blob: 94efb4498aa3653907f620853345cfc871b20235 [file] [log] [blame]
// REQUIRES: shell
// Also uses awk:
// XFAIL OS=windows
// When adding a private protocol method, the interface hash should stay the same
// The per-type fingerprint should change
// RUN: %empty-directory(%t)
// RUN: %{python} %utils/ -o %t %s
// RUN: cp %t/{a,x}.swift
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -typecheck -primary-file %t/x.swift -emit-reference-dependencies-path %t/x.swiftdeps -module-name main
// RUN: %S/../Inputs/ %swift-dependency-tool %t/x.swiftdeps %t/a-processed.swiftdeps
// RUN: cp %t/{b,x}.swift
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -typecheck -primary-file %t/x.swift -emit-reference-dependencies-path %t/x.swiftdeps -module-name main
// RUN: %S/../Inputs/ %swift-dependency-tool %t/x.swiftdeps %t/b-processed.swiftdeps
// RUN: not diff %t/{a,b}-processed.swiftdeps >%t/diffs
// BEGIN a.swift
struct S {
func f2() -> Int {
return 0
var y: Int = 0
// BEGIN b.swift
struct S {
func f2() -> Int {
return 0
private var x: Int = 0
var y: Int = 0
// RUN: %FileCheck %s <%t/diffs -check-prefix=CHECK-SAME-INTERFACE-HASH
// RUN: %FileCheck %s <%t/diffs -check-prefix=CHECK-DIFFERENT-TYPE-FINGERPRINT
// CHECK-DIFFERENT-TYPE-FINGERPRINT-DAG: < topLevel implementation '' S true
// CHECK-DIFFERENT-TYPE-FINGERPRINT-DAG: < topLevel interface '' S true
// CHECK-DIFFERENT-TYPE-FINGERPRINT-DAG: > topLevel implementation '' S true
// CHECK-DIFFERENT-TYPE-FINGERPRINT-DAG: > topLevel interface '' S true
// CHECK-DIFFERENT-TYPE-FINGERPRINT-DAG: < nominal implementation 4main1S{{[^ ]+}} '' true
// CHECK-DIFFERENT-TYPE-FINGERPRINT-DAG: < nominal interface 4main1S{{[^ ]+}} '' true
// CHECK-DIFFERENT-TYPE-FINGERPRINT-DAG: > nominal implementation 4main1S{{[^ ]+}} '' true
// CHECK-DIFFERENT-TYPE-FINGERPRINT-DAG: > nominal interface 4main1S{{[^ ]+}} '' true
// CHECK-DIFFERENT-TYPE-FINGERPRINT-DAG: < potentialMember implementation 4main1S{{[^ ]+}} '' true
// CHECK-DIFFERENT-TYPE-FINGERPRINT-DAG: < potentialMember interface 4main1S{{[^ ]+}} '' true
// CHECK-DIFFERENT-TYPE-FINGERPRINT-DAG: > potentialMember implementation 4main1S{{[^ ]+}} '' true
// CHECK-DIFFERENT-TYPE-FINGERPRINT-DAG: > potentialMember interface 4main1S{{[^ ]+}} '' true