// Emit a branch on the case contained by an enum explosion.
/// Performs the branching for a SIL 'switch_enum_addr'
/// instruction.
virtual void emitIndirectSwitch(IRGenFunction &IGF,
SILType T,
Address enumAddr,
llvm::BasicBlock*>> dests,
llvm::BasicBlock *defaultDest) const = 0;
/// Emit code to extract the discriminator as an integer value.
/// Returns null if this is not supported by the enum implementation.
/// FIXME: is this the same as emitGetEnumTag()? Seems like it could be,
/// except that CCompatibleEnumImplStrategy maps cases to their raw
/// values rather than indices.
virtual llvm::Value *emitExtractDiscriminator(IRGenFunction &IGF,
Explosion &value) const {
return nullptr;
/// \group Loadable enum operations
/// Emit the construction sequence for an enum case into an explosion.
/// Corresponds to the SIL 'enum' instruction.
virtual void emitValueInjection(IRGenFunction &IGF,
EnumElementDecl *elt,
Explosion &params,
Explosion &out) const = 0;
/// Return an i1 value that indicates whether the specified loadable enum
/// value holds the specified case. This is a light-weight form of a switch.
virtual llvm::Value *emitValueCaseTest(IRGenFunction &IGF,
Explosion &value,
EnumElementDecl *Case) const = 0;
/// Emit a branch on the case contained by an enum explosion.
/// Performs the branching for a SIL 'switch_enum' instruction.
virtual void emitValueSwitch(IRGenFunction &IGF,
Explosion &value,
llvm::BasicBlock*>> dests,
llvm::BasicBlock *defaultDest) const = 0;
/// Project a case value out of an enum explosion. This does not check that
/// the explosion actually contains a value of the given case.
/// Performs the block argument binding for a SIL 'switch_enum'
/// instruction.
virtual void emitValueProject(IRGenFunction &IGF,
Explosion &inEnum,
EnumElementDecl *theCase,
Explosion &out) const = 0;
/// \group Delegated TypeInfo operations
virtual void getSchema(ExplosionSchema &schema) const = 0;
virtual void destroy(IRGenFunction &IGF, Address addr, SILType T) const = 0;
virtual void initializeFromParams(IRGenFunction &IGF, Explosion &params,
Address dest, SILType T) const;
virtual void assignWithCopy(IRGenFunction &IGF, Address dest,
Address src, SILType T) const = 0;
virtual void assignWithTake(IRGenFunction &IGF, Address dest,
Address src, SILType T) const = 0;
virtual void initializeWithCopy(IRGenFunction &IGF, Address dest,
Address src, SILType T) const = 0;
virtual void initializeWithTake(IRGenFunction &IGF, Address dest,
Address src, SILType T) const = 0;
virtual void initializeMetadata(IRGenFunction &IGF,
llvm::Value *metadata,
llvm::Value *vwtable,
SILType T) const = 0;
virtual bool mayHaveExtraInhabitants(IRGenModule &IGM) const = 0;
virtual llvm::Value *getExtraInhabitantIndex(IRGenFunction &IGF,
Address src,
SILType T) const = 0;
virtual void storeExtraInhabitant(IRGenFunction &IGF,
llvm::Value *index,
Address dest,
SILType T) const = 0;
/// \group Delegated FixedTypeInfo operations
virtual unsigned getFixedExtraInhabitantCount(IRGenModule &IGM) const = 0;
virtual APInt
getFixedExtraInhabitantValue(IRGenModule &IGM,
unsigned bits,
unsigned index) const = 0;
virtual APInt
getFixedExtraInhabitantMask(IRGenModule &IGM) const = 0;
/// \group Delegated LoadableTypeInfo operations
virtual unsigned getExplosionSize() const = 0;
virtual void loadAsCopy(IRGenFunction &IGF, Address addr,
Explosion &e) const = 0;
virtual void loadAsTake(IRGenFunction &IGF, Address addr,
Explosion &e) const = 0;
virtual void assign(IRGenFunction &IGF, Explosion &e,
Address addr) const = 0;
virtual void initialize(IRGenFunction &IGF, Explosion &e,
Address addr) const = 0;
virtual void reexplode(IRGenFunction &IGF, Explosion &src,
Explosion &dest) const = 0;
virtual void copy(IRGenFunction &IGF, Explosion &src,
Explosion &dest) const = 0;
virtual void consume(IRGenFunction &IGF, Explosion &src) const = 0;
virtual void fixLifetime(IRGenFunction &IGF, Explosion &src) const = 0;
virtual void packIntoEnumPayload(IRGenFunction &IGF,
EnumPayload &payload,
Explosion &in,
unsigned offset) const = 0;
virtual void unpackFromEnumPayload(IRGenFunction &IGF,
const EnumPayload &payload,
Explosion &dest,
unsigned offset) const = 0;
virtual bool needsPayloadSizeInMetadata() const = 0;
virtual llvm::Value *loadRefcountedPtr(IRGenFunction &IGF, SourceLoc loc,
Address addr) const;
EnumImplStrategy(const EnumImplStrategy &) = delete;
EnumImplStrategy &operator=(const EnumImplStrategy &) = delete;
/// Get the EnumImplStrategy for an enum type.
const EnumImplStrategy &getEnumImplStrategy(IRGenModule &IGM, CanType ty);
const EnumImplStrategy &getEnumImplStrategy(IRGenModule &IGM, SILType ty);