blob: ed70e9fd7de00a8584c076d367ca7a88e6a962c1 [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file contains compiler intrinsics for optimized string switch
// implementations. All functions and types declared in this file are not
// intended to be used by switch source directly.
/// The compiler intrinsic which is called to lookup a string in a table
/// of static string case values.
func _findStringSwitchCase(
cases: [StaticString],
string: String) -> Int {
for (idx, s) in cases.enumerated() {
if String(_builtinStringLiteral: s.utf8Start._rawValue,
utf8CodeUnitCount: s._utf8CodeUnitCount,
isASCII: s.isASCII._value) == string {
return idx
return -1
@frozen // needs known size for static allocation
public // used by COMPILER_INTRINSIC
struct _OpaqueStringSwitchCache {
var a: Builtin.Word
var b: Builtin.Word
internal typealias _StringSwitchCache = Dictionary<String, Int>
internal struct _StringSwitchContext {
internal init(
cases: [StaticString],
cachePtr: UnsafeMutablePointer<_StringSwitchCache>
self.cases = cases
self.cachePtr = cachePtr
internal let cases: [StaticString]
internal let cachePtr: UnsafeMutablePointer<_StringSwitchCache>
/// The compiler intrinsic which is called to lookup a string in a table
/// of static string case values.
/// The first time this function is called, a cache is built and stored
/// in \p cache. Consecutive calls use the cache for faster lookup.
/// The \p cases array must not change between subsequent calls with the
/// same \p cache.
func _findStringSwitchCaseWithCache(
cases: [StaticString],
string: String,
cache: inout _OpaqueStringSwitchCache) -> Int {
return withUnsafeMutableBytes(of: &cache) {
(bufPtr: UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer) -> Int in
let oncePtr = bufPtr.baseAddress!
let cacheRawPtr = oncePtr + MemoryLayout<Builtin.Word>.stride
let cachePtr = cacheRawPtr.bindMemory(to: _StringSwitchCache.self, capacity: 1)
var context = _StringSwitchContext(cases: cases, cachePtr: cachePtr)
withUnsafeMutablePointer(to: &context) { (context) -> () in
Builtin.onceWithContext(oncePtr._rawValue, _createStringTableCache,
let cache = cachePtr.pointee;
if let idx = cache[string] {
return idx
return -1
/// Builds the string switch case.
internal func _createStringTableCache(_ cacheRawPtr: Builtin.RawPointer) {
let context = UnsafePointer<_StringSwitchContext>(cacheRawPtr).pointee
var cache = _StringSwitchCache()
MemoryLayout<_StringSwitchCache>.size <= MemoryLayout<Builtin.Word>.size)
for (idx, s) in context.cases.enumerated() {
let key = String(_builtinStringLiteral: s.utf8Start._rawValue,
utf8CodeUnitCount: s._utf8CodeUnitCount,
isASCII: s.isASCII._value)
cache[key] = idx
context.cachePtr.initialize(to: cache)