blob: c50a1c5812f359cf1817437bc9d44fc5be62b63d [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- UTF32.swift ------------------------------------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
extension Unicode {
public enum UTF32 {
case _swift3Codec
extension Unicode.UTF32: Unicode.Encoding {
public typealias CodeUnit = UInt32
public typealias EncodedScalar = CollectionOfOne<UInt32>
internal static var _replacementCodeUnit: CodeUnit {
@inline(__always) get { return 0xFFFD }
public static var encodedReplacementCharacter: EncodedScalar {
return EncodedScalar(_replacementCodeUnit)
public static func _isScalar(_ x: CodeUnit) -> Bool {
return true
/// Returns whether the given code unit represents an ASCII scalar
public static func isASCII(_ x: CodeUnit) -> Bool {
return x <= 0x7F
public static func decode(_ source: EncodedScalar) -> Unicode.Scalar {
return Unicode.Scalar(_unchecked: source.first!)
public static func encode(
_ source: Unicode.Scalar
) -> EncodedScalar? {
return EncodedScalar(source.value)
public struct Parser {
public init() { }
public typealias ForwardParser = Parser
public typealias ReverseParser = Parser
extension UTF32.Parser: Unicode.Parser {
public typealias Encoding = Unicode.UTF32
/// Parses a single Unicode scalar value from `input`.
public mutating func parseScalar<I: IteratorProtocol>(
from input: inout I
) -> Unicode.ParseResult<Encoding.EncodedScalar>
where I.Element == Encoding.CodeUnit {
let n =
if _fastPath(n != nil), let x = n {
// Check code unit is valid: not surrogate-reserved and within range.
guard _fastPath((x &>> 11) != 0b1101_1 && x <= 0x10ffff)
else { return .error(length: 1) }
// x is a valid scalar.
return .valid(UTF32.EncodedScalar(x))
return .emptyInput