blob: 63ee16cf7cb00e442d6dbcb00f3beb7a7ef3a9d8 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- SILGenType.cpp - SILGen for types and their members --------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2015 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file contains code for emitting code associated with types:
// - methods
// - ObjC dispatch thunks
// - SIL v-tables
// - etc.
#include "SILGenFunction.h"
#include "Scope.h"
#include "ManagedValue.h"
#include "swift/AST/AST.h"
#include "swift/AST/TypeMemberVisitor.h"
#include "swift/Basic/Fallthrough.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILArgument.h"
#include "swift/SIL/TypeLowering.h"
using namespace swift;
using namespace Lowering;
SILFunction *SILGenModule::getDynamicThunk(SILDeclRef constant,
SILConstantInfo constantInfo) {
// Mangle the constant with a _TTD header.
llvm::SmallString<32> name;
constant.mangle(name, "_TTD");
auto F = M.getOrCreateFunction(constant.getDecl(), name, SILLinkage::Shared,
IsBare, IsTransparent,
makeModuleFragile ? IsFragile : IsNotFragile);
if (F->empty()) {
// Emit the thunk if we haven't yet.
// Currently a dynamic thunk looks just like a foreign-to-native thunk around
// an ObjC method. This would change if we introduced a native
// runtime-hookable mechanism.
SILGenFunction SGF(*this, *F);
return F;
SILFunction *
SILGenModule::emitVTableMethod(SILDeclRef derived, SILDeclRef base) {
// As a fast path, if there is no override, definitely no thunk is necessary.
if (derived == base)
return getFunction(derived, NotForDefinition);
// Generate the thunk name.
// TODO: If we allocated a new vtable slot for the derived method, then
// further derived methods would potentially need multiple thunks, and we
// would need to mangle the base method into the symbol as well.
llvm::SmallString<32> name;
derived.mangle(name, "_TTV");
// If we already emitted this thunk, reuse it.
// TODO: Allocating new vtable slots for derived methods with different ABIs
// would invalidate the assumption that the same thunk is correct, as above.
if (auto existingThunk = M.lookUpFunction(name))
return existingThunk;
// Determine the derived thunk type by lowering the derived type against the
// abstraction pattern of the base.
auto baseInfo = Types.getConstantInfo(base);
auto derivedInfo = Types.getConstantInfo(derived);
auto basePattern = AbstractionPattern(baseInfo.LoweredType);
auto overrideInfo = M.Types.getConstantOverrideInfo(derived, base);
// The override member type is semantically a subtype of the base
// member type. If the override is ABI compatible, we do not need
// a thunk.
if (overrideInfo == derivedInfo)
return getFunction(derived, NotForDefinition);
auto *derivedDecl = cast<AbstractFunctionDecl>(derived.getDecl());
SILLocation loc(derivedDecl);
auto thunk = SILFunction::create(M, SILLinkage::Private, name,
loc, IsBare, IsNotTransparent, IsNotFragile);
thunk->setDebugScope(new (M) SILDebugScope(loc, *thunk));
SILGenFunction(*this, *thunk)
.emitVTableThunk(derived, basePattern,
overrideInfo.LoweredType, derivedInfo.LoweredType);
return thunk;
SILValue SILGenFunction::emitDynamicMethodRef(SILLocation loc,
SILDeclRef constant,
SILConstantInfo constantInfo) {
// If the method is foreign, its foreign thunk will handle the dynamic
// dispatch for us.
if (constant.isForeignToNativeThunk()) {
if (!SGM.hasFunction(constant))
return B.createFunctionRef(loc, SGM.getFunction(constant, NotForDefinition));
// Otherwise, we need a dynamic dispatch thunk.
SILFunction *F = SGM.getDynamicThunk(constant, constantInfo);
return B.createFunctionRef(loc, F);
bool SILGenModule::requiresObjCMethodEntryPoint(FuncDecl *method) {
// Property accessors should be generated alongside the property unless
// the @NSManaged attribute is present.
if (method->isGetterOrSetter()) {
auto asd = method->getAccessorStorageDecl();
return asd->isObjC() && !asd->getAttrs().hasAttribute<NSManagedAttr>();
if (method->getAttrs().hasAttribute<NSManagedAttr>())
return false;
return method->isObjC() || method->getAttrs().hasAttribute<IBActionAttr>();
bool SILGenModule::requiresObjCMethodEntryPoint(ConstructorDecl *constructor) {
return constructor->isObjC();
bool SILGenModule::requiresObjCDispatch(ValueDecl *vd) {
// Final functions never require ObjC dispatch.
if (vd->isFinal())
return false;
// If the decl is an @objc protocol requirement, then the only witness is
// objc.
if (auto *proto = dyn_cast<ProtocolDecl>(vd->getDeclContext()))
if (proto->isObjC())
return true;
if (auto *fd = dyn_cast<FuncDecl>(vd)) {
// If a function has an associated Clang node, it's foreign and only has
// an ObjC entry point.
if (vd->hasClangNode())
return true;
// Property accessors should be generated alongside the property.
if (fd->isGetterOrSetter())
return requiresObjCDispatch(fd->getAccessorStorageDecl());
return fd->getAttrs().hasAttribute<DynamicAttr>();
if (auto *cd = dyn_cast<ConstructorDecl>(vd)) {
// If a function has an associated Clang node, it's foreign and only has
// an ObjC entry point.
if (vd->hasClangNode())
return true;
return cd->getAttrs().hasAttribute<DynamicAttr>();
if (auto *asd = dyn_cast<AbstractStorageDecl>(vd))
return asd->requiresObjCGetterAndSetter();
return vd->getAttrs().hasAttribute<DynamicAttr>();
bool SILGenModule::requiresObjCSuperDispatch(ValueDecl *vd) {
return requiresObjCDispatch(vd);
namespace {
/// An ASTVisitor for populating SILVTable entries from ClassDecl members.
class SILGenVTable : public Lowering::ASTVisitor<SILGenVTable> {
SILGenModule &SGM;
ClassDecl *theClass;
std::vector<SILVTable::Pair> vtableEntries;
SILGenVTable(SILGenModule &SGM, ClassDecl *theClass)
: SGM(SGM), theClass(theClass)
// Populate the superclass members, if any.
Type super = theClass->getSuperclass();
if (super && super->getClassOrBoundGenericClass())
~SILGenVTable() {
// Create the vtable.
SILVTable::create(SGM.M, theClass, vtableEntries);
void visitAncestor(ClassDecl *ancestor) {
// Recursively visit all our ancestors.
Type super = ancestor->getSuperclass();
if (super && super->getClassOrBoundGenericClass())
// Only visit the members for a class defined natively.
if (!ancestor->hasClangNode()) {
for (auto member : ancestor->getMembers())
// Add an entry to the vtable.
void addEntry(SILDeclRef member) {
/// Get the function to reference from the vtable.
auto getVtableEntryFn = [&](SILDeclRef entry) -> SILFunction* {
// If the member is dynamic, reference its dynamic dispatch thunk so that
// it will be redispatched, funneling the method call through the runtime
// hook point.
// TODO: Dynamic thunks could conceivably require reabstraction too.
if (member.getDecl()->getAttrs().hasAttribute<DynamicAttr>())
return SGM.getDynamicThunk(member, SGM.Types.getConstantInfo(member));
// The derived method may require thunking to match up to the ABI of the
// base method.
return SGM.emitVTableMethod(member, entry);
// Try to find an overridden entry.
// NB: Mutates vtableEntries in-place
// FIXME: O(n^2)
if (auto overridden = member.getOverriddenVTableEntry()) {
for (SILVTable::Pair &entry : vtableEntries) {
SILDeclRef ref = overridden;
do {
// Replace the overridden member.
if (entry.first == ref) {
// The entry is keyed by the least derived method.
entry = {ref, getVtableEntryFn(ref)};
} while ((ref = ref.getOverridden()));
llvm_unreachable("no overridden vtable entry?!");
// If this is a final member and isn't overriding something, we don't need
// to add it to the vtable.
if (member.getDecl()->isFinal())
// If this is dynamic and isn't overriding a non-dynamic method, it'll
// always be accessed by objc_msgSend, so we don't need to add it to the
// vtable.
if (member.getDecl()->getAttrs().hasAttribute<DynamicAttr>())
// Otherwise, introduce a new vtable entry.
vtableEntries.emplace_back(member, getVtableEntryFn(member));
// Default for members that don't require vtable entries.
void visitDecl(Decl*) {}
void visitFuncDecl(FuncDecl *fd) {
// ObjC decls don't go in vtables.
if (fd->hasClangNode())
// Observers don't get separate vtable entries.
if (fd->isObservingAccessor())
void visitConstructorDecl(ConstructorDecl *cd) {
// Stub constructors don't get an entry.
if (cd->hasStubImplementation())
// Required constructors (or overrides thereof) have their allocating entry
// point in the vtable.
bool isRequired = false;
auto override = cd;
while (override) {
if (override->isRequired()) {
isRequired = true;
override = override->getOverriddenDecl();
if (isRequired) {
addEntry(SILDeclRef(cd, SILDeclRef::Kind::Allocator));
// All constructors have their initializing constructor in the
// vtable, which can be used by a convenience initializer.
addEntry(SILDeclRef(cd, SILDeclRef::Kind::Initializer));
void visitVarDecl(VarDecl *vd) {
// Note: dynamically-dispatched properties have their getter and setter
// added to the vtable when they are visited.
void visitDestructorDecl(DestructorDecl *dd) {
if (dd->getParent()->isClassOrClassExtensionContext() == theClass) {
// Add the deallocating destructor to the vtable just for the purpose
// that it is referenced and cannot be eliminated by dead function removal.
// In reality, the deallocating destructor is referenced directly from
// the HeapMetadata for the class.
addEntry(SILDeclRef(dd, SILDeclRef::Kind::Deallocator));
if (SGM.requiresIVarDestroyer(theClass))
addEntry(SILDeclRef(theClass, SILDeclRef::Kind::IVarDestroyer));
void visitSubscriptDecl(SubscriptDecl *sd) {
// Note: dynamically-dispatched properties have their getter and setter
// added to the vtable when they are visited.
static void emitTypeMemberGlobalVariable(SILGenModule &SGM,
GenericParamList *generics,
NominalTypeDecl *theType,
VarDecl *var) {
assert(!generics && "generic static properties not implemented");
if (var->getDeclContext()->isClassOrClassExtensionContext()) {
assert(var->isFinal() && "only 'static' ('class final') stored properties are implemented in classes");
/// An ASTVisitor for generating SIL from method declarations
/// inside nominal types.
class SILGenType : public TypeMemberVisitor<SILGenType> {
SILGenModule &SGM;
NominalTypeDecl *theType;
Optional<SILGenVTable> genVTable;
SILGenType(SILGenModule &SGM, NominalTypeDecl *theType)
: SGM(SGM), theType(theType) {}
/// Emit SIL functions for all the members of the type.
void emitType() {
// Start building a vtable if this is a class.
if (auto theClass = dyn_cast<ClassDecl>(theType))
genVTable.emplace(SGM, theClass);
for (Decl *member : theType->getMembers()) {
if (genVTable)
for (Decl *member : theType->getDerivedGlobalDecls()) {
// Emit witness tables for conformances of concrete types. Protocol types
// are existential and do not have witness tables.
if (isa<ProtocolDecl>(theType))
for (auto *conformance : theType->getLocalConformances(
nullptr, /*sorted=*/true)) {
if (conformance->isComplete() &&
// Visitors for subdeclarations
void visitTypeAliasDecl(TypeAliasDecl *tad) {}
void visitAbstractTypeParamDecl(AbstractTypeParamDecl *tpd) {}
void visitModuleDecl(ModuleDecl *md) {}
void visitNominalTypeDecl(NominalTypeDecl *ntd) {
SILGenType(SGM, ntd).emitType();
void visitFuncDecl(FuncDecl *fd) {
ProfilerRAII Profiler(SGM, fd);
// FIXME: Default implementations in protocols.
if (SGM.requiresObjCMethodEntryPoint(fd) &&
void visitConstructorDecl(ConstructorDecl *cd) {
ProfilerRAII Profiler(SGM, cd);
if (SGM.requiresObjCMethodEntryPoint(cd) &&
void visitDestructorDecl(DestructorDecl *dd) {
assert(isa<ClassDecl>(theType) && "destructor in a non-class type");
ProfilerRAII Profiler(SGM, dd);
SGM.emitDestructor(cast<ClassDecl>(theType), dd);
void visitEnumCaseDecl(EnumCaseDecl *ecd) {}
void visitEnumElementDecl(EnumElementDecl *ued) {
void visitPatternBindingDecl(PatternBindingDecl *pd) {
// Emit initializers for static variables.
if (!pd->isStatic()) return;
for (unsigned i = 0, e = pd->getNumPatternEntries(); i != e; ++i)
if (pd->getInit(i))
SGM.emitGlobalInitialization(pd, i);
void visitVarDecl(VarDecl *vd) {
// Collect global variables for static properties.
// FIXME: We can't statically emit a global variable for generic properties.
if (vd->isStatic() && vd->hasStorage()) {
return emitTypeMemberGlobalVariable(SGM, theType->getGenericParams(),
theType, vd);
void visitAbstractStorageDecl(AbstractStorageDecl *asd) {
// FIXME: Default implementations in protocols.
if (asd->isObjC() && !isa<ProtocolDecl>(asd->getDeclContext()))
} // end anonymous namespace
void SILGenModule::visitNominalTypeDecl(NominalTypeDecl *ntd) {
SILGenType(*this, ntd).emitType();
void SILGenFunction::visitNominalTypeDecl(NominalTypeDecl *ntd) {
SILGenType(SGM, ntd).emitType();
/// SILGenExtension - an ASTVisitor for generating SIL from method declarations
/// and protocol conformances inside type extensions.
class SILGenExtension : public TypeMemberVisitor<SILGenExtension> {
SILGenModule &SGM;
SILGenExtension(SILGenModule &SGM)
: SGM(SGM) {}
/// Emit SIL functions for all the members of the extension.
void emitExtension(ExtensionDecl *e) {
for (Decl *member : e->getMembers())
for (Decl *member : e->getDerivedGlobalDecls())
if (!e->getExtendedType()->isExistentialType()) {
// Emit witness tables for protocol conformances introduced by the
// extension.
for (auto *conformance : e->getLocalConformances(
nullptr, /*sorted=*/true)) {
if (conformance->isComplete() &&
// Visitors for subdeclarations
void visitTypeAliasDecl(TypeAliasDecl *tad) {}
void visitAbstractTypeParamDecl(AbstractTypeParamDecl *tpd) {}
void visitModuleDecl(ModuleDecl *md) {}
void visitNominalTypeDecl(NominalTypeDecl *ntd) {
SILGenType(SGM, ntd).emitType();
void visitFuncDecl(FuncDecl *fd) {
ProfilerRAII Profiler(SGM, fd);
if (SGM.requiresObjCMethodEntryPoint(fd))
void visitConstructorDecl(ConstructorDecl *cd) {
ProfilerRAII Profiler(SGM, cd);
if (SGM.requiresObjCMethodEntryPoint(cd))
void visitDestructorDecl(DestructorDecl *dd) {
llvm_unreachable("destructor in extension?!");
void visitPatternBindingDecl(PatternBindingDecl *pd) {
// Emit initializers for static variables.
if (!pd->isStatic()) return;
for (unsigned i = 0, e = pd->getNumPatternEntries(); i != e; ++i)
if (pd->getInit(i))
SGM.emitGlobalInitialization(pd, i);
void visitVarDecl(VarDecl *vd) {
if (vd->isStatic() && vd->hasStorage()) {
ExtensionDecl *ext = cast<ExtensionDecl>(vd->getDeclContext());
NominalTypeDecl *theType = ext->getExtendedType()->getAnyNominal();
return emitTypeMemberGlobalVariable(SGM, ext->getGenericParams(),
theType, vd);
void visitEnumCaseDecl(EnumCaseDecl *ecd) {}
void visitEnumElementDecl(EnumElementDecl *ed) {
llvm_unreachable("enum elements aren't allowed in extensions");
void visitAbstractStorageDecl(AbstractStorageDecl *vd) {
if (vd->isObjC())
void SILGenModule::visitExtensionDecl(ExtensionDecl *ed) {