blob: 377228685fc6ccaa4c3c1372d538a871f0a5110a [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -typecheck -verify %s
protocol Nested {
associatedtype U // expected-note {{protocol requires nested type 'U'; do you want to add it?}}
class A<M> {
func f<T : Nested>(_ t: T, _ keyPath: WritableKeyPath<M, T.U>) {}
class B<Y> : Nested { // expected-error {{type 'B<Y>' does not conform to protocol 'Nested'}}
var i: Y?
class C<M> {
func cFunc(_ a: A<M>) {
let function: (B<Int>, ReferenceWritableKeyPath<M, Int>) -> Void = a.f // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type '(B<Int>, WritableKeyPath<M, B<Int>.U>) -> ()' to specified type '(B<Int>, ReferenceWritableKeyPath<M, Int>) -> Void'}}