blob: 9e39a6916cadf25808f2e39d3f8dee167b8c6951 [file] [log] [blame]
#===--- -------------------------*- coding: utf-8 -*----===#
# This source file is part of the open source project
# Copyright (c) 2014 - 2015 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
# Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
# See for license information
# See for the list of Swift project authors
# Create a graph of the protocol refinement relationships, associated
# types, operator requirements, and defaulted generic operators.
# run as follows to view the Nth-largest connected component in a web browser:
# N=0 && rm -f /tmp/ && \
# python stdlib.swift > /tmp/ && \
# (ccomps -zX#$N -o /tmp/ /tmp/ || true) \
# && dot -Tsvg /tmp/ > /tmp/protocols.svg \
# && open /tmp/protocols.svg
import re
import sys
import os
import cgi
# Open 'stdlib.swift' in this directory if no path specified.
args = list(sys.argv) + [os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'stdlib.swift')]
reFlags = re.MULTILINE | re.VERBOSE
# Pattern to recognize stdlib identifiers (FIXME: doesn't handle Unicode).
identifier = '[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*'
# Pattern to recognize a (possibly-generic) operator decl.
operator = r'''
(?:(?:prefix|postfix).*)? func \s*
(?=\S)[^A-Za-z_] # non-space, non-identifier: begins an operator name
(?:(?=\S)[^(){])* # rest of operator name
(<[^>{]+>)? # generic parameter list
\([^)]*\) # function parameter list
# substitute local variables into the string
def interpolate(string):
import inspect
frame = inspect.currentframe()
return string % frame.f_back.f_locals
# Given the bodyText of a protocol definition, return a list of
# associated type and operator requirements.
def bodyLines(bodyText):
return [
cgi.escape( for b in
r'(typealias\s*'+identifier+r'(\s*[:,]\s*'+identifier + ')?|' + operator + '.*)',
bodyText, reFlags)
# Mapping from protocol to associated type / operator requirements
body = {}
# Mapping from a parent protocol to set of children.
graph = {}
# Mapping from protocol to generic operators taking instances as arguments
genericOperators = {}
comments = r'//.* | /[*] (.|\n)*? [*]/' # FIXME: doesn't respect strings or comment nesting)
# read source, stripping all comments
sourceSansComments = re.sub(comments, '', open(args[1]).read(), flags=reFlags)
genericParameterConstraint = interpolate(r' (%(identifier)s) \s* : \s* (%(identifier)s) ')
def parseGenericOperator(m):
genericParams =
genericOperator = cgi.escape(
functionParamStart = m.end(5) - m.start(0)
functionParams = genericOperator[functionParamStart:]
for m2 in re.finditer(genericParameterConstraint, genericParams, reFlags):
typeParameter =
protocol =
# we're only interested if we can find a function parameter of that type
if not':\s*%s\s*[,)]' % typeParameter, functionParams): continue
# Make some replacements in the signature to limit the graph size
letterTau = '&#x3c4;'
letterPi = '&#x3c0;'
abbreviatedSignature = re.sub(
r'\b%s\b' % protocol, letterPi,
re.sub(r'\b%s\b' % typeParameter, letterTau, genericOperator))
genericOperators.setdefault(protocol, set()).add(abbreviatedSignature)
def parseProtocol(m):
child =
# skip irrelevant protocols
if re.match(r'_Builtin.*Convertible', child): return
graph.setdefault(child, set())
body[child] = bodyLines(
for parent in","):
if re.match(r'_Builtin.*Convertible', parent): return
graph.setdefault(parent.strip(), set()).add(child)
protocolsAndOperators = interpolate(r'''
\bprotocol \s+ (%(identifier)s) \s*
(?::\s*([^{]+))? # refinements
{([^{}\n]*(.*\n)*?)} # body
%(operator)s [^{]*(?={) # operator definition up to the open brace
# Main parsing loop
for m in re.finditer(protocolsAndOperators, sourceSansComments, reFlags):
if parseProtocol(m)
elif parseGenericOperator(m)
# otherwise we matched some non-generic operator
# Find clusters of protocols that have the same name when underscores
# are stripped
clusterBuilder = {} # map from potential cluster name to nodes in the cluster
for n in graph:
clusterBuilder.setdefault(n.translate(None, '_'), set()).add(n)
# Grab the clusters with more than one member.
clusters = dict((c, nodes) for (c, nodes) in clusterBuilder.items() if len(nodes) > 1)
# A set of all intra-cluster edges
clusterEdges = set(
(s, t) for (c, elements) in clusters.items()
for s in elements
for t in graph[s] if t in elements)
print 'digraph ProtocolHierarchies {'
print ' mclimit = 100; ranksep=1.5; ' # ; packmode="array1"
print ' edge [dir="back"];'
print ' node [shape = box, fontname = Helvetica, fontsize = 10];'
for c in sorted(clusters):
print ' subgraph "cluster_%s" {' % c
for (s, t) in sorted(clusterEdges):
if s in clusters[c]:
print '%s -> %s [weight=100];' % (s, t)
print '}'
for node in sorted(graph.keys()):
requirements = body.get(node, [])
generics = sorted(genericOperators.get(node, set()))
style = 'solid' if node.startswith('_') else 'bold'
divider = '<HR/>\n' if len(requirements) != 0 and len(generics) != 0 else ''
label = node if len(requirements + generics) == 0 else (
'\n<TABLE BORDER="0">\n<TR><TD>\n%s\n</TD></TR><HR/>\n%s%s%s</TABLE>\n' % (
'\n'.join('<TR><TD>%s</TD></TR>' % r for r in requirements),
'\n'.join('<TR><TD>%s</TD></TR>' % g for g in generics)))
print interpolate(' %(node)s [style = %(style)s, label=<%(label)s>]')
for (parent, children) in sorted(graph.items()):
print ' %s -> {' % parent,
print '; '.join(
sorted(child for child in children if not (parent, child) in clusterEdges)),
print '}'
print '}'