blob: f197b184bc15042144e8648bb30b1c50b1f45258 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
import re
import sys
import os
import os.path
import glob
import subprocess
import collections
from operator import itemgetter
def help():
print """\
cmpcodesize [options] <old-files> [--] <new-files>
Compares code sizes of "new" files, taking "old" files as a reference.
-a Show sizes of additional sections
-c Show functions by category
-l List all functions (can be a very long list)
-s Summarize the sizes of multiple files instead of listing each file separatly
Environment variables:
SWIFT_NEW_BUILDDIR The old build-dir
E.g. $HOME/swift-work/build/Ninja-ReleaseAssert+stdlib-Release/swift-macosx-x86_64
SWIFT_OLD_BUILDDIR The new build-dir
E.g. $HOME/swift-reference/build/Ninja-ReleaseAssert+stdlib-Release/swift-macosx-x86_64
How to specify files:
1) No files:
Compares codesize of the PerfTests_* executables and the swiftCore dylib in the new and old build-dirs.
2) One ore more pathes relative to the build-dirs (can be a pattern):
Compares that files in the new and old build-dirs.
O => bin/PerfTests_O
Ounchecked => bin/PerfTests_Ounchecked
Onone => bin/PerfTests_Onone
dylib => lib/swift/macosx/x86_64/libswiftCore.dylib
cmpcodesize Onone
cmpcodesize benchmark/PerfTestSuite/O/*.o
3) Two files:
Compares these two files (the first is the old file).
cmpcodesize test.o newversion.o
4) Two lists of files, separated by '--':
Compares a set a files.
cmpcodesize olddir/*.o -- newdir/*.o
5) One file (only available with the -l option):
Lists function sizes for that file
cmpcodesize -l test.o
Prefixes = {
# Cpp
"__Z" : "CPP",
"_swift" : "CPP",
"__swift" : "CPP",
# Objective-C
"+[" : "ObjC",
"-[" : "ObjC",
# Swift
"__TP" : "Partial Apply",
"__TTW" : "Protocol Witness",
"__Tw" : "Value Witness",
"__TM" : "Type Metadata",
"__TF" : "Swift Function",
"__TTSg" : "Generic Spec",
"__TTSf" : "FuncSig Spec",
"__TZF" : "Static Func",
# Function signature specialization of a generic specialization.
"__TTSGF" : "FuncSigGen Spec",
"__TTo" : "Swift @objc Func",
Infixes = {
"q_" : "Generic Function"
GenericFunctionPrefix = "__TTSg"
SortedPrefixes = sorted(Prefixes)
SortedInfixes = sorted(Infixes)
def addFunction(sizes, function, startAddr, endAddr, groupByPrefix):
if not function or startAddr == None or endAddr == None:
size = endAddr - startAddr
if groupByPrefix:
for infix in SortedInfixes:
if infix in function:
if not GenericFunctionPrefix in function:
sizes[Infixes[infix]] += size
for prefix in SortedPrefixes:
if function.startswith(prefix):
# Special handling for function signature specializations
# of generic specializations.
if prefix == "__TTSf" and GenericFunctionPrefix in function:
prefix = "__TTSGF"
sizes[Prefixes[prefix]] += size
sizes["Unknown"] += size
sizes[function] += size
def flatten(*args):
for x in args:
if hasattr(x, '__iter__'):
for y in flatten(*x):
yield y
yield x
def readSizes(sizes, fileName, functionDetails, groupByPrefix):
# Check if multiple architectures are supported by the object file.
# Prefer arm64 if available.
architectures = subprocess.check_output(["otool", "-V", "-f", fileName]).split("\n")
arch = None
archPattern = re.compile('architecture ([\S]+)')
for architecture in architectures:
archMatch = archPattern.match(architecture)
if archMatch:
if arch is None:
arch =
if "arm64" in arch:
arch = "arm64"
if arch is not None:
archParams = ["-arch", arch]
archParams = []
if functionDetails:
content = subprocess.check_output(flatten(["otool", archParams, "-l", "-v", "-t", fileName])).split("\n")
content += subprocess.check_output(flatten(["otool", archParams, "-v", "-s", "__TEXT", "__textcoal_nt", fileName])).split("\n")
content = subprocess.check_output(flatten(["otool", archParams, "-l", fileName])).split("\n")
sectName = None
currFunc = None
startAddr = None
endAddr = None
sectionPattern = re.compile(' +sectname ([\S]+)')
sizePattern = re.compile(' +size ([\da-fx]+)')
asmlinePattern = re.compile('^([0-9a-fA-F]+)\s')
labelPattern = re.compile('^((\-*\[[^\]]*\])|[^\/\s]+):$')
for line in content:
asmlineMatch = asmlinePattern.match(line)
if asmlineMatch:
addr = int(, 16)
if startAddr == None:
startAddr = addr
endAddr = addr
elif line == "Section":
sectName = None
labelMatch = labelPattern.match(line)
sizeMatch = sizePattern.match(line)
sectionMatch = sectionPattern.match(line)
if labelMatch:
funcName =
addFunction(sizes, currFunc, startAddr, endAddr, groupByPrefix)
currFunc = funcName
startAddr = None
endAddr = None
elif sizeMatch and sectName and groupByPrefix:
size = int(, 16)
sizes[sectName] += size
elif sectionMatch:
sectName =
if sectName == "__textcoal_nt":
sectName = "__text"
addFunction(sizes, currFunc, startAddr, endAddr, groupByPrefix)
def compareSizes(oldSizes, newSizes, nameKey, title):
oldSize = oldSizes[nameKey]
newSize = newSizes[nameKey]
if oldSize != None and newSize != None:
if oldSize != 0:
perc = "%.1f%%" % ((1.0 - float(newSize) / float(oldSize)) * 100.0)
perc = "- "
print "%-26s%16s: %8d %8d %6s" % (title, nameKey, oldSize, newSize, perc)
def compareSizesOfFile(oldFiles, newFiles, allSections, listCategories):
oldSizes = collections.defaultdict(int)
newSizes = collections.defaultdict(int)
for oldFile in oldFiles:
readSizes(oldSizes, oldFile, listCategories, True)
for newFile in newFiles:
readSizes(newSizes, newFile, listCategories, True)
if len(oldFiles) == 1 and len(newFiles) == 1:
oldBase = os.path.basename(oldFiles[0])
newBase = os.path.basename(newFiles[0])
title = oldBase
if oldBase != newBase:
title += "-" + newBase
title = "old-new"
compareSizes(oldSizes, newSizes, "__text", title)
if listCategories:
prev = None
for categoryName in sorted(Prefixes.values()) + sorted(Infixes.values())+ ["Unknown"]:
if categoryName != prev:
compareSizes(oldSizes, newSizes, categoryName, "")
prev = categoryName
if allSections:
sectionTitle = " section"
compareSizes(oldSizes, newSizes, "__textcoal_nt", sectionTitle)
compareSizes(oldSizes, newSizes, "__stubs", sectionTitle)
compareSizes(oldSizes, newSizes, "__const", sectionTitle)
compareSizes(oldSizes, newSizes, "__cstring", sectionTitle)
compareSizes(oldSizes, newSizes, "__objc_methname", sectionTitle)
compareSizes(oldSizes, newSizes, "__const", sectionTitle)
compareSizes(oldSizes, newSizes, "__objc_const", sectionTitle)
compareSizes(oldSizes, newSizes, "__data", sectionTitle)
compareSizes(oldSizes, newSizes, "__swift1_proto", sectionTitle)
compareSizes(oldSizes, newSizes, "__common", sectionTitle)
compareSizes(oldSizes, newSizes, "__bss", sectionTitle)
def listFunctionSizes(sizeArray):
for pair in sorted(sizeArray, key=itemgetter(1)):
name = pair[0]
size = pair[1]
print "%8d %s" % (size, name)
def compareFunctionSizes(oldFiles, newFiles):
oldSizes = collections.defaultdict(int)
newSizes = collections.defaultdict(int)
for name in oldFiles:
readSizes(oldSizes, name, True, False)
for name in newFiles:
readSizes(newSizes, name, True, False)
onlyInFile1 = []
onlyInFile2 = []
inBoth = []
onlyInFile1Size = 0
onlyInFile2Size = 0
inBothSize = 0
for func, oldSize in oldSizes.items():
newSize = newSizes[func]
if newSize != 0:
inBoth.append((func, oldSize, newSize))
onlyInFile1.append((func, oldSize))
onlyInFile1Size += oldSize
for func, newSize in newSizes.items():
oldSize = oldSizes[func]
if oldSize == 0:
onlyInFile2.append((func, newSize))
onlyInFile2Size += newSize
if onlyInFile1:
print "Only in old file(s)"
print "Total size of functions only in old file: {}".format(onlyInFile1Size)
if onlyInFile2:
print "Only in new files(s)"
print "Total size of functions only in new file: {}".format(onlyInFile2Size)
if inBoth:
sizeIncrease = 0
sizeDecrease = 0
print "%8s %8s %8s" % ("old", "new", "diff")
for triple in sorted(inBoth, key=lambda tup: (tup[2] - tup[1], tup[1])):
func = triple[0]
oldSize = triple[1]
newSize = triple[2]
diff = newSize - oldSize
if diff > 0:
sizeIncrease += diff
sizeDecrease -= diff
if diff == 0:
inBothSize += newSize
print "%8d %8d %8d %s" %(oldSize, newSize, newSize - oldSize, func)
print "Total size of functions with the same size in both files: {}".format(inBothSize)
print "Total size of functions that got smaller: {}".format(sizeDecrease)
print "Total size of functions that got bigger: {}".format(sizeIncrease)
print "Total size change of functions present in both files: {}".format(sizeIncrease - sizeDecrease)
def main():
allSections = False
listCategories = False
listFunctions = False
separatorFound = False
sumSizes = False
oldFileArgs = []
newFileArgs = []
curFiles = oldFileArgs
for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
if arg == "-a":
allSections = True
elif arg == "-c":
listCategories = True
elif arg == "-s":
sumSizes = True
elif arg == "-l":
listFunctions = True
elif arg == "--":
curFiles = newFileArgs
separatorFound = True
elif arg == "-h":
elif arg.startswith("-"):
sys.exit("Unknown option. Use -h to display usage.")
oldBuildDir = os.environ.get("SWIFT_OLD_BUILDDIR")
newBuildDir = os.environ.get("SWIFT_NEW_BUILDDIR")
if separatorFound:
oldFiles = oldFileArgs
newFiles = newFileArgs
if not oldFileArgs:
if listFunctions:
sys.exit("Must specify file for the -l option")
if not oldBuildDir:
sys.exit("$SWIFT_OLD_BUILDDIR not specified")
if not newBuildDir:
die("$SWIFT_NEW_BUILDDIR not specified")
oldFileArgs = [ "O", "Ounchecked", "Onone", "dylib" ]
oldFiles = []
newFiles = []
numExpanded = 0
for file in oldFileArgs:
shortcuts = {
"O" : "bin/PerfTests_O",
"Ounchecked" : "bin/PerfTests_Ounchecked",
"Onone" : "bin/PerfTests_Onone",
"dylib" : "lib/swift/macosx/x86_64/libswiftCore.dylib"
if file in shortcuts:
file = shortcuts[file]
if not file.startswith("./") and oldBuildDir and newBuildDir:
oldExpanded = glob.glob(oldBuildDir + "/" + file)
newExpanded = glob.glob(newBuildDir + "/" + file)
if oldExpanded and newExpanded:
numExpanded += 1
if numExpanded != 0 and numExpanded != len(oldFileArgs):
sys.exit("mix of expanded/not-expanded arguments")
if numExpanded == 0:
if len(oldFileArgs) > 2:
sys.exit("too many arguments")
oldFiles = oldFileArgs[0:1]
newFiles = oldFileArgs[1:2]
for file in (oldFiles + newFiles):
if not os.path.isfile(file):
sys.exit("file " + file + " not found")
if listFunctions:
if allSections or listCategories:
print >> sys.stderr, "Warning: options -a and -c ignored when using -l"
if not newFiles:
sizes = collections.defaultdict(int)
for file in oldFiles:
readSizes(sizes, file, True, False)
compareFunctionSizes(oldFiles, newFiles)
print "%-26s%16s %8s %8s %s" % ("", "Section", "Old", "New", "Percent")
if sumSizes:
compareSizesOfFile(oldFiles, newFiles, allSections, listCategories)
if len(oldFiles) != len(newFiles):
sys.exit("number of new files must be the same of old files")
for idx, oldFile in enumerate(oldFiles):
newFile = newFiles[idx]
compareSizesOfFile([oldFile], [newFile], allSections, listCategories)