blob: 99fd0e0bf3c1fa2afab43847cd64d8a66bdf21b8 [file] [log] [blame]
//===----------------- OSLogMessage.swift ---------------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2020 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file contains data structures and helper functions that are used by
// the new OS log APIs.
import ObjectiveC
/// Maximum number of arguments i.e., interpolated expressions that can
/// be used in the string interpolations passed to the log APIs.
/// This limit is imposed by the logging system.
public var maxOSLogArgumentCount: UInt8 { return 48 }
// Note that this is marked transparent instead of @inline(__always) as it is
// used in optimize(none) functions.
internal var logBitsPerByte: Int { return 3 }
/// Represents a string interpolation passed to the log APIs.
/// This type converts (through its methods) the given string interpolation into
/// a C-style format string and a sequence of arguments.
/// - Warning: Do not explicitly refer to this type. It will be implicitly created
/// by the compiler when you pass a string interpolation to the log APIs.
public struct OSLogInterpolation : StringInterpolationProtocol {
/// A format string constructed from the given string interpolation to be
/// passed to the os_log ABI.
internal var formatString: String
/// A representation of a sequence of arguments that must be serialized
/// to a byte buffer and passed to the os_log ABI. Each argument, which is
/// an (autoclosured) expressions that is interpolated, is prepended with a
/// two byte header. The first header byte consists of a four bit flag and
/// a four bit type. The second header byte has the size of the argument in
/// bytes. This is schematically illustrated below.
/// ----------------------------
/// | 4-bit type | 4-bit flag |
/// ----------------------------
/// | 1st argument size in bytes|
/// ----------------------------
/// | 1st argument bytes |
/// ----------------------------
/// | 4-bit type | 4-bit flag |
/// -----------------------------
/// | 2nd argument size in bytes|
/// ----------------------------
/// | 2nd argument bytes |
/// ----------------------------
/// ...
internal var arguments: OSLogArguments
/// The possible values for the argument type, as defined by the os_log ABI,
/// which occupies four most significant bits of the first byte of the
/// argument header. The rawValue of this enum must be constant evaluable.
/// (Note that an auto-generated rawValue is not constant evaluable because
/// it cannot be annotated so.)
internal enum ArgumentType {
case scalar, count, string, pointer, object, mask
internal var rawValue: UInt8 {
switch self {
case .scalar:
return 0
case .count:
return 1
case .string:
return 2
case .pointer:
return 3
case .mask:
return 7
default: //.object
return 4
/// The first summary byte in the byte buffer passed to the os_log ABI that
/// summarizes the privacy and nature of the arguments.
internal var preamble: UInt8
/// Denotes the bit that indicates whether there is private argument.
internal var privateBitMask: UInt8 { 0x1 }
/// Denotes the bit that indicates whether there is non-scalar argument:
/// String, NSObject or Pointer.
internal var nonScalarBitMask: UInt8 { 0x2 }
/// The second summary byte that denotes the number of arguments, which is
/// also the number of interpolated expressions. This will be determined
/// on the fly in order to support concatenation and interpolation of
/// instances of `OSLogMessage`.
internal var argumentCount: UInt8
/// Sum total of all the bytes (including header bytes) needed for
/// serializing the arguments.
internal var totalBytesForSerializingArguments: Int
/// The number of arguments that are Strings. This count is used to create
/// auxiliary storage meant for extending the lifetime of the string arguments
/// until the log call completes.
internal var stringArgumentCount: Int
/// The number of arguments that are NSObjects. This count is used to create
/// auxiliary storage meant for extending the lifetime of the NSObject
/// arguments until the log call completes.
internal var objectArgumentCount: Int
// Some methods defined below are marked @_optimize(none) to prevent inlining
// of string internals (such as String._StringGuts) which will interfere with
// constant evaluation and folding. Note that these methods will be inlined,
// constant evaluated/folded and optimized in the context of a caller.
public init(literalCapacity: Int, interpolationCount: Int) {
// Since the format string and the arguments array are fully constructed
// at compile time, the parameters are ignored.
formatString = ""
arguments = OSLogArguments()
preamble = 0
argumentCount = 0
totalBytesForSerializingArguments = 0
stringArgumentCount = 0
objectArgumentCount = 0
public mutating func appendLiteral(_ literal: String) {
formatString += literal.percentEscapedString
/// `appendInterpolation` conformances will be added by extensions to this type.
/// Compute a byte-sized argument header consisting of flag and type.
/// Flag and type take up the least and most significant four bits
/// of the header byte, respectively.
/// This function should be constant evaluable.
internal func getArgumentHeader(
privacy: OSLogPrivacy,
type: ArgumentType
) -> UInt8 {
return (type.rawValue &<< 4) | privacy.argumentFlag
/// Compute the new preamble based whether the current argument is private
/// or not. This function must be constant evaluable.
internal func getUpdatedPreamble(
privacy: OSLogPrivacy,
isScalar: Bool
) -> UInt8 {
var preamble = self.preamble
if privacy.isAtleastPrivate {
preamble |= privateBitMask
if !isScalar || privacy.hasMask {
preamble |= nonScalarBitMask
return preamble
extension String {
/// Replace all percents "%" in the string by "%%" so that the string can be
/// interpreted as a C format string. This function is constant evaluable
/// and its semantics is modeled within the evaluator.
internal var percentEscapedString: String {
get {
return self
.split(separator: "%", omittingEmptySubsequences: false)
.joined(separator: "%%")
/// Represents a message passed to the log APIs. This type should be created
/// from a string interpolation or a string literal.
/// Do not explicitly refer to this type. It will be implicitly created
/// by the compiler when you pass a string interpolation to the log APIs.
public struct OSLogMessage :
ExpressibleByStringInterpolation, ExpressibleByStringLiteral
public let interpolation: OSLogInterpolation
public init(stringInterpolation: OSLogInterpolation) {
self.interpolation = stringInterpolation
public init(stringLiteral value: String) {
var s = OSLogInterpolation(literalCapacity: 1, interpolationCount: 0)
self.interpolation = s
/// The byte size of the buffer that will be passed to the logging system.
public var bufferSize: Int {
// The two additional bytes is for the preamble and argument count.
return interpolation.totalBytesForSerializingArguments + 2
internal typealias ByteBufferPointer = UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>
internal typealias ObjectStorage<T> = UnsafeMutablePointer<T>?
internal typealias ArgumentClosures =
[(inout ByteBufferPointer,
inout ObjectStorage<NSObject>,
inout ObjectStorage<Any>) -> ()]
/// A representation of a sequence of arguments and headers (of possibly
/// different types) that have to be serialized to a byte buffer. The arguments
/// are captured within closures and stored in an array. The closures accept an
/// instance of `OSLogByteBufferBuilder`, and when invoked, serialize the
/// argument using the passed `OSLogByteBufferBuilder` instance.
internal struct OSLogArguments {
/// An array of closures that captures arguments of possibly different types.
/// Each closure accepts a pointer into a byte buffer and serializes the
/// captured arguments at the pointed location. The closures also accept an
/// array of AnyObject to store references to auxiliary storage created during
/// serialization.
internal var argumentClosures: ArgumentClosures
internal init() {
argumentClosures = []
/// Append a byte-sized header, constructed by
/// `OSLogMessage.appendInterpolation`, to the tracked array of closures.
internal mutating func append(_ header: UInt8) {
argumentClosures.append({ (position, _, _) in
serialize(header, at: &position)
/// `append` for other types must be implemented by extensions.
/// Serialize a UInt8 value at the buffer location pointed to by `bufferPosition`,
/// and increment the `bufferPosition` with the byte size of the serialized value.
internal func serialize(
_ value: UInt8,
at bufferPosition: inout ByteBufferPointer)
bufferPosition[0] = value
bufferPosition += 1
// The following code defines helper functions for creating and maintaining
// a buffer for holding a fixed number for instances of a type T. Such buffers
// are used to hold onto NSObjects and Strings that are interpolated in the log
// message until the end of the log call.
internal func createStorage<T>(
capacity: Int,
type: T.Type
) -> ObjectStorage<T> {
capacity == 0 ?
nil :
UnsafeMutablePointer<T>.allocate(capacity: capacity)
internal func initializeAndAdvance<T>(
_ storageOpt: inout ObjectStorage<T>,
to value: T
) {
// This if statement should get optimized away.
if let storage = storageOpt {
storage.initialize(to: value)
storageOpt = storage.advanced(by: 1)
internal func destroyStorage<T>(_ storageOpt: ObjectStorage<T>, count: Int) {
// This if statement should get optimized away.
if let storage = storageOpt {
storage.deinitialize(count: count)