blob: f973261d4c9202ac66b6baa9ac21e6fa207f20d8 [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
import Swift
import SwiftShims
#if os(Windows)
import CRT
import WinSDK
#if os(Windows)
public struct _FDInputStream {
public var handle: HANDLE = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE
public var isEOF: Bool = false
public var isClosed: Bool { return handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE }
internal var _buffer: ContiguousArray<UInt8> =
ContiguousArray<UInt8>(repeating: 0, count: 256)
internal var _offset: Int = 0
public init(handle: HANDLE) {
self.handle = handle
public mutating func getline() -> String? {
// FIXME(compnerd) Windows uses \r\n for the line delimiter, we should split
// on that and remove the workaround in the test harness
if let index =
_buffer[0..<_offset].firstIndex(of: UInt8(Unicode.Scalar("\n").value)) {
let result = String(decoding: _buffer[0..<index], as: UTF8.self)
_offset -= index + 1
return result
if isEOF && _offset > 0 {
let result = String(decoding: _buffer[0..<_offset], as: UTF8.self)
_offset = 0
return result
return nil
public mutating func read() {
var space = _buffer.count - _offset
if space < 128 {
let capacity = _buffer.count + (128 - space)
for _ in _buffer.count..<capacity {
space = 128
let read: Int = _buffer.withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer { buffer in
var read: DWORD = 0
ReadFile(handle, buffer.baseAddress! + _offset, DWORD(space), &read, nil)
return Int(read)
if read == 0 {
isEOF = true
} else {
_offset += read
public mutating func close() {
if isClosed { return }
public struct _FDInputStream {
public let fd: CInt
public var isClosed: Bool = false
public var isEOF: Bool = false
internal var _buffer = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: 256)
internal var _bufferUsed: Int = 0
public init(fd: CInt) {
self.fd = fd
public mutating func getline() -> String? {
if let newlineIndex =
_buffer[0..<_bufferUsed].firstIndex(of: UInt8(Unicode.Scalar("\n").value)) {
let result = String(decoding: _buffer[0..<newlineIndex], as: UTF8.self)
_bufferUsed -= newlineIndex + 1
return result
if isEOF && _bufferUsed > 0 {
let result = String(decoding: _buffer[0..<_bufferUsed], as: UTF8.self)
_bufferUsed = 0
return result
return nil
public mutating func read() {
let minFree = 128
var bufferFree = _buffer.count - _bufferUsed
if bufferFree < minFree {
_buffer.reserveCapacity(minFree - bufferFree)
while bufferFree < minFree {
bufferFree += 1
let fd = self.fd
let readResult: __swift_ssize_t = _buffer.withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer {
(_buffer) in
let addr = _buffer.baseAddress! + self._bufferUsed
let size = bufferFree
return _swift_stdlib_read(fd, addr, size)
if readResult == 0 {
isEOF = true
if readResult < 0 {
fatalError("read() returned error")
_bufferUsed += readResult
public mutating func close() {
if isClosed {
let result = _swift_stdlib_close(fd)
if result < 0 {
fatalError("close() returned an error")
isClosed = true
public struct _Stderr : TextOutputStream {
public init() {}
public mutating func write(_ string: String) {
for c in string.utf8 {
#if os(Windows)
public struct _FDOutputStream : TextOutputStream {
public var handle: HANDLE
public var isClosed: Bool {
return handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE
public init(handle: HANDLE) {
self.handle = handle
public mutating func write(_ string: String) {
string.utf8CString.withUnsafeBufferPointer { buffer in
let dwLength: DWORD = DWORD(buffer.count - 1)
var dwOffset: DWORD = 0
while dwOffset < dwLength {
var dwBytesWritten: DWORD = 0
if !WriteFile(handle,
UnsafeRawPointer(buffer.baseAddress! + Int(dwOffset)),
dwLength - dwOffset, &dwBytesWritten, nil) {
fatalError("WriteFile() failed")
dwOffset += dwBytesWritten
public mutating func close() {
if handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE { return }
public struct _FDOutputStream : TextOutputStream {
public let fd: CInt
public var isClosed: Bool = false
public init(fd: CInt) {
self.fd = fd
public mutating func write(_ string: String) {
let utf8CStr = string.utf8CString
utf8CStr.withUnsafeBufferPointer {
(utf8CStr) -> Void in
var writtenBytes = 0
let bufferSize = utf8CStr.count - 1
while writtenBytes != bufferSize {
let result = _swift_stdlib_write(
self.fd, UnsafeRawPointer(utf8CStr.baseAddress! + Int(writtenBytes)),
bufferSize - writtenBytes)
if result < 0 {
fatalError("write() returned an error")
writtenBytes += result
public mutating func close() {
if isClosed {
let result = _swift_stdlib_close(fd)
if result < 0 {
fatalError("close() returned an error")
isClosed = true