blob: 2fe93b9f202868626144b0495d0d7ece0b9ffe21 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift -swift-version 4
// Ensure that we do not select the unavailable failable init as the
// only solution and then fail to typecheck.
protocol P {}
class C : P {
@available(swift, obsoleted: 4)
public init?(_ c: C) {
public init<T : P>(_ c: T) {}
func f(c: C) {
let _: C? = C(c)
// rdar://problem/60047439 - unable to disambiguite expression based on availablity
func test_contextual_member_with_availability() {
struct A {
static var foo: A = A()
struct B {
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "bar")
static var foo: B = B()
struct Test {
init(_: A) {}
init(_: B) {}
_ = Test(.foo) // Ok
@available(*, unavailable)
func unavailableFunction(_ x: Int) -> Bool { true } // expected-note {{'unavailableFunction' has been explicitly marked unavailable here}}
// SR-13260: Availability checking not working in the where clause of a for
// loop.
func sr13260(_ arr: [Int]) {
for x in arr where unavailableFunction(x) {} // expected-error {{'unavailableFunction' is unavailable}}