blob: 8b4d4ca93dc00b6daa659f3f3bd5359903ee82f9 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- ImportTests.cpp - Tests for representation of imports ------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#include "TestContext.h"
#include "swift/AST/Import.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
using namespace swift;
using namespace swift::unittest;
namespace {
/// Helper class used to create ImportPath and hold all strings for identifiers
class ImportPathContext {
TestContext Ctx;
ImportPathContext() = default;
/// Hepler routine for building ImportPath
/// Build()
/// @see ImportPathBuilder
inline ImportPath Build(StringRef Name) noexcept {
return ImportPath::Builder(Ctx.Ctx, Name, '.').copyTo(Ctx.Ctx);
} // namespace
TEST(ImportPath, Comparison) {
ImportPathContext ctx;
/// Simple sanity check:
EXPECT_FALSE(ctx.Build("A.B.C") < ctx.Build("A.B.C"));
/// Check order chain:
/// A < A.A < A.A.A < A.A.B < A.B < A.B.A < AA < B < B.A
EXPECT_LT(ctx.Build("A"), ctx.Build("A.A"));
EXPECT_LT(ctx.Build("A.A"), ctx.Build("A.A.A"));
EXPECT_LT(ctx.Build("A.A.A"), ctx.Build("A.A.B"));
EXPECT_LT(ctx.Build("A.A.B"), ctx.Build("A.B"));
EXPECT_LT(ctx.Build("A.B"), ctx.Build("A.B.A"));
EXPECT_LT(ctx.Build("A.B.A"), ctx.Build("AA"));
EXPECT_LT(ctx.Build("B"), ctx.Build("B.A"));
/// Further ImportPaths are semantically incorrect, but we must
/// check that comparing them does not cause compiler to crash.
EXPECT_LT(ctx.Build("."), ctx.Build("A"));
EXPECT_LT(ctx.Build("A"), ctx.Build("AA."));
EXPECT_LT(ctx.Build("A"), ctx.Build("AA.."));
EXPECT_LT(ctx.Build(".A"), ctx.Build("AA"));