blob: 992a16688e7b652671f40b8b6705f4020f43d033 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -module-name main -typecheck -verify -swift-version 4 %s
struct S: P {}
protocol P {}
let _: S.Type = type(of: S())
let _ = type(of: S())
let _: P.Type = type(of: S() as P)
let _ = type(of: S() as P)
let _: P.Protocol = type(of: S() as P) // expected-error{{}}
let _: S.Type = Swift.type(of: S())
let _ = Swift.type(of: S())
let _: P.Type = Swift.type(of: S() as P)
let _ = Swift.type(of: S() as P)
let _: P.Protocol = Swift.type(of: S() as P) // expected-error{{}}
let _: (S) -> S.Type = type(of:) // expected-error{{}}
func type(_: S) -> S {}
func type(kinda _: S) -> Any.Type {}
let _ = type(S())
let _: S = type(S())
let _ = type(kinda: S())
let _: Any.Type = type(kinda: S())
struct Q {}
struct R {}
func type(of: Q) -> R {}
let _: R = type(of: Q())
let _: Q.Type = type(of: Q())
let _: Q.Type = Swift.type(of: Q())
let _: R = Swift.type(of: Q()) // expected-error{{}}
let _: Q.Type = main.type(of: Q()) // expected-error{{}}
let _: R = main.type(of: Q())
// Let's make sure that binding of the left-hand side
// of the dynamic-type-of constraint is not attempted.
class C {
typealias T = Int
// We need at least 4 classes here because type(of:)
// has 3 declarations in this file, and we need to
// try and make it so type(of:) picked as first overload.
class D : C {
typealias T = Float
class E : D {
typealias T = Double
class F : E {
typealias T = UInt
class G : F {
typealias T = Float
func foo(_: Any...) {}
// It's imperative for bar() to have more overloads
// the that of type(of:) to make sure that latter is
// picked first.
func bar() -> Int {} // expected-note {{found this candidate}}
func bar() -> Float {} // expected-note {{found this candidate}}
func bar() -> String {} // expected-note {{found this candidate}}
func bar() -> UInt {} // expected-note {{found this candidate}}
foo(type(of: G.T.self)) // Ok
let _: Any = type(of: G.T.self) // Ok
foo(type(of: bar())) // expected-error {{ambiguous use of 'bar()'}}
struct SR10696 {
func bar(_ s: SR10696.Type) {
type(of: s)() // expected-error {{type 'SR10696.Type' has no member 'init'}}