blob: 1cf605d5b082c7bfb81e7e833edff43b261eda90 [file] [log] [blame]
//===------------- Float16Support.cpp - Swift Float16 Support -------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2020 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// Implementations of:
// __gnu_h2f_ieee
// __gnu_f2h_ieee
// __truncdfhf2
// On Darwin platforms, these are provided by the host compiler-rt, but we
// can't depend on that everywhere, so we have to provide them in the Swift
// runtime. Calls to these symbols are automatically generated by LLVM when
// operating on Float16, so they are used *even though they appear to have
// no call sites anywhere in Swift*.
// These may require different naming or mangling on other targets; what I've
// setup here is correct for Linux/x86.
// Android NDK <r21 do not provide `__aeabi_d2h` in the compiler runtime,
// provide shims in that case.
#if (defined(__ANDROID__) && defined(__ARM_ARCH_7A__) && defined(__ARM_EABI__)) || \
((defined(__i386__) || defined(__i686__) || defined(__x86_64__)) && !defined(__APPLE__))
#include "../SwiftShims/Visibility.h"
static unsigned toEncoding(float f) {
unsigned e;
static_assert(sizeof e == sizeof f, "float and int must have the same size");
__builtin_memcpy(&e, &f, sizeof f);
return e;
static float fromEncoding(unsigned int e) {
float f;
static_assert(sizeof f == sizeof e, "float and int must have the same size");
__builtin_memcpy(&f, &e, sizeof f);
return f;
#if defined(__x86_64__) && defined(__F16C__)
// If we're compiling the runtime for a target that has the conversion
// instruction, we might as well just use those. In theory, we'd also be
// compiling Swift for that target and not need these builtins at all,
// but who knows what could go wrong, and they're tiny functions.
# include <immintrin.h>
SWIFT_RUNTIME_EXPORT float __gnu_h2f_ieee(short h) {
return _mm_cvtss_f32(_mm_cvtph_ps(_mm_set_epi64x(0,h)));
SWIFT_RUNTIME_EXPORT short __gnu_f2h_ieee(float f) {
return (unsigned short)_mm_cvtsi128_si32(
_mm_cvtps_ph(_mm_set_ss(f), _MM_FROUND_CUR_DIRECTION)
// Input in di, result in xmm0. We can get that calling convention in C++
// by taking a int16 arg instead of Float16, which we don't have (or else
// we wouldn't need this function).
SWIFT_RUNTIME_EXPORT float __gnu_h2f_ieee(unsigned short h) {
// We need to have two cases; subnormals and zeros, and everything else.
// We are in the first case if the exponent field (bits 14:10) is zero:
if ((h & 0x7c00) == 0) {
// Sign-extend and mask so that we get a subnormal or zero in f32
// with the appropriate sign, then multiply by the appropriate scale
// factor to produce the f32 result.
return 0x1.0p125f * fromEncoding((int)(short)h & 0x80007fffU);
// We have either a normal number of an infinity or NaN. All of these
// can be handled by shifting the significand into the correct position,
// extending the exponent, and then multiplying by the correct scale.
return 0x1.0p-112f * fromEncoding((int)(short)h << 13 | 0x70000000U);
// Input in xmm0, result in di. We can get that calling convention in C++
// by returning int16 instead of Float16, which we don't have (or else
// we wouldn't need this function).
SWIFT_RUNTIME_EXPORT unsigned short __gnu_f2h_ieee(float f) {
unsigned signbit = toEncoding(f) & 0x80000000U;
// Construct a "magic" rounding constant for f; this is a value that
// we will add and subtract from f to force rounding to occur in the
// correct position for half-precision. Half has 10 significand bits,
// float has 23, so we need to add 2**(e+13) to get the desired rounding.
float magic;
unsigned exponent = toEncoding(f) & 0x7f800000;
// Subnormals all round in the same place as the minimum normal binade,
// so treat anything below 0x1.0p-14 as 0x1.0p-14.
if (exponent < 0x38800000) exponent = 0x38800000;
// In the overflow, inf, and NaN cases, magic doesn't contribute, so we
// just use zero for anything bigger than 0x1.0p16.
if (exponent > 0x47000000) magic = fromEncoding(signbit);
else magic = fromEncoding(signbit | exponent + 0x06800000);
// Map anything with an exponent larger than 15 to infinity; this will
// avoid special-casing overflow later on.
f = 0x1.0p112f*f;
f = 0x1.0p-112f*f + magic;
f -= magic;
// We've now rounded in the correct place. One more scaling and we have
// all the bits we need (this multiply does not change anything for
// normal results, but denormalizes tiny results exactly as needed).
f *= 0x1.0p-112f;
short magnitude = toEncoding(f) >> 13 & 0x7fff;
return (int)signbit >> 16 | magnitude;
static unsigned long long toEncoding(double d) {
unsigned long long e;
static_assert(sizeof e == sizeof d, "double and ull must have the same size");
__builtin_memcpy(&e, &d, sizeof d);
return e;
static double fromEncoding(unsigned long long e) {
double d;
static_assert(sizeof d == sizeof e, "double and ull must have the same size");
__builtin_memcpy(&d, &e, sizeof e);
return d;
// Input in xmm0, result in di. We can get that calling convention in C++
// by returning uint16 instead of Float16, which we don't have (or else
// we wouldn't need this function).
// Note that F16C doesn't provide this operation, so we still need a software
// implementation on those cores.
SWIFT_RUNTIME_EXPORT unsigned short __truncdfhf2(double d) {
// You can't just do (half)(float)x, because that makes the result
// susceptible to double-rounding. Instead we need to make the first
// rounding use round-to-odd, but that doesn't exist on x86, so we have
// to fake it.
float f = (float)d;
// Double-rounding can only occur if the result of rounding to float is
// an exact-halfway case for the the subsequent rounding to float16. We
// can check for that significand bit pattern quickly (though we need
// to be careful about values that will result in a subnormal float16,
// as those will round in a different position):
unsigned e = toEncoding(f);
bool exactHalfway = (e & 0x1fff) == 0x1000;
double fabs = __builtin_fabsf(f);
if (exactHalfway || __builtin_fabsf(f) < 0x1.0p-14f) {
// We might be in a double-rounding case, so simulate sticky-rounding
// by comparing f and x and adjusting as needed.
double dabs = __builtin_fabs(d);
if (fabs > dabs) e -= ~e & 1;
if (fabs < dabs) e |= 1;
f = fromEncoding(e);
return __gnu_f2h_ieee(f);
#if defined(__ARM_EABI__)
SWIFT_RUNTIME_EXPORT unsigned short __aeabi_d2h(double d) {
return __truncdfhf2(d);
#endif // defined(__x86_64__) && !defined(__APPLE__)