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//===--- SemanticARCOptVisitor.cpp ----------------------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2020 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
/// \file
/// Implementation of the main optimize loop of the ARC visitor peephole
/// optimizer.
#include "SemanticARCOptVisitor.h"
#include "swift/SIL/DebugUtils.h"
using namespace swift;
using namespace swift::semanticarc;
bool SemanticARCOptVisitor::optimizeWithoutFixedPoint() {
bool madeChange = false;
// First process the worklist until we reach a fixed point.
madeChange |= processWorklist();
return madeChange;
bool SemanticARCOptVisitor::optimize() {
bool madeChange = false;
// First process the worklist until we reach a fixed point.
madeChange |= processWorklist();
// If we made a change, set that we assume we are at fixed point and then
// re-run the worklist so that we can
// properly seeded the ARC peephole map.
ctx.assumingAtFixedPoint = true;
SWIFT_DEFER { ctx.assumingAtFixedPoint = false; };
// Add everything in visitedSinceLastMutation to the worklist so we
// recompute our fixed point.
// Then re-run the worklist. We shouldn't modify anything since we are at a
// fixed point and are just using this to seed the
// joinedOwnedIntroducerToConsumedOperands after we have finished changing
// things. If we did change something, we did something weird, so assert!
bool madeAdditionalChanges = processWorklist();
assert(!madeAdditionalChanges && "Should be at the fixed point");
return madeChange;
bool SemanticARCOptVisitor::processWorklist() {
// NOTE: The madeChange here is not strictly necessary since we only have
// items added to the worklist today if we have already made /some/ sort of
// change. That being said, I think there is a low cost to including this here
// and makes the algorithm more correct, visually and in the face of potential
// refactoring.
bool madeChange = false;
while (!worklist.empty()) {
// Pop the last element off the list. If we were returned None, we blotted
// this element, so skip it.
SILValue next = worklist.pop_back_val().getValueOr(SILValue());
if (!next)
// First check if this is a value that we have visited since the last time
// we erased an instruction. If we have visited it, skip it. Every time we
// modify something, we should be deleting an instruction, so we have not
// found any further information.
if (!visitedSinceLastMutation.insert(next).second) {
// First check if this is an instruction that is trivially dead. This can
// occur if we eliminate rr traffic resulting in dead projections and the
// like.
// If we delete, we first add all of our deleted instructions operands to
// the worklist and then remove all results (since we are going to delete
// the instruction).
if (auto *defInst = next->getDefiningInstruction()) {
if (isInstructionTriviallyDead(defInst)) {
assert(!ctx.assumingAtFixedPoint &&
"Assumed was at fixed point and recomputing state?!");
madeChange = true;
// Otherwise, if we have a single value instruction (to be expanded later
// perhaps), try to visit that value recursively.
if (auto *svi = dyn_cast<SingleValueInstruction>(next)) {
bool madeSingleChange = visit(svi);
assert((!madeSingleChange || !ctx.assumingAtFixedPoint) &&
"Assumed was at fixed point and modified state?!");
madeChange |= madeSingleChange;
if (madeSingleChange) {
return madeChange;