blob: 92d4a616d78749353ba1543ed5eb4d5f139c581f [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: not %target-swift-frontend %s -parse
// Distributed under the terms of the MIT license
// Test case submitted to project by (practicalswift)
// Test case found by fuzzing
func f() {
s: X.Type) {
class c {
func b((Any, c))(a: { u o "\(v): \(u())" }
struct e<r> {
j p: , () -> ())] = []
prtocolAny) -> Any in
return p
b(a(1, a(2, 3)))
func f BooleanType>(b: T) {
f( func b( d
o t = p
struct h : n {
t : n q m.t == m> (h: m) {
func q<t : n q t.t == g> (h: t) {
func r(g: m) -> <s>(() -> s) -> n
protocol A {
typealias E
struct B<T : A> {
let h: T
let i: T.E
protocol C {
typealias F
fu {
o }
s m {
class func s()
class p: m{ cl