blob: bcf1c7222f2f4d357b74e11d6a81d6a5684292ac [file] [log] [blame]
//===----------------- OSLogNSObjectType.swift ----------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2020 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file defines extensions for interpolating NSObject into an OSLogMesage.
// It defines `appendInterpolation` function for NSObject type. It also defines
// extensions for generating an os_log format string for NSObjects (using the
// format specifier %@) and for serializing NSObject into the argument buffer
// passed to os_log ABIs.
// The `appendInterpolation` function defined in this file accept privacy
// options along with the interpolated expression as shown below:
// "\(x, privacy: .public\)"
import ObjectiveC
extension OSLogInterpolation {
/// Defines interpolation for expressions of type NSObject.
/// Do not call this function directly. It will be called automatically when interpolating
/// a value of type `NSObject` in the string interpolations passed to the log APIs.
/// - Parameters:
/// - argumentObject: The interpolated expression of type NSObject, which is autoclosured.
/// - privacy: A privacy qualifier which is either private or public. It is auto-inferred by default.
public mutating func appendInterpolation(
_ argumentObject: @autoclosure @escaping () -> NSObject,
privacy: OSLogPrivacy = .auto
) {
guard argumentCount < maxOSLogArgumentCount else { return }
formatString += getNSObjectFormatSpecifier(privacy)
// If the privacy has a mask, append the mask argument, which is a constant payload.
if privacy.hasMask {
argumentCount += 1
objectArgumentCount += 1
/// Update preamble and append argument headers based on the parameters of
/// the interpolation.
internal mutating func addNSObjectHeaders(_ privacy: OSLogPrivacy) {
// Append argument header.
let header = getArgumentHeader(privacy: privacy, type: .object)
// Append number of bytes needed to serialize the argument.
let byteCount = pointerSizeInBytes()
// Increment total byte size by the number of bytes needed for this
// argument, which is the sum of the byte size of the argument and
// two bytes needed for the headers.
totalBytesForSerializingArguments += byteCount + 2
preamble = getUpdatedPreamble(privacy: privacy, isScalar: false)
/// Construct an os_log format specifier from the given parameters.
/// This function must be constant evaluable and all its arguments
/// must be known at compile time.
internal func getNSObjectFormatSpecifier(_ privacy: OSLogPrivacy) -> String {
var specifier = "%"
if let privacySpecifier = privacy.privacySpecifier {
specifier += "{"
specifier += privacySpecifier
specifier += "}"
specifier += "@"
return specifier
extension OSLogArguments {
/// Append an (autoclosured) interpolated expression of type NSObject, passed to
/// `OSLogMessage.appendInterpolation`, to the array of closures tracked
/// by this instance.
internal mutating func append(_ value: @escaping () -> NSObject) {
argumentClosures.append({ (position, objectArguments, _) in
serialize(value(), at: &position, storingObjectsIn: &objectArguments)
/// Serialize an NSObject pointer at the buffer location pointed by
/// `bufferPosition`.
internal func serialize(
_ object: NSObject,
at bufferPosition: inout ByteBufferPointer,
storingObjectsIn objectArguments: inout ObjectStorage<NSObject>
) {
let byteCount = pointerSizeInBytes();
let dest =
UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer(start: bufferPosition, count: byteCount)
// Get the address of this NSObject as an UnsafeRawPointer.
let objectAddress = Unmanaged.passUnretained(object).toOpaque()
// Copy the address into the destination buffer. Note that the input NSObject
// is kept alive until the os_log ABI call completes by storing in the
// objectArguments.
withUnsafeBytes(of: objectAddress) { dest.copyMemory(from: $0) }
bufferPosition += byteCount
// This object could be newly created by the auto-closure. Therefore, make
// sure it is alive until the log call completes.
initializeAndAdvance(&objectArguments, to: object)