blob: 06496d288cbeb6ee8a75a7c557af6b9ffb57c25a [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-build-swift -parse-stdlib -Xfrontend -disable-access-control %s -o %t.out
// RUN: %target-run %t.out | FileCheck %s
// REQUIRES: executable_test
// General Mutable, CollectionType, Value-Type Collections
// =================================================
// Basic copy-on-write (COW) requires a container's data to be copied
// into new storage before it is modified, to avoid changing the data
// of other containers that may share the data. There is one
// exception: when we know the container has the only reference to the
// data, we can elide the copy. This COW optimization is crucial for
// the performance of mutating algorithms.
// Some container elements (Characters in a String, key/value pairs in
// an open-addressing hash table) are not traversable with a fixed
// size offset, so incrementing/decrementing indices requires looking
// at the contents of the container. The current interface for
// incrementing/decrementing indices of an CollectionType is the usual ++i,
// --i. Therefore, for memory safety, the indices need to keep a
// reference to the container's underlying data so that it can be
// inspected. But having multiple outstanding references to the
// underlying data defeats the COW optimization.
// The way out is to count containers referencing the data separately
// from indices that reference the data. When deciding to elide the
// copy and modify the data directly---as long as we don't violate
// memory safety of any outstanding indices---we only need to be
// sure that no other containers are referencing the data.
// Implementation
// --------------
// Currently we use a data structure like this:
// Dictionary<K,V> (a struct)
// +---+
// | * |
// +-|-+
// |
// V DictionaryBufferOwner<K,V>
// +----------------+
// | * [refcount#1] |
// +-|--------------+
// |
// V FixedSizedRefArrayOfOptional<Pair<K,V>>
// +-----------------------------------------+
// | [refcount#2] [...element storage...] |
// +-----------------------------------------+
// ^
// +-|-+
// | * | Dictionary<K,V>.Index (a struct)
// +---+
// In reality, we'd optimize by allocating the DictionaryBufferOwner
// /inside/ the FixedSizedRefArrayOfOptional, and override the dealloc
// method of DictionaryBufferOwner to do nothing but release its
// reference.
// Dictionary<K,V> (a struct)
// +---+
// | * |
// +-|-+
// | +---+
// | | |
// | | V FixedSizeRefArrayOfOptional<Pair<K,V>>
// +---|--|-------------------------------------------+
// | | | |
// | | | [refcount#2] [...element storage...] |
// | | | |
// | V | DictionaryBufferOwner<K,V> |
// | +----|--------------+ |
// | | * [refcount#1] | |
// | +-------------------+ |
// +--------------------------------------------------+
// ^
// +-|-+
// | * | Dictionary<K,V>.Index (a struct)
// +---+
// Index Invalidation
// ------------------
// Indexing a container, "c[i]", uses the integral offset stored in
// the index to access the elements referenced by the container. The
// buffer referenced by the index is only used to increment and
// decrement the index. Most of the time, these two buffers will be
// identical, but they need not always be. For example, if one
// ensures that a Dictionary has sufficient capacity to avoid
// reallocation on the next element insertion, the following works
// var (i, found) = d.find(k) // i is associated with d's buffer
// if found {
// var e = d // now d is sharing its data with e
// e[newKey] = newValue // e now has a unique copy of the data
// return e[i] // use i to access e
// }
// The result should be a set of iterator invalidation rules familiar
// to anyone familiar with the C++ standard library. Note that
// because all accesses to a dictionary buffer are bounds-checked,
// this scheme never compromises memory safety.
import Swift
class FixedSizedRefArrayOfOptionalStorage<T> : _HeapBufferStorage<Int, T?> {
deinit {
let buffer = Buffer(self)
for i in 0..<buffer.value {
(buffer.baseAddress + i).destroy()
struct FixedSizedRefArrayOfOptional<T>
typealias Storage = FixedSizedRefArrayOfOptionalStorage<T>
let buffer: Storage.Buffer
init(capacity: Int)
buffer = Storage.Buffer(Storage.self, capacity, capacity)
for var i = 0; i < capacity; ++i {
(buffer.baseAddress + i).initialize(.None)
buffer.value = capacity
subscript(i: Int) -> T? {
get {
assert(i >= 0 && i < buffer.value)
return (buffer.baseAddress + i).memory
set {
assert(i >= 0 && i < buffer.value)
(buffer.baseAddress + i).memory = newValue
var count: Int {
get {
return buffer.value
set(newValue) {
buffer.value = newValue
struct DictionaryElement<Key: Hashable, Value> {
var key: Key
var value: Value
class DictionaryBufferOwner<Key: Hashable, Value> {
typealias Element = DictionaryElement<Key, Value>
typealias Buffer = FixedSizedRefArrayOfOptional<Element>
init(minimumCapacity: Int = 2) {
// Make sure there's a representable power of 2 >= minimumCapacity
assert(minimumCapacity <= (Int.max >> 1) + 1)
var capacity = 2
while capacity < minimumCapacity {
capacity <<= 1
buffer = Buffer(capacity: capacity)
var buffer: Buffer
func == <Element>(lhs: DictionaryIndex<Element>, rhs: DictionaryIndex<Element>) -> Bool {
return lhs.offset == rhs.offset
struct DictionaryIndex<Element> : BidirectionalIndexType {
typealias Index = DictionaryIndex<Element>
func predecessor() -> Index {
var j = self.offset
while --j > 0 {
if buffer[j] != nil {
return Index(buffer: buffer, offset: j)
return self
func successor() -> Index {
var i = self.offset + 1
// FIXME: Can't write the simple code pending
// <rdar://problem/15484639> Refcounting bug
while i < buffer.count /*&& !buffer[i]*/ {
// FIXME: workaround for <rdar://problem/15484639>
if buffer[i] != nil {
// end workaround
return Index(buffer: buffer, offset: i)
var buffer: FixedSizedRefArrayOfOptional<Element>
var offset: Int
struct Dictionary<Key: Hashable, Value> : CollectionType, SequenceType {
typealias _Self = Dictionary<Key, Value>
typealias BufferOwner = DictionaryBufferOwner<Key, Value>
typealias Buffer = BufferOwner.Buffer
typealias Element = BufferOwner.Element
typealias Index = DictionaryIndex<Element>
/// \brief Create a dictionary with at least the given number of
/// elements worth of storage. The actual capacity will be the
/// smallest power of 2 that's >= minimumCapacity.
init(minimumCapacity: Int = 2) {
_owner = BufferOwner(minimumCapacity: minimumCapacity)
var startIndex: Index {
return Index(buffer: _buffer, offset: -1).successor()
var endIndex: Index {
return Index(buffer: _buffer, offset: _buffer.count)
subscript(i: Index) -> Element {
get {
return _buffer[i.offset]!
set(keyValue) {
assert(keyValue.key == self[i].key)
_buffer[i.offset] = .Some(keyValue)
var _maxLoadFactorInverse = 1.0 / 0.75
var maxLoadFactor : Double {
get {
return 1.0 / _maxLoadFactorInverse
set(newValue) {
// 1.0 might be useful for testing purposes; anything more is
// crazy
assert(newValue <= 1.0)
_maxLoadFactorInverse = 1.0 / newValue
subscript(key: Key) -> Value {
get {
return self[find(key).0].value
set(value) {
var (i, found) = find(key)
// count + 2 below ensures that we don't fill in the last hole
var minCapacity = found
? capacity
: max(Int(Double(count + 1) * _maxLoadFactorInverse), count + 2)
if (_ensureUniqueBuffer(minCapacity)) {
i = find(key).0
_buffer[i.offset] = Element(key: key, value: value)
if !found {
var capacity : Int {
return _buffer.count
var _bucketMask : Int {
return capacity - 1
/// \brief Ensure this Dictionary holds a unique reference to its
/// buffer having at least minimumCapacity elements. Return true
/// iff this results in a change of capacity.
mutating func _ensureUniqueBuffer(minimumCapacity: Int) -> Bool {
var isUnique: Bool = isUniquelyReferencedNonObjC(&_owner)
if !isUnique || capacity < minimumCapacity {
var newOwner = _Self(minimumCapacity: minimumCapacity)
print("reallocating with isUnique: \(isUnique) and capacity \(capacity)=>\(newOwner.capacity)")
for i in 0..<capacity {
var x = _buffer[i]
if x != nil {
if capacity == newOwner.capacity {
newOwner._buffer[i] = x
else {
newOwner[x!.key] = x!.value
newOwner._count = count
Swift.swap(&self, &newOwner)
return self.capacity != newOwner.capacity
return false
func _bucket(k: Key) -> Int {
return k.hashValue & _bucketMask
func _next(bucket: Int) -> Int {
return (bucket + 1) & _bucketMask
func _prev(bucket: Int) -> Int {
return (bucket - 1) & _bucketMask
func _find(k: Key, startBucket: Int) -> (Index,Bool) {
var bucket = startBucket
// The invariant guarantees there's always a hole, so we just loop
// until we find one.
assert(count < capacity)
while true {
var keyVal = _buffer[bucket]
if (keyVal == nil) || keyVal!.key == k {
return (Index(buffer: _buffer, offset: bucket), keyVal != nil)
bucket = _next(bucket)
func find(k: Key) -> (Index,Bool) {
return _find(k, startBucket: _bucket(k))
func deleteKey(k: Key) -> Bool {
var start = _bucket(k)
var (pos, found) = _find(k, startBucket: start)
if !found {
return false
// remove the element
_buffer[pos.offset] = .None
// If we've put a hole in a chain of contiguous elements, some
// element after the hole may belong where the new hole is.
var hole = pos.offset
// Find the last bucket in the contiguous chain
var lastInChain = hole
for var b = _next(lastInChain); _buffer[b] != nil; b = _next(b) {
lastInChain = b
// Relocate out-of-place elements in the chain, repeating until
// none are found.
while hole != lastInChain {
// Walk backwards from the end of the chain looking for
// something out-of-place.
var b: Int
for b = lastInChain; b != hole; b = _prev(b) {
var idealBucket = _bucket(_buffer[b]!.key)
// Does this element belong between start and hole? We need
// two separate tests depending on whether [start,hole] wraps
// around the end of the buffer
var c0 = idealBucket >= start
var c1 = idealBucket <= hole
if start < hole ? (c0 && c1) : (c0 || c1) {
break // found it
if b == hole { // No out-of-place elements found; we're done adjusting
// Move the found element into the hole
_buffer[hole] = _buffer[b]
_buffer[b] = .None
hole = b
return true
var count : Int {
return _count
var _count: Int = 0
var _owner: BufferOwner
var _buffer: Buffer {
return _owner.buffer
// Satisfying SequenceType
func generate() -> IndexingGenerator<_Self> {
return IndexingGenerator(self)
func == <K: Equatable, V: Equatable>(
lhs: Dictionary<K,V>, rhs: Dictionary<K,V>
) -> Bool {
if lhs.count != rhs.count {
return false
for lhsElement in lhs {
var (pos, found) = rhs.find(lhsElement.key)
// FIXME: Can't write the simple code pending
// <rdar://problem/15484639> Refcounting bug
if !found || rhs[pos].value != lhsElement.value {
return false
if !found {
return false
if rhs[pos].value != lhsElement.value {
return false
return true
func != <K: Equatable, V: Equatable>(
lhs: Dictionary<K,V>, rhs: Dictionary<K,V>
) -> Bool {
return !(lhs == rhs)
// Testing
// CHECK: testing
var d0 = Dictionary<Int, String>()
d0[0] = "zero"
print("Inserting #2")
// CHECK-NEXT: Inserting #2
d0[1] = "one"
// CHECK-NEXT: reallocating with isUnique: true and capacity 2=>4
d0[2] = "two"
var d1 = d0
print("copies are equal: \(d1 == d0)")
// CHECK-NEXT: copies are equal: true
d1[3] = "three"
// CHECK-NEXT: reallocating with isUnique: false and capacity 4=>8
print("adding a key to one makes them unequal: \(d1 != d0)")
// CHECK-NEXT: adding a key to one makes them unequal: true
print("deleting that key makes them equal again: \(d1 == d0)")
// ---------
class X : CustomStringConvertible {
var constructed : Bool
var id = 0
init() {print("X()"); constructed = true}
init(_ anID : Int) {
id = anID; constructed = true
deinit {
constructed = false
var description: String {
return "X(\(id))"
extension String {
init(_ x: X) {
self = "X(\("
func display(v : Dictionary<Int, X>) {
print("[ ", terminator: "")
var separator = ""
for p in v {
print("\(separator) \(p.key) : \(p.value)", terminator: "")
separator = ", "
print(" ]")
func test() {
var v = Dictionary<Int, X>()
v[1] = X(1)
// CHECK: X(1)
// CHECK-NEXT: [ 1 : X(1) ]
v[2] = X(2)
// CHECK-NEXT: reallocating with isUnique: true and capacity 2=>4
// CHECK-NEXT: [ 1 : X(1), 2 : X(2) ]
v[3] = X(3)
// CHECK-NEXT: [ 1 : X(1), 2 : X(2), 3 : X(3) ]
v[4] = X(4)
// CHECK-NEXT: reallocating with isUnique: true and capacity 4=>8
// CHECK-NEXT: [ 1 : X(1), 2 : X(2), 3 : X(3), 4 : X(4) ]
// CHECK: ~X(1)
// CHECK: ~X(2)
// CHECK: ~X(3)
// CHECK: ~X(4)