blob: 4a166651b2b44c4d80712c3c8c8047897b1dba79 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- ClangImporter.cpp - Import Clang Modules -------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2015 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file implements support for loading Clang modules into Swift.
#include "swift/ClangImporter/ClangImporter.h"
#include "swift/ClangImporter/ClangModule.h"
#include "ImporterImpl.h"
#include "ClangDiagnosticConsumer.h"
#include "swift/Subsystems.h"
#include "swift/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "swift/AST/Decl.h"
#include "swift/AST/DiagnosticEngine.h"
#include "swift/AST/DiagnosticsClangImporter.h"
#include "swift/AST/IRGenOptions.h"
#include "swift/AST/LinkLibrary.h"
#include "swift/AST/Module.h"
#include "swift/AST/NameLookup.h"
#include "swift/AST/Types.h"
#include "swift/Basic/Platform.h"
#include "swift/Basic/Range.h"
#include "swift/Basic/StringExtras.h"
#include "swift/Basic/Version.h"
#include "swift/ClangImporter/ClangImporterOptions.h"
#include "swift/Parse/Lexer.h"
#include "swift/Config.h"
#include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "clang/AST/Mangle.h"
#include "clang/Basic/CharInfo.h"
#include "clang/Basic/IdentifierTable.h"
#include "clang/Basic/Module.h"
#include "clang/Basic/TargetInfo.h"
#include "clang/Basic/Version.h"
#include "clang/CodeGen/ObjectFilePCHContainerOperations.h"
#include "clang/Frontend/FrontendActions.h"
#include "clang/Frontend/Utils.h"
#include "clang/Serialization/ASTReader.h"
#include "clang/Serialization/ASTWriter.h"
#include "clang/Lex/Preprocessor.h"
#include "clang/Parse/Parser.h"
#include "clang/Rewrite/Frontend/FrontendActions.h"
#include "clang/Rewrite/Frontend/Rewriters.h"
#include "clang/Sema/Lookup.h"
#include "clang/Sema/Sema.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CrashRecoveryContext.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
using namespace swift;
// Commonly-used Clang classes.
using clang::CompilerInstance;
using clang::CompilerInvocation;
#pragma mark Internal data structures
namespace {
class HeaderImportCallbacks : public clang::PPCallbacks {
ClangImporter &Importer;
ClangImporter::Implementation &Impl;
HeaderImportCallbacks(ClangImporter &importer,
ClangImporter::Implementation &impl)
: Importer(importer), Impl(impl) {}
void handleImport(const clang::Module *imported) {
if (!imported)
Module *nativeImported = Impl.finishLoadingClangModule(Importer, imported,
Impl.ImportedHeaderExports.push_back({ /*filter=*/{}, nativeImported });
virtual void InclusionDirective(clang::SourceLocation HashLoc,
const clang::Token &IncludeTok,
StringRef FileName,
bool IsAngled,
clang::CharSourceRange FilenameRange,
const clang::FileEntry *File,
StringRef SearchPath,
StringRef RelativePath,
const clang::Module *Imported) override {
if (!Imported && File)
virtual void moduleImport(clang::SourceLocation ImportLoc,
clang::ModuleIdPath Path,
const clang::Module *Imported) override {
class ASTReaderCallbacks : public clang::ASTReaderListener {
ClangImporter &Importer;
explicit ASTReaderCallbacks(ClangImporter &importer) : Importer(importer) {}
bool needsInputFileVisitation() override { return true; }
bool visitInputFile(StringRef file, bool isSystem,
bool isOverridden, bool isExplicitModule) override {
if (!isOverridden)
return true;
class StdStringMemBuffer : public llvm::MemoryBuffer {
const std::string storage;
const std::string name;
StdStringMemBuffer(std::string &&source, StringRef name)
: storage(std::move(source)), name(name.str()) {
init(, + storage.size(),
const char *getBufferIdentifier() const override {
return name.c_str();
BufferKind getBufferKind() const override {
return MemoryBuffer_Malloc;
namespace {
class BridgingPPTracker : public clang::PPCallbacks {
ClangImporter::Implementation &Impl;
BridgingPPTracker(ClangImporter::Implementation &Impl)
: Impl(Impl) {}
static unsigned getNumModuleIdentifiers(const clang::Module *Mod) {
unsigned Result = 1;
while (Mod->Parent) {
Mod = Mod->Parent;
return Result;
void InclusionDirective(clang::SourceLocation HashLoc,
const clang::Token &IncludeTok,
StringRef FileName,
bool IsAngled,
clang::CharSourceRange FilenameRange,
const clang::FileEntry *File,
StringRef SearchPath,
StringRef RelativePath,
const clang::Module *Imported) override {
if (!Imported) {
if (File)
// Synthesize identifier locations.
SmallVector<clang::SourceLocation, 4> IdLocs;
for (unsigned I = 0, E = getNumModuleIdentifiers(Imported); I != E; ++I)
handleImport(HashLoc, IdLocs, Imported);
void moduleImport(clang::SourceLocation ImportLoc,
clang::ModuleIdPath Path,
const clang::Module *Imported) override {
if (!Imported)
SmallVector<clang::SourceLocation, 4> IdLocs;
for (auto &P : Path)
handleImport(ImportLoc, IdLocs, Imported);
void handleImport(clang::SourceLocation ImportLoc,
ArrayRef<clang::SourceLocation> IdLocs,
const clang::Module *Imported) {
clang::ASTContext &ClangCtx = Impl.getClangASTContext();
clang::ImportDecl *ClangImport = clang::ImportDecl::Create(ClangCtx,
void MacroDefined(const clang::Token &MacroNameTok,
const clang::MacroDirective *MD) override {
void ClangImporter::Implementation::addBridgeHeaderTopLevelDecls(
clang::Decl *D) {
if (shouldIgnoreBridgeHeaderTopLevelDecl(D))
bool ClangImporter::Implementation::shouldIgnoreBridgeHeaderTopLevelDecl(
clang::Decl *D) {
// Ignore forward references;
if (auto *ID = dyn_cast<clang::ObjCInterfaceDecl>(D)) {
if (!ID->isThisDeclarationADefinition())
return true;
} else if (auto PD = dyn_cast<clang::ObjCProtocolDecl>(D)) {
if (!PD->isThisDeclarationADefinition())
return true;
} else if (auto TD = dyn_cast<clang::TagDecl>(D)) {
if (!TD->isThisDeclarationADefinition())
return true;
return false;
ClangImporter::ClangImporter(ASTContext &ctx,
const ClangImporterOptions &clangImporterOpts,
DependencyTracker *tracker)
: ClangModuleLoader(tracker),
Impl(*new Implementation(ctx, clangImporterOpts))
ClangImporter::~ClangImporter() {
void ClangImporter::setTypeResolver(LazyResolver &resolver) {
void ClangImporter::clearTypeResolver() {
#pragma mark Module loading
#ifdef NDEBUG
#define SHIMS_INCLUDE_FLAG "-isystem"
static void
getNormalInvocationArguments(std::vector<std::string> &invocationArgStrs,
ASTContext &ctx,
const ClangImporterOptions &importerOpts) {
const llvm::Triple &triple = ctx.LangOpts.Target;
SearchPathOptions &searchPathOpts = ctx.SearchPathOpts;
// Construct the invocation arguments for the current target.
// Add target-independent options first.
invocationArgStrs.insert(invocationArgStrs.end(), {
// Enable modules.
// Don't emit LLVM IR.
SHIMS_INCLUDE_FLAG, searchPathOpts.RuntimeResourcePath,
"-Xclang", "-fmodule-feature", "-Xclang", "swift",
// Set C language options.
if (triple.isOSDarwin()) {
invocationArgStrs.insert(invocationArgStrs.end(), {
// Darwin uses Objective-C ARC.
"-x", "objective-c", "-std=gnu11", "-fobjc-arc", "-fblocks",
// Define macros that Swift bridging headers use.
// Avoid including the iso646.h header because some headers from OS X
// frameworks are broken by it.
"-D_ISO646_H_", "-D__ISO646_H",
// Request new APIs from Foundation.
// Request new APIs from SceneKit.
// Request new APIs from SpriteKit.
// Request new APIs from CoreImage.
// Get the version of this compiler and pass it to
// C/Objective-C declarations.
auto V = version::Version::getCurrentCompilerVersion();
if (!V.empty()) {
invocationArgStrs.insert(invocationArgStrs.end(), {
} else {
invocationArgStrs.insert(invocationArgStrs.end(), {
// Non-Darwin platforms don't use the Objective-C runtime, so they can
// not import Objective-C modules.
// Just use the most feature-rich C language mode.
"-x", "c", "-std=gnu11",
if (triple.isOSDarwin()) {
std::string minVersionBuf;
llvm::raw_string_ostream minVersionOpt{minVersionBuf};
unsigned major, minor, micro;
if (triple.isiOS()) {
bool isiOSSimulator = swift::tripleIsiOSSimulator(triple);
if (triple.isTvOS()) {
if (isiOSSimulator)
minVersionOpt << "-mtvos-simulator-version-min=";
minVersionOpt << "-mtvos-version-min=";
} else {
if (isiOSSimulator)
minVersionOpt << "-mios-simulator-version-min=";
minVersionOpt << "-mios-version-min=";
triple.getiOSVersion(major, minor, micro);
} else if(triple.isWatchOS()) {
if (tripleIsWatchSimulator(triple))
minVersionOpt << "-mwatchos-simulator-version-min=";
minVersionOpt << "-mwatchos-version-min=";
triple.getOSVersion(major, minor, micro);
} else {
minVersionOpt << "-mmacosx-version-min=";
triple.getMacOSXVersion(major, minor, micro);
minVersionOpt << clang::VersionTuple(major, minor, micro);
if (searchPathOpts.SDKPath.empty()) {
} else {
// On Darwin, Clang uses -isysroot to specify the include
// system root. On other targets, it seems to use --sysroot.
if (triple.isOSDarwin()) {
} else {
const std::string &moduleCachePath = importerOpts.ModuleCachePath;
// Set the module cache path.
if (!moduleCachePath.empty()) {
if (importerOpts.DetailedPreprocessingRecord) {
invocationArgStrs.insert(invocationArgStrs.end(), {
"-Xclang", "-detailed-preprocessing-record",
"-Xclang", "-fmodule-format=raw",
} else {
invocationArgStrs.insert(invocationArgStrs.end(), {
"-Xclang", "-fmodule-format=obj",
static void
getEmbedBitcodeInvocationArguments(std::vector<std::string> &invocationArgStrs,
ASTContext &ctx,
const ClangImporterOptions &importerOpts) {
invocationArgStrs.insert(invocationArgStrs.end(), {
// Backend mode.
// ...but Clang isn't doing the emission.
"-x", "ir",
static void
addCommonInvocationArguments(std::vector<std::string> &invocationArgStrs,
ASTContext &ctx,
const ClangImporterOptions &importerOpts) {
using ImporterImpl = ClangImporter::Implementation;
const llvm::Triple &triple = ctx.LangOpts.Target;
SearchPathOptions &searchPathOpts = ctx.SearchPathOpts;
if (ctx.LangOpts.EnableAppExtensionRestrictions) {
if (!importerOpts.TargetCPU.empty()) {
invocationArgStrs.push_back("-mcpu=" + importerOpts.TargetCPU);
} else if (triple.isOSDarwin()) {
// Special case: arm64 defaults to the "cyclone" CPU for Darwin,
// but Clang only detects this if we use -arch.
if (triple.getArch() == llvm::Triple::aarch64 ||
triple.getArch() == llvm::Triple::aarch64_be) {
const std::string &overrideResourceDir = importerOpts.OverrideResourceDir;
if (overrideResourceDir.empty()) {
llvm::SmallString<128> resourceDir(searchPathOpts.RuntimeResourcePath);
// Adjust the path to refer to our copy of the Clang resource directory
// under 'lib/swift/clang', which is either a real resource directory or a
// symlink to one inside of a full Clang installation.
// The rationale for looking under the Swift resource directory and not
// assuming that the Clang resource directory is located next to it is that
// Swift, when installed separately, should not need to install files in
// directories that are not "owned" by it.
llvm::sys::path::append(resourceDir, "clang");
// Set the Clang resource directory to the path we computed.
} else {
for (auto extraArg : importerOpts.ExtraArgs) {
ClangImporter::create(ASTContext &ctx,
const ClangImporterOptions &importerOpts,
DependencyTracker *tracker) {
std::unique_ptr<ClangImporter> importer{
new ClangImporter(ctx, importerOpts, tracker)
std::vector<std::string> invocationArgStrs;
switch (importerOpts.Mode) {
case ClangImporterOptions::Modes::Normal:
getNormalInvocationArguments(invocationArgStrs, ctx, importerOpts);
case ClangImporterOptions::Modes::EmbedBitcode:
getEmbedBitcodeInvocationArguments(invocationArgStrs, ctx, importerOpts);
addCommonInvocationArguments(invocationArgStrs, ctx, importerOpts);
if (importerOpts.DumpClangDiagnostics) {
llvm::errs() << "clang '";
[](StringRef arg) { llvm::errs() << arg; },
[] { llvm::errs() << "' '"; });
llvm::errs() << "'\n";
std::vector<const char *> invocationArgs;
for (auto &argStr : invocationArgStrs)
// FIXME: These can't be controlled from the command line.
llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr<clang::DiagnosticOptions> diagnosticOpts{
new clang::DiagnosticOptions
std::unique_ptr<ClangDiagnosticConsumer> diagClient{
new ClangDiagnosticConsumer(importer->Impl, *diagnosticOpts,
auto clangDiags = CompilerInstance::createDiagnostics(diagnosticOpts.get(),
// Create a new Clang compiler invocation.
llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr<CompilerInvocation> invocation{
clang::createInvocationFromCommandLine(invocationArgs, clangDiags)
if (!invocation)
return nullptr;
importer->Impl.Invocation = invocation;
// Don't stop emitting messages if we ever can't load a module.
// FIXME: This is actually a general problem: any "fatal" error could mess up
// the CompilerInvocation.
// Create an almost-empty memory buffer.
auto sourceBuffer = llvm::MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer(
"extern int __swift __attribute__((unavailable));",
clang::PreprocessorOptions &ppOpts = invocation->getPreprocessorOpts();
// Build Swift lookup tables, if requested.
if (importer->Impl.UseSwiftLookupTables) {
// Create a compiler instance.
auto PCHContainerOperations =
importer->Impl.Instance.reset(new CompilerInstance(PCHContainerOperations));
auto &instance = *importer->Impl.Instance;
// Create the associated action.
importer->Impl.Action.reset(new clang::SyntaxOnlyAction);
auto *action = importer->Impl.Action.get();
// Execute the action. We effectively inline most of
// CompilerInstance::ExecuteAction here, because we need to leave the AST
// open for future module loading.
// FIXME: This has to be cleaned up on the Clang side before we can improve
// things here.
// Create the target instance.
if (!instance.hasTarget())
return nullptr;
// Inform the target of the language options.
// FIXME: We shouldn't need to do this, the target should be immutable once
// created. This complexity should be lifted elsewhere.
if (importerOpts.Mode == ClangImporterOptions::Modes::EmbedBitcode)
return importer;
bool canBegin = action->BeginSourceFile(instance,
if (!canBegin)
return nullptr; // there was an error related to the compiler arguments.
clang::Preprocessor &clangPP = instance.getPreprocessor();
// Setup Preprocessor callbacks before initialing the parser to make sure
// we catch implicit includes.
auto ppTracker = llvm::make_unique<BridgingPPTracker>(importer->Impl);
new ASTReaderCallbacks(*importer)));
// Manually run the action, so that the TU stays open for additional parsing.
instance.createSema(action->getTranslationUnitKind(), nullptr);
importer->Impl.Parser.reset(new clang::Parser(clangPP, instance.getSema(),
// Prefer frameworks over plain headers.
// We add search paths here instead of when building the initial invocation
// so that (a) we use the same code as search paths for imported modules,
// and (b) search paths are always added after -Xcc options.
SearchPathOptions &searchPathOpts = ctx.SearchPathOpts;
for (auto path : searchPathOpts.FrameworkSearchPaths)
importer->addSearchPath(path, /*isFramework*/true);
for (auto path : searchPathOpts.ImportSearchPaths)
importer->addSearchPath(path, /*isFramework*/false);
clang::Parser::DeclGroupPtrTy parsed;
while (!importer->Impl.Parser->ParseTopLevelDecl(parsed)) {
for (auto *D : parsed.get()) {
if (importer->Impl.UseSwiftLookupTables) {
if (auto named = dyn_cast<clang::NamedDecl>(D)) {
// FIXME: This is missing implicit includes.
auto *CB = new HeaderImportCallbacks(*importer, importer->Impl);
// Create the selectors we'll be looking for.
auto &clangContext = importer->Impl.Instance->getASTContext();
= clangContext.Selectors.getUnarySelector(
clang::IdentifierInfo *setObjectAtIndexedSubscriptIdents[2] = {
= clangContext.Selectors.getSelector(2, setObjectAtIndexedSubscriptIdents);
= clangContext.Selectors.getUnarySelector(
clang::IdentifierInfo *setObjectForKeyedSubscriptIdents[2] = {
= clangContext.Selectors.getSelector(2, setObjectForKeyedSubscriptIdents);
// Set up the imported header module.
auto *importedHeaderModule = Module::create(ctx.getIdentifier("__ObjC"), ctx);
importer->Impl.ImportedHeaderUnit =
new (ctx) ClangModuleUnit(*importedHeaderModule, *importer, nullptr);
return importer;
bool ClangImporter::addSearchPath(StringRef newSearchPath, bool isFramework) {
clang::FileManager &fileMgr = Impl.Instance->getFileManager();
const clang::DirectoryEntry *entry = fileMgr.getDirectory(newSearchPath);
if (!entry)
return true;
auto &headerSearchInfo = Impl.getClangPreprocessor().getHeaderSearchInfo();
headerSearchInfo.AddSearchPath({entry, clang::SrcMgr::C_User, isFramework},
// In addition to changing the current preprocessor directly, we still need
// to change the options structure for future module-building.
return false;
void ClangImporter::Implementation::addEntryToLookupTable(
clang::Sema &clangSema,
SwiftLookupTable &table,
clang::NamedDecl *named)
// Determine whether this declaration is suppressed in Swift.
if (shouldSuppressDeclImport(named)) return;
// If we have a name to import as, add this entry to the table.
clang::DeclContext *effectiveContext;
if (auto importedName = importFullName(named, None, &effectiveContext,
&clangSema)) {
table.addEntry(importedName.Imported, named, effectiveContext);
// Also add the alias, if needed.
if (importedName.Alias)
table.addEntry(importedName.Alias, named, effectiveContext);
// Also add the subscript entry, if needed.
if (importedName.IsSubscriptAccessor)
table.addEntry(DeclName(SwiftContext, SwiftContext.Id_subscript, { }),
named, effectiveContext);
// Walk the members of any context that can have nested members.
if (isa<clang::TagDecl>(named) ||
isa<clang::ObjCInterfaceDecl>(named) ||
isa<clang::ObjCProtocolDecl>(named) ||
isa<clang::ObjCCategoryDecl>(named)) {
clang::DeclContext *dc = cast<clang::DeclContext>(named);
for (auto member : dc->decls()) {
if (auto namedMember = dyn_cast<clang::NamedDecl>(member))
addEntryToLookupTable(clangSema, table, namedMember);
void ClangImporter::Implementation::addMacrosToLookupTable(
clang::ASTContext &clangCtx,
clang::Preprocessor &pp,
SwiftLookupTable &table) {
for (const auto &macro : pp.macros(false)) {
// Find the local history of this macro directive.
clang::MacroDirective *MD = pp.getLocalMacroDirectiveHistory(macro.first);
if (!MD) continue;
// Import the name.
auto name = importIdentifier(macro.first);
if (name.empty()) continue;
// Walk the history.
for (; MD; MD = MD->getPrevious()) {
// Check whether we have a macro defined in this module.
auto info = pp.getMacroInfo(macro.first);
if (!info || info->isFromASTFile() || info->isBuiltinMacro()) continue;
// Only interested in macro definitions.
auto *defMD = dyn_cast<clang::DefMacroDirective>(MD);
if (!defMD) continue;
// If we hit a builtin macro, we're done.
if (auto info = defMD->getInfo()) {
if (info->isBuiltinMacro()) break;
// If we hit a macro with invalid or predefined location, we're done.
auto loc = defMD->getLocation();
if (loc.isInvalid()) break;
if (pp.getSourceManager().getFileID(loc) == pp.getPredefinesFileID())
// Add this entry.
table.addEntry(name, info, clangCtx.getTranslationUnitDecl());
bool ClangImporter::Implementation::importHeader(
Module *adapter, StringRef headerName, SourceLoc diagLoc,
bool trackParsedSymbols,
std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer> sourceBuffer) {
// Don't even try to load the bridging header if the Clang AST is in a bad
// state. It could cause a crash.
auto &clangDiags = getClangASTContext().getDiagnostics();
if (clangDiags.hasFatalErrorOccurred())
return true;
bool hadError = clangDiags.hasErrorOccurred();
clang::ASTContext &ClangCtx = getClangASTContext();
clang::Preprocessor &pp = getClangPreprocessor();
clang::SourceManager &sourceMgr = ClangCtx.getSourceManager();
clang::SourceLocation includeLoc =
clang::FileID bufferID = sourceMgr.createFileID(std::move(sourceBuffer),
pp.EnterSourceFile(bufferID, /*directoryLookup=*/nullptr, /*loc=*/{});
// Force the import to occur.
clang::Parser::DeclGroupPtrTy parsed;
while (!Parser->ParseTopLevelDecl(parsed)) {
if (parsed && (trackParsedSymbols || UseSwiftLookupTables)) {
for (auto *D : parsed.get()) {
if (trackParsedSymbols)
if (UseSwiftLookupTables) {
if (auto named = dyn_cast<clang::NamedDecl>(D)) {
addEntryToLookupTable(getClangSema(), BridgingHeaderLookupTable,
if (UseSwiftLookupTables) {
addMacrosToLookupTable(getClangASTContext(), getClangPreprocessor(),
// Wrap all Clang imports under a Swift import decl.
for (auto &Import : BridgeHeaderTopLevelImports) {
if (auto *ClangImport = Import.dyn_cast<clang::ImportDecl*>()) {
Import = createImportDecl(SwiftContext, adapter, ClangImport, {});
// FIXME: What do we do if there was already an error?
if (!hadError && clangDiags.hasErrorOccurred()) {
SwiftContext.Diags.diagnose(diagLoc, diag::bridging_header_error,
return true;
return false;
bool ClangImporter::importHeader(StringRef header, Module *adapter,
off_t expectedSize, time_t expectedModTime,
StringRef cachedContents, SourceLoc diagLoc) {
clang::FileManager &fileManager = Impl.Instance->getFileManager();
const clang::FileEntry *headerFile = fileManager.getFile(header,
if (headerFile && headerFile->getSize() == expectedSize &&
headerFile->getModificationTime() == expectedModTime) {
return importBridgingHeader(header, adapter, diagLoc);
if (!cachedContents.empty() && cachedContents.back() == '\0')
cachedContents = cachedContents.drop_back();
std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer> sourceBuffer{
llvm::MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer(cachedContents, header)
return Impl.importHeader(adapter, header, diagLoc, /*trackParsedSymbols=*/false,
bool ClangImporter::importBridgingHeader(StringRef header, Module *adapter,
SourceLoc diagLoc,
bool trackParsedSymbols) {
clang::FileManager &fileManager = Impl.Instance->getFileManager();
const clang::FileEntry *headerFile = fileManager.getFile(header,
if (!headerFile) {
Impl.SwiftContext.Diags.diagnose(diagLoc, diag::bridging_header_missing,
return true;
llvm::SmallString<128> importLine{"#import \""};
importLine += header;
importLine += "\"\n";
std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer> sourceBuffer{
importLine, Implementation::bridgingHeaderBufferName)
return Impl.importHeader(adapter, header, diagLoc, trackParsedSymbols,
std::string ClangImporter::getBridgingHeaderContents(StringRef headerPath,
off_t &fileSize,
time_t &fileModTime) {
llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr<clang::CompilerInvocation> invocation{
new clang::CompilerInvocation(*Impl.Invocation)
invocation->getFrontendOpts().DisableFree = false;
clang::FrontendInputFile(headerPath, clang::IK_ObjC));
clang::CompilerInstance rewriteInstance(
rewriteInstance.createDiagnostics(new clang::IgnoringDiagConsumer);
clang::FileManager &fileManager = Impl.Instance->getFileManager();
std::string result;
bool success = llvm::CrashRecoveryContext().RunSafelyOnThread([&] {
clang::RewriteIncludesAction action;
llvm::raw_string_ostream os(result);
clang::RewriteIncludesInInput(rewriteInstance.getPreprocessor(), &os,
success |= !rewriteInstance.getDiagnostics().hasErrorOccurred();
if (!success) {
return "";
const clang::FileEntry *fileInfo = fileManager.getFile(headerPath);
fileSize = fileInfo->getSize();
fileModTime = fileInfo->getModificationTime();
return result;
void ClangImporter::collectSubModuleNamesAndVisibility(
ArrayRef<std::pair<Identifier, SourceLoc>> path,
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, bool>> &namesVisiblePairs) {
auto &clangHeaderSearch = Impl.getClangPreprocessor().getHeaderSearchInfo();
// Look up the top-level module first.
clang::Module *clangModule =
if (!clangModule)
clang::Module *submodule = clangModule;
for (auto component : path.slice(1)) {
submodule = submodule->findSubmodule(component.first.str());
if (!submodule)
auto submoduleNameLength = submodule->getFullModuleName().length();
for (auto sub : submodule->submodules()) {
StringRef full = sub->getFullModuleName();
std::make_pair(full.substr(submoduleNameLength + 1).str(),
bool ClangImporter::isModuleImported(const clang::Module *M) {
return M->NameVisibility == clang::Module::NameVisibilityKind::AllVisible;
Module *ClangImporter::loadModule(
SourceLoc importLoc,
ArrayRef<std::pair<Identifier, SourceLoc>> path) {
auto &clangContext = Impl.getClangASTContext();
auto &clangHeaderSearch = Impl.getClangPreprocessor().getHeaderSearchInfo();
// Look up the top-level module first, to see if it exists at all.
clang::Module *clangModule =
if (!clangModule)
return nullptr;
// Convert the Swift import path over to a Clang import path.
SmallVector<std::pair<clang::IdentifierInfo *, clang::SourceLocation>, 4>
for (auto component : path) {
clangPath.push_back({ &clangContext.Idents.get(component.first.str()),
Impl.exportSourceLoc(component.second) } );
auto &srcMgr = clangContext.getSourceManager();
auto &rawDiagClient = Impl.Instance->getDiagnosticClient();
auto &diagClient = static_cast<ClangDiagnosticConsumer &>(rawDiagClient);
auto loadModule = [&](clang::ModuleIdPath path,
bool makeVisible) -> clang::ModuleLoadResult {
clang::Module::NameVisibilityKind visibility =
makeVisible ? clang::Module::AllVisible : clang::Module::Hidden;
auto importRAII = diagClient.handleImport(clangPath.front().first,
// FIXME: The source location here is completely bogus. It can't be
// invalid, and it can't be the same thing twice in a row, so we just use
// a counter. Having real source locations would be far, far better.
clang::SourceLocation clangImportLoc
= srcMgr.getLocForStartOfFile(srcMgr.getMainFileID())
clang::ModuleLoadResult result =
Impl.Instance->loadModule(clangImportLoc, path, visibility,
if (result && makeVisible)
Impl.getClangPreprocessor().makeModuleVisible(result, clangImportLoc);
return result;
// Now load the top-level module, so that we can check if the submodule
// exists without triggering a fatal error.
clangModule = loadModule(clangPath.front(), false);
if (!clangModule)
return nullptr;
// Verify that the submodule exists.
clang::Module *submodule = clangModule;
for (auto component : path.slice(1)) {
submodule = submodule->findSubmodule(component.first.str());
// FIXME: Specialize the error for a missing submodule?
if (!submodule)
return nullptr;
// Finally, load the submodule and make it visible.
clangModule = loadModule(clangPath, true);
if (!clangModule)
return nullptr;
return Impl.finishLoadingClangModule(*this, clangModule, /*adapter=*/false);
Module *ClangImporter::Implementation::finishLoadingClangModule(
ClangImporter &owner,
const clang::Module *clangModule,
bool findAdapter) {
// Bump the generation count.
auto &cacheEntry = ModuleWrappers[clangModule];
Module *result;
ClangModuleUnit *wrapperUnit;
if ((wrapperUnit = cacheEntry.getPointer())) {
result = wrapperUnit->getParentModule();
if (!cacheEntry.getInt()) {
// Force load adapter modules for all imported modules.
// FIXME: This forces the creation of wrapper modules for all imports as
// well, and may do unnecessary work.
result->forAllVisibleModules({}, [&](Module::ImportedModule import) {});
} else {
// Build the representation of the Clang module in Swift.
// FIXME: The name of this module could end up as a key in the ASTContext,
// but that's not correct for submodules.
Identifier name = SwiftContext.getIdentifier((*clangModule).Name);
result = Module::create(name, SwiftContext);
// Silence error messages about testably importing a Clang module.
wrapperUnit =
new (SwiftContext) ClangModuleUnit(*result, owner, clangModule);
cacheEntry.setPointerAndInt(wrapperUnit, true);
// Force load adapter modules for all imported modules.
// FIXME: This forces the creation of wrapper modules for all imports as
// well, and may do unnecessary work.
result->forAllVisibleModules({}, [](Module::ImportedModule import) {});
// Try to load the API notes for this module.
if (clangModule->isSubModule()) {
finishLoadingClangModule(owner, clangModule->getTopLevelModule(), true);
} else {
Module *&loaded = SwiftContext.LoadedModules[result->getName()];
if (!loaded)
loaded = result;
if (findAdapter)
if (Module *adapter = wrapperUnit->getAdapterModule())
result = adapter;
return result;
Module *ClangImporter::getImportedHeaderModule() const {
return Impl.ImportedHeaderUnit->getParentModule();
ClangImporter::Implementation::Implementation(ASTContext &ctx,
const ClangImporterOptions &opts)
: SwiftContext(ctx),
// Add filters to determine if a Clang availability attribute
// applies in Swift, and if so, what is the cutoff for deprecated
// declarations that are now considered unavailable in Swift.
if (ctx.LangOpts.Target.isiOS() && !ctx.LangOpts.Target.isTvOS()) {
if (!ctx.LangOpts.EnableAppExtensionRestrictions) {
PlatformAvailabilityFilter =
[](StringRef Platform) { return Platform == "ios"; };
else {
PlatformAvailabilityFilter =
[](StringRef Platform) {
return Platform == "ios" ||
Platform == "ios_app_extension"; };
// Anything deprecated in iOS 7.x and earlier is unavailable in Swift.
DeprecatedAsUnavailableFilter =
[](unsigned major, llvm::Optional<unsigned> minor) { return major <= 7; };
DeprecatedAsUnavailableMessage =
"APIs deprecated as of iOS 7 and earlier are unavailable in Swift";
else if (ctx.LangOpts.Target.isTvOS()) {
if (!ctx.LangOpts.EnableAppExtensionRestrictions) {
PlatformAvailabilityFilter =
[](StringRef Platform) { return Platform == "tvos"; };
else {
PlatformAvailabilityFilter =
[](StringRef Platform) {
return Platform == "tvos" ||
Platform == "tvos_app_extension"; };
// Anything deprecated in iOS 7.x and earlier is unavailable in Swift.
DeprecatedAsUnavailableFilter =
[](unsigned major, llvm::Optional<unsigned> minor) { return major <= 7; };
DeprecatedAsUnavailableMessage =
"APIs deprecated as of iOS 7 and earlier are unavailable in Swift";
else if (ctx.LangOpts.Target.isWatchOS()) {
if (!ctx.LangOpts.EnableAppExtensionRestrictions) {
PlatformAvailabilityFilter =
[](StringRef Platform) { return Platform == "watchos"; };
else {
PlatformAvailabilityFilter =
[](StringRef Platform) {
return Platform == "watchos" ||
Platform == "watchos_app_extension"; };
// No deprecation filter on watchOS
DeprecatedAsUnavailableFilter =
[](unsigned major, llvm::Optional<unsigned> minor) { return false; };
DeprecatedAsUnavailableMessage = "";
else if (ctx.LangOpts.Target.isMacOSX()) {
if (!ctx.LangOpts.EnableAppExtensionRestrictions) {
PlatformAvailabilityFilter =
[](StringRef Platform) { return Platform == "macosx"; };
else {
PlatformAvailabilityFilter =
[](StringRef Platform) {
return Platform == "macosx" ||
Platform == "macosx_app_extension"; };
// Anything deprecated in OSX 10.9.x and earlier is unavailable in Swift.
DeprecatedAsUnavailableFilter =
[](unsigned major, llvm::Optional<unsigned> minor) {
return major < 10 ||
(major == 10 && (!minor.hasValue() || minor.getValue() <= 9));
DeprecatedAsUnavailableMessage =
"APIs deprecated as of OS X 10.9 and earlier are unavailable in Swift";
ClangImporter::Implementation::~Implementation() {
assert(NumCurrentImportingEntities == 0);
#ifndef NDEBUG
ClangModuleUnit *ClangImporter::Implementation::getWrapperForModule(
ClangImporter &importer,
const clang::Module *underlying) {
auto &cacheEntry = ModuleWrappers[underlying];
if (ClangModuleUnit *cached = cacheEntry.getPointer())
return cached;
// FIXME: Handle hierarchical names better.
Identifier name = SwiftContext.getIdentifier(underlying->Name);
auto wrapper = Module::create(name, SwiftContext);
// Silence error messages about testably importing a Clang module.
auto file = new (SwiftContext) ClangModuleUnit(*wrapper, importer,
return file;
api_notes::APINotesReader *
const clang::Module *underlying) {
assert(underlying == underlying->getTopLevelModule() &&
"Only allowed on a top-level module");
// Check whether we already have an API notes reader.
auto known = APINotesReaders.find(underlying);
if (known != APINotesReaders.end())
return known->second.get();
/// Determine the name of the API notes we're looking for.
llvm::SmallString<64> notesFilename(underlying->Name);
notesFilename += '.';
notesFilename += api_notes::BINARY_APINOTES_EXTENSION;
// Look for a compiled API notes file in at the given search path. Sets
// the reader and returns true if one was found.
llvm::SmallString<64> scratch;
std::unique_ptr<api_notes::APINotesReader> reader;
auto findAPINotes = [&](StringRef searchPath) -> bool {
// Compute the file name we're looking for.
llvm::sys::path::append(scratch, searchPath, notesFilename.str());
// Try to open the file.
llvm::ErrorOr<std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer>> bufferOrErr
= llvm::MemoryBuffer::getFile(scratch.str());
if (!bufferOrErr)
return false;
// We found the API notes file; try to load it.
reader = api_notes::APINotesReader::get(std::move(bufferOrErr.get()));
return true;
// Look for a ModuleName.apinotes file in the import search paths.
// FIXME: Good thing we have no notion of layering for these paths.
bool foundAny = false;
for (const auto& searchPath : SwiftContext.SearchPathOpts.ImportSearchPaths) {
if (findAPINotes(searchPath)) {
foundAny = true;
// If we didn't find anything in the user-provided import search paths, look
// in the runtime library import path.
if (!foundAny)
// Add the reader we formed (if any) to the table.
return APINotesReaders.insert({underlying, std::move(reader)})
Optional<const clang::Decl *>
const clang::Decl *D) {
if (auto OID = dyn_cast<clang::ObjCInterfaceDecl>(D))
return OID->getDefinition();
if (auto TD = dyn_cast<clang::TagDecl>(D))
return TD->getDefinition();
if (auto OPD = dyn_cast<clang::ObjCProtocolDecl>(D))
return OPD->getDefinition();
return None;
Optional<clang::Module *>
const clang::Decl *D,
bool allowForwardDeclaration) {
const clang::Decl *actual = nullptr;
// Put an Objective-C class into the module that contains the @interface
// definition, not just some @class forward declaration.
if (auto maybeDefinition = getDefinitionForClangTypeDecl(D)) {
actual = maybeDefinition.getValue();
if (!actual && !allowForwardDeclaration)
return None;
if (!actual)
actual = D->getCanonicalDecl();
return actual->getImportedOwningModule();
ClangModuleUnit *ClangImporter::Implementation::getClangModuleForDecl(
const clang::Decl *D,
bool allowForwardDeclaration) {
auto maybeModule = getClangSubmoduleForDecl(D, allowForwardDeclaration);
if (!maybeModule)
return nullptr;
if (!maybeModule.getValue())
return ImportedHeaderUnit;
// Get the parent module because currently we don't represent submodules with
// ClangModuleUnit.
auto *M = maybeModule.getValue()->getTopLevelModule();
auto &importer =
static_cast<ClangImporter &>(*SwiftContext.getClangModuleLoader());
return getWrapperForModule(importer, M);
#pragma mark Source locations
ClangImporter::Implementation::exportSourceLoc(SourceLoc loc) {
// FIXME: Implement!
return clang::SourceLocation();
ClangImporter::Implementation::importSourceLoc(clang::SourceLocation loc) {
// FIXME: Implement!
return SourceLoc();
ClangImporter::Implementation::importSourceRange(clang::SourceRange loc) {
// FIXME: Implement!
return SourceRange();
#pragma mark Importing names
/// \brief Determine whether the given name is reserved for Swift.
bool ClangImporter::Implementation::isSwiftReservedName(StringRef name) {
tok kind = Lexer::kindOfIdentifier(name, /*InSILMode=*/false);
return (kind != tok::identifier);
ClangImporter::Implementation::exportName(Identifier name) {
// FIXME: When we start dealing with C++, we can map over some operator
// names.
if (name.empty() || name.isOperator())
return clang::DeclarationName();
// Map the identifier. If it's some kind of keyword, it can't be mapped.
auto ident = &Instance->getASTContext().Idents.get(name.str());
if (ident->getTokenID() != clang::tok::identifier)
return clang::DeclarationName();
return ident;
/// Parse a stringified Swift declaration name, e.g. "init(frame:)".
static StringRef parseDeclName(StringRef Name,
SmallVectorImpl<StringRef> &ArgNames,
bool &IsFunctionName) {
if (Name.back() != ')') {
IsFunctionName = false;
if (Lexer::isIdentifier(Name) && Name != "_")
return Name;
return "";
IsFunctionName = true;
StringRef BaseName, Parameters;
std::tie(BaseName, Parameters) = Name.split('(');
if (!Lexer::isIdentifier(BaseName) || BaseName == "_")
return "";
if (Parameters.empty())
return "";
Parameters = Parameters.drop_back(); // ')'
if (Parameters.empty())
return BaseName;
if (Parameters.back() != ':')
return "";
do {
StringRef NextParam;
std::tie(NextParam, Parameters) = Parameters.split(':');
if (!Lexer::isIdentifier(NextParam))
return "";
Identifier NextParamID;
if (NextParam == "_")
} while (!Parameters.empty());
return BaseName;
/// \brief Returns the common prefix of two strings at camel-case word
/// granularity.
/// For example, given "NSFooBar" and "NSFooBas", returns "NSFoo"
/// (not "NSFooBa"). The returned StringRef is a slice of the "a" argument.
/// If either string has a non-identifier character immediately after the
/// prefix, \p followedByNonIdentifier will be set to \c true. If both strings
/// have identifier characters after the prefix, \p followedByNonIdentifier will
/// be set to \c false. Otherwise, \p followedByNonIdentifier will not be
/// changed from its initial value.
/// This is used to derive the common prefix of enum constants so we can elide
/// it from the Swift interface.
static StringRef getCommonWordPrefix(StringRef a, StringRef b,
bool &followedByNonIdentifier) {
auto aWords = camel_case::getWords(a), bWords = camel_case::getWords(b);
auto aI = aWords.begin(), aE = aWords.end(),
bI = bWords.begin(), bE = bWords.end();
unsigned prevLength = 0;
unsigned prefixLength = 0;
for ( ; aI != aE && bI != bE; ++aI, ++bI) {
if (*aI != *bI) {
followedByNonIdentifier = false;
prevLength = prefixLength;
prefixLength = aI.getPosition() + aI->size();
// Avoid creating a prefix where the rest of the string starts with a number.
if ((aI != aE && !Lexer::isIdentifier(*aI)) ||
(bI != bE && !Lexer::isIdentifier(*bI))) {
followedByNonIdentifier = true;
prefixLength = prevLength;
return a.slice(0, prefixLength);
/// Returns the common word-prefix of two strings, allowing the second string
/// to be a common English plural form of the first.
/// For example, given "NSProperty" and "NSProperties", the full "NSProperty"
/// is returned. Given "NSMagicArmor" and "NSMagicArmory", only
/// "NSMagic" is returned.
/// The "-s", "-es", and "-ies" patterns cover every plural NS_OPTIONS name
/// in Cocoa and Cocoa Touch.
/// \see getCommonWordPrefix
static StringRef getCommonPluralPrefix(StringRef singular, StringRef plural) {
if (singular.empty())
return singular;
bool ignored;
StringRef commonPrefix = getCommonWordPrefix(singular, plural, ignored);
if (commonPrefix.size() == singular.size() || plural.back() != 's')
return commonPrefix;
StringRef leftover = singular.substr(commonPrefix.size());
StringRef firstLeftoverWord = camel_case::getFirstWord(leftover);
StringRef commonPrefixPlusWord =
singular.substr(0, commonPrefix.size() + firstLeftoverWord.size());
// Is the plural string just "[singular]s"?
plural = plural.drop_back();
if (plural.endswith(firstLeftoverWord))
return commonPrefixPlusWord;
if (plural.empty() || plural.back() != 'e')
return commonPrefix;
// Is the plural string "[singular]es"?
plural = plural.drop_back();
if (plural.endswith(firstLeftoverWord))
return commonPrefixPlusWord;
if (plural.empty() || !(plural.back() == 'i' && singular.back() == 'y'))
return commonPrefix;
// Is the plural string "[prefix]ies" and the singular "[prefix]y"?
plural = plural.drop_back();
firstLeftoverWord = firstLeftoverWord.drop_back();
if (plural.endswith(firstLeftoverWord))
return commonPrefixPlusWord;
return commonPrefix;
StringRef ClangImporter::Implementation::getEnumConstantNamePrefix(
clang::Sema &sema,
const clang::EnumDecl *decl) {
switch (classifyEnum(sema.getPreprocessor(), decl)) {
case EnumKind::Enum:
case EnumKind::Options:
// Enums are mapped to Swift enums, Options to Swift option sets, both
// of which attempt prefix-stripping.
case EnumKind::Constants:
case EnumKind::Unknown:
// Nothing to do.
return StringRef();
// If there are no enumers, there is no prefix to compute.
auto ec = decl->enumerator_begin(), ecEnd = decl->enumerator_end();
if (ec == ecEnd)
return StringRef();
// Determine whether we can cache the result.
// FIXME: Pass in a cache?
bool useCache = &sema == &getClangSema();
// If we've already computed the prefix, return it.
auto known = useCache ? EnumConstantNamePrefixes.find(decl)
: EnumConstantNamePrefixes.end();
if (known != EnumConstantNamePrefixes.end())
return known->second;
// Determine whether the given enumerator is non-deprecated and has no
// specifically-provided name.
auto isNonDeprecatedWithoutCustomName =
[](const clang::EnumConstantDecl *elem) -> bool {
if (elem->hasAttr<clang::SwiftNameAttr>())
return false;
clang::VersionTuple maxVersion{~0U, ~0U, ~0U};
switch (elem->getAvailability(nullptr, maxVersion)) {
case clang::AR_Available:
case clang::AR_NotYetIntroduced:
for (auto attr : elem->attrs()) {
if (auto annotate = dyn_cast<clang::AnnotateAttr>(attr)) {
if (annotate->getAnnotation() == "swift1_unavailable")
return false;
if (auto avail = dyn_cast<clang::AvailabilityAttr>(attr)) {
if (avail->getPlatform()->getName() == "swift")
return false;
return true;
case clang::AR_Deprecated:
case clang::AR_Unavailable:
return false;
// Move to the first non-deprecated enumerator, or non-swift_name'd
// enumerator, if present.
auto firstNonDeprecated = std::find_if(ec, ecEnd,
bool hasNonDeprecated = (firstNonDeprecated != ecEnd);
if (hasNonDeprecated) {
ec = firstNonDeprecated;
} else {
// Advance to the first case without a custom name, deprecated or not.
while (ec != ecEnd && (*ec)->hasAttr<clang::SwiftNameAttr>())
if (ec == ecEnd) {
if (useCache)
EnumConstantNamePrefixes.insert({decl, StringRef()});
return StringRef();
// Compute th e common prefix.
StringRef commonPrefix = (*ec)->getName();
bool followedByNonIdentifier = false;
for (++ec; ec != ecEnd; ++ec) {
// Skip deprecated or swift_name'd enumerators.
const clang::EnumConstantDecl *elem = *ec;
if (hasNonDeprecated) {
if (!isNonDeprecatedWithoutCustomName(elem))
} else {
if (elem->hasAttr<clang::SwiftNameAttr>())
commonPrefix = getCommonWordPrefix(commonPrefix, elem->getName(),
if (commonPrefix.empty())
if (!commonPrefix.empty()) {
StringRef checkPrefix = commonPrefix;
// Account for the 'kConstant' naming convention on enumerators.
if (checkPrefix[0] == 'k') {
bool canDropK;
if (checkPrefix.size() >= 2)
canDropK = clang::isUppercase(checkPrefix[1]);
canDropK = !followedByNonIdentifier;
if (canDropK)
checkPrefix = checkPrefix.drop_front();
// Account for the enum being imported using
// __attribute__((swift_private)). This is a little ad hoc, but it's a
// rare case anyway.
Identifier enumName = importFullName(decl, None, nullptr, &sema).Imported
StringRef enumNameStr = enumName.str();
if (enumNameStr.startswith("__") && !checkPrefix.startswith("__"))
enumNameStr = enumNameStr.drop_front(2);
StringRef commonWithEnum = getCommonPluralPrefix(checkPrefix,
size_t delta = commonPrefix.size() - checkPrefix.size();
// Account for the 'EnumName_Constant' convention on enumerators.
if (commonWithEnum.size() < checkPrefix.size() &&
checkPrefix[commonWithEnum.size()] == '_' &&
!followedByNonIdentifier) {
delta += 1;
commonPrefix = commonPrefix.slice(0, commonWithEnum.size() + delta);
if (useCache)
EnumConstantNamePrefixes.insert({decl, commonPrefix});
return commonPrefix;
/// Determine whether the given Clang selector matches the given
/// selector pieces.
static bool isNonNullarySelector(clang::Selector selector,
ArrayRef<StringRef> pieces) {
unsigned n = selector.getNumArgs();
if (n == 0) return false;
if (n != pieces.size()) return false;
for (unsigned i = 0; i != n; ++i) {
if (selector.getNameForSlot(i) != pieces[i]) return false;
return true;
/// Whether we should make a variadic method with the given selector
/// non-variadic.
static bool shouldMakeSelectorNonVariadic(clang::Selector selector) {
// This is UIActionSheet's designated initializer.
if (isNonNullarySelector(selector,
{ "initWithTitle",
"otherButtonTitles" }))
return true;
// This is UIAlertView's designated initializer.
if (isNonNullarySelector(selector,
{ "initWithTitle",
"otherButtonTitles" }))
return true;
// Nothing else for now.
return false;
static bool isBlockParameter(const clang::ParmVarDecl *param) {
return param->getType()->isBlockPointerType();
static bool isErrorOutParameter(const clang::ParmVarDecl *param,
ForeignErrorConvention::IsOwned_t &isErrorOwned) {
clang::QualType type = param->getType();
// Must be a pointer.
auto ptrType = type->getAs<clang::PointerType>();
if (!ptrType) return false;
type = ptrType->getPointeeType();
// For NSError**, take ownership from the qualifier.
if (auto objcPtrType = type->getAs<clang::ObjCObjectPointerType>()) {
auto iface = objcPtrType->getInterfaceDecl();
if (iface && iface->getName() == "NSError") {
switch (type.getObjCLifetime()) {
case clang::Qualifiers::OCL_None:
llvm_unreachable("not in ARC?");
case clang::Qualifiers::OCL_ExplicitNone:
case clang::Qualifiers::OCL_Autoreleasing:
isErrorOwned = ForeignErrorConvention::IsNotOwned;
return true;
case clang::Qualifiers::OCL_Weak:
// We just don't know how to handle this.
return false;
case clang::Qualifiers::OCL_Strong:
isErrorOwned = ForeignErrorConvention::IsOwned;
return false;
llvm_unreachable("bad error ownership");
return false;
static bool isBoolType(clang::ASTContext &ctx, clang::QualType type) {
do {
// Check whether we have a typedef for "BOOL" or "Boolean".
if (auto typedefType = dyn_cast<clang::TypedefType>(type.getTypePtr())) {
auto typedefDecl = typedefType->getDecl();
if (typedefDecl->getName() == "BOOL" ||
typedefDecl->getName() == "Boolean")
return true;
type = typedefDecl->getUnderlyingType();
// Try to desugar one level...
clang::QualType desugared = type.getSingleStepDesugaredType(ctx);
if (desugared.getTypePtr() == type.getTypePtr())
type = desugared;
} while (!type.isNull());
return false;
static bool isIntegerType(clang::QualType clangType) {
if (auto builtinTy = clangType->getAs<clang::BuiltinType>()) {
return (builtinTy->getKind() >= clang::BuiltinType::Bool &&
builtinTy->getKind() <= clang::BuiltinType::UInt128) ||
(builtinTy->getKind() >= clang::BuiltinType::SChar &&
builtinTy->getKind() <= clang::BuiltinType::Int128);
return false;
/// Whether the given Objective-C type can be imported as an optional type.
static bool canImportAsOptional(clang::ASTContext &ctx, clang::QualType type) {
// Note: this mimics ImportHint::canImportAsOptional.
// Objective-C object pointers.
if (type->getAs<clang::ObjCObjectPointerType>()) return true;
// Block and function pointers.
if (type->isBlockPointerType() || type->isFunctionPointerType()) return true;
// CF types.
do {
// Check whether we have a typedef that refers to a CoreFoundation type.
if (auto typedefType = dyn_cast<clang::TypedefType>(type.getTypePtr())) {
if (ClangImporter::Implementation::isCFTypeDecl(typedefType->getDecl()))
return true;
type = typedefType->getDecl()->getUnderlyingType();
// Try to desugar one level...
clang::QualType desugared = type.getSingleStepDesugaredType(ctx);
if (desugared.getTypePtr() == type.getTypePtr())
type = desugared;
} while (!type.isNull());
return false;
static Optional<ForeignErrorConvention::Kind>
classifyMethodErrorHandling(const clang::ObjCMethodDecl *clangDecl,
OptionalTypeKind resultOptionality) {
// TODO: opt out any non-standard methods here?
clang::ASTContext &clangCtx = clangDecl->getASTContext();
// Check for an explicit attribute.
if (auto attr = clangDecl->getAttr<clang::SwiftErrorAttr>()) {
switch (attr->getConvention()) {
case clang::SwiftErrorAttr::None:
return None;
case clang::SwiftErrorAttr::NonNullError:
return ForeignErrorConvention::NonNilError;
// Only honor null_result if we actually imported as a
// non-optional type.
case clang::SwiftErrorAttr::NullResult:
if (resultOptionality != OTK_None &&
canImportAsOptional(clangCtx, clangDecl->getReturnType()))
return ForeignErrorConvention::NilResult;
return None;
// Preserve the original result type on a zero_result unless we
// imported it as Bool.
case clang::SwiftErrorAttr::ZeroResult:
if (isBoolType(clangCtx, clangDecl->getReturnType())) {
return ForeignErrorConvention::ZeroResult;
} else if (isIntegerType(clangDecl->getReturnType())) {
return ForeignErrorConvention::ZeroPreservedResult;
return None;
// There's no reason to do the same for nonzero_result because the
// only meaningful value remaining would be zero.
case clang::SwiftErrorAttr::NonZeroResult:
if (isIntegerType(clangDecl->getReturnType()))
return ForeignErrorConvention::NonZeroResult;
return None;
llvm_unreachable("bad swift_error kind");
// Otherwise, apply the default rules.
// For bool results, a zero value is an error.
if (isBoolType(clangCtx, clangDecl->getReturnType())) {
return ForeignErrorConvention::ZeroResult;
// For optional reference results, a nil value is normally an error.
if (resultOptionality != OTK_None &&
canImportAsOptional(clangCtx, clangDecl->getReturnType())) {
return ForeignErrorConvention::NilResult;
return None;
static const char ErrorSuffix[] = "AndReturnError";
static const char AltErrorSuffix[] = "WithError";
/// Look for a method that will import to have the same name as the
/// given method after importing the Nth parameter as an elided error
/// parameter.
static bool hasErrorMethodNameCollision(ClangImporter::Implementation &importer,
const clang::ObjCMethodDecl *method,
unsigned paramIndex,
StringRef suffixToStrip) {
// Copy the existing selector pieces into an array.
auto selector = method->getSelector();
unsigned numArgs = selector.getNumArgs();
assert(numArgs > 0);
SmallVector<clang::IdentifierInfo *, 4> chunks;
for (unsigned i = 0, e = selector.getNumArgs(); i != e; ++i) {
auto &ctx = method->getASTContext();
if (paramIndex == 0 && !suffixToStrip.empty()) {
StringRef name = chunks[0]->getName();
name = name.drop_back(suffixToStrip.size());
chunks[0] = &ctx.Idents.get(name);
} else if (paramIndex != 0) {
chunks.erase(chunks.begin() + paramIndex);
auto newSelector = ctx.Selectors.getSelector(numArgs - 1,;
const clang::ObjCMethodDecl *conflict;
if (auto iface = method->getClassInterface()) {
conflict = iface->lookupMethod(newSelector, method->isInstanceMethod());
} else {
auto protocol = cast<clang::ObjCProtocolDecl>(method->getDeclContext());
conflict = protocol->getMethod(newSelector, method->isInstanceMethod());
if (conflict == nullptr)
return false;
// Look to see if the conflicting decl is unavailable, either because it's
// been marked NS_SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE, because it's actually marked unavailable,
// or because it was deprecated before our API sunset. We can handle
// "conflicts" where one form is unavailable.
// FIXME: Somewhat duplicated from Implementation::importAttributes.
clang::AvailabilityResult availability = conflict->getAvailability();
if (availability != clang::AR_Unavailable &&
importer.DeprecatedAsUnavailableFilter) {
for (auto *attr : conflict->specific_attrs<clang::AvailabilityAttr>()) {
if (attr->getPlatform()->getName() == "swift") {
availability = clang::AR_Unavailable;
if (importer.PlatformAvailabilityFilter &&
clang::VersionTuple version = attr->getDeprecated();
if (version.empty())
if (importer.DeprecatedAsUnavailableFilter(version.getMajor(),
version.getMinor())) {
availability = clang::AR_Unavailable;
return availability != clang::AR_Unavailable;
/// Determine the optionality of the given Objective-C method.
/// \param method The Clang method.
/// \param knownNullability When API notes describe the nullability of this
/// parameter, that nullability.
static OptionalTypeKind getResultOptionality(
const clang::ObjCMethodDecl *method,
Optional<clang::NullabilityKind> knownNullability) {
auto &clangCtx = method->getASTContext();
// If nullability is available on the type, use it.
if (auto nullability = method->getReturnType()->getNullability(clangCtx)) {
return ClangImporter::Implementation::translateNullability(*nullability);
// If there is a returns_nonnull attribute, non-null.
if (method->hasAttr<clang::ReturnsNonNullAttr>())
return OTK_None;
// If API notes gives us nullability, use that.
if (knownNullability) {
return ClangImporter::Implementation::translateNullability(
// Default to implicitly unwrapped optionals.
return OTK_ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional;
static Optional<ClangImporter::Implementation::ImportedErrorInfo>
considerErrorImport(ClangImporter::Implementation &importer,
const clang::ObjCMethodDecl *clangDecl,
StringRef &baseName,
SmallVectorImpl<StringRef> &paramNames,
ArrayRef<const clang::ParmVarDecl *> params,
bool isInitializer,
bool hasCustomName) {
// If the declaration name isn't parallel to the actual parameter
// list (e.g. if the method has C-style parameter declarations),
// don't try to apply error conventions.
bool expectsToRemoveError =
hasCustomName && paramNames.size() + 1 == params.size();
if (!expectsToRemoveError && paramNames.size() != params.size())
return None;
for (unsigned index = params.size(); index-- != 0; ) {
// Allow an arbitrary number of trailing blocks.
if (isBlockParameter(params[index]))
// Otherwise, require the last parameter to be an out-parameter.
auto isErrorOwned = ForeignErrorConvention::IsNotOwned;
if (!isErrorOutParameter(params[index], isErrorOwned))
// Determine the nullability of the result.
Optional<clang::NullabilityKind> knownResultNullability;
if (auto knownMethod = importer.getKnownObjCMethod(clangDecl)) {
if (knownMethod->NullabilityAudited)
knownResultNullability = knownMethod->getReturnTypeInfo();
auto errorKind =
if (!errorKind) return None;
// Consider adjusting the imported declaration name to remove the
// parameter.
bool adjustName = !hasCustomName;
// Never do this if it's the first parameter of a constructor.
if (isInitializer && index == 0) {
adjustName = false;
// If the error parameter is the first parameter, try removing the
// standard error suffix from the base name.
StringRef suffixToStrip;
StringRef origBaseName = baseName;
if (adjustName && index == 0 && paramNames[0].empty()) {
if (baseName.endswith(ErrorSuffix))
suffixToStrip = ErrorSuffix;
else if (baseName.endswith(AltErrorSuffix))
suffixToStrip = AltErrorSuffix;
if (!suffixToStrip.empty()) {
StringRef newBaseName = baseName.drop_back(suffixToStrip.size());
if (newBaseName.empty() || importer.isSwiftReservedName(newBaseName)) {
adjustName = false;
suffixToStrip = {};
} else {
baseName = newBaseName;
// Also suppress name changes if there's a collision.
// TODO: this logic doesn't really work with init methods
// TODO: this privileges the old API over the new one
if (adjustName &&
hasErrorMethodNameCollision(importer, clangDecl, index,
suffixToStrip)) {
// If there was a conflict on the first argument, and this was
// the first argument and we're not stripping error suffixes, just
// give up completely on error import.
if (index == 0 && suffixToStrip.empty()) {
return None;
// If there was a conflict stripping an error suffix, adjust the
// name but don't change the base name. This avoids creating a
// spurious _: () argument.
} else if (index == 0 && !suffixToStrip.empty()) {
suffixToStrip = {};
baseName = origBaseName;
// Otherwise, give up on adjusting the name.
} else {
adjustName = false;
baseName = origBaseName;
// If we're adjusting the name, erase the error parameter.
if (adjustName) {
paramNames.erase(paramNames.begin() + index);
bool replaceParamWithVoid = !adjustName && !expectsToRemoveError;
ClangImporter::Implementation::ImportedErrorInfo errorInfo {
*errorKind, isErrorOwned, index, replaceParamWithVoid
return errorInfo;
// Didn't find an error parameter.
return None;
auto ClangImporter::Implementation::importFullName(
const clang::NamedDecl *D,
ImportNameOptions options,
clang::DeclContext **effectiveContext,
clang::Sema *clangSemaOverride) -> ImportedName {
clang::Sema &clangSema = clangSemaOverride ? *clangSemaOverride
: getClangSema();
ImportedName result;
// Objective-C categories and extensions don't have names, despite
// being "named" declarations.
if (isa<clang::ObjCCategoryDecl>(D))
return result;
// Compute the effective context, if requested.
if (effectiveContext) {
auto dc = const_cast<clang::DeclContext *>(D->getDeclContext());
// Enumerators can end up within their enclosing enum or in the global
// scope, depending how their enclosing enumeration is imported.
if (isa<clang::EnumConstantDecl>(D)) {
auto enumDecl = cast<clang::EnumDecl>(dc);
switch (classifyEnum(clangSema.getPreprocessor(), enumDecl)) {
case EnumKind::Enum:
case EnumKind::Options:
// Enums are mapped to Swift enums, Options to Swift option sets.
*effectiveContext = enumDecl;
case EnumKind::Constants:
case EnumKind::Unknown:
// The enum constant goes into the redeclaration context of the
// enum.
*effectiveContext = enumDecl->getRedeclContext();
} else {
// Everything else goes into its redeclaration context.
*effectiveContext = dc->getRedeclContext();
// Anything in an Objective-C category or extension is adjusted to the
// class context.
if (auto category = dyn_cast<clang::ObjCCategoryDecl>(*effectiveContext)) {
*effectiveContext = category->getClassInterface();
// Local function that forms a DeclName from the given strings.
auto formDeclName = [&](StringRef baseName,
ArrayRef<StringRef> argumentNames,
bool isFunction) -> DeclName {
// We cannot import when the base name is not an identifier.
if (!Lexer::isIdentifier(baseName))
return DeclName();
// Get the identifier for the base name.
Identifier baseNameId = SwiftContext.getIdentifier(baseName);
// For non-functions, just use the base name.
if (!isFunction) return baseNameId;
// For functions, we need to form a complete name.
// Convert the argument names.
SmallVector<Identifier, 4> argumentNameIds;
for (auto argName : argumentNames) {
if (argumentNames.empty() || !Lexer::isIdentifier(argName)) {
// Build the result.
return DeclName(SwiftContext, baseNameId, argumentNameIds);
// If we have a swift_name attribute, use that.
if (auto *nameAttr = D->getAttr<clang::SwiftNameAttr>()) {
bool skipCustomName = false;
// If we have an Objective-C method that is being mapped to an
// initializer (e.g., a factory method whose name doesn't fit the
// convention for factory methods), make sure that it can be
// imported as an initializer.
bool isInitializer = false;
auto method = dyn_cast<clang::ObjCMethodDecl>(D);
if (method) {
unsigned initPrefixLength;
if (nameAttr->getName().startswith("init(")) {
if (!shouldImportAsInitializer(method, initPrefixLength,
result.InitKind)) {
// We cannot import this as an initializer anyway.
return { };
// If this swift_name attribute maps a factory method to an
// initializer and we were asked not to do so, ignore the
// custom name.
if (options.contains(ImportNameFlags::SuppressFactoryMethodAsInit) &&
(result.InitKind == CtorInitializerKind::Factory ||
result.InitKind == CtorInitializerKind::ConvenienceFactory)) {
skipCustomName = true;
} else {
// Note that this is an initializer.
isInitializer = true;
if (!skipCustomName) {
SmallVector<StringRef, 4> argumentNames;
bool isFunctionName;
StringRef baseName = parseDeclName(nameAttr->getName(), argumentNames,
if (baseName.empty()) return result;
result.HasCustomName = true;
result.Imported = formDeclName(baseName, argumentNames, isFunctionName);
if (method) {
// Get the parameters.
ArrayRef<const clang::ParmVarDecl *> params{
result.ErrorInfo = considerErrorImport(*this, method, baseName,
argumentNames, params,
return result;
// For empty names, there is nothing to do.
if (D->getDeclName().isEmpty()) return result;
/// Whether the result is a function name.
bool isFunction = false;
bool isInitializer = false;
unsigned initializerPrefixLen;
StringRef baseName;
SmallVector<StringRef, 4> argumentNames;
SmallString<16> selectorSplitScratch;
StringScratchSpace stringScratch;
ArrayRef<const clang::ParmVarDecl *> params;
switch (D->getDeclName().getNameKind()) {
case clang::DeclarationName::CXXConstructorName:
case clang::DeclarationName::CXXConversionFunctionName:
case clang::DeclarationName::CXXDestructorName:
case clang::DeclarationName::CXXLiteralOperatorName:
case clang::DeclarationName::CXXOperatorName:
case clang::DeclarationName::CXXUsingDirective:
// Handling these is part of C++ interoperability.
return result;
case clang::DeclarationName::Identifier:
// Map the identifier.
baseName = D->getDeclName().getAsIdentifierInfo()->getName();
case clang::DeclarationName::ObjCMultiArgSelector:
case clang::DeclarationName::ObjCOneArgSelector:
case clang::DeclarationName::ObjCZeroArgSelector: {
auto objcMethod = cast<clang::ObjCMethodDecl>(D);
isInitializer = shouldImportAsInitializer(objcMethod, initializerPrefixLen,
// If we would import a factory method as an initializer but were
// asked not to, don't consider this as an initializer.
if (isInitializer &&
options.contains(ImportNameFlags::SuppressFactoryMethodAsInit) &&
(result.InitKind == CtorInitializerKind::Factory ||
result.InitKind == CtorInitializerKind::ConvenienceFactory)) {
isInitializer = false;
// Map the Objective-C selector directly.
auto selector = D->getDeclName().getObjCSelector();
if (isInitializer)
baseName = "init";
baseName = selector.getNameForSlot(0);
// Get the parameters.
params = { objcMethod->param_begin(), objcMethod->param_end() };
// If we have a variadic method for which we need to drop the last
// selector piece, do so now.
unsigned numArgs = selector.getNumArgs();
if (objcMethod->isVariadic() && shouldMakeSelectorNonVariadic(selector)) {
result.DroppedVariadic = true;
params = params.drop_back(1);
for (unsigned index = 0; index != numArgs; ++index) {
if (index == 0) {
} else {
StringRef argName = selector.getNameForSlot(index);
// Swift 2 lowercased all subsequent argument names.
// Swift 3 may handle this as part of omitting needless words, below,
// but don't preempt that here.
if (!OmitNeedlessWords)
argName = camel_case::toLowercaseWord(argName, stringScratch);
// For initializers, compute the first argument name.
if (isInitializer) {
// Skip over the prefix.
auto argName = selector.getNameForSlot(0).substr(initializerPrefixLen);
// Drop "With" if present after the "init".
bool droppedWith = false;
if (argName.startswith("With")) {
argName = argName.substr(4);
droppedWith = true;
// Lowercase the remaining argument name.
argName = camel_case::toLowercaseWord(argName, selectorSplitScratch);
// If we dropped "with" and ended up with a reserved name,
// put "with" back.
if (droppedWith && isSwiftReservedName(argName)) {
selectorSplitScratch = "with";
selectorSplitScratch += selector.getNameForSlot(0).substr(
initializerPrefixLen + 4);
argName = selectorSplitScratch;
// Set the first argument name to be the name we computed. If
// there is no first argument, create one for this purpose.
if (argumentNames.empty()) {
if (!argName.empty()) {
// FIXME: Record what happened here for the caller?
} else {
argumentNames[0] = argName;
result.ErrorInfo = considerErrorImport(*this, objcMethod, baseName,
argumentNames, params, isInitializer,
isFunction = true;
// Is this one of the accessors for subscripts?
if (objcMethod->getMethodFamily() == clang::OMF_None &&
objcMethod->isInstanceMethod() &&
{ "objectAtIndexedSubscript" }) ||
{ "setObject", "atIndexedSubscript" }) ||
{ "objectForKeyedSubscript" }) ||
{ "setObject", "forKeyedSubscript" })))
result.IsSubscriptAccessor = true;
// Perform automatic name transformations.
// Enumeration constants may have common prefixes stripped.
if (isa<clang::EnumConstantDecl>(D)) {
auto enumDecl = cast<clang::EnumDecl>(D->getDeclContext());
StringRef removePrefix = getEnumConstantNamePrefix(clangSema, enumDecl);
if (baseName.startswith(removePrefix))
baseName = baseName.substr(removePrefix.size());
// Objective-C protocols may have the suffix "Protocol" appended if
// the non-suffixed name would conflict with another entity in the
// same top-level module.
SmallString<16> baseNameWithProtocolSuffix;
if (auto objcProto = dyn_cast<clang::ObjCProtocolDecl>(D)) {
if (objcProto->hasDefinition()) {
// Test to see if there is a value with the same name as the protocol
// in the same module.
// FIXME: This will miss macros.
auto clangModule = getClangSubmoduleForDecl(objcProto);
if (clangModule.hasValue() && clangModule.getValue())
clangModule = clangModule.getValue()->getTopLevelModule();
auto isInSameModule = [&](const clang::Decl *D) -> bool {
auto declModule = getClangSubmoduleForDecl(D);
if (!declModule.hasValue())
return false;
// Handle the bridging header case. This is pretty nasty since things
// can get added to it *later*, but there's not much we can do.
if (!declModule.getValue())
return *clangModule == nullptr;
return *clangModule == declModule.getValue()->getTopLevelModule();
// Allow this lookup to find hidden names. We don't want the
// decision about whether to rename the protocol to depend on
// what exactly the user has imported. Indeed, if we're being
// asked to resolve a serialization cross-reference, the user
// may not have imported this module at all, which means a
// normal lookup wouldn't even find the protocol!
// Meanwhile, we don't need to worry about finding unwanted
// hidden declarations from different modules because we do a
// module check before deciding that there's a conflict.
bool hasConflict = false;
clang::LookupResult lookupResult(clangSema, D->getDeclName(),
if (clangSema.LookupName(lookupResult, /*scope=*/nullptr)) {
hasConflict = std::any_of(lookupResult.begin(), lookupResult.end(),
if (!hasConflict) {
if (clangSema.LookupName(lookupResult, /*scope=*/nullptr)) {
hasConflict = std::any_of(lookupResult.begin(), lookupResult.end(),
if (hasConflict) {
baseNameWithProtocolSuffix = baseName;
baseNameWithProtocolSuffix += SWIFT_PROTOCOL_SUFFIX;
baseName = baseNameWithProtocolSuffix;
// Typedef declarations might be CF types that will drop the "Ref"
// suffix.
bool aliasIsFunction = false;
bool aliasIsInitializer = false;
StringRef aliasBaseName;
SmallVector<StringRef, 4> aliasArgumentNames;
if (auto typedefNameDecl = dyn_cast<clang::TypedefNameDecl>(D)) {
auto swiftName = getCFTypeName(typedefNameDecl, &aliasBaseName);
if (!swiftName.empty()) {
baseName = swiftName;
// Local function to determine whether the given declaration is subject to
// a swift_private attribute.
auto clangSemaPtr = &clangSema;
auto hasSwiftPrivate = [clangSemaPtr](const clang::NamedDecl *D) {
if (D->hasAttr<clang::SwiftPrivateAttr>())
return true;
// Enum constants that are not imported as members should be considered
// private if the parent enum is marked private.
if (auto *ECD = dyn_cast<clang::EnumConstantDecl>(D)) {
auto *ED = cast<clang::EnumDecl>(ECD->getDeclContext());
switch (classifyEnum(clangSemaPtr->getPreprocessor(), ED)) {
case EnumKind::Constants:
case EnumKind::Unknown:
if (ED->hasAttr<clang::SwiftPrivateAttr>())
return true;
if (auto *enumTypedef = ED->getTypedefNameForAnonDecl())
if (enumTypedef->hasAttr<clang::SwiftPrivateAttr>())
return true;
case EnumKind::Enum:
case EnumKind::Options:
return false;
// Omit needless words.
clang::ASTContext &clangCtx = clangSema.Context;
StringScratchSpace omitNeedlessWordsScratch;
if (OmitNeedlessWords) {
// Objective-C properties.
if (auto objcProperty = dyn_cast<clang::ObjCPropertyDecl>(D)) {
auto contextType = getClangDeclContextType(D->getDeclContext());
if (!contextType.isNull()) {
auto contextTypeName = getClangTypeNameForOmission(clangCtx,
auto propertyTypeName = getClangTypeNameForOmission(
clangCtx, objcProperty->getType());
// Find the property names.
const InheritedNameSet *allPropertyNames = nullptr;
if (!contextType.isNull()) {
if (auto objcPtrType = contextType->getAsObjCInterfacePointerType())
if (auto objcClassDecl = objcPtrType->getInterfaceDecl())
allPropertyNames = SwiftContext.getAllPropertyNames(
(void)omitNeedlessWords(baseName, { }, "", propertyTypeName,
contextTypeName, { }, /*returnsSelf=*/false,
/*isProperty=*/true, allPropertyNames,
// Objective-C methods.
if (auto method = dyn_cast<clang::ObjCMethodDecl>(D)) {
getNonNullArgs(method, params),
result.ErrorInfo ? Optional<unsigned>(result.ErrorInfo->ParamIndex)
: None,
// If this declaration has the swift_private attribute, prepend "__" to the
// appropriate place.
SmallString<16> swiftPrivateScratch;
SmallString<16> swiftPrivateAliasScratch;
if (hasSwiftPrivate(D)) {
// Make the given name private.
// Returns true if this is not possible.
auto makeNamePrivate = [](bool isInitializer,
StringRef &baseName,
SmallVectorImpl<StringRef> &argumentNames,
CtorInitializerKind initKind,
SmallString<16> &scratch) -> bool {
scratch = "__";
if (isInitializer) {
// For initializers, prepend "__" to the first argument name.
if (argumentNames.empty()) {
// FIXME: ... unless it was from a factory method, for historical
// reasons.
if (initKind == CtorInitializerKind::Factory ||
initKind == CtorInitializerKind::ConvenienceFactory)
return true;
// FIXME: Record that we did this.
} else {
scratch += argumentNames[0];
argumentNames[0] = scratch;
} else {
// For all other entities, prepend "__" to the base name.
scratch += baseName;
baseName = scratch;
return false;
// Make the name private.
if (makeNamePrivate(isInitializer, baseName, argumentNames,
result.InitKind, swiftPrivateScratch))
return result;
// If we have an alias name, make it private as well.
if (!aliasBaseName.empty()) {
(void)makeNamePrivate(aliasIsInitializer, aliasBaseName,
aliasArgumentNames, CtorInitializerKind::Designated,
result.Imported = formDeclName(baseName, argumentNames, isFunction);
result.Alias = formDeclName(aliasBaseName, aliasArgumentNames,
return result;
const clang::IdentifierInfo *identifier,
StringRef removePrefix)
if (!identifier) return Identifier();
StringRef name = identifier->getName();
// Remove the prefix, if any.
if (!removePrefix.empty()) {
if (name.startswith(removePrefix)) {
name = name.slice(removePrefix.size(), name.size());
// Get the Swift identifier.
return SwiftContext.getIdentifier(name);
ObjCSelector ClangImporter::Implementation::importSelector(
clang::Selector selector) {
auto &ctx = SwiftContext;
// Handle zero-argument selectors directly.
if (selector.isUnarySelector()) {
Identifier name;
if (auto id = selector.getIdentifierInfoForSlot(0))
name = ctx.getIdentifier(id->getName());
return ObjCSelector(ctx, 0, name);
SmallVector<Identifier, 2> pieces;
for (auto i = 0u, n = selector.getNumArgs(); i != n; ++i) {
Identifier piece;
if (auto id = selector.getIdentifierInfoForSlot(i))
piece = ctx.getIdentifier(id->getName());
return ObjCSelector(ctx, pieces.size(), pieces);
ClangImporter::Implementation::exportSelector(DeclName name,
bool allowSimpleName) {
if (!allowSimpleName && name.isSimpleName())
return {};
clang::ASTContext &ctx = getClangASTContext();
SmallVector<clang::IdentifierInfo *, 8> pieces;
auto argNames = name.getArgumentNames();
if (argNames.empty())
return ctx.Selectors.getNullarySelector(pieces.front());
if (!argNames.front().empty())
return {};
argNames = argNames.slice(1);
for (Identifier argName : argNames)
return ctx.Selectors.getSelector(pieces.size(),;
ClangImporter::Implementation::exportSelector(ObjCSelector selector) {
SmallVector<clang::IdentifierInfo *, 4> pieces;
for (auto piece : selector.getSelectorPieces())
return getClangASTContext().Selectors.getSelector(selector.getNumArgs(),;
/// Translate the "nullability" notion from API notes into an optional type
/// kind.
OptionalTypeKind ClangImporter::Implementation::translateNullability(
clang::NullabilityKind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case clang::NullabilityKind::NonNull:
return OptionalTypeKind::OTK_None;
case clang::NullabilityKind::Nullable:
return OptionalTypeKind::OTK_Optional;
case clang::NullabilityKind::Unspecified:
return OptionalTypeKind::OTK_ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional;
ClangImporter::Implementation::getAPINotesForDecl(const clang::Decl *decl) {
if (auto module = getClangSubmoduleForDecl(decl))
if (*module)
return getAPINotesForModule((*module)->getTopLevelModule());
return nullptr;
std::tuple<StringRef, api_notes::APINotesReader *, api_notes::APINotesReader *>
const clang::ObjCContainerDecl *container) {
// Find the primary set of API notes, in the module where this container
// was declared.
api_notes::APINotesReader *primary = getAPINotesForDecl(container);
StringRef name;
// Find the secondary set of API notes, in the module where the original
// class was declared.
api_notes::APINotesReader *secondary = nullptr;
if (auto category = dyn_cast<clang::ObjCCategoryDecl>(container)) {
auto *objcClass = category->getClassInterface();
secondary = getAPINotesForDecl(objcClass);
// For categories, use the name of the class itself.
name = objcClass->getName();
} else {
// For protocols and classes, we just need the class name.
name = container->getName();
// If the primary and secondary are the same.
if (primary == secondary) {
// Drop the secondary; we only care about the primary.
secondary = nullptr;
return std::make_tuple(name, primary, secondary);
void ClangImporter::Implementation::mergePropInfoIntoAccessor(
const clang::ObjCMethodDecl *method, api_notes::ObjCMethodInfo &methodInfo){
if (!method->isPropertyAccessor())
const clang::ObjCPropertyDecl *pDecl = method->findPropertyDecl();
if (!pDecl)
if (auto pInfo = getKnownObjCProperty(pDecl)) {
if (method->param_size() == 0) {
} else {
assert(method->param_size() == 1);
static Optional<std::pair<api_notes::ContextID, api_notes::ObjCContextInfo>> lookupObjCContext(api_notes::APINotesReader *reader,
StringRef contextName,
const clang::ObjCContainerDecl *contextDecl) {
Optional<std::pair<api_notes::ContextID, api_notes::ObjCContextInfo>>
// Look for context information in the primary source.
if (isa<clang::ObjCProtocolDecl>(contextDecl))
contextInfo = reader->lookupObjCProtocol(contextName);
contextInfo = reader->lookupObjCClass(contextName);
return contextInfo;
const clang::ObjCMethodDecl *method,
const clang::ObjCContainerDecl *container) {
if (!container)
container = cast<clang::ObjCContainerDecl>(method->getDeclContext());
// Figure out where to look for context information.
StringRef contextName;
api_notes::APINotesReader *primary;
api_notes::APINotesReader *secondary;
std::tie(contextName, primary, secondary) = getAPINotesForContext(container);
// Map the selector.
SmallVector<StringRef, 2> selectorPieces;
api_notes::ObjCSelectorRef selectorRef;
selectorRef.NumPieces = method->getSelector().getNumArgs();
for (unsigned i = 0, n = std::max(1u, selectorRef.NumPieces); i != n; ++i) {
selectorRef.Identifiers = selectorPieces;
// Look for method and context information in the primary source.
Optional<api_notes::ObjCMethodInfo> methodInfo;
Optional<std::pair<api_notes::ContextID, api_notes::ObjCContextInfo>>
if (primary) {
// Look for context information in the primary source.
contextInfo = lookupObjCContext(primary, contextName, container);
// Look for method information in the primary source.
if (contextInfo) {
methodInfo = primary->lookupObjCMethod(contextInfo->first, selectorRef,
// If we found method or class information in the primary source, return what
// we found.
if (methodInfo || contextInfo) {
if (!methodInfo)
methodInfo = api_notes::ObjCMethodInfo();
// If accessor, merge the property info in.
mergePropInfoIntoAccessor(method, *methodInfo);
// Merge class information into the method.
*methodInfo |= contextInfo->second;
return methodInfo;
// Look for method information in the secondary source.
if (secondary) {
// Look for the context information in the secondary source.
contextInfo = lookupObjCContext(secondary, contextName, container);
// Look for the method in the secondary source. We don't merge context
// information from the secondary source.
if (contextInfo) {
methodInfo = secondary->lookupObjCMethod(contextInfo->first, selectorRef,
if (!methodInfo)
methodInfo = api_notes::ObjCMethodInfo();
// If accessor, merge the property info in.
mergePropInfoIntoAccessor(method, *methodInfo);
return methodInfo;
return None;
const clang::ObjCContainerDecl *container) {
// Figure out where to look for context information.
StringRef name;
api_notes::APINotesReader *primary;
api_notes::APINotesReader *secondary;
std::tie(name, primary, secondary) = getAPINotesForContext(container);
Optional<std::pair<api_notes::ContextID, api_notes::ObjCContextInfo>>
if (primary)
primaryInfo = lookupObjCContext(primary, name, container);
Optional<std::pair<api_notes::ContextID, api_notes::ObjCContextInfo>>
if (secondary)
secondaryInfo = lookupObjCContext(secondary, name, container);
// If neither place had information about this class, we're done.
if (!primaryInfo && !secondaryInfo)
return None;
api_notes::ObjCContextInfo info;
// Merge in primary information, if available.
if (primaryInfo) {
info |= primaryInfo->second;
// Merge in secondary information after stripping out anything that is not
// propagated from the context's defining module.
if (secondaryInfo) {
info |= secondaryInfo->second;
return info;
const clang::ObjCPropertyDecl *property) {
auto *container = cast<clang::ObjCContainerDecl>(property->getDeclContext());
// Figure out where to look for context information.
StringRef contextName;
api_notes::APINotesReader *primary;
api_notes::APINotesReader *secondary;
std::tie(contextName, primary, secondary) = getAPINotesForContext(container);
// Look for property and context information in the primary source.
Optional<api_notes::ObjCPropertyInfo> propertyInfo;
Optional<std::pair<api_notes::ContextID, api_notes::ObjCContextInfo>>
if (primary) {
// Look for context information in the primary source.
contextInfo = lookupObjCContext(primary, contextName, container);
// Look for property information in the primary source.
if (contextInfo) {
propertyInfo = primary->lookupObjCProperty(contextInfo->first,
// If we found property or class information in the primary source, return what
// we found.
if (propertyInfo || contextInfo) {
if (!propertyInfo)
propertyInfo = api_notes::ObjCPropertyInfo();
// Merge class information into the property.
*propertyInfo |= contextInfo->second;
return propertyInfo;
// Look for property information in the secondary source.
if (secondary) {
// Look for the context information in the secondary source.
contextInfo = lookupObjCContext(secondary, contextName, container);
// Look for the property in the secondary source. We don't merge context
// information from the secondary source.
if (contextInfo) {
return secondary->lookupObjCProperty(contextInfo->first,
return None;
const clang::VarDecl *global) {
if (auto notesReader = getAPINotesForDecl(global))
return notesReader->lookupGlobalVariable(global->getName());
return None;
const clang::FunctionDecl *fn) {
if (auto notesReader = getAPINotesForDecl(fn))
return notesReader->lookupGlobalFunction(fn->getName());
return None;
bool ClangImporter::Implementation::hasDesignatedInitializers(
const clang::ObjCInterfaceDecl *classDecl) {
if (classDecl->hasDesignatedInitializers())
return true;
if (auto info = getKnownObjCContext(classDecl))
return info->hasDesignatedInits();
return false;
bool ClangImporter::Implementation::isDesignatedInitializer(
const clang::ObjCInterfaceDecl *classDecl,
const clang::ObjCMethodDecl *method) {
// If the information is on the AST, use it.
if (classDecl->hasDesignatedInitializers()) {
auto *methodParent = method->getClassInterface();
if (!methodParent ||
methodParent->getCanonicalDecl() == classDecl->getCanonicalDecl()) {
return method->hasAttr<clang::ObjCDesignatedInitializerAttr>();
if (auto info = getKnownObjCMethod(method, classDecl))
return info->DesignatedInit;
return false;
bool ClangImporter::Implementation::isRequiredInitializer(
const clang::ObjCMethodDecl *method) {
// FIXME: No way to express this in Objective-C.
if (auto info = getKnownObjCMethod(method))
return info->Required;
return false;
FactoryAsInitKind ClangImporter::Implementation::getFactoryAsInit(
const clang::ObjCInterfaceDecl *classDecl,
const clang::ObjCMethodDecl *method) {
if (auto info = getKnownObjCMethod(method, classDecl))
return info->getFactoryAsInitKind();
if (auto *customNameAttr = method->getAttr<clang::SwiftNameAttr>()) {
if (customNameAttr->getName().startswith("init("))
return FactoryAsInitKind::AsInitializer;
return FactoryAsInitKind::AsClassMethod;
return FactoryAsInitKind::Infer;
/// Check if this method is declared in the context that conforms to
/// NSAccessibility.
static bool
isAccessibilityConformingContext(const clang::DeclContext *ctx) {
const clang::ObjCProtocolList *protocols = nullptr;
if (auto protocol = dyn_cast<clang::ObjCProtocolDecl>(ctx)) {
if (protocol->getName() == "NSAccessibility")
return true;
return false;
} else if (auto interface = dyn_cast<clang::ObjCInterfaceDecl>(ctx))
protocols = &interface->getReferencedProtocols();
else if (auto category = dyn_cast<clang::ObjCCategoryDecl>(ctx))
protocols = &category->getReferencedProtocols();
return false;
for (auto pi : *protocols) {
if (pi->getName() == "NSAccessibility")
return true;
return false;
bool ClangImporter::Implementation::shouldSuppressDeclImport(
const clang::Decl *decl) {
if (auto objcMethod = dyn_cast<clang::ObjCMethodDecl>(decl)) {
// If this member is a method that is a getter or setter for a
// property, don't add it into the table. property names and
// getter names (by choosing to only have a property).
// Note that this is suppressed for certain accessibility declarations,
// which are imported as getter/setter pairs and not properties.
return objcMethod->isPropertyAccessor() && !isAccessibilityDecl(objcMethod);
if (auto objcProperty = dyn_cast<clang::ObjCPropertyDecl>(decl)) {
// Suppress certain accessibility properties; they're imported as
// getter/setter pairs instead.
return isAccessibilityDecl(objcProperty);
return false;
ClangImporter::Implementation::isAccessibilityDecl(const clang::Decl *decl) {
if (auto objCMethod = dyn_cast<clang::ObjCMethodDecl>(decl)) {
StringRef name = objCMethod->getSelector().getNameForSlot(0);
if (!(objCMethod->getSelector().getNumArgs() <= 1 &&
(name.startswith("accessibility") ||
name.startswith("setAccessibility") ||
name.startswith("isAccessibility")))) {
return false;
} else if (auto objCProperty = dyn_cast<clang::ObjCPropertyDecl>(decl)) {
if (!objCProperty->getName().startswith("accessibility"))
return false;
} else {
llvm_unreachable("The declaration is not an ObjC property or method.");
if (isAccessibilityConformingContext(decl->getDeclContext()))
return true;
return false;
bool ClangImporter::Implementation::isInitMethod(
const clang::ObjCMethodDecl *method) {
// init methods are always instance methods.
if (!method->isInstanceMethod()) return false;
// init methods must be classified as such by Clang.
if (method->getMethodFamily() != clang::OMF_init) return false;
// Swift restriction: init methods must start with the word "init".
auto selector = method->getSelector();
return camel_case::getFirstWord(selector.getNameForSlot(0)) == "init";
bool ClangImporter::Implementation::shouldImportAsInitializer(
const clang::ObjCMethodDecl *method,
unsigned &prefixLength,
CtorInitializerKind &kind) {
/// Is this an initializer?
if (isInitMethod(method)) {
prefixLength = 4;
kind = CtorInitializerKind::Designated;
return true;
// It must be a class method.
if (!method->isClassMethod()) return false;
// Said class methods must be in an actual class.
auto objcClass = method->getClassInterface();
if (!objcClass) return false;
// Check whether we should try to import this factory method as an
// initializer.
switch (getFactoryAsInit(objcClass, method)) {
case FactoryAsInitKind::AsInitializer:
// Okay; check for the correct result type below.
prefixLength = 0;
case FactoryAsInitKind::Infer: {
// See if we can match the class name to the beginning of the first
// selector piece.
auto firstPiece = method->getSelector().getNameForSlot(0);
StringRef firstArgLabel = matchLeadingTypeName(firstPiece,
if (firstArgLabel.size() == firstPiece.size())
return false;
// FIXME: Factory methods cannot have dummy parameters added for
// historical reasons.
if (!firstArgLabel.empty() && method->getSelector().getNumArgs() == 0)
return false;
// Store the prefix length.
prefixLength = firstPiece.size() - firstArgLabel.size();
// Continue checking the result type, below.
case FactoryAsInitKind::AsClassMethod:
return false;
// Determine whether we have a suitable return type.
if (method->hasRelatedResultType()) {
// When the factory method has an "instancetype" result type, we
// can import it as a convenience factory method.
kind = CtorInitializerKind::ConvenienceFactory;
} else if (auto objcPtr = method->getReturnType()
->getAs<clang::ObjCObjectPointerType>()) {
if (objcPtr->getInterfaceDecl() != objcClass) {
// FIXME: Could allow a subclass here, but the rest of the compiler
// isn't prepared for that yet.
return false;
// Factory initializer.
kind = CtorInitializerKind::Factory;
} else {
// Not imported as an initializer.
return false;
return true;
#pragma mark Name lookup
void ClangImporter::lookupValue(Identifier name, VisibleDeclConsumer &consumer){
auto &pp = Impl.Instance->getPreprocessor();
auto &sema = Impl.Instance->getSema();
// Map the name. If we can't represent the Swift name in Clang, bail out now.
auto clangName = Impl.exportName(name);
if (!clangName)
// See if there's a preprocessor macro we can import by this name.
clang::IdentifierInfo *clangID = clangName.getAsIdentifierInfo();
if (clangID && clangID->hasMacroDefinition()) {
if (auto clangMacro = pp.getMacroInfo(clangID)) {
if (auto valueDecl = Impl.importMacro(name, clangMacro)) {
consumer.foundDecl(valueDecl, DeclVisibilityKind::VisibleAtTopLevel);
bool FoundType = false;
bool FoundAny = false;
auto processResults = [&](clang::LookupResult &result) {
SmallVector<const clang::NamedDecl *, 16> sortedResults{result.begin(),
const clang::SourceManager &srcMgr = pp.getSourceManager();
std::sort(sortedResults.begin(), sortedResults.end(),
[&](const clang::NamedDecl *lhs,
const clang::NamedDecl *rhs) -> bool {
clang::SourceLocation lhsLoc = lhs->getLocStart();
clang::SourceLocation lhsExpLoc = srcMgr.getExpansionLoc(lhsLoc);
clang::SourceLocation rhsLoc = rhs->getLocStart();
clang::SourceLocation rhsExpLoc = srcMgr.getExpansionLoc(rhsLoc);
if (lhsExpLoc == rhsExpLoc)
return srcMgr.isBeforeInTranslationUnit(srcMgr.getSpellingLoc(lhsLoc),
return srcMgr.isBeforeInTranslationUnit(lhsExpLoc, rhsExpLoc);
// FIXME: Filter based on access path? C++ access control?
for (auto decl : result) {
if (auto swiftDecl = Impl.importDeclReal(decl->getUnderlyingDecl())) {
if (auto valueDecl = dyn_cast<ValueDecl>(swiftDecl)) {
// If the importer gave us a declaration from the stdlib, make sure
// it does not show up in the lookup results for the imported module.
if (valueDecl->getDeclContext()->isModuleScopeContext() &&
valueDecl->getModuleContext() == Impl.getStdlibModule())
// Check that we didn't pick up something with a remapped name.
if (valueDecl->getName() != name)
consumer.foundDecl(valueDecl, DeclVisibilityKind::VisibleAtTopLevel);
FoundType = FoundType || isa<TypeDecl>(valueDecl);
FoundAny = true;
// Perform name lookup into the global scope.
// FIXME: Map source locations over.
clang::LookupResult lookupResult(sema, /*name=*/{}, clang::SourceLocation(),
auto lookupNameForSwift = [&](clang::DeclarationName clangNameToLookup) {
if (sema.LookupName(lookupResult, /*Scope=*/nullptr))
if (!FoundType) {
// Look up a tag name if we did not find a type with this name already.
// We don't want to introduce multiple types with same name.
if (sema.LookupName(lookupResult, /*Scope=*/nullptr))
const auto *clangIDToLookup = clangNameToLookup.getAsIdentifierInfo();
// Look up protocol names as well.
if (sema.LookupName(lookupResult, /*Scope=*/nullptr)) {
} else if (!FoundAny &&
clangIDToLookup->getName().endswith(SWIFT_PROTOCOL_SUFFIX)) {
StringRef noProtoNameStr = clangIDToLookup->getName();
noProtoNameStr = noProtoNameStr.drop_back(strlen(SWIFT_PROTOCOL_SUFFIX));
auto protoIdent = &Impl.getClangASTContext().Idents.get(noProtoNameStr);
if (sema.LookupName(lookupResult, /*Scope=*/nullptr))
// If we *still* haven't found anything, try looking for '<name>Ref'.
// Eventually, this should be optimized by recognizing this case when
// generating the Clang module.
if (!FoundAny && clangIDToLookup) {
llvm::SmallString<128> buffer;
buffer += clangIDToLookup->getName();
auto refIdent = &Impl.Instance->getASTContext().Idents.get(buffer.str());
if (sema.LookupName(lookupResult, /*Scope=*/0)) {
// FIXME: Filter based on access path? C++ access control?
// FIXME: Sort this list, even though there's probably only one result.
for (auto decl : lookupResult) {
auto swiftDecl = Impl.importDeclReal(decl->getUnderlyingDecl());
auto alias = dyn_cast_or_null<TypeAliasDecl>(swiftDecl);
if (!alias)
Type underlyingTy = alias->getUnderlyingType();
TypeDecl *underlying = nullptr;
if (auto anotherAlias =
dyn_cast<NameAliasType>(underlyingTy.getPointer())) {
underlying = anotherAlias->getDecl();
} else if (auto aliasedClass = underlyingTy->getAs<ClassType>()) {
underlying = aliasedClass->getDecl();
if (!underlying)
if (underlying->getName() == name) {
// Actually do the lookup.
// If we haven't found anything and the name starts with "__", maybe it's a
// decl marked with the swift_private attribute. Try chopping off the prefix.
if (!FoundAny && clangID && clangID->getName().startswith("__") &&
clangID->getName().size() > 2) {
StringRef unprefixedName = clangID->getName().drop_front(2);
auto unprefixedID =
const clang::TypedefNameDecl *
ClangImporter::Implementation::lookupTypedef(clang::DeclarationName name) {
clang::Sema &sema = Instance->getSema();
clang::LookupResult lookupResult(sema, name,
if (sema.LookupName(lookupResult, /*scope=*/nullptr)) {
for (auto decl : lookupResult) {
if (auto typedefDecl =
return typedefDecl;
return nullptr;
static bool isDeclaredInModule(const ClangModuleUnit *ModuleFilter,
const Decl *VD) {
auto ContainingUnit = VD->getDeclContext()->getModuleScopeContext();
return ModuleFilter == ContainingUnit;
static const clang::Module *getClangOwningModule(ClangNode Node,
const clang::ASTContext &ClangCtx) {
auto ExtSource = ClangCtx.getExternalSource();
if (const clang::Decl *D = Node.getAsDecl())
return ExtSource->getModule(D->getOwningModuleID());
if (const clang::MacroInfo *MI = Node.getAsMacro())
return ExtSource->getModule(MI->getOwningModuleID());
return nullptr;
static bool isVisibleFromModule(const ClangModuleUnit *ModuleFilter,
const ValueDecl *VD) {
// Include a value from module X if:
// * no particular module was requested, or
// * module X was specifically requested.
if (!ModuleFilter)
return true;
auto ContainingUnit = VD->getDeclContext()->getModuleScopeContext();
if (ModuleFilter == ContainingUnit)
return true;
auto Wrapper = dyn_cast<ClangModuleUnit>(ContainingUnit);
if (!Wrapper)
return false;
auto ClangNode = VD->getClangNode();
auto &ClangASTContext = ModuleFilter->getClangASTContext();
auto OwningClangModule = getClangOwningModule(ClangNode, ClangASTContext);
// We don't handle Clang submodules; pop everything up to the top-level
// module.
if (OwningClangModule)
OwningClangModule = OwningClangModule->getTopLevelModule();
if (OwningClangModule == ModuleFilter->getClangModule())
return true;
if (auto D = ClangNode.getAsDecl()) {
// Handle redeclared decls.
if (isa<clang::FunctionDecl>(D) || isa<clang::VarDecl>(D) ||
isa<clang::TypedefNameDecl>(D)) {
for (auto Redeclaration : D->redecls()) {
if (Redeclaration == D)
auto OwningClangModule = getClangOwningModule(Redeclaration,
if (OwningClangModule)
OwningClangModule = OwningClangModule->getTopLevelModule();
if (OwningClangModule == ModuleFilter->getClangModule())
return true;
} else if (isa<clang::TagDecl>(D)) {
for (auto Redeclaration : D->redecls()) {
if (Redeclaration == D)
if (!cast<clang::TagDecl>(Redeclaration)->isCompleteDefinition())
auto OwningClangModule = getClangOwningModule(Redeclaration,
if (OwningClangModule)
OwningClangModule = OwningClangModule->getTopLevelModule();
if (OwningClangModule == ModuleFilter->getClangModule())
return true;
return false;
namespace {
class ClangVectorDeclConsumer : public clang::VisibleDeclConsumer {
std::vector<clang::NamedDecl *> results;
ClangVectorDeclConsumer() = default;
void FoundDecl(clang::NamedDecl *ND, clang::NamedDecl *Hiding,
clang::DeclContext *Ctx, bool InBaseClass) override {
if (!ND->getIdentifier())
if (ND->isModulePrivate())
llvm::MutableArrayRef<clang::NamedDecl *> getResults() {
return results;
class FilteringVisibleDeclConsumer : public swift::VisibleDeclConsumer {
swift::VisibleDeclConsumer &NextConsumer;
const ClangModuleUnit *ModuleFilter = nullptr;
FilteringVisibleDeclConsumer(swift::VisibleDeclConsumer &consumer,
const ClangModuleUnit *CMU)
: NextConsumer(consumer), ModuleFilter(CMU) {}
void foundDecl(ValueDecl *VD, DeclVisibilityKind Reason) override {
if (isVisibleFromModule(ModuleFilter, VD))
NextConsumer.foundDecl(VD, Reason);
class FilteringDeclaredDeclConsumer : public swift::VisibleDeclConsumer {
swift::VisibleDeclConsumer &NextConsumer;
SmallVectorImpl<ExtensionDecl *> &ExtensionResults;
const ClangModuleUnit *ModuleFilter = nullptr;
FilteringDeclaredDeclConsumer(swift::VisibleDeclConsumer &consumer,
SmallVectorImpl<ExtensionDecl *> &ExtensionResults,
const ClangModuleUnit *CMU)
: NextConsumer(consumer),
ModuleFilter(CMU) {}
void foundDecl(ValueDecl *VD, DeclVisibilityKind Reason) override {
if (isDeclaredInModule(ModuleFilter, VD))
NextConsumer.foundDecl(VD, Reason);
// Also report the extensions declared in this module (whether the extended
// type is from this module or not).
if (auto NTD = dyn_cast<NominalTypeDecl>(VD)) {
for (auto Ext : NTD->getExtensions()) {
if (isDeclaredInModule(ModuleFilter, Ext))
/// A hack to blacklist particular types in the Darwin module on
/// Apple platforms.
class DarwinBlacklistDeclConsumer : public swift::VisibleDeclConsumer {
swift::VisibleDeclConsumer &NextConsumer;
clang::ASTContext &ClangASTContext;
bool isBlacklisted(ValueDecl *VD) {
if (!VD->hasClangNode())
return false;
const clang::Module *clangModule = getClangOwningModule(VD->getClangNode(),
if (!clangModule)
return false;
if (clangModule->Name == "MacTypes") {
return llvm::StringSwitch<bool>(VD->getNameStr())
.Cases("OSErr", "OSStatus", "OptionBits", false)
.Cases("FourCharCode", "OSType", false)
.Case("Boolean", false)
.Case("kUnknownType", false)
.Cases("UTF32Char", "UniChar", "UTF16Char", "UTF8Char", false)
.Case("ProcessSerialNumber", false)
if (clangModule->Parent &&
clangModule->Parent->Name == "CarbonCore") {
return llvm::StringSwitch<bool>(clangModule->Name)
.Cases("BackupCore", "DiskSpaceRecovery", "MacErrors", false)
.Case("UnicodeUtilities", false)
if (clangModule->Parent &&
clangModule->Parent->Name == "OSServices") {
// Note that this is a blacklist rather than a whitelist.
// We're more likely to see new, modern headers added to OSServices.
return llvm::StringSwitch<bool>(clangModule->Name)
.Cases("IconStorage", "KeychainCore", "Power", true)
.Cases("SecurityCore", "SystemSound", true)
.Cases("WSMethodInvocation", "WSProtocolHandler", "WSTypes", true)
return false;
DarwinBlacklistDeclConsumer(swift::VisibleDeclConsumer &consumer,
clang::ASTContext &clangASTContext)
: NextConsumer(consumer), ClangASTContext(clangASTContext) {}
static bool needsBlacklist(const clang::Module *topLevelModule) {
if (!topLevelModule)
return false;
if (topLevelModule->Name == "Darwin")
return true;
if (topLevelModule->Name == "CoreServices")
return true;
return false;
void foundDecl(ValueDecl *VD, DeclVisibilityKind Reason) override {
if (!isBlacklisted(VD))
NextConsumer.foundDecl(VD, Reason);
} // unnamed namespace
void ClangImporter::lookupBridgingHeaderDecls(
llvm::function_ref<bool(ClangNode)> filter,
llvm::function_ref<void(Decl*)> receiver) const {
for (auto &Import : Impl.BridgeHeaderTopLevelImports) {
auto ImportD = Import.get<ImportDecl*>();
if (filter(ImportD->getClangDecl()))
for (auto *ClangD : Impl.BridgeHeaderTopLevelDecls) {
if (filter(ClangD)) {
if (auto *ND = dyn_cast<clang::NamedDecl>(ClangD)) {
if (Decl *imported = Impl.importDeclReal(ND))
ASTContext &Ctx = Impl.SwiftContext;
auto &ClangPP = Impl.getClangPreprocessor();
for (clang::IdentifierInfo *II : Impl.BridgeHeaderMacros) {
if (auto *MI = ClangPP.getMacroInfo(II)) {
if (filter(MI)) {
Identifier Name = Ctx.getIdentifier(II->getName());
if (Decl *imported = Impl.importMacro(Name, MI))
bool ClangImporter::lookupDeclsFromHeader(StringRef Filename,
llvm::function_ref<bool(ClangNode)> filter,
llvm::function_ref<void(Decl*)> receiver) const {
const clang::FileEntry *File =
if (!File)
return true;
ASTContext &Ctx = Impl.SwiftContext;
auto &ClangCtx = getClangASTContext();
auto &ClangSM = ClangCtx.getSourceManager();
auto &ClangPP = getClangPreprocessor();
// Look up the header in the includes of the bridging header.
if (Impl.BridgeHeaderFiles.count(File)) {
auto headerFilter = [&](ClangNode ClangN) -> bool {
if (ClangN.isNull())
return false;
auto ClangLoc = ClangSM.getFileLoc(ClangN.getLocation());
if (ClangLoc.isInvalid())
return false;
if (ClangSM.getFileEntryForID(ClangSM.getFileID(ClangLoc)) != File)
return false;
return filter(ClangN);
lookupBridgingHeaderDecls(headerFilter, receiver);
return false;
clang::FileID FID = ClangSM.translateFile(File);
if (FID.isInvalid())
return false;
// Look up the header in the ASTReader.
if (ClangSM.isLoadedFileID(FID)) {
// Decls.
SmallVector<clang::Decl *, 32> Decls;
unsigned Length = ClangSM.getFileIDSize(FID);
ClangCtx.getExternalSource()->FindFileRegionDecls(FID, 0, Length, Decls);
for (auto *ClangD : Decls) {
if (Impl.shouldIgnoreBridgeHeaderTopLevelDecl(ClangD))
if (filter(ClangD)) {
if (auto *ND = dyn_cast<clang::NamedDecl>(ClangD)) {
if (Decl *imported = Impl.importDeclReal(ND))
// Macros.
if (auto *ppRec = ClangPP.getPreprocessingRecord()) {
clang::SourceLocation B = ClangSM.getLocForStartOfFile(FID);
clang::SourceLocation E = ClangSM.getLocForEndOfFile(FID);
clang::SourceRange R(B, E);
const auto &Entities = ppRec->getPreprocessedEntitiesInRange(R);
for (auto I = Entities.begin(), E = Entities.end(); I != E; ++I) {
if (!ppRec->isEntityInFileID(I, FID))
clang::PreprocessedEntity *PPE = *I;
if (!PPE)
if (auto *MD = dyn_cast<clang::MacroDefinitionRecord>(PPE)) {
auto *II = const_cast<clang::IdentifierInfo*>(MD->getName());
if (auto *MI = ClangPP.getMacroInfo(II)) {
if (filter(MI)) {
Identifier Name = Ctx.getIdentifier(II->getName());
if (Decl *imported = Impl.importMacro(Name, MI))
// FIXME: Module imports inside that header.
return false;
return true; // no info found about that header.
void ClangImporter::lookupVisibleDecls(VisibleDeclConsumer &Consumer) const {
if (Impl.CurrentCacheState != Implementation::CacheState::Valid) {
do {
Impl.CurrentCacheState = Implementation::CacheState::InProgress;
ClangVectorDeclConsumer clangConsumer;
auto &sema = Impl.getClangSema();
// Sort all the Clang decls we find, so that we process them
// deterministically. This *shouldn't* be necessary, but the importer
// definitely still has ordering dependencies.
auto results = clangConsumer.getResults();
llvm::array_pod_sort(results.begin(), results.end(),
[](clang::NamedDecl * const *lhs,
clang::NamedDecl * const *rhs) -> int {
return clang::DeclarationName::compare((*lhs)->getDeclName(),
for (const clang::NamedDecl *clangDecl : results) {
if (Impl.CurrentCacheState != Implementation::CacheState::InProgress)
if (Decl *imported = Impl.importDeclReal(clangDecl))
// If we changed things /while/ we were caching, we need to start over
// and try again. Fortunately we record a map of decls we've already
// imported, so most of the work is just the lookup and then going
// through the list.
} while (Impl.CurrentCacheState != Implementation::CacheState::InProgress);
auto &ClangPP = Impl.getClangPreprocessor();
for (auto I = ClangPP.macro_begin(), E = ClangPP.macro_end(); I != E; ++I) {
if (!I->first->hasMacroDefinition())
auto Name = Impl.importIdentifier(I->first);
if (Name.empty())
if (auto *Imported = Impl.importMacro(
Name, ClangPP.getMacroDefinition(I->first).getMacroInfo())) {
Impl.CurrentCacheState = Implementation::CacheState::Valid;
for (auto VD : Impl.CachedVisibleDecls)
Consumer.foundDecl(VD, DeclVisibilityKind::VisibleAtTopLevel);
void ClangModuleUnit::lookupVisibleDecls(Module::AccessPathTy accessPath,
VisibleDeclConsumer &consumer,
NLKind lookupKind) const {
// FIXME: Ignore submodules, which are empty for now.
if (clangModule && clangModule->isSubModule())
// FIXME: Respect the access path.
FilteringVisibleDeclConsumer filterConsumer(consumer, this);
DarwinBlacklistDeclConsumer darwinBlacklistConsumer(filterConsumer,
swift::VisibleDeclConsumer *actualConsumer = &filterConsumer;
if (lookupKind == NLKind::UnqualifiedLookup &&
DarwinBlacklistDeclConsumer::needsBlacklist(clangModule)) {
actualConsumer = &darwinBlacklistConsumer;
if (owner.Impl.UseSwiftLookupTables) {
// Find the corresponding lookup table.
if (auto lookupTable = owner.Impl.findLookupTable(clangModule)) {
// Search it.
owner.Impl.lookupVisibleDecls(*lookupTable, *actualConsumer);
namespace {
class VectorDeclPtrConsumer : public swift::VisibleDeclConsumer {
SmallVectorImpl<Decl *> &Results;
explicit VectorDeclPtrConsumer(SmallVectorImpl<Decl *> &Decls)
: Results(Decls) {}
virtual void foundDecl(ValueDecl *VD, DeclVisibilityKind Reason) override {
} // unnamed namespace
void ClangModuleUnit::getTopLevelDecls(SmallVectorImpl<Decl*> &results) const {
VectorDeclPtrConsumer consumer(results);
SmallVector<ExtensionDecl *, 16> extensions;
FilteringDeclaredDeclConsumer filterConsumer(consumer, extensions, this);
DarwinBlacklistDeclConsumer blacklistConsumer(filterConsumer,
const clang::Module *topLevelModule = clangModule->getTopLevelModule();
if (DarwinBlacklistDeclConsumer::needsBlacklist(topLevelModule)) {
} else {
results.append(extensions.begin(), extensions.end());
ImportDecl *swift::createImportDecl(ASTContext &Ctx,
DeclContext *DC,
ClangNode ClangN,
ArrayRef<clang::Module *> Exported) {
auto *ImportedMod = ClangN.getClangModule();
SmallVector<std::pair<swift::Identifier, swift::SourceLoc>, 4> AccessPath;
auto *TmpMod = ImportedMod;
while (TmpMod) {
AccessPath.push_back({ Ctx.getIdentifier(TmpMod->Name), SourceLoc() });
TmpMod = TmpMod->Parent;
std::reverse(AccessPath.begin(), AccessPath.end());
bool IsExported = false;
for (auto *ExportedMod : Exported) {
if (ImportedMod == ExportedMod) {
IsExported = true;
auto *ID = ImportDecl::create(Ctx, DC, SourceLoc(),
ImportKind::Module, SourceLoc(), AccessPath,
if (IsExported)
ID->getAttrs().add(new (Ctx) ExportedAttr(/*IsImplicit=*/false));
return ID;
static void getImportDecls(ClangModuleUnit *ClangUnit, const clang::Module *M,
SmallVectorImpl<Decl *> &Results) {
SmallVector<clang::Module *, 1> Exported;
ASTContext &Ctx = ClangUnit->getASTContext();
for (auto *ImportedMod : M->Imports) {
auto *ID = createImportDecl(Ctx, ClangUnit, ImportedMod, Exported);
void ClangModuleUnit::getDisplayDecls(SmallVectorImpl<Decl*> &results) const {
if (clangModule)
getImportDecls(const_cast<ClangModuleUnit *>(this), clangModule, results);
void ClangModuleUnit::lookupValue(Module::AccessPathTy accessPath,
DeclName name, NLKind lookupKind,
SmallVectorImpl<ValueDecl*> &results) const {
if (!Module::matchesAccessPath(accessPath, name))
// FIXME: Ignore submodules, which are empty for now.
if (clangModule && clangModule->isSubModule())
VectorDeclConsumer vectorWriter(results);
FilteringVisibleDeclConsumer filteringConsumer(vectorWriter, this);
DarwinBlacklistDeclConsumer darwinBlacklistConsumer(filteringConsumer,
swift::VisibleDeclConsumer *consumer = &filteringConsumer;
if (lookupKind == NLKind::UnqualifiedLookup &&
DarwinBlacklistDeclConsumer::needsBlacklist(clangModule)) {
consumer = &darwinBlacklistConsumer;
if (owner.Impl.UseSwiftLookupTables) {
// Find the corresponding lookup table.
if (auto lookupTable = owner.Impl.findLookupTable(clangModule)) {
// Search it.
owner.Impl.lookupValue(*lookupTable, name, *consumer);
// There should be no multi-part top-level decls in a Clang module.
if (!name.isSimpleName())
owner.lookupValue(name.getBaseName(), *consumer);
void ClangImporter::loadExtensions(NominalTypeDecl *nominal,
unsigned previousGeneration) {
auto objcClass = dyn_cast_or_null<clang::ObjCInterfaceDecl>(
if (!objcClass) {
if (auto typeResolver = Impl.getTypeResolver())
if (nominal->isObjC()) {
// Map the name. If we can't represent the Swift name in Clang, bail out
// now.
auto clangName = Impl.exportName(nominal->getName());
if (!clangName)
auto &sema = Impl.Instance->getSema();
// Perform name lookup into the global scope.
// FIXME: Map source locations over.
clang::LookupResult lookupResult(sema, clangName,
if (sema.LookupName(lookupResult, /*Scope=*/0)) {
// FIXME: Filter based on access path? C++ access control?
for (auto clangDecl : lookupResult) {
objcClass = dyn_cast<clang::ObjCInterfaceDecl>(clangDecl);
if (objcClass)
if (!objcClass)
// Import all of the visible categories. Simply loading them adds them to
// the list of extensions.
for (auto I = objcClass->visible_categories_begin(),
E = objcClass->visible_categories_end();
I != E; ++I) {
void ClangImporter::loadObjCMethods(
ClassDecl *classDecl,
ObjCSelector selector,
bool isInstanceMethod,
unsigned previousGeneration,
llvm::TinyPtrVector<AbstractFunctionDecl *> &methods) {
// If we're currently looking for this selector, don't load any Objective-C
// methods.
if (Impl.ActiveSelectors.count({selector, isInstanceMethod}))
const auto *objcClass =
if (!objcClass)
// Collect the set of visible Objective-C methods with this selector.
clang::Selector clangSelector = Impl.exportSelector(selector);
SmallVector<clang::ObjCMethodDecl *, 4> objcMethods;
auto &sema = Impl.Instance->getSema();
sema.CollectMultipleMethodsInGlobalPool(clangSelector, objcMethods,
// Check whether this method is in the class we care about.
SmallVector<AbstractFunctionDecl *, 4> foundMethods;
for (auto objcMethod : objcMethods) {
// Find the owner of this method and determine whether it is the class
// we're looking for.
if (objcMethod->getClassInterface() != objcClass)
if (auto method = dyn_cast_or_null<AbstractFunctionDecl>(
Impl.importDecl(objcMethod))) {
// If we didn't find anything, we're done.
if (foundMethods.empty())
// If we did find something, it might be a duplicate of something we found
// earlier, because we aren't tracking generation counts for Clang modules.
// Filter out the duplicates.
// FIXME: We shouldn't need to do this.
llvm::SmallPtrSet<AbstractFunctionDecl *, 4> known;
known.insert(methods.begin(), methods.end());
for (auto method : foundMethods) {
if (known.insert(method).second)
// FIXME: This should just be the implementation of
// llvm::array_pod_sort_comparator. The only difference is that it uses
// std::less instead of operator<.
// FIXME: Copied from IRGenModule.cpp.
template <typename T>
static int pointerPODSortComparator(T * const *lhs, T * const *rhs) {
std::less<T *> lt;
if (lt(*lhs, *rhs))
return -1;
if (lt(*rhs, *lhs))
return -1;
return 0;
static void lookupClassMembersImpl(ClangImporter::Implementation &Impl,
VisibleDeclConsumer &consumer,
DeclName name) {
// When looking for a subscript, we actually look for the getters
// and setters.
bool isSubscript = name.isSimpleName(Impl.SwiftContext.Id_subscript);
// FIXME: Does not include methods from protocols.
auto importMethodsImpl = [&](const clang::ObjCMethodList &start) {
for (auto *list = &start; list != nullptr; list = list->getNext()) {
if (list->getMethod()->isUnavailable())
// If the method is a property accessor, we want the property.
const clang::NamedDecl *searchForDecl = list->getMethod();
if (list->getMethod()->isPropertyAccessor() &&
!Impl.isAccessibilityDecl(list->getMethod())) {
if (auto property = list->getMethod()->findPropertyDecl()) {
// ... unless we are enumerating all decls. In this case, if we see
// a getter, return a property. If we see a setter, we know that
// there is a getter, and we will visit it and return a property at
// that time.
if (!name && list->getMethod()->param_size() != 0)
searchForDecl = property;
auto VD = cast_or_null<ValueDecl>(Impl.importDeclReal(searchForDecl));
if (!VD)
if (auto func = dyn_cast<FuncDecl>(VD)) {
if (auto storage = func->getAccessorStorageDecl()) {
consumer.foundDecl(storage, DeclVisibilityKind::DynamicLookup);
} else if (isSubscript || !name) {
auto known = Impl.Subscripts.find({func, nullptr});
if (known != Impl.Subscripts.end()) {
// If we were looking only for subscripts, don't report the getter.
if (isSubscript)
consumer.foundDecl(VD, DeclVisibilityKind::DynamicLookup);
auto importMethods = [=](const clang::Sema::GlobalMethods &methodListPair) {
if (methodListPair.first.getMethod())
if (methodListPair.second.getMethod())
clang::Sema &S = Impl.getClangSema();
if (isSubscript) {
clang::Selector sels[] = {
for (auto sel : sels) {
} else if (name) {
auto sel = Impl.exportSelector(name);
if (!sel.isNull()) {
// If this is a simple name, we only checked nullary selectors. Check
// unary ones as well.
// Note: If this is ever used to look up init methods, we'd need to do
// the reverse as well.
if (name.isSimpleName()) {
auto *II = Impl.exportName(name.getBaseName()).getAsIdentifierInfo();
sel = Impl.getClangASTContext().Selectors.getUnarySelector(II);
} else {
// Force load all external methods.
// FIXME: Copied from Clang's SemaCodeComplete.
clang::ExternalASTSource *source = S.getExternalSource();
for (uint32_t i = 0, n = source->GetNumExternalSelectors(); i != n; ++i) {
clang::Selector sel = source->GetExternalSelector(i);
if (sel.isNull() || S.MethodPool.count(sel))
for (auto entry : S.MethodPool)
ClangModuleUnit::lookupClassMember(Module::AccessPathTy accessPath,
DeclName name,
SmallVectorImpl<ValueDecl*> &results) const {
// FIXME: Ignore submodules, which are empty for now.
if (clangModule && clangModule->isSubModule())
VectorDeclConsumer consumer(results);
// If we have lookup tables, use them.
if (owner.Impl.UseSwiftLookupTables) {
// Find the corresponding lookup table.
if (auto lookupTable = owner.Impl.findLookupTable(clangModule)) {
// Search it.
owner.Impl.lookupObjCMembers(*lookupTable, name, consumer);
// FIXME: Not limited by module.
lookupClassMembersImpl(owner.Impl, consumer, name);
void ClangModuleUnit::lookupClassMembers(Module::AccessPathTy accessPath,
VisibleDeclConsumer &consumer) const {
// FIXME: Ignore submodules, which are empty for now.
if (clangModule && clangModule->isSubModule())
if (owner.Impl.UseSwiftLookupTables) {
// Find the corresponding lookup table.
if (auto lookupTable = owner.Impl.findLookupTable(clangModule)) {
// Search it.
owner.Impl.lookupAllObjCMembers(*lookupTable, consumer);
// FIXME: Not limited by module.
lookupClassMembersImpl(owner.Impl, consumer, {});
void ClangModuleUnit::collectLinkLibraries(
Module::LinkLibraryCallback callback) const {
if (!clangModule)
for (auto clangLinkLib : clangModule->LinkLibraries) {
LibraryKind kind;
if (clangLinkLib.IsFramework)
kind = LibraryKind::Framework;
kind = LibraryKind::Library;
callback(LinkLibrary(clangLinkLib.Library, kind));
StringRef ClangModuleUnit::getFilename() const {
if (!clangModule) {
return "<imports>";
return clangModule->getASTFile()
? clangModule->getASTFile()->getName() : StringRef();
clang::TargetInfo &ClangImporter::getTargetInfo() const {
return Impl.Instance->getTarget();
clang::ASTContext &ClangImporter::getClangASTContext() const {
return Impl.getClangASTContext();
clang::Preprocessor &ClangImporter::getClangPreprocessor() const {
return Impl.getClangPreprocessor();
const clang::Module *ClangImporter::getClangOwningModule(ClangNode Node) const {
return ::getClangOwningModule(Node, getClangASTContext());
bool ClangImporter::hasTypedef(const clang::Decl *typeDecl) const {
return Impl.DeclsWithSuperfluousTypedefs.count(typeDecl);
clang::Sema &ClangImporter::getClangSema() const {
return Impl.getClangSema();
clang::CodeGenOptions &ClangImporter::getClangCodeGenOpts() const {
return Impl.getClangCodeGenOpts();
std::string ClangImporter::getClangModuleHash() const {
return Impl.Invocation->getModuleHash();
Decl *ClangImporter::importDeclCached(const clang::NamedDecl *ClangDecl) {
return Impl.importDeclCached(ClangDecl);
bool ClangImporter::shouldIgnoreMacro(StringRef Name,
const clang::MacroInfo *Macro) {
return Impl.shouldIgnoreMacro(Name, Macro);
void ClangImporter::printStatistics() const {
void ClangImporter::verifyAllModules() {
#ifndef NDEBUG
if (Impl.ImportCounter == Impl.VerifiedImportCounter)
// Collect the Decls before verifying them; the act of verifying may cause
// more decls to be imported and modify the map while we are iterating it.
SmallVector<Decl *, 8> Decls;
for (auto &I : Impl.ImportedDecls)
if (Decl *D = I.second)
for (auto D : Decls)
Impl.VerifiedImportCounter = Impl.ImportCounter;
// ClangModule Implementation
ClangModuleUnit::ClangModuleUnit(Module &M, ClangImporter &owner,
const clang::Module *clangModule)
: LoadedFile(FileUnitKind::ClangModule, M), owner(owner),
clangModule(clangModule) {
bool ClangModuleUnit::hasClangModule(Module *M) {
for (auto F : M->getFiles()) {
if (isa<ClangModuleUnit>(F))
return true;
return false;
bool ClangModuleUnit::isTopLevel() const {
return !clangModule || !clangModule->isSubModule();
bool ClangModuleUnit::isSystemModule() const {
return clangModule && clangModule->IsSystem;
clang::ASTContext &ClangModuleUnit::getClangASTContext() const {
return owner.getClangASTContext();
Module *ClangModuleUnit::getAdapterModule() const {
if (!clangModule)
return nullptr;
if (!isTopLevel()) {
// FIXME: Is this correct for submodules?
auto topLevel = clangModule->getTopLevelModule();
auto wrapper = owner.Impl.getWrapperForModule(owner, topLevel);
return wrapper->getAdapterModule();
if (!adapterModule.getInt()) {
// FIXME: Include proper source location.
Module *M = getParentModule();
ASTContext &Ctx = M->getASTContext();
auto adapter = Ctx.getModule(Module::AccessPathTy({M->getName(),
if (adapter == M) {
adapter = nullptr;
} else {
auto &sharedModuleRef = Ctx.LoadedModules[M->getName()];
assert(!sharedModuleRef || sharedModuleRef == adapter ||
sharedModuleRef == M);
sharedModuleRef = adapter;
auto mutableThis = const_cast<ClangModuleUnit *>(this);
mutableThis->adapterModule.setPointerAndInt(adapter, true);
return adapterModule.getPointer();
void ClangModuleUnit::getImportedModules(
SmallVectorImpl<Module::ImportedModule> &imports,
Module::ImportFilter filter) const {
if (filter != Module::ImportFilter::Public)
if (!clangModule) {
// This is the special "imported headers" module.
if (filter != Module::ImportFilter::Private) {
auto topLevelAdapter = getAdapterModule();
SmallVector<clang::Module *, 8> imported;
if (filter != Module::ImportFilter::Public) {
if (filter == Module::ImportFilter::All) {
llvm::SmallPtrSet<clang::Module *, 8> knownModules;
imported.append(clangModule->Imports.begin(), clangModule->Imports.end());
imported.erase(std::remove_if(imported.begin(), imported.end(),
[&](clang::Module *mod) -> bool {
return !knownModules.insert(mod).second;
} else {
llvm::SmallPtrSet<clang::Module *, 8> knownModules(imported.begin(),
SmallVector<clang::Module *, 8> privateImports;
std::copy_if(clangModule->Imports.begin(), clangModule->Imports.end(),
std::back_inserter(privateImports), [&](clang::Module *mod) {
return knownModules.count(mod) == 0;
// FIXME: The parent module isn't exactly a private import, but it is
// needed for link dependencies.
if (clangModule->Parent)
for (auto importMod : imported) {
auto wrapper = owner.Impl.getWrapperForModule(owner, importMod);
auto actualMod = wrapper->getAdapterModule();
if (!actualMod) {
// HACK: Deal with imports of submodules by importing the top-level module
// as well.
auto importTopLevel = importMod->getTopLevelModule();
if (importTopLevel != importMod &&
importTopLevel != clangModule->getTopLevelModule()) {
auto topLevelWrapper = owner.Impl.getWrapperForModule(owner,
imports.push_back({ Module::AccessPathTy(),
topLevelWrapper->getParentModule() });
actualMod = wrapper->getParentModule();
} else if (actualMod == topLevelAdapter) {
actualMod = wrapper->getParentModule();
assert(actualMod && "Missing imported adapter module");
imports.push_back({Module::AccessPathTy(), actualMod});
void ClangModuleUnit::getImportedModulesForLookup(
SmallVectorImpl<Module::ImportedModule> &imports) const {
if (!clangModule) {
// This is the special "imported headers" module.
// Reuse our cached list of imports if we have one.
if (!importedModulesForLookup.empty()) {
size_t firstImport = imports.size();
auto topLevel = clangModule->getTopLevelModule();
auto topLevelAdapter = getAdapterModule();
SmallVector<clang::Module *, 8> imported;
if (imported.empty())
SmallPtrSet<clang::Module *, 32> seen{imported.begin(), imported.end()};
SmallVector<clang::Module *, 8> tmpBuf;
llvm::SmallSetVector<clang::Module *, 8> topLevelImported;
// Get the transitive set of top-level imports. That is, if a particular
// import is a top-level import, add it. Otherwise, keep searching.
while (!imported.empty()) {
clang::Module *next = imported.pop_back_val();
// HACK: Deal with imports of submodules by importing the top-level module
// as well, unless it's the top-level module we're currently in.
clang::Module *nextTopLevel = next->getTopLevelModule();
if (nextTopLevel != topLevel) {
// Don't continue looking through submodules of modules that have
// overlays. The overlay might shadow things.
auto wrapper = owner.Impl.getWrapperForModule(owner, nextTopLevel);
if (wrapper->getAdapterModule())
// Only look through the current module if it's not top-level.
if (nextTopLevel == next)
for (clang::Module *nextImported : tmpBuf) {
if (seen.insert(nextImported).second)
for (auto importMod : topLevelImported) {
auto wrapper = owner.Impl.getWrapperForModule(owner, importMod);
auto actualMod = wrapper->getAdapterModule();
if (!actualMod || actualMod == topLevelAdapter)
actualMod = wrapper->getParentModule();
assert(actualMod && "Missing imported adapter module");
imports.push_back({Module::AccessPathTy(), actualMod});
// Cache our results for use next time.
auto importsToCache = llvm::makeArrayRef(imports).slice(firstImport);
importedModulesForLookup = getASTContext().AllocateCopy(importsToCache);
void ClangImporter::getMangledName(raw_ostream &os,
const clang::NamedDecl *clangDecl) const {
if (!Impl.Mangler)
Impl.Mangler->mangleName(clangDecl, os);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Swift lookup tables
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
ClangImporter::Implementation::getExtensionMetadata() const {
clang::ModuleFileExtensionMetadata metadata;
metadata.BlockName = "swift.lookup";
metadata.UserInfo = version::getSwiftFullVersion();
return metadata;
llvm::hash_code ClangImporter::Implementation::hashExtension(
llvm::hash_code code) const {
return llvm::hash_combine(code, StringRef("swift.lookup"),
ClangImporter::Implementation::createExtensionWriter(clang::ASTWriter &writer) {
// Local function to populate the lookup table.
auto populateTable = [this](clang::Sema &sema, SwiftLookupTable &table) {
for (auto decl
: sema.Context.getTranslationUnitDecl()->noload_decls()) {
// Skip anything from an AST file.
if (decl->isFromASTFile()) continue;
// Skip non-named declarations.
auto named = dyn_cast<clang::NamedDecl>(decl);
if (!named) continue;
// Add this entry to the lookup tabke.
addEntryToLookupTable(sema, table, named);
// Add macros to the lookup table.
addMacrosToLookupTable(sema.Context, sema.getPreprocessor(), table);
return std::unique_ptr<clang::ModuleFileExtensionWriter>(
new SwiftLookupTableWriter(this, populateTable, writer));
const clang::ModuleFileExtensionMetadata &metadata,
clang::ASTReader &reader,
clang::serialization::ModuleFile &mod,
const llvm::BitstreamCursor &stream)
// Make sure we have a compatible block. Since these values are part
// of the hash, it should never be wrong.
assert(metadata.BlockName == "swift.lookup");
assert(metadata.MajorVersion == SWIFT_LOOKUP_TABLE_VERSION_MAJOR);
assert(metadata.MinorVersion == SWIFT_LOOKUP_TABLE_VERSION_MINOR);
// Check whether we already have an entry in the set of lookup tables.
auto &entry = LookupTables[mod.ModuleName];
if (entry) return nullptr;
// Local function used to remove this entry when the reader goes away.
std::string moduleName = mod.ModuleName;
auto onRemove = [this, moduleName]() {
// Create the reader.
auto tableReader = SwiftLookupTableReader::create(this, reader, mod, onRemove,
if (!tableReader) return nullptr;
// Create the lookup table.
entry.reset(new SwiftLookupTable(tableReader.get()));
// Return the new reader.
return std::move(tableReader);
SwiftLookupTable *ClangImporter::Implementation::findLookupTable(
const clang::Module *clangModule) {
// If the Clang module is null, use the bridging header lookup table.
if (!clangModule)
return &BridgingHeaderLookupTable;
// Submodules share lookup tables with their parents.
if (clangModule->isSubModule())
return findLookupTable(clangModule->getTopLevelModule());
// Look for a Clang module with this name.
auto known = LookupTables.find(clangModule->Name);
if (known == LookupTables.end()) return nullptr;
return known->second.get();
/// Determine whether the given Clang entry is visible.
/// FIXME: this is an elaborate hack to badly reflect Clang's
/// submodule visibility into Swift.
static bool isVisibleClangEntry(clang::Preprocessor &pp,
StringRef name,
SwiftLookupTable::SingleEntry entry) {
if (auto clangDecl = entry.dyn_cast<clang::NamedDecl *>()) {
// For a declaration, check whether the declaration is hidden.
if (!clangDecl->isHidden()) return true;
// Is any redeclaration visible?
for (auto redecl : clangDecl->redecls()) {
if (!cast<clang::NamedDecl>(redecl)->isHidden()) return true;
return false;
// Check whether the macro is defined.
// FIXME: We could get the wrong macro definition here.
return pp.isMacroDefined(name);
void ClangImporter::Implementation::lookupValue(
SwiftLookupTable &table, DeclName name,
VisibleDeclConsumer &consumer) {
auto clangTU = getClangASTContext().getTranslationUnitDecl();
auto &clangPP = getClangPreprocessor();
auto baseName = name.getBaseName().str();
for (auto entry : table.lookup(name.getBaseName().str(), clangTU)) {
// If the entry is not visible, skip it.
if (!isVisibleClangEntry(clangPP, baseName, entry)) continue;
ValueDecl *decl;
// If it's a Clang declaration, try to import it.
if (auto clangDecl = entry.dyn_cast<clang::NamedDecl *>()) {
decl = cast_or_null<ValueDecl>(
if (!decl) continue;
} else {
// Try to import a macro.
auto clangMacro = entry.get<clang::MacroInfo *>();
decl = importMacro(name.getBaseName(), clangMacro);
if (!decl) continue;
// If we found a declaration from the standard library, make sure
// it does not show up in the lookup results for the imported
// module.
if (decl->getDeclContext()->isModuleScopeContext() &&
decl->getModuleContext() == getStdlibModule())
// If the name matched, report this result.
if (decl->getFullName().matchesRef(name))
consumer.foundDecl(decl, DeclVisibilityKind::VisibleAtTopLevel);
// If there is an alternate declaration and the name matches,
// report this result.
if (auto alternate = getAlternateDecl(decl)) {
if (alternate->getFullName().matchesRef(name))
consumer.foundDecl(alternate, DeclVisibilityKind::VisibleAtTopLevel);
void ClangImporter::Implementation::lookupVisibleDecls(
SwiftLookupTable &table,
VisibleDeclConsumer &consumer) {
// Retrieve and sort all of the base names in this particular table.
auto baseNames = table.allBaseNames();
llvm::array_pod_sort(baseNames.begin(), baseNames.end());
// Look for namespace-scope entities with each base name.
for (auto baseName : baseNames) {
lookupValue(table, SwiftContext.getIdentifier(baseName), consumer);
void ClangImporter::Implementation::lookupObjCMembers(
SwiftLookupTable &table,
DeclName name,
VisibleDeclConsumer &consumer) {
auto &clangPP = getClangPreprocessor();
auto baseName = name.getBaseName().str();
for (auto clangDecl : table.lookupObjCMembers(baseName)) {
// If the entry is not visible, skip it.
if (!isVisibleClangEntry(clangPP, baseName, clangDecl)) continue;
// Import the declaration.
auto decl = cast_or_null<ValueDecl>(importDeclReal(clangDecl));
if (!decl)
// If the name we found matches, report the declaration.
if (decl->getFullName().matchesRef(name))
consumer.foundDecl(decl, DeclVisibilityKind::DynamicLookup);
// Check for an alternate declaration; if it's name matches,
// report it.
if (auto alternate = getAlternateDecl(decl)) {
if (alternate->getFullName().matchesRef(name))
consumer.foundDecl(alternate, DeclVisibilityKind::DynamicLookup);
// If we imported an Objective-C instance method from a root
// class, and there is no corresponding class method, also import
// it as a class method.
// FIXME: Handle this as an alternate?
if (auto objcMethod = dyn_cast<clang::ObjCMethodDecl>(clangDecl)) {
if (objcMethod->isInstanceMethod()) {
if (auto method = dyn_cast<FuncDecl>(decl)) {
if (auto objcClass = objcMethod->getClassInterface()) {
if (!objcClass->getSuperClass() &&
/*AllowHidden=*/true)) {
if (auto classMethod = importClassMethodVersionOf(method)) {
void ClangImporter::Implementation::lookupAllObjCMembers(
SwiftLookupTable &table,
VisibleDeclConsumer &consumer) {
// Retrieve and sort all of the base names in this particular table.
auto baseNames = table.allBaseNames();
llvm::array_pod_sort(baseNames.begin(), baseNames.end());
// Look for Objective-C members with each base name.
for (auto baseName : baseNames) {
lookupObjCMembers(table, SwiftContext.getIdentifier(baseName), consumer);
void ClangImporter::dumpSwiftLookupTables() {
void ClangImporter::Implementation::dumpSwiftLookupTables() {
// Sort the module names so we can print in a deterministic order.
SmallVector<StringRef, 4> moduleNames;
for (const auto &lookupTable : LookupTables) {
array_pod_sort(moduleNames.begin(), moduleNames.end());
// Print out the lookup tables for the various modules.
for (auto moduleName : moduleNames) {
llvm::errs() << "<<" << moduleName << " lookup table>>\n";
llvm::errs() << "<<Bridging header lookup table>>\n";