blob: b0a1c444f8899a608152b5eb4173b43907ca4cf6 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- SILCodeMotion.cpp - Code Motion Optimizations --------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#define DEBUG_TYPE "sil-codemotion"
#include "swift/AST/Module.h"
#include "swift/Basic/BlotMapVector.h"
#include "swift/SIL/DebugUtils.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILBuilder.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILModule.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILType.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILValue.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILVisitor.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Analysis/ARCAnalysis.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Analysis/AliasAnalysis.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Analysis/PostOrderAnalysis.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Analysis/RCIdentityAnalysis.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/PassManager/Passes.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/PassManager/Transforms.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Utils/InstOptUtils.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Statistic.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
STATISTIC(NumSunk, "Number of instructions sunk");
STATISTIC(NumRefCountOpsSimplified, "Number of enum ref count ops simplified");
STATISTIC(NumHoisted, "Number of instructions hoisted");
STATISTIC(NumSILArgumentReleaseHoisted, "Number of silargument release instructions hoisted");
llvm::cl::opt<bool> DisableSILRRCodeMotion("disable-sil-cm-rr-cm", llvm::cl::init(true));
using namespace swift;
namespace {
// Utility
static void createRefCountOpForPayload(SILBuilder &Builder, SILInstruction *I,
EnumElementDecl *EnumDecl,
SILValue DefOfEnum = SILValue()) {
assert(EnumDecl->hasAssociatedValues() &&
"We assume enumdecl has an argument type");
SILModule &Mod = I->getModule();
// The enum value is either passed as an extra argument if we are moving an
// retain that does not refer to the enum typed value - otherwise it is the
// argument to the refcount instruction.
SILValue EnumVal = DefOfEnum ? DefOfEnum : I->getOperand(0);
SILType ArgType = EnumVal->getType().getEnumElementType(
EnumDecl, Mod, TypeExpansionContext(Builder.getFunction()));
auto *UEDI =
Builder.createUncheckedEnumData(I->getLoc(), EnumVal, EnumDecl, ArgType);
SILType UEDITy = UEDI->getType();
// If our payload is trivial, we do not need to insert any retain or release
// operations.
if (UEDITy.isTrivial(*I->getFunction()))
// If we have a retain value...
if (auto RCI = dyn_cast<RetainValueInst>(I)) {
// And our payload is refcounted, insert a strong_retain onto the
// payload.
if (UEDITy.isReferenceCounted(Mod)) {
Builder.createStrongRetain(I->getLoc(), UEDI, RCI->getAtomicity());
// Otherwise, insert a retain_value on the payload.
Builder.createRetainValue(I->getLoc(), UEDI, RCI->getAtomicity());
// At this point we know that we must have a release_value and a non-trivial
// payload.
assert(isa<ReleaseValueInst>(I) && "If I is not a retain value here, it must "
"be a release value since enums do not have reference semantics.");
auto *RCI = cast<ReleaseValueInst>(I);
// If our payload has reference semantics, insert the strong release.
if (UEDITy.isReferenceCounted(Mod)) {
Builder.createStrongRelease(I->getLoc(), UEDI, RCI->getAtomicity());
// Otherwise if our payload is non-trivial but lacking reference semantics,
// insert the release_value.
Builder.createReleaseValue(I->getLoc(), UEDI, RCI->getAtomicity());
// Enum Tag Dataflow
namespace {
class EnumCaseDataflowContext;
using EnumBBCaseList =
llvm::SmallVector<std::pair<SILBasicBlock *, EnumElementDecl *>, 2>;
/// Class that performs enum tag state dataflow on the given BB.
class BBEnumTagDataflowState
: public SILInstructionVisitor<BBEnumTagDataflowState, bool> {
EnumCaseDataflowContext *Context;
NullablePtr<SILBasicBlock> BB;
SmallBlotMapVector<unsigned, EnumElementDecl *, 4> ValueToCaseMap;
SmallBlotMapVector<unsigned, EnumBBCaseList, 4> EnumToEnumBBCaseListMap;
BBEnumTagDataflowState() = default;
BBEnumTagDataflowState(const BBEnumTagDataflowState &Other) = default;
~BBEnumTagDataflowState() = default;
bool init(EnumCaseDataflowContext &Context, SILBasicBlock *NewBB);
SILBasicBlock *getBB() { return BB.get(); }
using iterator = decltype(ValueToCaseMap)::iterator;
iterator begin() { return ValueToCaseMap.getItems().begin(); }
iterator end() { return ValueToCaseMap.getItems().begin(); }
void clear() { ValueToCaseMap.clear(); }
bool visitSILInstruction(SILInstruction *I) { return false; }
bool visitEnumInst(EnumInst *EI);
bool visitUncheckedEnumDataInst(UncheckedEnumDataInst *UEDI);
bool visitRetainValueInst(RetainValueInst *RVI);
bool visitReleaseValueInst(ReleaseValueInst *RVI);
bool process();
bool hoistDecrementsIntoSwitchRegions(AliasAnalysis *AA);
bool sinkIncrementsOutOfSwitchRegions(AliasAnalysis *AA,
RCIdentityFunctionInfo *RCIA);
void handlePredSwitchEnum(SwitchEnumInst *S);
void handlePredCondSelectEnum(CondBranchInst *CondBr);
/// Helper method which initializes this state map with the data from the
/// first predecessor BB.
/// We will be performing an intersection in a later step of the merging.
bool initWithFirstPred(SILBasicBlock *FirstPredBB);
/// Top level merging function for predecessors.
void mergePredecessorStates();
/// If we have a single predecessor, see if the predecessor's terminator was a
/// switch_enum or a (cond_br + select_enum). If so, track in this block the
/// enum state of the operand.
void mergeSinglePredTermInfoIntoState(SILBasicBlock *Pred);
EnumCaseDataflowContext &getContext() const;
unsigned getIDForValue(SILValue V) const;
SILValue getValueForID(unsigned ID) const;
/// Map all blocks to BBEnumTagDataflowState in RPO order.
class EnumCaseDataflowContext {
PostOrderFunctionInfo *PO;
std::vector<BBEnumTagDataflowState> BBToStateVec;
std::vector<SILValue> IDToEnumValueMap;
llvm::DenseMap<SILValue, unsigned> EnumValueToIDMap;
EnumCaseDataflowContext(PostOrderFunctionInfo *PO) : PO(PO), BBToStateVec() {
unsigned RPOIdx = 0;
for (SILBasicBlock *BB : PO->getReversePostOrder()) {
BBToStateVec[RPOIdx].init(*this, BB);
/// Return true if we have a valid value for the given ID;
bool hasValueForID(unsigned ID) const {
return ID < IDToEnumValueMap.size() && IDToEnumValueMap[ID];
SILValue getValueForID(unsigned ID) const { return IDToEnumValueMap[ID]; }
unsigned getIDForValue(SILValue V) const {
// We are being a little tricky here. Here is what is happening:
// 1. When we start we do not know if we are already tracking V, so we
// prepare /as if/ V was new.
// 2. When we perform the insertion, if V already has a value associated
// with it, we return the iterator to that value. The iterator contains
// inside of it the actual index.
// 3. Otherwise, we initialize V in EnumValueToIDMap with NewID. Rather than
// re-accessing the iterator, we just return the value we have already
// computed.
unsigned NewID = IDToEnumValueMap.size();
auto &This = const_cast<EnumCaseDataflowContext &>(*this);
auto Iter = This.EnumValueToIDMap.insert({V, NewID});
if (!Iter.second)
return Iter.first->second;
return NewID;
void blotValue(SILValue V) {
unsigned ID = getIDForValue(V);
IDToEnumValueMap[ID] = SILValue();
unsigned size() const { return BBToStateVec.size(); }
BBEnumTagDataflowState &getRPOState(unsigned RPOIdx) {
return BBToStateVec[RPOIdx];
/// \return BBEnumTagDataflowState or NULL for unreachable blocks.
BBEnumTagDataflowState *getBBState(SILBasicBlock *BB) {
if (auto ID = PO->getRPONumber(BB)) {
return &getRPOState(*ID);
return nullptr;
} // end anonymous namespace
EnumCaseDataflowContext &BBEnumTagDataflowState::getContext() const {
// Context and BB are initialized together, so we only need to check one.
assert(BB.isNonNull() && "Uninitialized state?!");
return *Context;
unsigned BBEnumTagDataflowState::getIDForValue(SILValue V) const {
return getContext().getIDForValue(V);
SILValue BBEnumTagDataflowState::getValueForID(unsigned ID) const {
return getContext().getValueForID(ID);
void BBEnumTagDataflowState::handlePredSwitchEnum(SwitchEnumInst *S) {
// Find the tag associated with our BB and set the state of the
// enum we switch on to that value. This is important so we can determine
// covering switches for enums that have cases without payload.
// Next check if we are the target of a default switch_enum case. If we are,
// no interesting information can be extracted, so bail...
if (S->hasDefault() && S->getDefaultBB() == getBB())
// Otherwise, attempt to find the tag associated with this BB in the switch
// enum...
for (unsigned i = 0, e = S->getNumCases(); i != e; ++i) {
auto P = S->getCase(i);
// If this case of the switch is not matched up with this BB, skip the
// case...
if (P.second != getBB())
// Ok, we found the case for our BB. If we don't have an enum tag (which can
// happen if we have a default statement), return. There is nothing more we
// can do.
if (!P.first)
// Ok, we have a matching BB and a matching enum tag. Set the state and
// return.
ValueToCaseMap[getIDForValue(S->getOperand())] = P.first;
llvm_unreachable("A successor of a switch_enum terminated BB should be in "
"the switch_enum.");
void BBEnumTagDataflowState::handlePredCondSelectEnum(CondBranchInst *CondBr) {
auto *EITI = dyn_cast<SelectEnumInst>(CondBr->getCondition());
if (!EITI)
NullablePtr<EnumElementDecl> TrueElement = EITI->getSingleTrueElement();
if (TrueElement.isNull())
// Find the tag associated with our BB and set the state of the
// enum we switch on to that value. This is important so we can determine
// covering switches for enums that have cases without payload.
// Check if we are the true case, ie, we know that we are the given tag.
const auto &Operand = EITI->getEnumOperand();
if (CondBr->getTrueBB() == getBB()) {
ValueToCaseMap[getIDForValue(Operand)] = TrueElement.get();
// If the enum only has 2 values and its tag isn't the true branch, then we
// know the true branch must be the other tag.
if (EnumDecl *E = Operand->getType().getEnumOrBoundGenericEnum()) {
// We can't do this optimization on non-exhaustive enums.
const SILFunction *Fn = CondBr->getFunction();
bool IsExhaustive =
if (!IsExhaustive)
// Look for a single other element on this enum.
EnumElementDecl *OtherElt = nullptr;
for (EnumElementDecl *Elt : E->getAllElements()) {
// Skip the case where we find the select_enum element
if (Elt == TrueElement.get())
// If we find another element, then we must have more than 2, so bail.
if (OtherElt)
OtherElt = Elt;
// Only a single enum element? How would this even get here? We should
// handle it in SILCombine.
if (!OtherElt)
// FIXME: Can we ever not be the false BB here?
if (CondBr->getTrueBB() != getBB()) {
ValueToCaseMap[getIDForValue(Operand)] = OtherElt;
bool BBEnumTagDataflowState::initWithFirstPred(SILBasicBlock *FirstPredBB) {
// Try to look up the state for the first pred BB.
BBEnumTagDataflowState *FirstPredState = getContext().getBBState(FirstPredBB);
// If we fail, we found an unreachable block, bail.
if (FirstPredState == nullptr) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Found an unreachable block!\n");
return false;
// Ok, our state is in the map, copy in the predecessors value to case map.
ValueToCaseMap = FirstPredState->ValueToCaseMap;
// If we are predecessors only successor, we can potentially hoist releases
// into it, so associate the first pred BB and the case for each value that we
// are tracking with it.
// TODO: I am writing this too fast. Clean this up later.
if (FirstPredBB->getSingleSuccessorBlock()) {
for (auto P : ValueToCaseMap.getItems()) {
if (!P.hasValue())
EnumToEnumBBCaseListMap[P->first].push_back({FirstPredBB, P->second});
return true;
void BBEnumTagDataflowState::mergeSinglePredTermInfoIntoState(
SILBasicBlock *Pred) {
// Grab the terminator of our one predecessor and if it is a switch enum, mix
// it into this state.
TermInst *PredTerm = Pred->getTerminator();
if (auto *S = dyn_cast<SwitchEnumInst>(PredTerm)) {
auto *CondBr = dyn_cast<CondBranchInst>(PredTerm);
if (!CondBr)
void BBEnumTagDataflowState::mergePredecessorStates() {
// If we have no predecessors, there is nothing to do so return early...
if (getBB()->pred_empty()) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " No Preds.\n");
auto PI = getBB()->pred_begin(), PE = getBB()->pred_end();
if (*PI == getBB()) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Found a self loop. Bailing!\n");
// Grab the first predecessor BB.
SILBasicBlock *FirstPred = *PI;
// Attempt to initialize our state with our first predecessor's state by just
// copying. We will be doing an intersection with all of the other BB.
if (!initWithFirstPred(FirstPred))
// If we only have one predecessor see if we can gain any information and or
// knowledge from the terminator of our one predecessor. There is nothing more
// that we can do, return.
// This enables us to get enum information from switch_enum and cond_br about
// the value that an enum can take in our block. This is a common case that
// comes up.
if (PI == PE) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() <<" Merging in rest of predecessors...\n");
// Enum values that while merging we found conflicting values for. We blot
// them after the loop in order to ensure that we can still find the ends of
// switch regions.
llvm::SmallVector<unsigned, 4> CurBBValuesToBlot;
// If we do not find state for a specific value in any of our predecessor BBs,
// we cannot be the end of a switch region since we cannot cover our
// predecessor BBs with enum decls. Blot after the loop.
llvm::SmallVector<unsigned, 4> PredBBValuesToBlot;
// And for each remaining predecessor...
do {
// If we loop on ourselves, bail...
if (*PI == getBB()) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Found a self loop. Bailing!\n");
// Grab the predecessors state...
SILBasicBlock *PredBB = *PI;
BBEnumTagDataflowState *PredBBState = getContext().getBBState(PredBB);
if (PredBBState == nullptr) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Found an unreachable block!\n");
// Then for each (SILValue, Enum Tag) that we are tracking...
for (auto P : ValueToCaseMap.getItems()) {
// If this SILValue was blotted, there is nothing left to do, we found
// some sort of conflicting definition and are being conservative.
if (!P.hasValue())
// Then attempt to look up the enum state associated in our SILValue in
// the predecessor we are processing.
auto PredIter = PredBBState->ValueToCaseMap.find(P->first);
// If we cannot find the state associated with this SILValue in this
// predecessor or the ID in the corresponding predecessor was blotted, we
// cannot find a covering switch for this BB or forward any enum tag
// information for this enum value.
if (PredIter == PredBBState->ValueToCaseMap.end() ||
!(*PredIter).hasValue()) {
// Otherwise, we are conservative and do not forward the EnumTag that we
// are tracking. Blot it!
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Blotting: " << P->first);
// Then try to lookup the actual value associated with the ID. If we do
// not find one, then the enum was destroyed by another part of the pass.
SILValue PredValue = getValueForID((*PredIter)->first);
if (!PredValue)
// Check if out predecessor has any other successors. If that is true we
// clear all the state since we cannot hoist safely.
if (!PredBB->getSingleSuccessorBlock()) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Predecessor has other "
"successors. Clearing BB cast list map.\n");
} else {
// Otherwise, add this case to our predecessor case list. We will unique
// this after we have finished processing all predecessors.
auto Case = std::make_pair(PredBB, (*PredIter)->second);
// And the states match, the enum state propagates to this BB.
if ((*PredIter)->second == P->second)
// Otherwise, we are conservative and do not forward the EnumTag that we
// are tracking. Blot it!
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Blotting: " << P->first);
} while (PI != PE);
for (unsigned ID : CurBBValuesToBlot) {
for (unsigned ID : PredBBValuesToBlot) {
bool BBEnumTagDataflowState::visitEnumInst(EnumInst *EI) {
unsigned ID = getIDForValue(SILValue(EI));
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Storing enum into map. ID: " << ID
<< ". Value: " << *EI);
ValueToCaseMap[ID] = EI->getElement();
return false;
bool BBEnumTagDataflowState::visitUncheckedEnumDataInst(
UncheckedEnumDataInst *UEDI) {
unsigned ID = getIDForValue(UEDI->getOperand());
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Storing unchecked enum data into map. ID: "
<< ID << ". Value: " << *UEDI);
ValueToCaseMap[ID] = UEDI->getElement();
return false;
bool BBEnumTagDataflowState::visitRetainValueInst(RetainValueInst *RVI) {
auto FindResult = ValueToCaseMap.find(getIDForValue(RVI->getOperand()));
if (FindResult == ValueToCaseMap.end())
return false;
// If we do not have any argument, kill the retain_value.
if (!(*FindResult)->second->hasAssociatedValues()) {
return true;
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Found RetainValue: " << *RVI);
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Paired to Enum Oracle: "
<< (*FindResult)->first);
SILBuilderWithScope Builder(RVI);
createRefCountOpForPayload(Builder, RVI, (*FindResult)->second);
return true;
bool BBEnumTagDataflowState::visitReleaseValueInst(ReleaseValueInst *RVI) {
auto FindResult = ValueToCaseMap.find(getIDForValue(RVI->getOperand()));
if (FindResult == ValueToCaseMap.end())
return false;
// If we do not have any argument, just delete the release value.
if (!(*FindResult)->second->hasAssociatedValues()) {
return true;
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Found ReleaseValue: " << *RVI);
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Paired to Enum Oracle: "
<< (*FindResult)->first);
SILBuilderWithScope Builder(RVI);
createRefCountOpForPayload(Builder, RVI, (*FindResult)->second);
return true;
bool BBEnumTagDataflowState::process() {
bool Changed = false;
auto SI = getBB()->begin();
while (SI != getBB()->end()) {
SILInstruction *I = &*SI;
Changed |= visit(I);
return Changed;
bool BBEnumTagDataflowState::hoistDecrementsIntoSwitchRegions(
AliasAnalysis *AA) {
bool Changed = false;
unsigned NumPreds = std::distance(getBB()->pred_begin(), getBB()->pred_end());
for (auto II = getBB()->begin(), IE = getBB()->end(); II != IE;) {
auto *RVI = dyn_cast<ReleaseValueInst>(&*II);
// If this instruction is not a release, skip it...
if (!RVI)
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Visiting release: " << *RVI);
// Grab the operand of the release value inst.
SILValue Op = RVI->getOperand();
// Lookup the [(BB, EnumTag)] list for this operand.
unsigned ID = getIDForValue(Op);
auto R = EnumToEnumBBCaseListMap.find(ID);
// If we don't have one, skip this release value inst.
if (R == EnumToEnumBBCaseListMap.end()) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Could not find [(BB, EnumTag)] "
"list for release_value's operand. Bailing!\n");
auto &EnumBBCaseList = (*R)->second;
// If we don't have an enum tag for each predecessor of this BB, bail since
// we do not know how to handle that BB.
if (EnumBBCaseList.size() != NumPreds) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Found [(BB, EnumTag)] list for "
"release_value's operand, but we do not have "
"an enum tag for each predecessor. Bailing!\n");
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " List:\n");
LLVM_DEBUG(for (auto P : EnumBBCaseList) {
llvm::dbgs() << " ";
// Finally ensure that we have no users of this operand preceding the
// release_value in this BB. If we have users like that we cannot hoist the
// release past them unless we know that there is an additional set of
// releases that together post-dominate this release. If we cannot do this,
// skip this release.
// TODO: We need information from the ARC optimizer to prove that property
// if we are going to use it.
if (valueHasARCUsesInInstructionRange(Op, getBB()->begin(),
SILBasicBlock::iterator(RVI), AA)) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Release value has use that stops "
"hoisting! Bailing!\n");
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Its safe to perform the "
// Otherwise perform the transformation.
for (auto P : EnumBBCaseList) {
// If we don't have an argument for this case, there is nothing to
// do... continue...
if (!P.second->hasAssociatedValues())
// Otherwise create the release_value before the terminator of the
// predecessor.
assert(P.first->getSingleSuccessorBlock() &&
"Cannot hoist release into BB that has multiple successors");
SILBuilderWithScope Builder(P.first->getTerminator(), RVI);
createRefCountOpForPayload(Builder, RVI, P.second);
Changed = true;
return Changed;
static SILInstruction *findLastSinkableMatchingEnumValueRCIncrementInPred(
AliasAnalysis *AA, RCIdentityFunctionInfo *RCIA, SILValue EnumValue,
SILBasicBlock *BB) {
// Otherwise, see if we can find a retain_value or strong_retain associated
// with that enum in the relevant predecessor.
auto FirstInc = std::find_if(
BB->rbegin(), BB->rend(),
[&RCIA, &EnumValue](const SILInstruction &I) -> bool {
// If I is not an increment, ignore it.
if (!isa<StrongRetainInst>(I) && !isa<RetainValueInst>(I))
return false;
// Otherwise, if the increments operand stripped of RC identity
// preserving
// ops matches EnumValue, it is the first increment we are interested
// in.
return EnumValue == RCIA->getRCIdentityRoot(I.getOperand(0));
// If we do not find a ref count increment in the relevant BB, skip this
// enum since there is nothing we can do.
if (FirstInc == BB->rend())
return nullptr;
// Otherwise, see if there are any instructions in between FirstPredInc and
// the end of the given basic block that could decrement first pred. If such
// an instruction exists, we cannot perform this optimization so continue.
if (valueHasARCDecrementOrCheckInInstructionRange(
EnumValue, (*FirstInc).getIterator(),
BB->getTerminator()->getIterator(), AA))
return nullptr;
return &*FirstInc;
static bool findRetainsSinkableFromSwitchRegionForEnum(
AliasAnalysis *AA, RCIdentityFunctionInfo *RCIA, SILValue EnumValue,
EnumBBCaseList &Map, SmallVectorImpl<SILInstruction *> &DeleteList) {
// For each predecessor with argument type...
for (auto &P : Map) {
SILBasicBlock *PredBB = P.first;
EnumElementDecl *Decl = P.second;
// If the case does not have an argument type, skip the predecessor since
// there will not be a retain to sink.
if (!Decl->hasAssociatedValues())
// Ok, we found a payloaded predecessor. Look backwards through the
// predecessor for the first ref count increment on EnumValue. If there
// are no ref count decrements in between the increment and the terminator
// of the BB, then we can sink the retain out of the switch enum.
auto *Inc = findLastSinkableMatchingEnumValueRCIncrementInPred(
AA, RCIA, EnumValue, PredBB);
// If we do not find such an increment, there is nothing we can do, bail.
if (!Inc)
return false;
// Otherwise add the increment to the delete list.
// If we were able to process each predecessor successfully, return true.
return true;
bool BBEnumTagDataflowState::sinkIncrementsOutOfSwitchRegions(
AliasAnalysis *AA, RCIdentityFunctionInfo *RCIA) {
bool Changed = false;
unsigned NumPreds = std::distance(getBB()->pred_begin(), getBB()->pred_end());
llvm::SmallVector<SILInstruction *, 4> DeleteList;
// For each (EnumValue, [(BB, EnumTag)]) that we are tracking...
for (auto &P : EnumToEnumBBCaseListMap) {
// Clear our delete list.
// If EnumValue is null, we deleted this entry. There is nothing to do for
// this value... Skip it.
if (!P.hasValue())
// Look up the actual enum value using our index to make sure that other
// parts of the pass have not destroyed the value. In such a case, just
// continue.
SILValue EnumValue = getContext().getValueForID(P->first);
if (!EnumValue)
EnumValue = RCIA->getRCIdentityRoot(EnumValue);
EnumBBCaseList &Map = P->second;
// If we do not have a tag associated with this enum value for each
// predecessor, we are not a switch region exit for this enum value. Skip
// this value.
if (Map.size() != NumPreds)
// Look through our predecessors for a set of ref count increments on our
// enum value for every payloaded case that *could* be sunk. If we miss an
// increment from any of the payloaded case there is nothing we can do here,
// so skip this enum value.
if (!findRetainsSinkableFromSwitchRegionForEnum(AA, RCIA, EnumValue, Map,
// If we do not have any payload arguments, then we should have an empty
// delete list and there is nothing to do here.
if (DeleteList.empty())
// Ok, we can perform this transformation! Insert the new retain_value and
// delete all of the ref count increments from the predecessor BBs.
// TODO: Which debug loc should we use here? Using one of the locs from the
// delete list seems reasonable for now...
SILBuilder Builder(getBB()->begin());
DeleteList[0]->getLoc(), EnumValue,
for (auto *I : DeleteList)
Changed = true;
return Changed;
void BBEnumTagDataflowState::dump() const {
#ifndef NDEBUG
llvm::dbgs() << "Dumping state for BB" << BB.get()->getDebugID() << "\n";
llvm::dbgs() << "Block States:\n";
for (auto &P : ValueToCaseMap) {
if (!P.hasValue()) {
llvm::dbgs() << " Skipping blotted value.\n";
unsigned ID = P->first;
SILValue V = getContext().getValueForID(ID);
if (!V) {
llvm::dbgs() << " ID: " << ID << ". Value: BLOTTED.\n";
llvm::dbgs() << " ID: " << ID << ". Value: " << V;
llvm::dbgs() << "Predecessor States:\n";
// For each (EnumValue, [(BB, EnumTag)]) that we are tracking...
for (auto &P : EnumToEnumBBCaseListMap) {
if (!P.hasValue()) {
llvm::dbgs() << " Skipping blotted value.\n";
unsigned ID = P->first;
SILValue V = getContext().getValueForID(ID);
if (!V) {
llvm::dbgs() << " ID: " << ID << ". Value: BLOTTED.\n";
llvm::dbgs() << " ID: " << ID << ". Value: " << V;
llvm::dbgs() << " Case List:\n";
for (auto &P2 : P->second) {
llvm::dbgs() << " BB" << P2.first->getDebugID() << ": ";
llvm::dbgs() << "\n";
llvm::dbgs() << " End Case List.\n";
bool BBEnumTagDataflowState::init(EnumCaseDataflowContext &NewContext,
SILBasicBlock *NewBB) {
assert(NewBB && "NewBB should not be null");
Context = &NewContext;
BB = NewBB;
return true;
// Generic Sinking Code
/// Hoist release on a SILArgument to its predecessors.
static bool hoistSILArgumentReleaseInst(SILBasicBlock *BB) {
// There is no block to hoist releases to.
if (BB->pred_empty())
return false;
// Only try to hoist the first instruction. RRCM should have hoisted the
// release
// to the beginning of the block if it can.
auto Head = &*BB->begin();
// Make sure it is a release instruction.
if (!isReleaseInstruction(&*Head))
return false;
// Make sure it is a release on a SILArgument of the current basic block..
auto *SA = dyn_cast<SILArgument>(Head->getOperand(0));
if (!SA || SA->getParent() != BB)
return false;
// Make sure the release will not be blocked by the terminator instructions
// Make sure the terminator does not block, nor is a branch with multiple
// targets.
for (auto P : BB->getPredecessorBlocks()) {
if (!isa<BranchInst>(P->getTerminator()))
return false;
// Make sure we can get all the incoming values.
llvm::SmallVector<SILValue, 4> PredValues;
if (!SA->getIncomingPhiValues(PredValues))
return false;
// Ok, we can get all the incoming values and create releases for them.
unsigned indices = 0;
for (auto P : BB->getPredecessorBlocks()) {
createDecrementBefore(PredValues[indices++], P->getTerminator());
// Erase the old instruction.
return true;
static const int SinkSearchWindow = 6;
/// Returns True if we can sink this instruction to another basic block.
static bool canSinkInstruction(SILInstruction *Inst) {
return !Inst->hasUsesOfAnyResult() && !isa<TermInst>(Inst);
/// Returns true if this instruction is a skip barrier, which means that
/// we can't sink other instructions past it.
static bool isSinkBarrier(SILInstruction *Inst) {
if (isa<TermInst>(Inst))
return false;
if (Inst->mayHaveSideEffects())
return true;
return false;
using ValueInBlock = std::pair<SILValue, SILBasicBlock *>;
using ValueToBBArgIdxMap = llvm::DenseMap<ValueInBlock, int>;
enum OperandRelation {
/// Uninitialized state.
/// The original operand values are equal.
/// The operand values are equal after replacing with the successor block
/// arguments.
/// Find a root value for operand \p In. This function inspects a sil
/// value and strips trivial conversions such as values that are passed
/// as arguments to basic blocks with a single predecessor or type casts.
/// This is a shallow one-step search and not a deep recursive search.
/// For example, in the SIL code below, the root of %10 is %3, because it is
/// the only possible incoming value.
/// bb1:
/// %3 = unchecked_enum_data %0 : $Optional<X>, #Optional.Some!enumelt
/// checked_cast_br [exact] %3 : $X to $X, bb4, bb5 // id: %4
/// bb4(%10 : $X): // Preds: bb1
/// strong_release %10 : $X
/// br bb2
static SILValue findValueShallowRoot(const SILValue &In) {
// If this is a basic block argument with a single caller
// then we know exactly which value is passed to the argument.
if (auto *Arg = dyn_cast<SILArgument>(In)) {
SILBasicBlock *Parent = Arg->getParent();
SILBasicBlock *Pred = Parent->getSinglePredecessorBlock();
if (!Pred)
return In;
// If the terminator is a cast instruction then use the pre-cast value.
if (auto CCBI = dyn_cast<CheckedCastBranchInst>(Pred->getTerminator())) {
assert(CCBI->getSuccessBB() == Parent && "Inspecting the wrong block");
// In swift it is legal to cast non reference-counted references into
// object references. For example: func f(x : C.Type) -> Any {return x}
// Here we check that the uncasted reference is reference counted.
SILValue V = CCBI->getOperand();
if (V->getType().isReferenceCounted(Pred->getParent()->getModule())) {
return V;
// If the single predecessor terminator is a branch then the root is
// the argument to the terminator.
if (auto BI = dyn_cast<BranchInst>(Pred->getTerminator())) {
assert(BI->getDestBB() == Parent && "Invalid terminator");
unsigned Idx = Arg->getIndex();
return BI->getArg(Idx);
if (auto CBI = dyn_cast<CondBranchInst>(Pred->getTerminator())) {
return CBI->getArgForDestBB(Parent, Arg);
return In;
/// Search for an instruction that is identical to \p Iden by scanning
/// \p BB starting at the end of the block, stopping on sink barriers.
/// The \p opRelation must be consistent for all operand comparisons.
SILInstruction *findIdenticalInBlock(SILBasicBlock *BB, SILInstruction *Iden,
const ValueToBBArgIdxMap &valueToArgIdxMap,
OperandRelation &opRelation) {
int SkipBudget = SinkSearchWindow;
SILBasicBlock::iterator InstToSink = BB->getTerminator()->getIterator();
SILBasicBlock *IdenBlock = Iden->getParent();
// The compare function for instruction operands.
auto operandCompare = [&](const SILValue &Op1, const SILValue &Op2) -> bool {
if (opRelation != EqualAfterMove && Op1 == Op2) {
// The trivial case.
opRelation = AlwaysEqual;
return true;
// Check if both operand values are passed to the same block argument in the
// successor block. This means that the operands are equal after we move the
// instruction into the successor block.
if (opRelation != AlwaysEqual) {
auto Iter1 = valueToArgIdxMap.find({Op1, IdenBlock});
if (Iter1 != valueToArgIdxMap.end()) {
auto Iter2 = valueToArgIdxMap.find({Op2, BB});
if (Iter2 != valueToArgIdxMap.end() && Iter1->second == Iter2->second) {
opRelation = EqualAfterMove;
return true;
return false;
while (SkipBudget) {
// If we found a sinkable instruction that is identical to our goal
// then return it.
if (canSinkInstruction(&*InstToSink) &&
Iden->isIdenticalTo(&*InstToSink, operandCompare)) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Found an identical instruction.");
return &*InstToSink;
// If this instruction is a skip-barrier end the scan.
if (isSinkBarrier(&*InstToSink))
return nullptr;
// If this is the first instruction in the block then we are done.
if (InstToSink == BB->begin())
return nullptr;
InstToSink = std::prev(InstToSink);
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Continuing scan. Next inst: " << *InstToSink);
return nullptr;
/// The 2 instructions given are not identical, but are passed as arguments
/// to a common successor. It may be cheaper to pass one of their operands
/// to the successor instead of the whole instruction.
/// Return None if no such operand could be found, otherwise return the index
/// of a suitable operand.
static llvm::Optional<unsigned>
cheaperToPassOperandsAsArguments(SILInstruction *First,
SILInstruction *Second) {
// This will further enable to sink strong_retain_unowned instructions,
// which provides more opportunities for the unowned-optimization in
#define LOADABLE_REF_STORAGE(Name, ...) \
if (isa<Name##ToRefInst>(First) && isa<Name##ToRefInst>(Second)) { \
return 0; \
#include "swift/AST/ReferenceStorage.def"
// TODO: Add more cases than Struct
auto *FirstStruct = dyn_cast<StructInst>(First);
auto *SecondStruct = dyn_cast<StructInst>(Second);
if (!FirstStruct || !SecondStruct)
return None;
assert(FirstStruct->getNumOperands() == SecondStruct->getNumOperands() &&
FirstStruct->getType() == SecondStruct->getType() &&
"Types should be identical");
llvm::Optional<unsigned> DifferentOperandIndex;
// Check operands.
for (unsigned i = 0, e = First->getNumOperands(); i != e; ++i) {
if (FirstStruct->getOperand(i) != SecondStruct->getOperand(i)) {
// Only track one different operand for now
if (DifferentOperandIndex)
return None;
DifferentOperandIndex = i;
if (!DifferentOperandIndex)
return None;
// Found a different operand, now check to see if its type is something
// cheap enough to sink.
// TODO: Sink more than just integers.
SILType ArgTy = FirstStruct->getOperand(*DifferentOperandIndex)->getType();
if (!<BuiltinIntegerType>())
return None;
return *DifferentOperandIndex;
/// Return the value that's passed from block \p From to block \p To
/// (if there is a branch between From and To) as the Nth argument.
SILValue getArgForBlock(SILBasicBlock *From, SILBasicBlock *To,
unsigned ArgNum) {
TermInst *Term = From->getTerminator();
if (auto *CondBr = dyn_cast<CondBranchInst>(Term)) {
if (CondBr->getFalseBB() == To)
return CondBr->getFalseArgs()[ArgNum];
if (CondBr->getTrueBB() == To)
return CondBr->getTrueArgs()[ArgNum];
if (auto *Br = dyn_cast<BranchInst>(Term))
return Br->getArg(ArgNum);
return SILValue();
// Try to sink values from the Nth argument \p ArgNum.
static bool sinkLiteralArguments(SILBasicBlock *BB, unsigned ArgNum) {
assert(ArgNum < BB->getNumArguments() && "Invalid argument");
// Check if the argument passed to the first predecessor is a literal inst.
SILBasicBlock *FirstPred = *BB->pred_begin();
SILValue FirstArg = getArgForBlock(FirstPred, BB, ArgNum);
LiteralInst *FirstLiteral = dyn_cast_or_null<LiteralInst>(FirstArg);
if (!FirstLiteral)
return false;
// Check if the Nth argument in all predecessors is identical.
for (auto P : BB->getPredecessorBlocks()) {
if (P == FirstPred)
// Check that the incoming value is identical to the first literal.
SILValue PredArg = getArgForBlock(P, BB, ArgNum);
LiteralInst *PredLiteral = dyn_cast_or_null<LiteralInst>(PredArg);
if (!PredLiteral || !PredLiteral->isIdenticalTo(FirstLiteral))
return false;
// Replace the use of the argument with the cloned literal.
auto Cloned = FirstLiteral->clone(&*BB->begin());
return true;
// Try to sink values from the Nth argument \p ArgNum.
static bool sinkArgument(EnumCaseDataflowContext &Context, SILBasicBlock *BB, unsigned ArgNum) {
assert(ArgNum < BB->getNumArguments() && "Invalid argument");
// Find the first predecessor, the first terminator and the Nth argument.
SILBasicBlock *FirstPred = *BB->pred_begin();
TermInst *FirstTerm = FirstPred->getTerminator();
auto FirstPredArg = FirstTerm->getOperand(ArgNum);
auto *FSI = dyn_cast<SingleValueInstruction>(FirstPredArg);
// TODO: MultiValueInstruction?
// We only move instructions with a single use.
if (!FSI || !hasOneNonDebugUse(FSI))
return false;
// The list of identical instructions.
SmallVector<SingleValueInstruction *, 8> Clones;
// Don't move instructions that are sensitive to their location.
// If this instruction can read memory, we try to be conservatively not to
// move it, as there may be instructions that can clobber the read memory
// from current place to the place where it is moved to.
if (FSI->mayReadFromMemory() ||
(FSI->mayHaveSideEffects() && !isa<AllocationInst>(FSI)))
return false;
// If the instructions are different, but only in terms of a cheap operand
// then we can still sink it, and create new arguments for this operand.
llvm::Optional<unsigned> DifferentOperandIndex;
// Check if the Nth argument in all predecessors is identical.
for (auto P : BB->getPredecessorBlocks()) {
if (P == FirstPred)
// Only handle branch or conditional branch instructions.
TermInst *TI = P->getTerminator();
if (!isa<BranchInst>(TI) && !isa<CondBranchInst>(TI))
return false;
// Find the Nth argument passed to BB.
SILValue Arg = TI->getOperand(ArgNum);
// If it's not the same basic kind of node, neither isIdenticalTo nor
// cheaperToPassOperandsAsArguments will return true.
if (Arg->getKind() != FSI->getValueKind())
return false;
// Since it's the same kind, Arg must also be a single-value instruction.
auto *SI = cast<SingleValueInstruction>(Arg);
if (!hasOneNonDebugUse(SI))
return false;
if (SI->isIdenticalTo(FSI)) {
// If the instructions are close enough, then we should sink them anyway.
// For example, we should sink 'struct S(%0)' if %0 is small, eg, an integer
auto MaybeDifferentOp = cheaperToPassOperandsAsArguments(FSI, SI);
// Couldn't find a suitable operand, so bail.
if (!MaybeDifferentOp)
return false;
unsigned DifferentOp = *MaybeDifferentOp;
// Make sure we found the same operand as prior iterations.
if (DifferentOperandIndex && DifferentOp != *DifferentOperandIndex)
return false;
DifferentOperandIndex = DifferentOp;
auto *Undef = SILUndef::get(FSI->getType(), *BB->getParent());
// Delete the debug info of the instruction that we are about to sink.
if (DifferentOperandIndex) {
// Sink one of the instructions to BB
// The instruction we are lowering has an argument which is different
// for each predecessor. We need to sink the instruction, then add
// arguments for each predecessor.
const auto &ArgType = FSI->getOperand(*DifferentOperandIndex)->getType();
BB->replacePhiArgument(ArgNum, ArgType, OwnershipKind::Owned);
// Update all branch instructions in the predecessors to pass the new
// argument to this BB.
auto CloneIt = Clones.begin();
for (auto P : BB->getPredecessorBlocks()) {
// Only handle branch or conditional branch instructions.
TermInst *TI = P->getTerminator();
assert((isa<BranchInst>(TI) || isa<CondBranchInst>(TI)) &&
"Branch instruction required");
// TODO: MultiValueInstruction
auto *CloneInst = *CloneIt;
TI->setOperand(ArgNum, CloneInst->getOperand(*DifferentOperandIndex));
// Now delete the clone as we only needed it operand.
if (CloneInst != FSI)
assert(CloneIt == Clones.end() && "Clone/pred mismatch");
// The sunk instruction should now read from the argument of the BB it
// was moved to.
FSI->setOperand(*DifferentOperandIndex, BB->getArgument(ArgNum));
return true;
// Sink one of the copies of the instruction.
// The argument is no longer in use. Replace all incoming inputs with undef
// and try to delete the instruction.
for (auto S : Clones) {
if (S != FSI) {
auto DeadArgInst = cast<SILInstruction>(S);
for (SILValue Result : DeadArgInst->getResults()) {
return true;
/// Try to sink literals that are passed to arguments that are coming from
/// multiple predecessors.
/// Notice that unlike other sinking methods in this file we do allow sinking
/// of literals from blocks with multiple successors.
static bool sinkLiteralsFromPredecessors(SILBasicBlock *BB) {
if (BB->pred_empty() || BB->getSinglePredecessorBlock())
return false;
// Try to sink values from each of the arguments to the basic block.
bool Changed = false;
for (int i = 0, e = BB->getNumArguments(); i < e; ++i)
Changed |= sinkLiteralArguments(BB, i);
return Changed;
/// Try to sink identical arguments coming from multiple predecessors.
static bool sinkArgumentsFromPredecessors(EnumCaseDataflowContext &Context,
SILBasicBlock *BB) {
if (BB->pred_empty() || BB->getSinglePredecessorBlock())
return false;
// This block must be the only successor of all the predecessors.
for (auto P : BB->getPredecessorBlocks())
if (P->getSingleSuccessorBlock() != BB)
return false;
// Try to sink values from each of the arguments to the basic block.
bool Changed = false;
for (int i = 0, e = BB->getNumArguments(); i < e; ++i)
Changed |= sinkArgument(Context, BB, i);
return Changed;
/// canonicalize retain/release instructions and make them amenable to
/// sinking by selecting canonical pointers. We reduce the number of possible
/// inputs by replacing values that are unlikely to be a canonical values.
/// Reducing the search space increases the chances of matching ref count
/// instructions to one another and the chance of sinking them. We replace
/// values that come from basic block arguments with the caller values and
/// strip casts.
static bool canonicalizeRefCountInstrs(SILBasicBlock *BB) {
bool Changed = false;
for (auto I = BB->begin(), E = BB->end(); I != E; ++I) {
if (!isa<StrongReleaseInst>(I) && !isa<StrongRetainInst>(I))
SILValue Ref = I->getOperand(0);
SILValue Root = findValueShallowRoot(Ref);
if (Ref != Root) {
I->setOperand(0, Root);
Changed = true;
return Changed;
static bool sinkCodeFromPredecessors(EnumCaseDataflowContext &Context,
SILBasicBlock *BB) {
bool Changed = false;
if (BB->pred_empty())
return Changed;
// This block must be the only successor of all the predecessors.
for (auto P : BB->getPredecessorBlocks())
if (P->getSingleSuccessorBlock() != BB)
return Changed;
SILBasicBlock *FirstPred = *BB->pred_begin();
// The first Pred must have at least one non-terminator.
if (FirstPred->getTerminator() == &*FirstPred->begin())
return Changed;
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Sinking values from predecessors.\n");
// Map values in predecessor blocks to argument indices of the successor
// block. For example:
// bb1:
// br bb3(%a, %b) // %a -> 0, %b -> 1
// bb2:
// br bb3(%c, %d) // %c -> 0, %d -> 1
// bb3(%x, %y):
// ...
ValueToBBArgIdxMap valueToArgIdxMap;
for (auto P : BB->getPredecessorBlocks()) {
if (auto *BI = dyn_cast<BranchInst>(P->getTerminator())) {
auto Args = BI->getArgs();
for (size_t idx = 0, size = Args.size(); idx < size; ++idx) {
valueToArgIdxMap[{Args[idx], P}] = idx;
unsigned SkipBudget = SinkSearchWindow;
// Start scanning backwards from the terminator.
auto InstToSink = FirstPred->getTerminator()->getIterator();
while (SkipBudget) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Processing: " << *InstToSink);
// Save the duplicated instructions in case we need to remove them.
SmallVector<SILInstruction *, 4> Dups;
if (canSinkInstruction(&*InstToSink)) {
OperandRelation opRelation = NotDeterminedYet;
// For all preds:
for (auto P : BB->getPredecessorBlocks()) {
if (P == FirstPred)
// Search the duplicated instruction in the predecessor.
if (SILInstruction *DupInst = findIdenticalInBlock(
P, &*InstToSink, valueToArgIdxMap, opRelation)) {
} else {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Instruction mismatch.\n");
// If we found duplicated instructions, sink one of the copies and delete
// the rest.
if (Dups.size()) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Moving: " << *InstToSink);
if (opRelation == EqualAfterMove) {
// Replace operand values (which are passed to the successor block)
// with corresponding block arguments.
for (size_t idx = 0, numOps = InstToSink->getNumOperands();
idx < numOps; ++idx) {
ValueInBlock OpInFirstPred(InstToSink->getOperand(idx), FirstPred);
assert(valueToArgIdxMap.count(OpInFirstPred) != 0);
int argIdx = valueToArgIdxMap[OpInFirstPred];
InstToSink->setOperand(idx, BB->getArgument(argIdx));
Changed = true;
for (auto I : Dups) {
for (SILValue Result : I->getResults()) {
// Restart the scan.
InstToSink = FirstPred->getTerminator()->getIterator();
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Restarting scan. Next inst: "
<< *InstToSink);
// If this instruction was a barrier then we can't sink anything else.
if (isSinkBarrier(&*InstToSink)) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Aborting on barrier: " << *InstToSink);
return Changed;
// This is the first instruction, we are done.
if (InstToSink == FirstPred->begin()) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Reached the first instruction.");
return Changed;
InstToSink = std::prev(InstToSink);
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Continuing scan. Next inst: " << *InstToSink);
return Changed;
/// Sink retain_value, release_value before switch_enum to be retain_value,
/// release_value on the payload of the switch_enum in the destination BBs. We
/// only do this if the destination BBs have only the switch enum as its
/// predecessor.
static bool tryToSinkRefCountAcrossSwitch(SwitchEnumInst *Switch,
SILBasicBlock::iterator RV,
AliasAnalysis *AA,
RCIdentityFunctionInfo *RCIA) {
// If this instruction is not a retain_value, there is nothing left for us to
// do... bail...
if (!isa<RetainValueInst>(RV))
return false;
SILValue Ptr = RV->getOperand(0);
// Next go over all instructions after I in the basic block. If none of them
// can decrement our ptr value, we can move the retain over the ref count
// inst. If any of them do potentially decrement the ref count of Ptr, we can
// not move it.
auto SwitchIter = Switch->getIterator();
if (auto B = valueHasARCDecrementOrCheckInInstructionRange(Ptr, RV,
SwitchIter, AA)) {
return true;
// If the retain value's argument is not the switch's argument, we can't do
// anything with our simplistic analysis... bail...
if (RCIA->getRCIdentityRoot(Ptr) !=
return false;
// If S has a default case bail since the default case could represent
// multiple cases.
// TODO: I am currently just disabling this behavior so we can get this out
// for Seed 5. After Seed 5, we should be able to recognize if a switch_enum
// handles all cases except for 1 and has a default case. We might be able to
// stick code into SILBuilder that has this behavior.
if (Switch->hasDefault())
return false;
// Ok, we have a ref count instruction, sink it!
SILBuilderWithScope Builder(Switch, &*RV);
for (unsigned i = 0, e = Switch->getNumCases(); i != e; ++i) {
auto Case = Switch->getCase(i);
EnumElementDecl *Enum = Case.first;
SILBasicBlock *Succ = Case.second;
if (Enum->hasAssociatedValues())
createRefCountOpForPayload(Builder, &*RV, Enum, Switch->getOperand());
return true;
/// Sink retain_value, release_value before select_enum to be retain_value,
/// release_value on the payload of the switch_enum in the destination BBs. We
/// only do this if the destination BBs have only the switch enum as its
/// predecessor.
static bool tryToSinkRefCountAcrossSelectEnum(CondBranchInst *CondBr,
SILBasicBlock::iterator I,
AliasAnalysis *AA,
RCIdentityFunctionInfo *RCIA) {
// If this instruction is not a retain_value, there is nothing left for us to
// do... bail...
if (!isa<RetainValueInst>(I))
return false;
// Make sure the condition comes from a select_enum
auto *SEI = dyn_cast<SelectEnumInst>(CondBr->getCondition());
if (!SEI)
return false;
// Try to find a single literal "true" case.
// TODO: More general conditions in which we can relate the BB to a single
// case, such as when there's a single literal "false" case.
NullablePtr<EnumElementDecl> TrueElement = SEI->getSingleTrueElement();
if (TrueElement.isNull())
return false;
// Next go over all instructions after I in the basic block. If none of them
// can decrement our ptr value, we can move the retain over the ref count
// inst. If any of them do potentially decrement the ref count of Ptr, we can
// not move it.
SILValue Ptr = I->getOperand(0);
auto CondBrIter = CondBr->getIterator();
if (auto B = valueHasARCDecrementOrCheckInInstructionRange(Ptr, std::next(I),
CondBrIter, AA)) {
return false;
// If the retain value's argument is not the cond_br's argument, we can't do
// anything with our simplistic analysis... bail...
if (RCIA->getRCIdentityRoot(Ptr) !=
return false;
// Work out which enum element is the true branch, and which is false.
// If the enum only has 2 values and its tag isn't the true branch, then we
// know the true branch must be the other tag.
EnumElementDecl *Elts[2] = {TrueElement.get(), nullptr};
EnumDecl *E = SEI->getEnumOperand()->getType().getEnumOrBoundGenericEnum();
if (!E)
return false;
// Look for a single other element on this enum.
EnumElementDecl *OtherElt = nullptr;
for (EnumElementDecl *Elt : E->getAllElements()) {
// Skip the case where we find the select_enum element
if (Elt == TrueElement.get())
// If we find another element, then we must have more than 2, so bail.
if (OtherElt)
return false;
OtherElt = Elt;
// Only a single enum element? How would this even get here? We should
// handle it in SILCombine.
if (!OtherElt)
return false;
Elts[1] = OtherElt;
SILBuilderWithScope Builder(SEI, &*I);
// Ok, we have a ref count instruction, sink it!
for (unsigned i = 0; i != 2; ++i) {
EnumElementDecl *Enum = Elts[i];
SILBasicBlock *Succ = i == 0 ? CondBr->getTrueBB() : CondBr->getFalseBB();
if (Enum->hasAssociatedValues())
createRefCountOpForPayload(Builder, &*I, Enum, SEI->getEnumOperand());
return true;
static bool tryTosinkIncrementsIntoSwitchRegions(SILBasicBlock::iterator T,
SILBasicBlock::iterator I,
bool CanSinkToSuccessors,
AliasAnalysis *AA,
RCIdentityFunctionInfo *RCIA) {
// The following methods should only be attempted if we can sink to our
// successor.
if (CanSinkToSuccessors) {
// If we have a switch, try to sink ref counts across it and then return
// that result. We do not keep processing since the code below cannot
// properly sink ref counts over switch_enums so we might as well exit
// early.
if (auto *S = dyn_cast<SwitchEnumInst>(T))
return tryToSinkRefCountAcrossSwitch(S, I, AA, RCIA);
// In contrast, even if we do not sink ref counts across a cond_br from a
// select_enum, we may be able to sink anyways. So we do not return on a
// failure case.
if (auto *CondBr = dyn_cast<CondBranchInst>(T))
if (tryToSinkRefCountAcrossSelectEnum(CondBr, I, AA, RCIA))
return true;
// At this point, this is a retain on a regular SSA value, leave it to retain
// release code motion to sink.
return false;
/// Try sink a retain as far as possible. This is either to successor BBs,
/// or as far down the current BB as possible
static bool sinkIncrementsIntoSwitchRegions(SILBasicBlock *BB,
AliasAnalysis *AA,
RCIdentityFunctionInfo *RCIA) {
// Make sure that each one of our successors only has one predecessor,
// us.
// If that condition is not true, we can still sink to the end of this BB,
// but not to successors.
bool CanSinkToSuccessor = std::none_of(
BB->succ_begin(), BB->succ_end(), [](const SILSuccessor &S) -> bool {
SILBasicBlock *SuccBB = S.getBB();
return !SuccBB || !SuccBB->getSinglePredecessorBlock();
SILInstruction *S = BB->getTerminator();
auto SI = S->getIterator(), SE = BB->begin();
if (SI == SE)
return false;
bool Changed = false;
// Walk from the terminator up the BB. Try move retains either to the next
// BB, or the end of this BB. Note that ordering is maintained of retains
// within this BB.
SI = std::prev(SI);
while (SI != SE) {
SILInstruction *Inst = &*SI;
SI = std::prev(SI);
// Try to:
// 1. If there are no decrements between our ref count inst and
// terminator, sink the ref count inst into either our successors.
// 2. If there are such decrements, move the retain right before that
// decrement.
Changed |= tryTosinkIncrementsIntoSwitchRegions(
S->getIterator(), Inst->getIterator(), CanSinkToSuccessor, AA, RCIA);
// Handle the first instruction in the BB.
Changed |= tryTosinkIncrementsIntoSwitchRegions(S->getIterator(), SI,
CanSinkToSuccessor, AA, RCIA);
return Changed;
// Top Level Driver
static bool processFunction(SILFunction *F, AliasAnalysis *AA,
PostOrderFunctionInfo *PO,
RCIdentityFunctionInfo *RCIA,
bool HoistReleases) {
bool Changed = false;
EnumCaseDataflowContext BBToStateMap(PO);
for (unsigned RPOIdx = 0, RPOEnd = BBToStateMap.size(); RPOIdx < RPOEnd;
++RPOIdx) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Visiting BB RPO#" << RPOIdx << "\n");
BBEnumTagDataflowState &State = BBToStateMap.getRPOState(RPOIdx);
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() <<" Predecessors (empty if no predecessors):\n");
LLVM_DEBUG(for (SILBasicBlock *Pred
: State.getBB()->getPredecessorBlocks()) {
llvm::dbgs() << " BB#" << RPOIdx << "; Ptr: " << Pred << "\n";
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " State Addr: " << &State << "\n");
// Merge in our predecessor states. We relook up our the states for our
// predecessors to avoid memory invalidation issues due to copying in the
// dense map.
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Merging predecessors!\n");
// If our predecessors cover any of our enum values, attempt to hoist
// releases up the CFG onto enum payloads or sink retains out of switch
// regions.
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Attempting to move releases into "
// Perform a relatively local forms of retain sinking and release hoisting
// regarding switch regions and SILargument. This are not handled by retain
// release code motion.
if (HoistReleases) {
Changed |= State.hoistDecrementsIntoSwitchRegions(AA);
// Sink switch related retains.
Changed |= sinkIncrementsIntoSwitchRegions(State.getBB(), AA, RCIA);
Changed |= State.sinkIncrementsOutOfSwitchRegions(AA, RCIA);
// Then attempt to sink code from predecessors. This can include retains
// which is why we always attempt to move releases up the CFG before sinking
// code from predecessors. We will never sink the hoisted releases from
// predecessors since the hoisted releases will be on the enum payload
// instead of the enum itself.
Changed |= canonicalizeRefCountInstrs(State.getBB());
Changed |= sinkCodeFromPredecessors(BBToStateMap, State.getBB());
Changed |= sinkArgumentsFromPredecessors(BBToStateMap, State.getBB());
Changed |= sinkLiteralsFromPredecessors(State.getBB());
// Try to hoist release of a SILArgument to predecessors.
Changed |= hoistSILArgumentReleaseInst(State.getBB());
// Then perform the dataflow.
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Performing the dataflow!\n");
Changed |= State.process();
return Changed;
class SILCodeMotion : public SILFunctionTransform {
bool HoistReleases;
SILCodeMotion(bool TryReleaseHoisting) : HoistReleases(TryReleaseHoisting) {}
/// The entry point to the transformation.
void run() override {
auto *F = getFunction();
// Skip functions with ownership for now.
if (F->hasOwnership())
auto *AA = getAnalysis<AliasAnalysis>();
auto *PO = getAnalysis<PostOrderAnalysis>()->get(F);
auto *RCIA = getAnalysis<RCIdentityAnalysis>()->get(getFunction());
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "***** CodeMotion on function: " << F->getName()
<< " *****\n");
if (processFunction(F, AA, PO, RCIA, HoistReleases))
} // end anonymous namespace
/// Code motion that does not releases into diamonds.
SILTransform *swift::createEarlyCodeMotion() {
return new SILCodeMotion(false);
/// Code motion that hoists releases into diamonds.
SILTransform *swift::createLateCodeMotion() {
return new SILCodeMotion(true);