blob: 48191c938ec1d81b19b0b9f0e8375747a2aad433 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: rm -f %t && %target-build-swift -I %S/icu -licucore %s -o %t
// RUN: %target-run %t
// REQUIRES: executable_test
import StdlibUnittest
import ICU
//===--- Missing stdlib niceties ------------------------------------------===//
//===--- UnicodeScalar / Character affordances ----------------------------===//
extension UnicodeScalar {
init<E: EncodedScalarProtocol>(_ e: E) {
// FIXME:use init(_unchecked:) when in stdlib
self = UnicodeScalar(e.utf32[0])!
extension Character {
init<S: Sequence>(_ s: S) where S.Iterator.Element == UnicodeScalar {
// FIXME: Horribly inefficient, but the stuff to make it fast is private.
// FIXME: Also, constructing "👩‍❤️‍👩" is foiled by precondition checks
var r = ""
for scalar in s {
r += String(scalar)
self = Character(r)
//===--- Comparison between UnsafePointer<T> and UnsafeMutablePointer<T> ---===//
extension UnsafePointer {
static func == (
self_: UnsafePointer, mut: UnsafeMutablePointer<Pointee>) -> Bool {
return self_ == UnsafePointer(mut)
static func == (
mut: UnsafeMutablePointer<Pointee>, self_: UnsafePointer) -> Bool {
return self_ == UnsafePointer(mut)
static func != (
self_: UnsafePointer, mut: UnsafeMutablePointer<Pointee>) -> Bool {
return self_ == UnsafePointer(mut)
static func != (
mut: UnsafeMutablePointer<Pointee>, self_: UnsafePointer) -> Bool {
return self_ == UnsafePointer(mut)
// FIXME: add <, >, <=, >=
//===--- Integer coercion operator ----------------------------------------===//
// You may think it's icky, but it sure cleans up a lot of ugly numericCast()
// invocations in this file.
postfix operator ^
extension _SignedInteger {
static postfix func ^ <U : _SignedInteger>(_ x: Self) -> U {
return numericCast(x)
static postfix func ^ <U : UnsignedInteger>(_ x: Self) -> U {
return numericCast(x)
extension UnsignedInteger {
static postfix func ^ <U : UnsignedInteger>(_ x: Self) -> U {
return numericCast(x)
static postfix func ^ <U : SignedInteger>(_ x: Self) -> U {
return numericCast(x)
//===--- Missing clamping of Comparable to a Range ------------------------===//
extension Comparable {
func clamped(to r: ClosedRange<Self>) -> Self {
return self < r.lowerBound ? r.lowerBound
: self > r.upperBound ? r.upperBound
: self
//===--- Index affordances ------------------------------------------------===//
extension Collection {
func index<I: SignedInteger>(atOffset offset: I) -> Index {
return index(startIndex, offsetBy: offset^)
func offset(of i: Index) -> IndexDistance {
return distance(from: startIndex, to: i)
//===--- someCollection[...] notation -------------------------------------===//
// Thanks to Joe Groff for the technique
enum UnboundedRange_ {
static postfix func ... (_: UnboundedRange_) -> () { fatalError("uncallable") }
typealias UnboundedRange = (UnboundedRange_)->()
extension Collection {
subscript(_: UnboundedRange) -> SubSequence {
return self[startIndex..<endIndex]
extension MutableCollection {
subscript(_: UnboundedRange) -> SubSequence {
get {
return self[startIndex...]
set {
self[startIndex...] = newValue
//===--- Algorithms -------------------------------------------------------===//
extension MutableCollection {
/// Copies elements from `source` into `self`, starting at the beginning of
/// each.
/// - Returns:
/// - `limit`: the first index in `self` that was not copied into, or
/// `endIndex` if all elements were assigned.
/// - `remainder`: the subsequence of source that didn't fit into `self`,
/// or `source[endIndex...]` if all elements fit.
mutating func copy<Source: Collection>(from source: Source)
-> (limit: Index, remainder: Source.SubSequence)
where Source.SubSequence : Collection,
Source.SubSequence.Iterator.Element == Iterator.Element,
Source.SubSequence == Source.SubSequence.SubSequence {
// This method should be optimizable for segmented collections
var r = source[...]
var i: Index = startIndex
while i != endIndex {
guard let e = r.popFirst()
else { return (limit: i, remainder: r) }
self[i] = e
i = index(after: i)
return (limit: endIndex, remainder: r)
//===--- One-sided ranges -------------------------------------------------===//
prefix operator ..<
struct IncompleteRangeUpTo<T: Comparable> {
init(_ upperBound: T) { self.upperBound = upperBound }
let upperBound: T
extension Comparable {
static prefix func ..<(x: Self) -> IncompleteRangeUpTo<Self> {
return IncompleteRangeUpTo(x)
extension Collection {
subscript(r: IncompleteRangeUpTo<Index>) -> SubSequence {
return self[self.startIndex..<r.upperBound]
extension MutableCollection {
subscript(r: IncompleteRangeUpTo<Index>) -> SubSequence {
get {
return self[self.startIndex..<r.upperBound]
set {
self[self.startIndex..<r.upperBound] = newValue
prefix operator ...
struct IncompleteRangeThrough<T: Comparable> {
init(_ upperBound: T) { self.upperBound = upperBound }
let upperBound: T
extension Comparable {
static prefix func ...(x: Self) -> IncompleteRangeThrough<Self> {
return IncompleteRangeThrough(x)
extension Collection {
subscript(r: IncompleteRangeThrough<Index>) -> SubSequence {
return self[self.startIndex...r.upperBound]
extension MutableCollection {
subscript(r: IncompleteRangeThrough<Index>) -> SubSequence {
get {
return self[self.startIndex...r.upperBound]
set {
self[self.startIndex...r.upperBound] = newValue
postfix operator ...
struct IncompleteRangeFrom<T: Comparable> {
init(_ lowerBound: T) { self.lowerBound = lowerBound }
let lowerBound: T
extension Comparable {
static postfix func ...(x: Self) -> IncompleteRangeFrom<Self> {
return IncompleteRangeFrom(x)
extension Collection {
subscript(r: IncompleteRangeFrom<Index>) -> SubSequence {
return self[r.lowerBound..<self.endIndex]
extension MutableCollection {
subscript(r: IncompleteRangeFrom<Index>) -> SubSequence {
get {
return self[r.lowerBound..<self.endIndex]
set {
self[r.lowerBound..<self.endIndex] = newValue
//===--- Logging ----------------------------------------------------------===//
var logging = false
func debugLog(_ arg: String/*@autoclosure ()->Any*/) {
guard logging == true else { return }
func debugLog(_ arg0: String/*@autoclosure ()->Any*/, _ arg1: String/*@autoclosure ()->Any*/) {
guard logging else { return }
print(arg0/*()*/, arg1/*()*/)
/// A collection of `CodeUnit`s to be interpreted by some `Encoding`
struct UnicodeStorage<
CodeUnits : RandomAccessCollection,
Encoding : UnicodeEncoding
where Encoding.EncodedScalar.Iterator.Element == CodeUnits.Iterator.Element,
CodeUnits.SubSequence : RandomAccessCollection,
CodeUnits.SubSequence.Index == CodeUnits.Index,
CodeUnits.SubSequence.SubSequence == CodeUnits.SubSequence,
CodeUnits.SubSequence.Iterator.Element == CodeUnits.Iterator.Element {
init(_ codeUnits: CodeUnits, _: Encoding.Type = Encoding.self) {
self.codeUnits = codeUnits
let codeUnits: CodeUnits
/// A lazy collection of `Encoding.EncodedScalar` that results
/// from parsing an instance of codeUnits using that `Encoding`.
extension UnicodeStorage {
public struct EncodedScalars {
let codeUnits: CodeUnits
init(_ codeUnits: CodeUnits, _: Encoding.Type = Encoding.self) {
self.codeUnits = codeUnits
extension UnicodeStorage.EncodedScalars {
// Because parsing produces a buffer and a new index, to avoid
// repeatedly decoding the same data, this index stores that buffer
// and the next index. This would obviously be more complicated if
// the buffer contained more than a single scalar (and it probably
// should).
public struct Index : Comparable {
let base: CodeUnits.Index
// FIXME: We might get a much better memory footprint if we used a
// UInt8 to store the distance between base and next, rather than
// storing next explicitly. CodeUnits will be random-access in
// practice.
let next: CodeUnits.Index
// FIXME: there should be an invalid inhabitant we can use in
// EncodedScalar so as not to waste a separate bool here.
let scalar: Encoding.EncodedScalar?
public static func < (lhs: Index, rhs: Index) -> Bool {
return lhs.base < rhs.base
public static func == (lhs: Index, rhs: Index) -> Bool {
return lhs.base == rhs.base
/// Collection Conformance
extension UnicodeStorage.EncodedScalars : BidirectionalCollection {
public var startIndex: Index {
if _slowPath(codeUnits.isEmpty) { return endIndex }
let s = codeUnits.startIndex
return index(after: Index(base: s, next: s, scalar: nil))
public var endIndex: Index {
let s = codeUnits.endIndex
return Index(base: s, next: s, scalar: nil)
public subscript(i: Index) -> Encoding.EncodedScalar {
if let r = i.scalar {
return r
return index(after:
Index(base: i.base, next: i.base, scalar: nil)).scalar!
public func index(after i: Index) -> Index {
var remainder = codeUnits[]
while true {
switch Encoding.parse1Forward(remainder, knownCount: 0) {
case .valid(let scalar, let nextIndex):
return Index(, next: nextIndex, scalar: scalar)
case .error(let nextIndex):
// FIXME: don't go through UnicodeScalar once this is in the stdlib
if let replacement = Encoding.encode(
UTF32.EncodedScalar(UnicodeScalar(0xFFFD)!)) {
return Index(, next: nextIndex,
scalar: replacement)
remainder = remainder.dropFirst()
case .emptyInput:
return endIndex
public func index(before i: Index) -> Index {
var remainder = codeUnits[..<i.base]
while true {
switch Encoding.parse1Reverse(remainder, knownCount: 0) {
case .valid(let scalar, let priorIndex):
return Index(base: priorIndex, next: i.base, scalar: scalar)
case .error(let priorIndex):
// FIXME: don't go through UnicodeScalar once this is in the stdlib
if let replacement = Encoding.encode(
UTF32.EncodedScalar(UnicodeScalar(0xFFFD)!)) {
return Index(
base: priorIndex, next: i.base,
scalar: replacement)
remainder = remainder.dropLast()
case .emptyInput:
fatalError("Indexing past start of code units")
/// Given `CodeUnits` representing text that has been encoded with
/// `FromEncoding`, provides a collection of `ToEncoding.CodeUnit`s
/// representing the same text.
struct TranscodedView<
CodeUnits : RandomAccessCollection,
FromEncoding : UnicodeEncoding,
ToEncoding : UnicodeEncoding
where FromEncoding.EncodedScalar.Iterator.Element == CodeUnits.Iterator.Element,
CodeUnits.SubSequence : RandomAccessCollection,
CodeUnits.SubSequence.Index == CodeUnits.Index,
CodeUnits.SubSequence.SubSequence == CodeUnits.SubSequence,
CodeUnits.SubSequence.Iterator.Element == CodeUnits.Iterator.Element
// We could just be a generic typealias as this type, but it turns
// out to be impossible, or nearly so, to write the init() below.
// Instead, we wrap an instance of Base.
typealias Base = FlattenBidirectionalCollection<
UnicodeStorage<CodeUnits, FromEncoding>.EncodedScalars,
let base: Base
extension TranscodedView : BidirectionalCollection {
typealias SubSequence = BidirectionalSlice<TranscodedView>
public var startIndex : Base.Index {
return base.startIndex
public var endIndex : Base.Index {
return base.endIndex
public subscript(i: Base.Index) -> Base.Iterator.Element {
return base[i]
public init(_ codeUnits: CodeUnits,
from src: FromEncoding.Type = FromEncoding.self,
to dst: ToEncoding.Type = ToEncoding.self
) {
base = Base(UnicodeStorage<CodeUnits, FromEncoding>.EncodedScalars(codeUnits, src) {
public func index(after i: Base.Index) -> Base.Index {
return base.index(after: i)
public func index(before i: Base.Index) -> Base.Index {
return base.index(before: i)
protocol Unicode {
associatedtype Encoding: UnicodeEncoding
associatedtype CodeUnits: RandomAccessCollection
/* where CodeUnits.Iterator.Element == Encoding.CodeUnit */
var codeUnits: CodeUnits {get}
associatedtype ValidUTF8View : BidirectionalCollection
// where ValidUTF8View.Iterator.Element == UTF8.CodeUnit */
// = TranscodedView<CodeUnits, Encoding, UTF8>
var utf8: ValidUTF8View {get}
associatedtype ValidUTF16View : BidirectionalCollection
// where ValidUTF16View.Iterator.Element == UTF16.CodeUnit
// = TranscodedView<CodeUnits, Encoding, UTF16>
var utf16: ValidUTF16View {get}
associatedtype ValidUTF32View : BidirectionalCollection
// where ValidUTF32View.Iterator.Element == UTF32.CodeUnit
// = TranscodedView<CodeUnits, Encoding, UTF32>
var utf32: ValidUTF32View {get}
associatedtype ExtendedASCII : BidirectionalCollection // FIXME: Can this be Random Access?
/* where ExtendedASCII.Iterator.Element == UInt32 */
var extendedASCII: ExtendedASCII {get}
associatedtype Characters : BidirectionalCollection
/* where Characters.Iterator.Element == Character */
var characters: Characters { get }
func isASCII(scan: Bool/* = true */) -> Bool
func isLatin1(scan: Bool/* = true */) -> Bool
func isNormalizedNFC(scan: Bool/* = true*/) -> Bool
func isNormalizedNFD(scan: Bool/* = true*/) -> Bool
func isInFastCOrDForm(scan: Bool/* = true*/) -> Bool
extension UText {
/// Invokes body, passing this UText's buffer area as a parameter
mutating func withBuffer<R>(
_ body: (UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<UChar>)->R
) -> R {
// Currently we are using the p, q, and r fields to get 12 UWords of
// contiguous storage on 64-bit machines and 6 on 32-bit. It's not much.
return withUnsafeMutablePointer(to: &p) { bufferStart in
let rawBufferStart = UnsafeRawPointer(bufferStart)
let capacity = withUnsafeMutablePointer(to: &privP) {
bufferLimit in
UnsafeRawPointer(bufferLimit).assumingMemoryBound(to: Int8.self)
- rawBufferStart.assumingMemoryBound(to: Int8.self)
) / MemoryLayout<UChar>.stride
let start = rawBufferStart.bindMemory(to: UChar.self, capacity: capacity)
let mutableStart = UnsafeMutablePointer(mutating: start)
let buffer = UnsafeMutableBufferPointer(start: mutableStart, count: capacity)
return body(buffer)
mutating func validate() {
let base = self.withBuffer { $0.baseAddress! }
assert(chunkContents! == base, "UText moved!")
mutating func setup() {
chunkContents = self.withBuffer { UnsafePointer($0.baseAddress!) }
pExtra = withUnsafeMutablePointer(to: &self) {
UnsafeMutableRawPointer($0 + 1)
fileprivate protocol _UTextable {
func _nativeLength(_ uText: inout UText) -> Int64
func _access(_ u: inout UText, _ nativeIndex: Int64, _ forward: Bool) -> Bool
func _clone(
_ dst: UnsafeMutablePointer<UText>?, _ u: UnsafePointer<UText>,
_ deep: Bool, _ status: UnsafeMutablePointer<UErrorCode>?
) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<UText>
func _extract(
_ u: inout UText,
_ nativeStart: Int64, _ nativeLimit: Int64,
_ destination: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<UChar>,
_ error: UnsafeMutablePointer<UErrorCode>?
) -> Int32
func _mapOffsetToNative(_ u: UnsafePointer<UText>) -> Int64
func _mapNativeIndexToUTF16(_ u: UnsafePointer<UText>, _ nativeIndex: Int64) -> Int32
extension UnicodeStorage : _UTextable {
fileprivate func _nativeLength(_ uText: inout UText) -> Int64 {
return codeUnits.count^
fileprivate func _parsedSlice(
_ offset: Int64,
_ slice: (CodeUnits.Index) -> CodeUnits.SubSequence
) -> UnicodeStorage<CodeUnits.SubSequence,Encoding>.EncodedScalars.SubSequence {
return UnicodeStorage<CodeUnits.SubSequence, Encoding>(
slice(codeUnits.index(atOffset: offset)), Encoding.self
fileprivate func _parsedSuffix(
fromOffset offset: Int64
) -> UnicodeStorage<CodeUnits.SubSequence,Encoding>.EncodedScalars.SubSequence {
return _parsedSlice(offset, codeUnits.suffix(from:))
fileprivate func _clone(
_ dst: UnsafeMutablePointer<UText>?, _ src: UnsafePointer<UText>,
_ deep: Bool, _ status: UnsafeMutablePointer<UErrorCode>?
) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<UText> {
UnsafeMutablePointer(mutating: src).pointee.validate()
debugLog("_clone with dst = \(String(describing: dst))")
debugLog("src: \(src.pointee)")
let r = dst
?? UnsafeMutablePointer.allocate(capacity: MemoryLayout<UText>.size)
r.pointee = src.pointee
debugLog("clone result: \(r.pointee)")
return r
fileprivate func _access(
_ u: inout UText, _ nativeTargetIndex: Int64, _ forward: Bool
) -> Bool {
debugLog("_access(u: \(u), nativeTargetIndex: \(nativeTargetIndex), forward: \(forward))")
u.chunkOffset = 0
let inBoundsTarget = nativeTargetIndex - (forward ? 0 : 1)
if (u.chunkNativeStart..<u.chunkNativeLimit).contains(inBoundsTarget) {
var parsedChunk = _parsedSuffix(fromOffset: u.chunkNativeStart)
var nativeOffset = u.chunkNativeStart
while nativeOffset < nativeTargetIndex,
let scalar = parsedChunk.popFirst() {
nativeOffset += scalar.count^
u.chunkOffset += scalar.utf16.count^
return true
debugLog("_access: filling buffer")
guard (0...codeUnits.count^).contains(nativeTargetIndex)
else { return false }
u.chunkLength = 0
u.chunkNativeStart = nativeTargetIndex
u.chunkNativeLimit = nativeTargetIndex
u.withBuffer { buffer in
if forward {
let chunkSource = _parsedSuffix(fromOffset: nativeTargetIndex)
for (i, scalar) in zip(chunkSource.indices, chunkSource) {
let newChunkLength = u.chunkLength + scalar.utf16.count^
// don't overfill the buffer
if newChunkLength > buffer.count^ { break }
for unit in scalar.utf16 {
debugLog("# unit: \(String(unit, radix: 16))")
buffer[u.chunkLength^] = unit
u.chunkLength += 1
u.chunkNativeLimit = codeUnits.offset(of:^
else {
let chunkSource
= _parsedSlice(nativeTargetIndex, codeUnits.prefix(upTo:))
// FIXME: must call reversed twice below because zip won't return a
// BidirectionalCollection... which might be hard!
for (i, scalar) in zip(
chunkSource.indices.reversed(), chunkSource.reversed()) {
let newChunkLength = u.chunkLength + scalar.utf16.count^
// don't overfill the buffer
if newChunkLength > buffer.count^ { break }
for unit in scalar.utf16.reversed() {
buffer[u.chunkLength^] = unit
u.chunkLength += 1
u.chunkNativeStart = codeUnits.offset(of: i.base)^
u.chunkOffset = u.chunkLength
var b = buffer // copy due to
b[..<buffer.index(atOffset: u.chunkLength)].reverse()
debugLog("_access filled buffer, u = \(u)")
return true
fileprivate func _extract(
_ u: inout UText,
_ nativeStart: Int64, _ nativeLimit: Int64,
_ destination: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<UChar>,
_ error: UnsafeMutablePointer<UErrorCode>?
) -> Int32 {
debugLog("_extract: \(u)")
let s = nativeStart.clamped(to: 0...codeUnits.count^)
let l = nativeLimit.clamped(to: 0...codeUnits.count^)
u.chunkNativeStart = l
u.chunkNativeLimit = l
u.chunkLength = 0
if s < l { // anything to extract?
let base = codeUnits[
codeUnits.index(atOffset: s)..<codeUnits.index(atOffset: l)
let source = TranscodedView(base, from: Encoding.self, to: UTF16.self)
var d = destination // copy due to
let (limit, remainder) = d.copy(from: source)
// Add null termination if it fits
if limit < d.endIndex { d[limit] = 0 }
// If no overflow, we're done
if remainder.isEmpty { return Int32(destination.offset(of: limit)) }
// Report the error and account for the overflow length in the return value
error!.pointee = U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR
return Int32(destination.offset(of: limit) + remainder.count)
return 0
fileprivate func _mapOffsetToNative(_ u: UnsafePointer<UText>) -> Int64 {
UnsafeMutablePointer(mutating: u).pointee.validate()
if u.pointee.chunkOffset == 0 { return u.pointee.chunkNativeStart }
let chunkSource = _parsedSuffix(fromOffset: u.pointee.chunkNativeStart)
var chunkOffset = 0
for i in chunkSource.indices {
chunkOffset += chunkSource[i].utf16.count
if chunkOffset == u.pointee.chunkOffset^ {
return codeUnits.offset(of:^
fatalError("supposed to be unreachable")
fileprivate func _mapNativeIndexToUTF16(_ u: UnsafePointer<UText>, _ nativeIndex: Int64) -> Int32 {
debugLog("_mapNativeIndexToUTF16: \(u)")
UnsafeMutablePointer(mutating: u).pointee.validate()
if u.pointee.chunkNativeStart == nativeIndex { return 0 }
let nativeChunk = codeUnits[
codeUnits.index(atOffset: u.pointee.chunkNativeStart)
codeUnits.index(atOffset: nativeIndex)]
return TranscodedView(
nativeChunk, from: Encoding.self, to: UTF16.self
public func withUText<R>(_ body: (UnsafeMutablePointer<UText>)->R) -> R {
var copy: _UTextable = self
return withUnsafePointer(to: &copy) { pSelf in
var vtable = UTextFuncs(
tableSize: Int32(MemoryLayout<UTextFuncs>.stride),
reserved1: 0, reserved2: 0, reserved3: 0,
clone: { dst, u, deep, err in
debugLog("clone(\(dst!), \(u!), \(deep), \(String(describing: err)))")
let _self = u!.pointee.context.assumingMemoryBound(
to: _UTextable.self).pointee
return _self._clone(dst, u!, deep != 0, err)
nativeLength: { u in
let _self = u!.pointee.context.assumingMemoryBound(
to: _UTextable.self).pointee
let r = _self._nativeLength(&u!.pointee)
debugLog("# nativeLength: \(r)")
return r
access: { u, nativeIndex, forward in
debugLog("access(\(u!), \(nativeIndex), \(forward))")
let _self = u!.pointee.context.assumingMemoryBound(
to: _UTextable.self).pointee
return _self._access(&u!.pointee, nativeIndex, forward != 0)
? 1 : 0
extract: { u, nativeStart, nativeLimit, dest, destCapacity, status in
debugLog("extract(\(u!), \(nativeStart), \(nativeLimit), \(dest!), \(destCapacity), \(String(describing: status)))")
let _self = u!.pointee.context.assumingMemoryBound(
to: _UTextable.self).pointee
let destination = UnsafeMutableBufferPointer(
start: dest, count: destCapacity^)
return _self._extract(
&u!.pointee, nativeStart, nativeLimit, destination, status)
replace: nil,
copy: nil,
mapOffsetToNative: { u in
let _self = u!.pointee.context.assumingMemoryBound(
to: _UTextable.self).pointee
let r = _self._mapOffsetToNative(u!)
debugLog("# mapOffsetToNative: \(r)")
return r
mapNativeIndexToUTF16: { u, nativeIndex in
debugLog("mapNativeIndexToUTF16(nativeIndex: \(nativeIndex), u: \(u!.pointee))")
let _self = u!.pointee.context.assumingMemoryBound(
to: _UTextable.self).pointee
let r = _self._mapNativeIndexToUTF16(u!, nativeIndex)
debugLog("# mapNativeIndexToUTF16: \(r)")
return r
close: nil,
spare1: nil, spare2: nil, spare3: nil)
var u = UText(
magic: UInt32(UTEXT_MAGIC),
flags: 0,
providerProperties: 0,
sizeOfStruct: Int32(MemoryLayout<UText>.size),
chunkNativeLimit: 0,
extraSize: 0,
nativeIndexingLimit: 0,
chunkNativeStart: 0,
chunkOffset: 0,
chunkLength: 0,
chunkContents: nil,
pFuncs: &vtable,
pExtra: nil,
context: UnsafeRawPointer(pSelf),
p: nil, q: nil, r: nil,
privP: nil,
a: 0, b: 0, c: 0,
privA: 0, privB: 0, privC: 0)
return body(&u)
extension UnicodeStorage {
var scalars: EncodedScalars {
return EncodedScalars(codeUnits, Encoding.self)
extension UErrorCode {
var isFailure: Bool { return rawValue > U_ZERO_ERROR.rawValue }
var isWarning: Bool { return rawValue < U_ZERO_ERROR.rawValue }
var isSuccess: Bool { return rawValue <= U_ZERO_ERROR.rawValue }
typealias UBreakIterator = OpaquePointer
struct CharacterView<
CodeUnits : RandomAccessCollection,
Encoding : UnicodeEncoding
where Encoding.EncodedScalar.Iterator.Element == CodeUnits.Iterator.Element,
CodeUnits.SubSequence : RandomAccessCollection,
CodeUnits.SubSequence.Index == CodeUnits.Index,
CodeUnits.SubSequence.SubSequence == CodeUnits.SubSequence,
CodeUnits.SubSequence.Iterator.Element == CodeUnits.Iterator.Element {
init(_ codeUnits: CodeUnits, _: Encoding.Type = Encoding.self) { = UnicodeStorage(codeUnits)
fileprivate let storage: UnicodeStorage<CodeUnits, Encoding>
extension CharacterView : BidirectionalCollection {
typealias Index = CodeUnits.Index
typealias SubSequence = BidirectionalSlice<CharacterView>
public var startIndex: Index { return storage.codeUnits.startIndex }
public var endIndex: Index { return storage.codeUnits.endIndex }
fileprivate func _withUBreakIterator<R>(
at i: Index, _ body: (UBreakIterator)->R
) -> R {
var err = U_ZERO_ERROR;
let bi = ubrk_open(
/*type:*/ UBRK_CHARACTER, /*locale:*/ nil,
/*text:*/ nil, /*textLength:*/ 0, /*status:*/ &err)
precondition(err.isSuccess, "unexpected ubrk_open failure, \(err)")
defer { ubrk_close(bi) }
return storage.withUText { u in
//let access = u.pointee.pFuncs.pointee.access(u, storage.codeUnits.offset(of: i)^, 1)
//debugLog("access result:", access)
ubrk_setUText(bi, u, &err)
precondition(err.isSuccess, "unexpected ubrk_setUText failure: \(err)")
return body(bi!)
subscript(i: Index) -> Character {
debugLog("subscript: i=\(i)")
let j = index(after: i)
debugLog("subscript: j=\(j)")
let scalars = UnicodeStorage(storage.codeUnits[i..<j], Encoding.self).scalars
debugLog("scalars: \(Array(scalars))")
return Character( { UnicodeScalar($0) })
func index(after i: Index) -> Index {
// FIXME: there is always a grapheme break between two scalars that are both
// < U+0300. Use that to optimize. Can we make a stronger statement, that
// there's always a break before any scalar < U+0300?
debugLog("index(after: \(i))")
let nextOffset = _withUBreakIterator(at: i) {
ubrk_following($0, storage.codeUnits.offset(of: i)^)
debugLog(" index(after: \(i)): \(nextOffset)")
return storage.codeUnits.index(atOffset: nextOffset)
func index(before i: Index) -> Index {
// FIXME: there is always a grapheme break between two scalars that are both
// < U+0300. Use that to optimize. Can we make a stronger statement, that
// there's always a break before any scalar < U+0300?
debugLog("index(before: \(i))")
let previousOffset = _withUBreakIterator(at: i) {
ubrk_preceding($0, storage.codeUnits.offset(of: i)^)
debugLog(" -> \(previousOffset)")
return storage.codeUnits.index(atOffset: previousOffset)
struct Latin1String<Base : RandomAccessCollection> : Unicode
where Base.Iterator.Element == UInt8, Base.Index == Base.SubSequence.Index,
Base.SubSequence.SubSequence == Base.SubSequence,
Base.SubSequence : RandomAccessCollection,
Base.Iterator.Element == UInt8,
Base.SubSequence.Iterator.Element == Base.Iterator.Element {
typealias Encoding = Latin1
typealias CodeUnits = Base
let codeUnits: CodeUnits
let _isASCII: Bool?
init(_ codeUnits: CodeUnits, isASCII: Bool? = nil) {
self.codeUnits = codeUnits
self._isASCII = isASCII
typealias ValidUTF8View = TranscodedView<CodeUnits, Encoding, UTF8>
var utf8: ValidUTF8View { return ValidUTF8View(codeUnits) }
typealias ValidUTF16View = TranscodedView<CodeUnits, Encoding, UTF16>
var utf16: ValidUTF16View { return ValidUTF16View(codeUnits) }
typealias ValidUTF32View = TranscodedView<CodeUnits, Encoding, UTF32>
var utf32: ValidUTF32View { return ValidUTF32View(codeUnits) }
typealias ExtendedASCII = LazyMapRandomAccessCollection<CodeUnits, UInt32>
var extendedASCII: ExtendedASCII {
return { UInt32($0) }
typealias Characters = LazyMapRandomAccessCollection<CodeUnits, Character>
var characters: Characters {
return {
func isASCII(scan: Bool = true) -> Bool {
if let result = _isASCII { return result }
return scan && !codeUnits.contains { $0 > 0x7f }
func isLatin1(scan: Bool = true) -> Bool {
return true
func isNormalizedNFC(scan: Bool = true) -> Bool {
return true
func isNormalizedNFD(scan: Bool = true) -> Bool {
return true
func isInFastCOrDForm(scan: Bool = true) -> Bool {
return true
var t = TestSuite("t")
t.test("basic") {
let s = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\n"
+ "🇸🇸🇬🇱🇱🇸🇩🇯🇺🇸\n"
+ "Σὲ 👥🥓γνωρίζω ἀπὸ τὴν κόψη χαῖρε, ὦ χαῖρε, ᾿Ελευθεριά!\n"
+ "Οὐχὶ ταὐτὰ παρίσταταί μοι γιγνώσκειν, ὦ ἄνδρες ᾿Αθηναῖοι,\n"
+ "გთხოვთ ახლავე გაიაროთ რეგისტრაცია Unicode-ის მეათე საერთაშორისო\n"
+ "Зарегистрируйтесь сейчас на Десятую Международную Конференцию по\n"
+ " ๏ แผ่นดินฮั่นเสื่อมโทรมแสนสังเวช พระปกเกศกองบู๊กู้ขึ้นใหม่\n"
+ "ᚻᛖ ᚳᚹᚫᚦ ᚦᚫᛏ ᚻᛖ ᛒᚢᛞᛖ ᚩᚾ ᚦᚫᛗ ᛚᚪᚾᛞᛖ ᚾᚩᚱᚦᚹᛖᚪᚱᛞᚢᛗ ᚹᛁᚦ ᚦᚪ ᚹᛖᛥᚫ"
let s32 = { $0.value }
let s16 = s.utf16
let s8 = Array(s.utf8)
let s16to32 = TranscodedView(s16, from: UTF16.self, to: UTF32.self)
let s16to8 = TranscodedView(s16, from: UTF16.self, to: UTF8.self)
let s8to16 = TranscodedView(s8, from: UTF8.self, to: UTF16.self)
let s8Vto16 = TranscodedView(s8, from: ValidUTF8.self, to: UTF16.self)
do {
// We happen to know that alphabet is non-ASCII, but we're not going to say
// anything about that.
let alphabet = Latin1String(s8.prefix(27))
expectFalse(alphabet.isASCII(scan: false))
// We know that if you interpret s8 as Latin1, it has a lot of non-ASCII
let nonASCII = Latin1String(s8)
expectFalse(nonASCII.isASCII(scan: true))
expectFalse(nonASCII.isASCII(scan: false))
do {
let alphabet = Latin1String(s8.prefix(27), isASCII: true)
let nonASCII = Latin1String(s8, isASCII: false)
expectTrue(alphabet.isASCII(scan: false))
expectFalse(nonASCII.isASCII(scan: true))
expectFalse(nonASCII.isASCII(scan: false))
t.test("CharacterView") {
// FIXME: precondition checks in Character prevent us from trying this last
// one.
let s = "🇸🇸🇬🇱abc🇱🇸🇩🇯🇺🇸\nΣὲ 👥🥓γ͙᷏̃̂᷀νω" // + "👩‍❤️‍👩"
let a: [Character] = [
"🇸🇸", "🇬🇱", "a", "b", "c", "🇱🇸", "🇩🇯", "🇺🇸", "\n",
"Σ", "ὲ", " ", "👥", "🥓", "γ͙᷏̃̂᷀", "ν", "ω"
] // + "👩‍❤️‍👩"
let v8 = CharacterView(Array(s.utf8), UTF8.self)
expectEqual(a, Array(v8))
for (n, (c, e)) in zip(v8, a).enumerated() {
debugLog("###### \(n): \(c) =?= \(e)")
expectEqual(e, c)
let v16 = CharacterView(Array(s.utf16), UTF16.self)
expectEqual(a, Array(v16))
logging = true
for (n, (c, e)) in zip(v8.reversed(), a.reversed()).enumerated() {
debugLog("###### \(n): \(c) =?= \(e)")
expectEqual(e, c)
for (n, (c, e)) in zip(v16.reversed(), a.reversed()).enumerated() {
debugLog("###### \(n): \(c) =?= \(e)")
expectEqual(e, c)
// This one demonstrates that we get grapheme breaking of regional indicators
// (RI) right, while Swift 3 string does not.