blob: c1b1cfded6f17c3f8b30f1c40ff7cf8fd2c69437 [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
/// Returns c as a UTF16.CodeUnit. Meant to be used as _ascii16("x").
internal func _ascii16(_ c: Unicode.Scalar) -> UTF16.CodeUnit {
_internalInvariant(c.value >= 0 && c.value <= 0x7F, "not ASCII")
return UTF16.CodeUnit(c.value)
internal func _asciiDigit<CodeUnit: UnsignedInteger, Result: BinaryInteger>(
codeUnit u_: CodeUnit, radix: Result
) -> Result? {
let digit = _ascii16("0")..._ascii16("9")
let lower = _ascii16("a")..._ascii16("z")
let upper = _ascii16("A")..._ascii16("Z")
let u = UInt16(truncatingIfNeeded: u_)
let d: UInt16
if _fastPath(digit ~= u) { d = u &- digit.lowerBound }
else if _fastPath(upper ~= u) { d = u &- upper.lowerBound &+ 10 }
else if _fastPath(lower ~= u) { d = u &- lower.lowerBound &+ 10 }
else { return nil }
guard _fastPath(d < radix) else { return nil }
return Result(truncatingIfNeeded: d)
internal func _parseUnsignedASCII<
Rest: IteratorProtocol, Result: FixedWidthInteger
first: Rest.Element, rest: inout Rest, radix: Result, positive: Bool
) -> Result?
where Rest.Element: UnsignedInteger {
let r0 = _asciiDigit(codeUnit: first, radix: radix)
guard _fastPath(r0 != nil), var result = r0 else { return nil }
if !positive {
let (result0, overflow0)
= (0 as Result).subtractingReportingOverflow(result)
guard _fastPath(!overflow0) else { return nil }
result = result0
while let u = {
let d0 = _asciiDigit(codeUnit: u, radix: radix)
guard _fastPath(d0 != nil), let d = d0 else { return nil }
let (result1, overflow1) = result.multipliedReportingOverflow(by: radix)
let (result2, overflow2) = positive
? result1.addingReportingOverflow(d)
: result1.subtractingReportingOverflow(d)
guard _fastPath(!overflow1 && !overflow2)
else { return nil }
result = result2
return result
// TODO (TODO: JIRA): This needs to be completely rewritten. It's about 20KB of
// always-inline code, most of which are MOV instructions.
internal func _parseASCII<
CodeUnits: IteratorProtocol, Result: FixedWidthInteger
codeUnits: inout CodeUnits, radix: Result
) -> Result?
where CodeUnits.Element: UnsignedInteger {
let c0_ =
guard _fastPath(c0_ != nil), let c0 = c0_ else { return nil }
if _fastPath(c0 != _ascii16("+") && c0 != _ascii16("-")) {
return _parseUnsignedASCII(
first: c0, rest: &codeUnits, radix: radix, positive: true)
let c1_ =
guard _fastPath(c1_ != nil), let c1 = c1_ else { return nil }
if _fastPath(c0 == _ascii16("-")) {
return _parseUnsignedASCII(
first: c1, rest: &codeUnits, radix: radix, positive: false)
else {
return _parseUnsignedASCII(
first: c1, rest: &codeUnits, radix: radix, positive: true)
extension FixedWidthInteger {
// _parseASCII function thunk that prevents inlining used as an implementation
// detail for FixedWidthInteger.init(_: radix:) on the slow path to save code
// size.
internal static func _parseASCIISlowPath<
CodeUnits: IteratorProtocol, Result: FixedWidthInteger
codeUnits: inout CodeUnits, radix: Result
) -> Result?
where CodeUnits.Element: UnsignedInteger {
return _parseASCII(codeUnits: &codeUnits, radix: radix)
/// Creates a new integer value from the given string and radix.
/// The string passed as `text` may begin with a plus or minus sign character
/// (`+` or `-`), followed by one or more numeric digits (`0-9`) or letters
/// (`a-z` or `A-Z`). Parsing of the string is case insensitive.
/// let x = Int("123")
/// // x == 123
/// let y = Int("-123", radix: 8)
/// // y == -83
/// let y = Int("+123", radix: 8)
/// // y == +83
/// let z = Int("07b", radix: 16)
/// // z == 123
/// If `text` is in an invalid format or contains characters that are out of
/// bounds for the given `radix`, or if the value it denotes in the given
/// `radix` is not representable, the result is `nil`. For example, the
/// following conversions result in `nil`:
/// Int(" 100") // Includes whitespace
/// Int("21-50") // Invalid format
/// Int("ff6600") // Characters out of bounds
/// Int("zzzzzzzzzzzzz", radix: 36) // Out of range
/// - Parameters:
/// - text: The ASCII representation of a number in the radix passed as
/// `radix`.
/// - radix: The radix, or base, to use for converting `text` to an integer
/// value. `radix` must be in the range `2...36`. The default is 10.
@inlinable // @specializable
public init?<S: StringProtocol>(_ text: S, radix: Int = 10) {
_precondition(2...36 ~= radix, "Radix not in range 2...36")
if let str = text as? String, str._guts.isFastUTF8 {
guard let ret = str._guts.withFastUTF8 ({ utf8 -> Self? in
var iter = utf8.makeIterator()
return _parseASCII(codeUnits: &iter, radix: Self(radix))
}) else {
return nil
self = ret
// TODO(String performance): We can provide fast paths for common radices,
// native UTF-8 storage, etc.
var iter = text.utf8.makeIterator()
guard let ret = Self._parseASCIISlowPath(
codeUnits: &iter, radix: Self(radix)
) else { return nil }
self = ret
/// Creates a new integer value from the given string.
/// The string passed as `description` may begin with a plus or minus sign
/// character (`+` or `-`), followed by one or more numeric digits (`0-9`).
/// let x = Int("123")
/// // x == 123
/// If `description` is in an invalid format, or if the value it denotes in
/// base 10 is not representable, the result is `nil`. For example, the
/// following conversions result in `nil`:
/// Int(" 100") // Includes whitespace
/// Int("21-50") // Invalid format
/// Int("ff6600") // Characters out of bounds
/// Int("10000000000000000000000000") // Out of range
/// - Parameter description: The ASCII representation of a number.
public init?(_ description: String) {
self.init(description, radix: 10)