blob: 533c0d23cb1a2c2c97c1b2940436df19523578c7 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- USRGeneration.h - Routines for USR generation --------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2015 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#include "swift/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "swift/AST/Module.h"
#include "swift/AST/USRGeneration.h"
#include "swift/AST/Mangle.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "clang/Index/USRGeneration.h"
#include "clang/Lex/PreprocessingRecord.h"
#include "clang/Lex/Preprocessor.h"
using namespace swift;
using namespace ide;
static inline StringRef getUSRSpacePrefix() {
return "s:";
bool ide::printDeclUSR(const ValueDecl *D, raw_ostream &OS) {
using namespace Mangle;
if (!isa<FuncDecl>(D) && !D->hasName())
return true; // Ignore.
if (D->getModuleContext()->isBuiltinModule())
return true; // Ignore.
ValueDecl *VD = const_cast<ValueDecl *>(D);
if (ClangNode ClangN = VD->getClangNode()) {
llvm::SmallString<128> Buf;
if (auto ClangD = ClangN.getAsDecl()) {
bool Ignore = clang::index::generateUSRForDecl(ClangD, Buf);
if (!Ignore)
OS << Buf.str();
return Ignore;
auto &Importer = *D->getASTContext().getClangModuleLoader();
auto ClangMacroInfo = ClangN.getAsMacro();
auto PPRecord = Importer.getClangPreprocessor().getPreprocessingRecord();
assert(PPRecord && "Clang importer should be created with "
"-detailed-preprocessing-record option");
auto ClangMacroDef = PPRecord->findMacroDefinition(ClangMacroInfo);
bool Ignore = clang::index::generateUSRForMacro(
ClangMacroDef, Importer.getClangASTContext().getSourceManager(), Buf);
if (!Ignore)
OS << Buf.str();
return Ignore;
if (!D->hasType())
return true;
// FIXME: mangling 'self' in destructors crashes in mangler.
if (isa<ParamDecl>(VD) && isa<DestructorDecl>(VD->getDeclContext()))
return true;
OS << getUSRSpacePrefix();
Mangler Mangler(OS);
if (auto Ctor = dyn_cast<ConstructorDecl>(VD)) {
Mangler.mangleConstructorEntity(Ctor, /*isAllocating=*/false,
ResilienceExpansion::Minimal, /*uncurryingLevel=*/0);
} else if (auto Dtor = dyn_cast<DestructorDecl>(VD)) {
Mangler.mangleDestructorEntity(Dtor, /*isDeallocating=*/false);
} else if (auto NTD = dyn_cast<NominalTypeDecl>(VD)) {
Mangler.mangleNominalType(NTD, ResilienceExpansion::Minimal,
} else if (isa<TypeAliasDecl>(VD) || isa<AssociatedTypeDecl>(VD)) {
Mangler.mangleContextOf(VD, Mangler::BindGenerics::None);
} else {
Mangler.mangleEntity(VD, ResilienceExpansion::Minimal,
return false;
bool ide::printAccessorUSR(const AbstractStorageDecl *D, AccessorKind AccKind,
llvm::raw_ostream &OS) {
using namespace Mangle;
// AccKind should always be either IsGetter or IsSetter here, based
// on whether a reference is a mutating or non-mutating use. USRs
// aren't supposed to reflect implementation differences like stored
// vs. addressed vs. observing.
// On the other side, the implementation indexer should be
// registering the getter/setter USRs independently of how they're
// actually implemented. So a stored variable should still have
// getter/setter USRs (pointing to the variable declaration), and an
// addressed variable should have its "getter" point at the
// addressor.
AbstractStorageDecl *SD = const_cast<AbstractStorageDecl*>(D);
OS << getUSRSpacePrefix();
Mangler Mangler(OS);
Mangler.mangleAccessorEntity(AccKind, AddressorKind::NotAddressor,
SD, ResilienceExpansion::Minimal);
return false;