blob: 33b4bfaf4c09777bdc49e93f1d2b9552239a84fa [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- CopyValueOpts.cpp ------------------------------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2020 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
/// \file
/// Contains optimizations that eliminate redundant copy values.
/// FIXME: CanonicalizeOSSALifetime likely replaces everything this file.
#define DEBUG_TYPE "sil-semantic-arc-opts"
#include "OwnershipPhiOperand.h"
#include "SemanticARCOptVisitor.h"
#include "swift/SIL/LinearLifetimeChecker.h"
#include "swift/SIL/OwnershipUtils.h"
#include "swift/SIL/Projection.h"
using namespace swift;
using namespace swift::semanticarc;
// Guaranteed Copy Value Optimization
// Eliminate a copy of a borrowed value, if:
// 1. All of the copies users do not consume the copy (and thus can accept a
// borrowed value instead).
// 2. The copies's non-destroy_value users are strictly contained within the
// scope of the borrowed value.
// Example:
// %0 = @guaranteed (argument or instruction)
// %1 = copy_value %0
// apply %f(%1) : $@convention(thin) (@guaranteed ...) ...
// other_non_consuming_use %1
// destroy_value %1
// end_borrow %0 (if an instruction)
// =>
// %0 = @guaranteed (argument or instruction)
// apply %f(%0) : $@convention(thin) (@guaranteed ...) ...
// other_non_consuming_use %0
// end_borrow %0 (if an instruction)
// NOTE: This means that the destroy_value technically can be after the
// end_borrow. In practice, this will not be the case but we use this to avoid
// having to reason about the ordering of the end_borrow and destroy_value.
// NOTE: Today we only perform this for guaranteed parameters since this enables
// us to avoid doing the linear lifetime check to make sure that all destroys
// are within the borrow scope.
// TODO: This needs a better name.
// FIXME: CanonicalizeOSSALifetime replaces this once it supports borrows.
bool SemanticARCOptVisitor::performGuaranteedCopyValueOptimization(
CopyValueInst *cvi) {
// For now, do not run this optimization. This is just to be careful.
if (ctx.onlyGuaranteedOpts)
return false;
SmallVector<BorrowedValue, 4> borrowScopeIntroducers;
// Find all borrow introducers for our copy operand. If we are unable to find
// all of the reproducers (due to pattern matching failure), conservatively
// return false. We can not optimize.
// NOTE: We can get multiple introducers if our copy_value's operand
// value runs through a phi or an aggregate forming instruction.
if (!getAllBorrowIntroducingValues(cvi->getOperand(), borrowScopeIntroducers))
return false;
// Then go over all of our uses and see if the value returned by our copy
// value forms a dead live range or a live range that would be dead if it was
// not consumed by phi nodes. If we do not have such a live range, there must
// be some consuming use that we either do not understand is /actually/
// forwarding or a user that truly represents a necessary consume of the value
// (e.x. storing into memory).
OwnershipLiveRange lr(cvi);
auto hasUnknownConsumingUseState =
if (hasUnknownConsumingUseState ==
OwnershipLiveRange::HasConsumingUse_t::Yes) {
return false;
// Next check if we do not have any destroys of our copy_value and are
// processing a local borrow scope. In such a case, due to the way we ignore
// dead end blocks, we may eliminate the copy_value, creating a use of the
// borrowed value after the end_borrow. To avoid this, in such cases we
// bail. In contrast, a non-local borrow scope does not have any end scope
// instructions, implying we can avoid this hazard and still optimize in such
// a case.
// DISCUSSION: Consider the following SIL:
// ```
// %1 = begin_borrow %0 : $KlassPair (1)
// %2 = struct_extract %1 : $KlassPair, #KlassPair.firstKlass
// %3 = copy_value %2 : $Klass
// ...
// end_borrow %1 : $LintCommand (2)
// cond_br ..., bb1, bb2
// ...
// bbN:
// // Never return type implies dead end block.
// apply %f(%3) : $@convention(thin) (@guaranteed Klass) -> Never (3)
// unreachable
// ```
// For simplicity, note that if bbN post-dominates %3, given that when we
// compute linear lifetime errors we ignore dead end blocks, we would not
// register that the copy_values only use is outside of the begin_borrow
// region defined by (1), (2) and thus would eliminate the copy. This would
// result in %2 being used by %f, causing the linear lifetime checker to
// error.
// Naively one may assume that the solution to this is to just check if %3 has
// /any/ destroy_values at all and if it doesn't have any reachable
// destroy_values, then we are in this case. But is this correct in
// general. We prove this below:
// The only paths along which the copy_value can not be destroyed or consumed
// is along paths to dead end blocks. Trivially, we know that such a dead end
// block, can not be reachable from the end_borrow since by their nature dead
// end blocks end in unreachables.
// So we know that we can only run into this bug if we have a dead end block
// reachable from the end_borrow, meaning that the bug can not occur if we
// branch before the end_borrow since in that case, the borrow scope would
// last over the dead end block's no return meaning that we will not use the
// borrowed value after its lifetime is ended by the end_borrow.
// With that in hand, we note again that if we have exactly one consumed,
// destroy_value /after/ the end_borrow we will not optimize here. This means
// that this bug can only occur if the copy_value is only post-dominated by
// dead end blocks that use the value in a non-consuming way.
// TODO: There may be some way of sinking this into the loop below.
bool haveAnyLocalScopes =
llvm::any_of(borrowScopeIntroducers, [](BorrowedValue borrowScope) {
return borrowScope.isLocalScope();
auto destroys = lr.getDestroyingUses();
if (destroys.empty() && haveAnyLocalScopes) {
return false;
// If we reached this point, then we know that all of our users can accept a
// guaranteed value and our owned value is destroyed only by a set of
// destroy_values. Check if:
// 1. All of our destroys are joint post-dominated by our end borrow scope
// set. If they do not, then the copy_value is lifetime extending the
// guaranteed value, we can not eliminate it.
// 2. If all of our destroy_values are dead end. In such a case, the linear
// lifetime checker will not perform any checks since it assumes that dead
// end destroys can be ignored. Since we are going to end the program
// anyways, we want to be conservative here and optimize only if we do not
// need to insert an end_borrow since all of our borrow introducers are
// non-local scopes.
bool foundNonDeadEnd = false;
for (auto *d : destroys) {
foundNonDeadEnd |= !getDeadEndBlocks().isDeadEnd(d->getParentBlock());
if (!foundNonDeadEnd && haveAnyLocalScopes)
return false;
SmallVector<Operand *, 8> scratchSpace;
SmallPtrSet<SILBasicBlock *, 4> visitedBlocks;
if (llvm::any_of(borrowScopeIntroducers, [&](BorrowedValue borrowScope) {
return !borrowScope.areUsesWithinScope(lr.getAllConsumingUses(),
scratchSpace, visitedBlocks,
})) {
return false;
// Otherwise, we know that our copy_value/destroy_values are all completely
// within the guaranteed value scope. So we /could/ optimize it. Now check if
// we were truly dead or if we are dead if we can eliminate phi arg uses. If
// we need to handle the phi arg uses, we bail. After we reach a fixed point,
// we will try to eliminate this value then if we can find a complete set of
// all incoming values to our phi argument.
if (hasUnknownConsumingUseState ==
OwnershipLiveRange::HasConsumingUse_t::YesButAllPhiArgs) {
auto opPhi = *OwnershipPhiOperand::get(lr.getSingleUnknownConsumingUse());
SmallVector<Operand *, 8> scratchSpace;
SmallPtrSet<SILBasicBlock *, 4> visitedBlocks;
bool canOptimizePhi = opPhi.visitResults([&](SILValue value) {
OwnershipLiveRange phiArgLR(value);
if (bool(phiArgLR.hasUnknownConsumingUse())) {
return false;
if (llvm::any_of(borrowScopeIntroducers, [&](BorrowedValue borrowScope) {
return !borrowScope.areUsesWithinScope(
phiArgLR.getAllConsumingUses(), scratchSpace, visitedBlocks,
})) {
return false;
return true;
if (canOptimizePhi) {
Context::ConsumingOperandState state(opPhi);
opPhi.visitResults([&](SILValue value) {
ctx.joinedOwnedIntroducerToConsumedOperands.insert(value, state);
return true;
return false;
// Otherwise, our copy must truly not be needed, o RAUW and convert to
// guaranteed!
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Replace copy with guaranteed source: " << *cvi);
std::move(lr).convertToGuaranteedAndRAUW(cvi->getOperand(), getCallbacks());
return true;
// Trivial Live Range Elimination
/// If cvi only has destroy value users, then cvi is a dead live range. Lets
/// eliminate all such dead live ranges.
/// FIXME: CanonicalizeOSSALifetime replaces this.
bool SemanticARCOptVisitor::eliminateDeadLiveRangeCopyValue(
CopyValueInst *cvi) {
// This is a cheap optimization generally.
// See if we are lucky and have a simple case.
if (auto *op = cvi->getSingleUse()) {
if (auto *dvi = dyn_cast<DestroyValueInst>(op->getUser())) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Erasing single-use copy: " << *cvi);
return true;
// If all of our copy_value users are destroy_value, zap all of the
// instructions. We begin by performing that check and gathering up our
// destroy_value.
SmallVector<DestroyValueInst *, 16> destroys;
if (!all_of(cvi->getUses(), [&](Operand *op) {
auto *dvi = dyn_cast<DestroyValueInst>(op->getUser());
if (!dvi)
return false;
// Stash dvi in destroys so we can easily eliminate it later.
return true;
})) {
return false;
// Now that we have a truly dead live range copy value, eliminate it!
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Eliminate dead copy: " << *cvi);
while (!destroys.empty()) {
return true;
// Live Range Joining
/// Given that our copy_value and destroy_value are in different blocks
/// determine if we can eliminate the copy/destroy.
/// We assume that our copy_value \p cvi has a single consuming use
/// (\p cviConsumingUse) and that the destroy_value \p cviOperandDestroy is the
/// only destroy of the copy_value's operand.
static bool canJoinIfCopyDiesInFunctionExitingBlock(
SILValue cviOperand, DestroyValueInst *cviOperandDestroy,
CopyValueInst *cvi, Operand *cviConsumingUse) {
// This is a simple optimization, so at least handle hand-offs at returns.
// First if our copy_value's consuming use is a return inst, then we know that
// the copy_value is live over the destroy_value \p cviOperandDestroy so we
// can eliminate the two safely.
auto cviConsumerIter = cviConsumingUse->getUser()->getIterator();
if (isa<ReturnInst>(cviConsumerIter)) {
return true;
// Then see if our cviConsumer is in the same block as a return inst and the
// destroy_value is not. In that case, we know that the cviConsumer must
// post-dominate the destroy_value.
auto *cviConsumingBlock = cviConsumerIter->getParent();
if (isa<ReturnInst>(cviConsumingBlock->getTerminator()) &&
cviConsumingBlock != cviOperandDestroy->getParent()) {
return true;
return false;
static Operand *lookThroughSingleForwardingUse(Operand *use) {
auto forwardingOperand = ForwardingOperand::get(use);
if (!forwardingOperand)
return nullptr;
auto forwardedValue = (*forwardingOperand).getSingleForwardedValue();
if (!forwardedValue)
return nullptr;
auto *singleConsumingUse = forwardedValue->getSingleConsumingUse();
if (!singleConsumingUse)
return nullptr;
return singleConsumingUse;
/// Walk from inst to the end of the inst->getParent() looking for \p use's
/// user. Every instruction that we visit that is not said user is added to
/// foundInsts if foundInsts is not nullptr. We do not include \p inst in \p
/// foundInsts.
static bool isUseBetweenInstAndBlockEnd(
SILInstruction *inst, Operand *use,
SmallPtrSetImpl<SILInstruction *> *foundInsts = nullptr) {
auto userOfUse = use->getUser();
auto instRegion = llvm::make_range(std::next(inst->getIterator()),
for (auto &i : instRegion) {
if (&i == userOfUse)
return true;
if (foundInsts)
return false;
/// Optimize assuming that \p singleCVIConsumingUse and \p dvi are in the same
/// block.
/// Importantly since \p singleCVIConsumingUse and \p dvi are in the same block,
/// we know that \p cvi must be post-dominated by dvi since its only consuming
/// use is single cvi consuming use by assumption.
static bool tryJoinIfDestroyConsumingUseInSameBlock(
SemanticARCOptVisitor &ctx, CopyValueInst *cvi, DestroyValueInst *dvi,
SILValue operand, Operand *singleCVIConsumingUse) {
// First see if our destroy_value is in between singleCVIConsumingUse and the
// end of block. If this is not true, then we know the destroy_value must be
// /before/ our singleCVIConsumingUse meaning that by joining the lifetimes,
// we are not going to shrink the overall composite lifetime.
SmallPtrSet<SILInstruction *, 8> visitedInsts;
if (!isUseBetweenInstAndBlockEnd(singleCVIConsumingUse->getUser(),
&dvi->getAllOperands()[0], &visitedInsts)) {
<< "Eliminate copy with useless lifetime: " << *cvi);
ctx.eraseAndRAUWSingleValueInstruction(cvi, operand);
return true;
// If we reached this point, isUseBetweenInstAndBlockEnd succeeded implying
// that we found destroy_value to be after our consuming use. Noting that
// additionally, the routine places all instructions in between consuming use
// and destroy_value into visitedInsts for our use, we may still be able to
// optimize if:
// 1. singleCVIConsumingUse is actually a forwarding user and forms the head
// of a chain of same-block forwarding uses the last of which is /after/
// the destroy_value.
// 2. Our copy_value's operand does not have any direct uses or live dependent
// borrow scopes in between the first forwarding use and the
// destroy_value. This ensures that we do not need to deal with splitting
// borrow scopes or having to deal with "shape"-mismatches in between uses
// of the copy_value's operand and the current running forwarded value.
// This choice of optimization was just an attempt to be pragmatic given we
// want to be able to run this optimization at -Onone.
// With that in mind, lets first check 1.
Operand *currentForwardingUse = singleCVIConsumingUse;
while (auto *op = lookThroughSingleForwardingUse(currentForwardingUse)) {
// Visited insts contain all instructions in between singleCVIConsumingUse
// and the destroy_value, so if our forwarding inst is not in VisitedInsts,
// it must not be in the region and currentForwardingUse must be the last
// use.
if (!visitedInsts.count(op->getUser()))
currentForwardingUse = op;
// Ok now see if we were able to find a forwarding inst that was later than
// destroy_value...
if (currentForwardingUse == singleCVIConsumingUse ||
visitedInsts.count(currentForwardingUse->getUser())) {
// If not, see if this use did have a forwardedValue but that forwardedValue
// has multiple end lifetime uses. In that case, we can optimize if there
// aren't any uses/etc
auto forwardingOperand = ForwardingOperand::get(currentForwardingUse);
if (!forwardingOperand)
return false;
auto forwardedValue = (*forwardingOperand).getSingleForwardedValue();
if (!forwardedValue)
return false;
// If our forwarding value has a single consuming use and that use is in the
// same block as our destroy_value, bail if the single consuming use is
// before our destroy_value.
if (auto *singleConsumingUse = forwardedValue->getSingleConsumingUse()) {
if (singleConsumingUse->getParentBlock() == dvi->getParentBlock() &&
!isUseBetweenInstAndBlockEnd(dvi, singleConsumingUse)) {
return false;
// If our forwarded value has multiple lifetime ending uses or a single
// consuming use that is after the destroy_value, we still need to perform
// our safety check below to know if we can optimized.
// Otherwise, we looked through at least one forwarded use and our final use
// was past dvi in the current block! So we can optimize!
// As one last safety check, make sure that our copy_value operand does not
// have any uses in our code region. If it does, we would need to rewrite
// forwarded values so that the types match up, which is more than this humble
// optimization is trying to do here given we want to run this at -Onone.
// TODO: Can we make this more aggressive and by how much? E.x.: Can we allow
// debug_value users but move them to before our singleCVIConsumingUse?
for (auto *use : operand->getUses()) {
auto *user = use->getUser();
// First if our user is dvi, just continue.
if (user == dvi)
// Then see if the user itself is a visitedInst. If so, we have a use that
// may require us to do some sort of transform, we can't optimize.
if (visitedInsts.count(use->getUser()))
return false;
// Ok, we have a use that isn't in our visitedInsts region. That being said,
// we may still have a use that introduces a new BorrowScope onto our
// copy_value's operand that overlaps with our forwarding value region. In
// such a case, we can not optimize.
// To prove this since we know that any such scope must end at our
// destroy_value (since that is when the copy_value's operand is destroyed),
// we need to only find scopes that end within the region in between the
// singleConsumingUse (the original forwarded use) and the destroy_value. In
// such a case, we must bail!
if (auto operand = BorrowingOperand::get(use))
if (!operand->visitLocalEndScopeUses([&](Operand *endScopeUse) {
// Return false if we did see the relevant end scope instruction
// in the block. That means that we are going to exit early and
// return false.
return !visitedInsts.count(endScopeUse->getUser());
return false;
// Ok, we now know that we can eliminate this value.
<< "Eliminate borrowed copy with useless lifetime: " << *cvi);
ctx.eraseAndRAUWSingleValueInstruction(cvi, operand);
return true;
/// Given that:
/// 1. Our copy_value's operand has a single consuming use (and that use is a
/// destroy_value).
/// 2. Our copy_value has a single consuming use.
/// try and perform various optimizations to eliminate our copy_value,
/// destroy_value. Example:
/// ```
/// %1 = copy_value %0 // in some block
/// ...
/// bbN:
/// destroy_value %0
/// br bbFunctionExistingBlock
/// bbFunctionExistingBlock:
/// consumingUse %1
/// return
/// ```
/// will be optimized to:
/// ```
/// ...
/// bbN:
/// br bbFunctionExistingBlock
/// bbFunctionExistingBlock:
/// consumingUse %0
/// return
/// ```
static bool tryJoiningIfCopyOperandHasSingleDestroyValue(
SemanticARCOptVisitor &ctx, CopyValueInst *cvi, SILValue operand) {
// First perform our quick checks to see if our operand has a single
// destroy_value and our copy_value has a single consuming use. If either are
// false, we can not optimize so bail early.
auto *dvi = operand->getSingleConsumingUserOfType<DestroyValueInst>();
if (!dvi)
return false;
auto *singleCVIConsumingUse = cvi->getSingleConsumingUse();
if (!singleCVIConsumingUse)
return false;
// Otherwise, first check to see if our operand's consuming use is a return
// inst or is in a function exiting block and dvi is not. With this
// information, we can conclude in both cases that singleCviConsumingUse must
// post-dominate destroy_value and can eliminate the hand off traffic.
if (canJoinIfCopyDiesInFunctionExitingBlock(operand, dvi, cvi,
singleCVIConsumingUse)) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Eliminate returned copy: " << *cvi);
ctx.eraseAndRAUWSingleValueInstruction(cvi, operand);
return true;
// Otherwise, try to prove that dvi and singleCVIConsumingUse are not in the same block.
// block with dvi being strictly before singleCVIConsumingUse, that is:
// %operand = ...
// ...
// %copiedOperand = cvi %operand
// ...
// dvi %operand
// cviConsumer %copiedOperand
// In such a case, all we know is that dvi and cviConsumer are in the same
// block. Since dvi is the only destroy of %operand, we know that dvi must
// post-dominate %copiedOperand and %operand.
if (dvi->getParent() != singleCVIConsumingUse->getParentBlock())
return false;
// First see if our initial use is after dvi. Then we do not need to do any
// more complex work. We actually check here if we find our destroy_value in
// between our consuming use and the end block. The reason why we do this is
// so that if we fail, visitedInsts will contain all instructions in between
// the consuming use and the destroy_value.
return tryJoinIfDestroyConsumingUseInSameBlock(ctx, cvi, dvi, operand,
// # The Problem We Are Solving
// The main idea here is that we are trying to eliminate the simplest, easiest
// form of live range joining. Consider the following SIL:
// ```
// %cviOperand = ... // @owned value
// %cvi = copy_value %cviOperand // copy of @owned value
// ...
// destroy_value %cviOperandDestroy // destruction of @owned value
// ...
// apply %consumingUser(%cvi) // destruction of copy of @owned value
// ```
// We want to reduce reference count traffic by eliminating the middle
// copy/destroy yielding:
// ```
// %cviOperand = ... // @owned value
// // *eliminated copy_value*
// ...
// // *eliminated destroy_value*
// ...
// apply %consumingUser(%cviOperand) // destruction of copy of @owned
// value
// ```
// # Safety
// In order to do this safely, we need to take the union of the two objects
// lifetimes since we are only joining lifetimes. This ensures that we can rely
// on SILGen's correctness on inserting safe lifetimes. To keep this simple
// today we only optimize if the destroy_value and consuming user are in the
// same block and the consuming user is later in the block than the
// destroy_value.
// DISCUSSION: The reason why we do not shrink lifetimes today is that all
// interior pointers (e.x. project_box) are properly guarded by
// begin_borrow. Because of that we can not shrink lifetimes and instead rely on
// SILGen's correctness.
// FIXME: CanonicalizeOSSALifetime replaces this.
bool SemanticARCOptVisitor::tryJoiningCopyValueLiveRangeWithOperand(
CopyValueInst *cvi) {
// First do a quick check if our operand is owned. If it is not owned, we can
// not join live ranges.
SILValue operand = cvi->getOperand();
if (operand.getOwnershipKind() != OwnershipKind::Owned) {
return false;
// Then we handle two different use cases:
// 1. First we optimize a special case where our copy_value has a single
// consuming use and our copy_value's operand has a single consuming use
// and that single use is a destroy_value.
// 2. The second is a more general optimization where our copy_value has
// multiple destroy_value, but we know that our copy_value is in the same
// block as one of those destroy_value.
if (tryJoiningIfCopyOperandHasSingleDestroyValue(*this, cvi, operand))
return true;
// Otherwise, use a more conservative analysis that requires our copy_value
// and destroy_value, but is looser about how we handle the consuming use:
// 1. Since our copy_value and destroy_value are in the same block, if our
// copy_value has multiple consuming uses, we know those consuming uses
// must be outside of our current block and must be dominated by the
// copy_value, destroy_value. So we can immediately optimize.
// 2. Otherwise, if we have a single consuming use and it is in the same block
// as our copy_value, destroy_value, we attempt to prove that the consuming
// use (after looking through a forwarding use chain) is later in the
// current block than the destroy_value. We use the last forwarding
// instruction in a chain of SIL instructions that end in the current
// block. Since we are looking through forwarding uses, we need to create
// new-borrow scopes at each forwarding instruction as we clone if we have
// any guaranteed elements in between our destroy_value and final
// forwarding use.
auto *singleCVIConsumingUse = cvi->getSingleConsumingUse();
for (auto *use : operand->getConsumingUses()) {
auto *dvi = dyn_cast<DestroyValueInst>(use->getUser());
if (!dvi)
// First setup our condition... We only optimize if our copy_value and
// destroy_value are in the same block. Additionally since our destroy_value
// is destroying the operand of the copy_value, we must have that cvi is
// strictly before dvi in the block.
if (dvi->getParent() != cvi->getParent()) {
// If we had multiple consuming uses of our copy_value, then we know that
// the copy_value must be live out of the current block implying that we
// can optimize without any further analysis since we know we will not be
// shrinking lifetimes of owned values.
if (singleCVIConsumingUse == nullptr) {
<< "Eliminate multiply consumed live-out copy: " << *cvi);
eraseAndRAUWSingleValueInstruction(cvi, operand);
return true;
// Then note that if our copy_value has a single consuming use, if that use
// is not in the same block as our copy_value/destroy_value, it must be live
// out of the block and thus we are not shrinking any lifetimes.
if (singleCVIConsumingUse->getParentBlock() != cvi->getParent()) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Eliminate non-local live-out copy: " << *cvi);
eraseAndRAUWSingleValueInstruction(cvi, operand);
return true;
// Ok, we know that all of the following instructions are in the same block
// together:
// 1. our copy_value (cvi).
// 2. The consumer of our copy_value (singleCVIConsumingUse).
// 3. A destroy_value of the copy_value's operand (dvi).
// So call our subroutine that optimizes given the destroy_value, consume
// are in the same block and that the copy_value is post-dominated by the
// destroy_value.
if (tryJoinIfDestroyConsumingUseInSameBlock(*this, cvi, dvi, operand,
return true;
// Otherwise, we couldn't handle this case, so return false.
// NOTE: We would generally do a more complex analysis here to handle the more
// general case. That would most likely /not/ be a guaranteed optimization
// until we investigate/measure.
return false;
// Owned Copy Value Optimizations
/// Given an owned value that is completely enclosed within its parent owned
/// value and is not consumed, eliminate the copy.
/// FIXME: CanonicalizeOSSALifetime replaces this.
bool SemanticARCOptVisitor::tryPerformOwnedCopyValueOptimization(
CopyValueInst *cvi) {
if (ctx.onlyGuaranteedOpts)
return false;
auto originalValue = cvi->getOperand();
if (originalValue.getOwnershipKind() != OwnershipKind::Owned)
return false;
// TODO: Add support for forwarding insts here.
SmallVector<DestroyValueInst *, 8> destroyingUses;
SmallVector<Operand *, 32> allCopyUses;
for (auto *use : cvi->getUses()) {
// First just stash our use so we have /all uses/.
// Then if we are not a lifetime ending use, just continue.
if (!use->isLifetimeEnding()) {
// Otherwise, if we have a destroy value lifetime ending use, stash that.
if (auto *dvi = dyn_cast<DestroyValueInst>(use->getUser())) {
// Otherwise, just bail for now.
return false;
// NOTE: We do not actually care if the parent's lifetime ends with
// destroy_values. All we care is that it is lifetime ending and the use isn't
// a forwarding instruction.
SmallVector<Operand *, 8> parentLifetimeEndingUses;
for (auto *origValueUse : originalValue->getUses())
if (origValueUse->isLifetimeEnding() &&
// Ok, we have an owned value. If we do not have any non-destroying consuming
// uses, see if all of our uses (ignoring destroying uses) are within our
// parent owned value's lifetime.
SmallPtrSet<SILBasicBlock *, 8> visitedBlocks;
LinearLifetimeChecker checker(visitedBlocks, ctx.getDeadEndBlocks());
if (!checker.validateLifetime(originalValue, parentLifetimeEndingUses,
return false;
// Ok, we can perform our transform. Eliminate all of our destroy value insts,
// and then RAUW our copy value with our parent value.
while (!destroyingUses.empty())
eraseAndRAUWSingleValueInstruction(cvi, cvi->getOperand());
return true;
// Top Level Entrypoint
bool SemanticARCOptVisitor::visitCopyValueInst(CopyValueInst *cvi) {
// If our copy value inst has only destroy_value users, it is a dead live
// range. Try to eliminate them.
if (ctx.shouldPerform(ARCTransformKind::RedundantCopyValueElimPeephole) &&
eliminateDeadLiveRangeCopyValue(cvi)) {
return true;
// Then see if copy_value operand's lifetime ends after our copy_value via a
// destroy_value. If so, we can join their lifetimes.
if (ctx.shouldPerform(ARCTransformKind::LifetimeJoiningPeephole) &&
tryJoiningCopyValueLiveRangeWithOperand(cvi)) {
return true;
// Then try to perform the guaranteed copy value optimization.
if (ctx.shouldPerform(ARCTransformKind::RedundantCopyValueElimPeephole) &&
performGuaranteedCopyValueOptimization(cvi)) {
return true;
if (ctx.shouldPerform(ARCTransformKind::RedundantCopyValueElimPeephole) &&
tryPerformOwnedCopyValueOptimization(cvi)) {
return true;
return false;