blob: e39efac3d8bd23c57d6b67f56dfbd0e5096cddf1 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- SILCombinerMiscVisitors.cpp --------------------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#define DEBUG_TYPE "sil-combine"
#include "SILCombiner.h"
#include "swift/Basic/STLExtras.h"
#include "swift/SIL/DebugUtils.h"
#include "swift/SIL/DynamicCasts.h"
#include "swift/SIL/InstructionUtils.h"
#include "swift/SIL/PatternMatch.h"
#include "swift/SIL/Projection.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILBuilder.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILVisitor.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Analysis/ARCAnalysis.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Analysis/AliasAnalysis.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Analysis/ValueTracking.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Utils/CFGOptUtils.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Utils/Devirtualize.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Utils/InstOptUtils.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Utils/BasicBlockOptUtils.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallPtrSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
using namespace swift;
using namespace swift::PatternMatch;
/// This flag is used to disable alloc stack optimizations to ease testing of
/// other SILCombine optimizations.
static llvm::cl::opt<bool>
SILCombiner::visitAllocExistentialBoxInst(AllocExistentialBoxInst *AEBI) {
if (AEBI->getFunction()->hasOwnership())
return nullptr;
// Optimize away the pattern below that happens when exceptions are created
// and in some cases, due to inlining, are not needed.
// %6 = alloc_existential_box $Error, $ColorError
// %7 = enum $VendingMachineError, #ColorError.Red
// store %7 to %6#1 : $*ColorError
// debug_value %6#0 : $Error
// strong_release %6#0 : $Error
SILValue boxedValue =
getConcreteValueOfExistentialBox(AEBI, /*ignoreUser*/ nullptr);
if (!boxedValue)
return nullptr;
// Check if the box is released at a single place. That's the end of its
// lifetime.
StrongReleaseInst *singleRelease = nullptr;
for (Operand *use : AEBI->getUses()) {
if (auto *RI = dyn_cast<StrongReleaseInst>(use->getUser())) {
// If this is not the only release of the box then bail out.
if (singleRelease)
return nullptr;
singleRelease = RI;
if (!singleRelease)
return nullptr;
// Release the value that was stored into the existential box. The box
// is going away so we need to release the stored value.
// NOTE: It's important that the release is inserted at the single
// release of the box and not at the store, because a balancing retain could
// be _after_ the store, e.g:
// %box = alloc_existential_box
// %addr = project_existential_box %box
// store %value to %addr
// retain_value %value // must insert the release after this retain
// strong_release %box
Builder.emitDestroyValueOperation(AEBI->getLoc(), boxedValue);
return nullptr;
/// Return the enum case injected by an inject_enum_addr if it is the only
/// instruction which writes to \p Addr.
static EnumElementDecl *getInjectEnumCaseTo(SILValue Addr) {
while (true) {
// For everything else than an alloc_stack we cannot easily prove that we
// see all writes.
if (!isa<AllocStackInst>(Addr))
return nullptr;
SILInstruction *WritingInst = nullptr;
int NumWrites = 0;
for (auto *Use : getNonDebugUses(Addr)) {
SILInstruction *User = Use->getUser();
switch (User->getKind()) {
// Handle a very narrow set of known not harmful instructions.
case swift::SILInstructionKind::DestroyAddrInst:
case swift::SILInstructionKind::DeallocStackInst:
case swift::SILInstructionKind::SwitchEnumAddrInst:
case swift::SILInstructionKind::ApplyInst:
case swift::SILInstructionKind::TryApplyInst: {
// Check if the addr is only passed to in_guaranteed arguments.
FullApplySite AI(User);
for (Operand &Op : AI.getArgumentOperands()) {
if (Op.get() == Addr &&
AI.getArgumentConvention(Op) !=
return nullptr;
case swift::SILInstructionKind::InjectEnumAddrInst:
WritingInst = User;
case swift::SILInstructionKind::CopyAddrInst:
if (Addr == cast<CopyAddrInst>(User)->getDest()) {
WritingInst = User;
return nullptr;
if (NumWrites != 1)
return nullptr;
if (auto *IEA = dyn_cast<InjectEnumAddrInst>(WritingInst))
return IEA->getElement();
// In case of a copy_addr continue with the source of the copy.
Addr = dyn_cast<CopyAddrInst>(WritingInst)->getSrc();
SILInstruction *SILCombiner::visitSwitchEnumAddrInst(SwitchEnumAddrInst *SEAI) {
if (SEAI->getFunction()->hasOwnership())
return nullptr;
// Convert switch_enum_addr -> br
// if the only thing which writes to the address is an inject_enum_addr.
SILValue Addr = SEAI->getOperand();
if (EnumElementDecl *EnumCase = getInjectEnumCaseTo(Addr)) {
SILBasicBlock *Dest = SEAI->getCaseDestination(EnumCase);
// If the only instruction which writes to Addr is an inject_enum_addr we
// know that there cannot be an enum payload.
assert(Dest->getNumArguments() == 0 &&
"didn't expect a payload argument");
Builder.createBranch(SEAI->getLoc(), Dest);
return eraseInstFromFunction(*SEAI);
SILType Ty = Addr->getType();
if (!Ty.isLoadable(*SEAI->getFunction()))
return nullptr;
// Promote switch_enum_addr to switch_enum if the enum is loadable.
// switch_enum_addr %ptr : $*Optional<SomeClass>, case ...
// ->
// %value = load %ptr
// switch_enum %value
SmallVector<std::pair<EnumElementDecl*, SILBasicBlock*>, 8> Cases;
for (int i = 0, e = SEAI->getNumCases(); i < e; ++i)
SILBasicBlock *Default = SEAI->hasDefault() ? SEAI->getDefaultBB() : nullptr;
LoadInst *EnumVal = Builder.createLoad(SEAI->getLoc(), Addr,
Builder.createSwitchEnum(SEAI->getLoc(), EnumVal, Default, Cases);
return eraseInstFromFunction(*SEAI);
SILInstruction *SILCombiner::visitSelectEnumAddrInst(SelectEnumAddrInst *SEAI) {
if (SEAI->getFunction()->hasOwnership())
return nullptr;
// Canonicalize a select_enum_addr: if the default refers to exactly one case,
// then replace the default with that case.
if (SEAI->hasDefault()) {
NullablePtr<EnumElementDecl> elementDecl = SEAI->getUniqueCaseForDefault();
if (elementDecl.isNonNull()) {
// Construct a new instruction by copying all the case entries.
SmallVector<std::pair<EnumElementDecl *, SILValue>, 4> CaseValues;
for (int idx = 0, numIdcs = SEAI->getNumCases(); idx < numIdcs; ++idx) {
// Add the default-entry of the original instruction as case-entry.
std::make_pair(elementDecl.get(), SEAI->getDefaultResult()));
return Builder.createSelectEnumAddr(SEAI->getLoc(),
SEAI->getType(), SILValue(),
// Promote select_enum_addr to select_enum if the enum is loadable.
// = select_enum_addr %ptr : $*Optional<SomeClass>, case ...
// ->
// %value = load %ptr
// = select_enum %value
SILType Ty = SEAI->getEnumOperand()->getType();
if (!Ty.isLoadable(*SEAI->getFunction()))
return nullptr;
SmallVector<std::pair<EnumElementDecl*, SILValue>, 8> Cases;
for (int i = 0, e = SEAI->getNumCases(); i < e; ++i)
SILValue Default = SEAI->hasDefault() ? SEAI->getDefaultResult() : SILValue();
LoadInst *EnumVal = Builder.createLoad(SEAI->getLoc(), SEAI->getEnumOperand(),
auto *I = Builder.createSelectEnum(SEAI->getLoc(), EnumVal, SEAI->getType(),
Default, Cases);
return I;
SILInstruction *SILCombiner::visitSwitchValueInst(SwitchValueInst *SVI) {
if (SVI->getFunction()->hasOwnership())
return nullptr;
SILValue Cond = SVI->getOperand();
BuiltinIntegerType *CondTy = Cond->getType().getAs<BuiltinIntegerType>();
if (!CondTy || !CondTy->isFixedWidth(1))
return nullptr;
SILBasicBlock *FalseBB = nullptr;
SILBasicBlock *TrueBB = nullptr;
for (unsigned Idx = 0, Num = SVI->getNumCases(); Idx < Num; ++Idx) {
auto Case = SVI->getCase(Idx);
auto *CaseVal = dyn_cast<IntegerLiteralInst>(Case.first);
if (!CaseVal)
return nullptr;
SILBasicBlock *DestBB = Case.second;
assert(DestBB->args_empty() &&
"switch_value case destination cannot take arguments");
if (CaseVal->getValue() == 0) {
assert(!FalseBB && "double case value 0 in switch_value");
FalseBB = DestBB;
} else {
assert(!TrueBB && "double case value 1 in switch_value");
TrueBB = DestBB;
if (SVI->hasDefault()) {
assert(SVI->getDefaultBB()->args_empty() &&
"switch_value default destination cannot take arguments");
if (!FalseBB) {
FalseBB = SVI->getDefaultBB();
} else if (!TrueBB) {
TrueBB = SVI->getDefaultBB();
if (!FalseBB || !TrueBB)
return nullptr;
return Builder.createCondBranch(SVI->getLoc(), Cond, TrueBB, FalseBB);
namespace {
/// A SILInstruction visitor that analyzes alloc stack values for dead live
/// range and promotion opportunities.
/// init_existential_addr instructions behave like memory allocation within the
/// allocated object. We can promote the init_existential_addr allocation into a
/// dedicated allocation.
/// We detect this pattern
/// %0 = alloc_stack $LogicValue
/// %1 = init_existential_addr %0 : $*LogicValue, $*Bool
/// ...
/// use of %1
/// ...
/// destroy_addr %0 : $*LogicValue
/// dealloc_stack %0 : $*LogicValue
/// At the same we time also look for dead alloc_stack live ranges that are only
/// copied into.
/// %0 = alloc_stack
/// copy_addr %src, %0
/// destroy_addr %0 : $*LogicValue
/// dealloc_stack %0 : $*LogicValue
struct AllocStackAnalyzer : SILInstructionVisitor<AllocStackAnalyzer> {
/// The alloc_stack that we are analyzing.
AllocStackInst *ASI;
/// Do all of the users of the alloc stack allow us to perform optimizations.
bool LegalUsers = true;
/// If we saw an init_existential_addr in the use list of the alloc_stack,
/// this is the init_existential_addr. We are conservative in the face of
/// having multiple init_existential_addr. In such a case, we say that the use
/// list of the alloc_stack does not allow for optimizations to occur.
InitExistentialAddrInst *IEI = nullptr;
/// If we saw an open_existential_addr in the use list of the alloc_stack,
/// this is the open_existential_addr. We are conservative in the case of
/// multiple open_existential_addr. In such a case, we say that the use list
/// of the alloc_stack does not allow for optimizations to occur.
OpenExistentialAddrInst *OEI = nullptr;
/// Did we see any copies into the alloc stack.
bool HaveSeenCopyInto = false;
AllocStackAnalyzer(AllocStackInst *ASI) : ASI(ASI) {}
/// Analyze the alloc_stack instruction's uses.
void analyze() {
// Scan all of the uses of the AllocStack and check if it is not used for
// anything other than the init_existential_addr/open_existential_addr
// container.
for (auto *Op : getNonDebugUses(ASI)) {
// If we found a non-legal user, bail early.
if (!LegalUsers)
/// Given an unhandled case, we have an illegal use for our optimization
/// purposes. Set LegalUsers to false and return.
void visitSILInstruction(SILInstruction *I) { LegalUsers = false; }
// Destroy and dealloc are both fine.
void visitDestroyAddrInst(DestroyAddrInst *I) {}
void visitDeinitExistentialAddrInst(DeinitExistentialAddrInst *I) {}
void visitDeallocStackInst(DeallocStackInst *I) {}
void visitInitExistentialAddrInst(InitExistentialAddrInst *I) {
// If we have already seen an init_existential_addr, we cannot
// optimize. This is because we only handle the single init_existential_addr
// case.
if (IEI || HaveSeenCopyInto) {
LegalUsers = false;
IEI = I;
void visitOpenExistentialAddrInst(OpenExistentialAddrInst *I) {
// If we have already seen an open_existential_addr, we cannot
// optimize. This is because we only handle the single open_existential_addr
// case.
if (OEI) {
LegalUsers = false;
// Make sure that the open_existential does not have any uses except
// destroy_addr.
for (auto *Use : getNonDebugUses(I)) {
if (!isa<DestroyAddrInst>(Use->getUser())) {
LegalUsers = false;
OEI = I;
void visitCopyAddrInst(CopyAddrInst *I) {
if (IEI) {
LegalUsers = false;
// Copies into the alloc_stack live range are safe.
if (I->getDest() == ASI) {
HaveSeenCopyInto = true;
LegalUsers = false;
} // end anonymous namespace
/// Returns true if there is a retain instruction between \p from and the
/// destroy or deallocation of \p alloc.
static bool somethingIsRetained(SILInstruction *from, AllocStackInst *alloc) {
llvm::SmallVector<SILInstruction *, 8> workList;
llvm::SmallPtrSet<SILBasicBlock *, 8> handled;
while (!workList.empty()) {
SILInstruction *start = workList.pop_back_val();
for (auto iter = start->getIterator(), end = start->getParent()->end();
iter != end;
++iter) {
SILInstruction *inst = &*iter;
if (isa<RetainValueInst>(inst) || isa<StrongRetainInst>(inst)) {
return true;
if ((isa<DeallocStackInst>(inst) || isa<DestroyAddrInst>(inst)) &&
inst->getOperand(0) == alloc) {
if (isa<TermInst>(inst)) {
for (SILBasicBlock *succ : start->getParent()->getSuccessors()) {
if (handled.insert(succ).second)
return false;
/// Replaces an alloc_stack of an enum by an alloc_stack of the payload if only
/// one enum case (with payload) is stored to that location.
/// For example:
/// %loc = alloc_stack $Optional<T>
/// %payload = init_enum_data_addr %loc
/// store %value to %payload
/// ...
/// %take_addr = unchecked_take_enum_data_addr %loc
/// %l = load %take_addr
/// is transformed to
/// %loc = alloc_stack $T
/// store %value to %loc
/// ...
/// %l = load %loc
bool SILCombiner::optimizeStackAllocatedEnum(AllocStackInst *AS) {
EnumDecl *enumDecl = AS->getType().getEnumOrBoundGenericEnum();
if (!enumDecl)
return false;
EnumElementDecl *element = nullptr;
unsigned numInits =0;
unsigned numTakes = 0;
SILBasicBlock *initBlock = nullptr;
SILBasicBlock *takeBlock = nullptr;
SILType payloadType;
// First step: check if the stack location is only used to hold one specific
// enum case with payload.
for (auto *use : AS->getUses()) {
SILInstruction *user = use->getUser();
switch (user->getKind()) {
case SILInstructionKind::DebugValueAddrInst:
case SILInstructionKind::DestroyAddrInst:
case SILInstructionKind::DeallocStackInst:
case SILInstructionKind::InjectEnumAddrInst:
// We'll check init_enum_addr below.
case SILInstructionKind::InitEnumDataAddrInst: {
auto *ieda = cast<InitEnumDataAddrInst>(user);
auto *el = ieda->getElement();
if (element && el != element)
return false;
element = el;
assert(!payloadType || payloadType == ieda->getType());
payloadType = ieda->getType();
initBlock = user->getParent();
case SILInstructionKind::UncheckedTakeEnumDataAddrInst: {
auto *el = cast<UncheckedTakeEnumDataAddrInst>(user)->getElement();
if (element && el != element)
return false;
element = el;
takeBlock = user->getParent();
return false;
if (!element || !payloadType)
return false;
// If the enum has a single init-take pair in a single block, we know that
// the enum cannot contain any valid payload outside that init-take pair.
// This also means that we can ignore any inject_enum_addr of another enum
// case, because this can only inject a case without a payload.
bool singleInitTakePair =
(numInits == 1 && numTakes == 1 && initBlock == takeBlock);
if (!singleInitTakePair) {
// No single init-take pair: We cannot ignore inject_enum_addrs with a
// mismatching case.
for (auto *use : AS->getUses()) {
if (auto *inject = dyn_cast<InjectEnumAddrInst>(use->getUser())) {
if (inject->getElement() != element)
return false;
// Second step: replace the enum alloc_stack with a payload alloc_stack.
auto *newAlloc = Builder.createAllocStack(
AS->getLoc(), payloadType, AS->getVarInfo(), AS->hasDynamicLifetime());
while (!AS->use_empty()) {
Operand *use = *AS->use_begin();
SILInstruction *user = use->getUser();
switch (user->getKind()) {
case SILInstructionKind::InjectEnumAddrInst:
case SILInstructionKind::DebugValueAddrInst:
case SILInstructionKind::DestroyAddrInst:
if (singleInitTakePair) {
// It's not possible that the enum has a payload at the destroy_addr,
// because it must have already been taken by the take of the
// single init-take pair.
// We _have_ to remove the destroy_addr, because we also remove all
// inject_enum_addrs which might inject a payload-less case before
// the destroy_addr.
} else {
// The enum payload can still be valid at the destroy_addr, so we have
// to keep the destroy_addr. Just replace the enum with the payload
// (and because it's not a singleInitTakePair, we can be sure that the
// enum cannot have any other case than the payload case).
case SILInstructionKind::DeallocStackInst:
case SILInstructionKind::InitEnumDataAddrInst:
case SILInstructionKind::UncheckedTakeEnumDataAddrInst: {
auto *svi = cast<SingleValueInstruction>(user);
llvm_unreachable("unexpected alloc_stack user");
return true;
SILInstruction *SILCombiner::visitAllocStackInst(AllocStackInst *AS) {
if (AS->getFunction()->hasOwnership())
return nullptr;
if (optimizeStackAllocatedEnum(AS))
return nullptr;
// If we are testing SILCombine and we are asked not to eliminate
// alloc_stacks, just return.
if (DisableAllocStackOpts)
return nullptr;
AllocStackAnalyzer Analyzer(AS);
// If when analyzing, we found a user that makes our optimization, illegal,
// bail early.
if (!Analyzer.LegalUsers)
return nullptr;
InitExistentialAddrInst *IEI = Analyzer.IEI;
OpenExistentialAddrInst *OEI = Analyzer.OEI;
// If the only users of the alloc_stack are alloc, destroy and
// init_existential_addr then we can promote the allocation of the init
// existential.
// Be careful with open archetypes, because they cannot be moved before
// their definitions.
if (IEI && !OEI &&
!IEI->getLoweredConcreteType().hasOpenedExistential()) {
auto *ConcAlloc = Builder.createAllocStack(
AS->getLoc(), IEI->getLoweredConcreteType(), AS->getVarInfo());
for (auto UI = AS->use_begin(), UE = AS->use_end(); UI != UE;) {
auto *Op = *UI;
if (auto *DA = dyn_cast<DestroyAddrInst>(Op->getUser())) {
Builder.createDestroyAddr(DA->getLoc(), ConcAlloc);
if (!isa<DeallocStackInst>(Op->getUser()))
auto *DS = cast<DeallocStackInst>(Op->getUser());
Builder.createDeallocStack(DS->getLoc(), ConcAlloc);
return eraseInstFromFunction(*AS);
// If we have a live 'live range' or a live range that we have not sen a copy
// into, bail.
if (!Analyzer.HaveSeenCopyInto || IEI)
return nullptr;
// Otherwise remove the dead live range that is only copied into.
// TODO: Do we not remove purely dead live ranges here? Seems like we should.
SmallPtrSet<SILInstruction *, 16> ToDelete;
SmallVector<CopyAddrInst *, 4> takingCopies;
for (auto *Op : AS->getUses()) {
// Replace a copy_addr [take] %src ... by a destroy_addr %src if %src is
// no the alloc_stack.
// Otherwise, just delete the copy_addr.
if (auto *CopyAddr = dyn_cast<CopyAddrInst>(Op->getUser())) {
if (CopyAddr->isTakeOfSrc() && CopyAddr->getSrc() != AS) {
if (auto *OEAI = dyn_cast<OpenExistentialAddrInst>(Op->getUser())) {
for (auto *Op : OEAI->getUses()) {
assert(isa<DestroyAddrInst>(Op->getUser()) ||
Op->getUser()->isDebugInstruction() && "Unexpected instruction");
assert(isa<CopyAddrInst>(Op->getUser()) ||
isa<OpenExistentialAddrInst>(Op->getUser()) ||
isa<DestroyAddrInst>(Op->getUser()) ||
isa<DeallocStackInst>(Op->getUser()) ||
isa<DeinitExistentialAddrInst>(Op->getUser()) ||
Op->getUser()->isDebugInstruction() && "Unexpected instruction");
// Check if a retain is moved after the copy_addr. If the retained object
// happens to be the source of the copy_addr it might be only kept alive by
// the stack location. This cannot happen with OSSA.
// TODO: remove this check once we have OSSA.
for (CopyAddrInst *copy : takingCopies) {
if (somethingIsRetained(copy, AS))
return nullptr;
for (CopyAddrInst *copy : takingCopies) {
SILBuilderWithScope destroyBuilder(copy, Builder.getBuilderContext());
destroyBuilder.createDestroyAddr(copy->getLoc(), copy->getSrc());
// Erase the 'live-range'
for (auto *Inst : ToDelete) {
return eraseInstFromFunction(*AS);
SILInstruction *SILCombiner::visitAllocRefInst(AllocRefInst *AR) {
// Check if the only uses are deallocating stack or deallocating.
SmallPtrSet<SILInstruction *, 16> ToDelete;
bool HasNonRemovableUses = false;
for (auto UI = AR->use_begin(), UE = AR->use_end(); UI != UE;) {
auto *Op = *UI;
auto *User = Op->getUser();
if (!isa<DeallocRefInst>(User) && !isa<SetDeallocatingInst>(User) &&
!isa<FixLifetimeInst>(User)) {
HasNonRemovableUses = true;
if (HasNonRemovableUses)
return nullptr;
// Remove the instruction and all its uses.
for (auto *I : ToDelete)
return nullptr;
/// Returns the base address if \p val is an index_addr with constant index.
static SILValue isConstIndexAddr(SILValue val, unsigned &index) {
auto *IA = dyn_cast<IndexAddrInst>(val);
if (!IA)
return nullptr;
auto *Index = dyn_cast<IntegerLiteralInst>(IA->getIndex());
// Limiting to 32 bits is more than enough. The reason why not limiting to 64
// bits is to leave room for overflow when we add two indices.
if (!Index || Index->getValue().getActiveBits() > 32)
return nullptr;
index = Index->getValue().getZExtValue();
return IA->getBase();
/// Optimize loading bytes from a string literal.
/// Example in SIL pseudo code:
/// %0 = string_literal "abc"
/// %1 = integer_literal 2
/// %2 = index_addr %0, %1
/// %3 = load %2
/// ->
/// %3 = integer_literal 'c'
SILInstruction *SILCombiner::optimizeLoadFromStringLiteral(LoadInst *LI) {
auto *SEA = dyn_cast<StructElementAddrInst>(LI->getOperand());
if (!SEA)
return nullptr;
SILValue addr = SEA->getOperand();
unsigned index = 0;
if (SILValue iaBase = isConstIndexAddr(addr, index))
addr = iaBase;
auto *PTA = dyn_cast<PointerToAddressInst>(addr);
if (!PTA)
return nullptr;
auto *Literal = dyn_cast<StringLiteralInst>(PTA->getOperand());
if (!Literal || Literal->getEncoding() != StringLiteralInst::Encoding::UTF8)
return nullptr;
BuiltinIntegerType *BIType = LI->getType().getAs<BuiltinIntegerType>();
if (!BIType || !BIType->isFixedWidth(8))
return nullptr;
StringRef str = Literal->getValue();
if (index >= str.size())
return nullptr;
return Builder.createIntegerLiteral(LI->getLoc(), LI->getType(), str[index]);
/// Returns true if \p LI loads a zero integer from the empty Array, Dictionary
/// or Set singleton.
static bool isZeroLoadFromEmptyCollection(LoadInst *LI) {
auto intTy = LI->getType().getAs<BuiltinIntegerType>();
if (!intTy)
return false;
SILValue addr = LI->getOperand();
// Find the root object of the load-address.
for (;;) {
switch (addr->getKind()) {
case ValueKind::GlobalAddrInst: {
StringRef gName =
return gName == "_swiftEmptyArrayStorage" ||
gName == "_swiftEmptyDictionarySingleton" ||
gName == "_swiftEmptySetSingleton";
case ValueKind::StructElementAddrInst: {
auto *SEA = cast<StructElementAddrInst>(addr);
// For Array, we only support "count". The value of "capacityAndFlags"
// is not defined in the ABI and could change in another version of the
// runtime (the capacity must be 0, but the flags may be not 0).
if (SEA->getStructDecl()->getName().is("_SwiftArrayBodyStorage") &&
!SEA->getField()->getName().is("count")) {
return false;
addr = SEA->getOperand();
case ValueKind::RefElementAddrInst: {
auto *REA = cast<RefElementAddrInst>(addr);
Identifier className = REA->getClassDecl()->getName();
// For Dictionary and Set we support "count" and "capacity".
if ("__RawDictionaryStorage") ||"__RawSetStorage")) {
Identifier fieldName = REA->getField()->getName();
if (!"_count") && !"_capacity"))
return false;
addr = REA->getOperand();
case ValueKind::UncheckedRefCastInst:
case ValueKind::UpcastInst:
case ValueKind::RawPointerToRefInst:
case ValueKind::AddressToPointerInst:
case ValueKind::EndCOWMutationInst:
addr = cast<SingleValueInstruction>(addr)->getOperand(0);
return false;
static SingleValueInstruction *getValueFromStaticLet(SILValue v) {
if (auto *globalAddr = dyn_cast<GlobalAddrInst>(v)) {
SILGlobalVariable *global = globalAddr->getReferencedGlobal();
if (!global->isLet())
return nullptr;
return dyn_cast_or_null<SingleValueInstruction>(
if (auto *seai = dyn_cast<StructElementAddrInst>(v)) {
auto *structVal = getValueFromStaticLet(seai->getOperand());
if (!structVal)
return nullptr;
return cast<SingleValueInstruction>(
if (auto *teai = dyn_cast<TupleElementAddrInst>(v)) {
auto *tupleVal = getValueFromStaticLet(teai->getOperand());
if (!tupleVal)
return nullptr;
return cast<SingleValueInstruction>(
return nullptr;
SILInstruction *SILCombiner::visitLoadInst(LoadInst *LI) {
if (LI->getFunction()->hasOwnership())
return nullptr;
// (load (upcast-ptr %x)) -> (upcast-ref (load %x))
if (auto *UI = dyn_cast<UpcastInst>(LI->getOperand())) {
auto NewLI = Builder.createLoad(LI->getLoc(), UI->getOperand(),
return Builder.createUpcast(LI->getLoc(), NewLI, LI->getType());
if (SILInstruction *I = optimizeLoadFromStringLiteral(LI))
return I;
// Constant-propagate the 0 value when loading "count" or "capacity" from the
// empty Array, Set or Dictionary storage.
// On high-level SIL this optimization is also done by the
// ArrayCountPropagation pass, but only for Array. And even for Array it's
// sometimes needed to propagate the empty-array count when high-level
// semantics function are already inlined.
// Note that for non-empty arrays/sets/dictionaries, the count can be
// propagated by redundant load elimination.
if (isZeroLoadFromEmptyCollection(LI))
return Builder.createIntegerLiteral(LI->getLoc(), LI->getType(), 0);
// Propagate a value from a static "let" global variable.
// This optimization is also done by GlobalOpt, but not with de-serialized
// globals, which can occur with cross-module optimization.
if (SingleValueInstruction *initVal = getValueFromStaticLet(LI->getOperand())) {
StaticInitCloner cloner(LI);
return cloner.clone(initVal);
return nullptr;
/// Optimize nested index_addr instructions:
/// Example in SIL pseudo code:
/// %1 = index_addr %ptr, x
/// %2 = index_addr %1, y
/// ->
/// %2 = index_addr %ptr, x+y
SILInstruction *SILCombiner::visitIndexAddrInst(IndexAddrInst *IA) {
if (IA->getFunction()->hasOwnership())
return nullptr;
unsigned index = 0;
SILValue base = isConstIndexAddr(IA, index);
if (!base)
return nullptr;
unsigned index2 = 0;
SILValue base2 = isConstIndexAddr(base, index2);
if (!base2)
return nullptr;
auto *newIndex = Builder.createIntegerLiteral(IA->getLoc(),
IA->getIndex()->getType(), index + index2);
return Builder.createIndexAddr(IA->getLoc(), base2, newIndex);
SILInstruction *SILCombiner::visitReleaseValueInst(ReleaseValueInst *RVI) {
SILValue Operand = RVI->getOperand();
SILType OperandTy = Operand->getType();
// Destroy value of an enum with a trivial payload or no-payload is a no-op.
if (auto *EI = dyn_cast<EnumInst>(Operand)) {
if (!EI->hasOperand() ||
return eraseInstFromFunction(*RVI);
// retain_value of an enum_inst where we know that it has a payload can be
// reduced to a retain_value on the payload.
if (EI->hasOperand()) {
return Builder.createReleaseValue(RVI->getLoc(), EI->getOperand(),
// ReleaseValueInst of a loadable reference storage type needs the
// corresponding release instruction.
if (<Name##StorageType>()) \
return Builder.create##Name##Release(RVI->getLoc(), Operand, \
#include "swift/AST/ReferenceStorage.def"
// ReleaseValueInst of a reference type is a strong_release.
if (OperandTy.isReferenceCounted(RVI->getModule()))
return Builder.createStrongRelease(RVI->getLoc(), Operand,
// ReleaseValueInst of a trivial type is a no-op.
if (OperandTy.isTrivial(*RVI->getFunction()))
return eraseInstFromFunction(*RVI);
// Do nothing for non-trivial non-reference types.
return nullptr;
SILInstruction *SILCombiner::visitRetainValueInst(RetainValueInst *RVI) {
SILValue Operand = RVI->getOperand();
SILType OperandTy = Operand->getType();
// retain_value of an enum with a trivial payload or no-payload is a no-op +
// RAUW.
if (auto *EI = dyn_cast<EnumInst>(Operand)) {
if (!EI->hasOperand() ||
EI->getOperand()->getType().isTrivial(*RVI->getFunction())) {
return eraseInstFromFunction(*RVI);
// retain_value of an enum_inst where we know that it has a payload can be
// reduced to a retain_value on the payload.
if (EI->hasOperand()) {
return Builder.createRetainValue(RVI->getLoc(), EI->getOperand(),
// RetainValueInst of a loadable reference storage type needs the
// corresponding retain instruction.
if (<Name##StorageType>()) \
return Builder.create##Name##Retain(RVI->getLoc(), Operand, \
#include "swift/AST/ReferenceStorage.def"
// RetainValueInst of a reference type is a strong_release.
if (OperandTy.isReferenceCounted(RVI->getModule())) {
return Builder.createStrongRetain(RVI->getLoc(), Operand,
// RetainValueInst of a trivial type is a no-op + use propagation.
if (OperandTy.isTrivial(*RVI->getFunction())) {
return eraseInstFromFunction(*RVI);
// Sometimes in the stdlib due to hand offs, we will see code like:
// release_value %0
// retain_value %0
// with the matching retain_value to the release_value in a predecessor basic
// block and the matching release_value for the retain_value_retain in a
// successor basic block.
// Due to the matching pairs being in different basic blocks, the ARC
// Optimizer (which is currently local to one basic block does not handle
// it). But that does not mean that we cannot eliminate this pair with a
// peephole.
// If we are not the first instruction in this basic block...
if (RVI != &*RVI->getParent()->begin()) {
SILBasicBlock::iterator Pred = std::prev(RVI->getIterator());
// ...and the predecessor instruction is a release_value on the same value
// as our retain_value...
if (auto *Release = dyn_cast<ReleaseValueInst>(&*Pred))
// Remove them...
if (Release->getOperand() == RVI->getOperand()) {
return eraseInstFromFunction(*RVI);
return nullptr;
SILInstruction *SILCombiner::visitCondFailInst(CondFailInst *CFI) {
if (CFI->getFunction()->hasOwnership())
return nullptr;
// Remove runtime asserts such as overflow checks and bounds checks.
if (RemoveCondFails)
return eraseInstFromFunction(*CFI);
auto *I = dyn_cast<IntegerLiteralInst>(CFI->getOperand());
if (!I)
return nullptr;
// Erase. (cond_fail 0)
if (!I->getValue().getBoolValue())
return eraseInstFromFunction(*CFI);
// Remove any code that follows a (cond_fail 1) and set the block's
// terminator to unreachable.
// Nothing more to do here
if (isa<UnreachableInst>(std::next(SILBasicBlock::iterator(CFI))))
return nullptr;
// Collect together all the instructions after this point
llvm::SmallVector<SILInstruction *, 32> ToRemove;
for (auto Inst = CFI->getParent()->rbegin(); &*Inst != CFI; ++Inst)
for (auto *Inst : ToRemove) {
// Replace any still-remaining uses with undef and erase.
// Add an `unreachable` to be the new terminator for this block
return nullptr;
SILInstruction *SILCombiner::visitStrongRetainInst(StrongRetainInst *SRI) {
// Retain of ThinToThickFunction is a no-op.
SILValue funcOper = SRI->getOperand();
if (auto *CFI = dyn_cast<ConvertFunctionInst>(funcOper))
funcOper = CFI->getOperand();
if (isa<ThinToThickFunctionInst>(funcOper))
return eraseInstFromFunction(*SRI);
if (isa<ObjCExistentialMetatypeToObjectInst>(SRI->getOperand()) ||
return eraseInstFromFunction(*SRI);
// Retain and Release of tagged strings is a no-op.
// The builtin code pattern to find tagged strings is:
// builtin "stringObjectOr_Int64" (or to tag the string)
// value_to_bridge_object (cast the UInt to bridge object)
if (isa<ValueToBridgeObjectInst>(SRI->getOperand())) {
return eraseInstFromFunction(*SRI);
// Sometimes in the stdlib due to hand offs, we will see code like:
// strong_release %0
// strong_retain %0
// with the matching strong_retain to the strong_release in a predecessor
// basic block and the matching strong_release for the strong_retain in a
// successor basic block.
// Due to the matching pairs being in different basic blocks, the ARC
// Optimizer (which is currently local to one basic block does not handle
// it). But that does not mean that we cannot eliminate this pair with a
// peephole.
// If we are not the first instruction in this basic block...
if (SRI != &*SRI->getParent()->begin()) {
auto Pred = std::prev(SRI->getIterator());
// ...and the predecessor instruction is a strong_release on the same value
// as our strong_retain...
if (auto *Release = dyn_cast<StrongReleaseInst>(&*Pred))
// Remove them...
if (Release->getOperand() == SRI->getOperand()) {
return eraseInstFromFunction(*SRI);
return nullptr;
/// Create a value from stores to an address.
/// If there are only stores to \p addr, return the stored value. Also, if there
/// are address projections, create aggregate instructions for it.
/// If builder is null, it's just a dry-run to check if it's possible.
static SILValue createValueFromAddr(SILValue addr, SILBuilder *builder,
SILLocation loc) {
SmallVector<SILValue, 4> elems;
enum Kind {
none, store, tuple
} kind = none;
for (Operand *use : addr->getUses()) {
SILInstruction *user = use->getUser();
if (user->isDebugInstruction())
auto *st = dyn_cast<StoreInst>(user);
if (st && kind == none && st->getDest() == addr) {
kind = store;
// We cannot just return st->getSrc() here because we also have to check
// if the store destination is the only use of addr.
if (auto *telem = dyn_cast<TupleElementAddrInst>(user)) {
if (kind == none) {
kind = tuple;
if (kind == tuple) {
if (elems[telem->getFieldIndex()])
return SILValue();
elems[telem->getFieldIndex()] = createValueFromAddr(telem, builder, loc);
// TODO: handle StructElementAddrInst to create structs.
return SILValue();
switch (kind) {
case none:
return SILValue();
case store:
assert(elems.size() == 1);
return elems[0];
case tuple:
if (std::any_of(elems.begin(), elems.end(),
[](SILValue v){ return !(bool)v; }))
return SILValue();
if (builder) {
return builder->createTuple(loc, addr->getType().getObjectType(), elems);
// Just return anything not null for the dry-run.
return elems[0];
llvm_unreachable("invalid kind");
/// Simplify the following two frontend patterns:
/// %payload_addr = init_enum_data_addr %payload_allocation
/// store %payload to %payload_addr
/// inject_enum_addr %payload_allocation, $
/// inject_enum_addr %nopayload_allocation, $
/// for a concrete enum type $ to:
/// %1 = enum $EnumType, $, %payload
/// store %1 to %payload_addr
/// %1 = enum $EnumType, $
/// store %1 to %nopayload_addr
/// We leave the cleaning up to mem2reg.
SILInstruction *
SILCombiner::visitInjectEnumAddrInst(InjectEnumAddrInst *IEAI) {
if (IEAI->getFunction()->hasOwnership())
return nullptr;
// Given an inject_enum_addr of a concrete type without payload, promote it to
// a store of an enum. Mem2reg/load forwarding will clean things up for us. We
// can't handle the payload case here due to the flow problems caused by the
// dependency in between the enum and its data.
assert(IEAI->getOperand()->getType().isAddress() && "Must be an address");
if (IEAI->getOperand()->getType().isAddressOnly(*IEAI->getFunction())) {
// Check for the following pattern inside the current basic block:
// inject_enum_addr %payload_allocation, $EnumType.case1
// ... no insns storing anything into %payload_allocation
// select_enum_addr %payload_allocation,
// case $EnumType.case1: %Result1,
// case case $EnumType.case2: %bResult2
// ...
// Replace the select_enum_addr by %Result1
auto *Term = IEAI->getParent()->getTerminator();
if (isa<CondBranchInst>(Term) || isa<SwitchValueInst>(Term)) {
auto BeforeTerm = std::prev(std::prev(IEAI->getParent()->end()));
auto *SEAI = dyn_cast<SelectEnumAddrInst>(BeforeTerm);
if (!SEAI)
return nullptr;
if (SEAI->getOperand() != IEAI->getOperand())
return nullptr;
SILBasicBlock::iterator II = IEAI->getIterator();
StoreInst *SI = nullptr;
for (;;) {
SILInstruction *CI = &*II;
if (CI == SEAI)
SI = dyn_cast<StoreInst>(CI);
if (SI) {
if (SI->getDest() == IEAI->getOperand())
return nullptr;
// Allow all instructions in between, which don't have any dependency to
// the store.
if (AA->mayWriteToMemory(&*II, IEAI->getOperand()))
return nullptr;
auto *InjectedEnumElement = IEAI->getElement();
auto Result = SEAI->getCaseResult(InjectedEnumElement);
// Replace select_enum_addr by the result
replaceInstUsesWith(*SEAI, Result);
return nullptr;
// Check for the following pattern inside the current basic block:
// inject_enum_addr %payload_allocation, $EnumType.case1
// ... no insns storing anything into %payload_allocation
// switch_enum_addr %payload_allocation,
// case $EnumType.case1: %bbX,
// case case $EnumType.case2: %bbY
// ...
// Replace the switch_enum_addr by select_enum_addr, switch_value.
if (auto *SEI = dyn_cast<SwitchEnumAddrInst>(Term)) {
if (SEI->getOperand() != IEAI->getOperand())
return nullptr;
SILBasicBlock::iterator II = IEAI->getIterator();
StoreInst *SI = nullptr;
for (;;) {
SILInstruction *CI = &*II;
if (CI == SEI)
SI = dyn_cast<StoreInst>(CI);
if (SI) {
if (SI->getDest() == IEAI->getOperand())
return nullptr;
// Allow all instructions in between, which don't have any dependency to
// the store.
if (AA->mayWriteToMemory(&*II, IEAI->getOperand()))
return nullptr;
// Replace switch_enum_addr by a branch instruction.
SILBuilderWithScope B(SEI);
SmallVector<std::pair<EnumElementDecl *, SILValue>, 8> CaseValues;
SmallVector<std::pair<SILValue, SILBasicBlock *>, 8> CaseBBs;
auto IntTy = SILType::getBuiltinIntegerType(32, B.getASTContext());
for (int i = 0, e = SEI->getNumCases(); i < e; ++i) {
auto Pair = SEI->getCase(i);
auto *IL = B.createIntegerLiteral(SEI->getLoc(), IntTy, APInt(32, i, false));
SILValue ILValue = SILValue(IL);
CaseValues.push_back(std::make_pair(Pair.first, ILValue));
CaseBBs.push_back(std::make_pair(ILValue, Pair.second));
SILValue DefaultValue;
SILBasicBlock *DefaultBB = nullptr;
if (SEI->hasDefault()) {
auto *IL = B.createIntegerLiteral(
SEI->getLoc(), IntTy,
APInt(32, static_cast<uint64_t>(SEI->getNumCases()), false));
DefaultValue = SILValue(IL);
DefaultBB = SEI->getDefaultBB();
auto *SEAI = B.createSelectEnumAddr(SEI->getLoc(), SEI->getOperand(), IntTy, DefaultValue, CaseValues);
B.createSwitchValue(SEI->getLoc(), SILValue(SEAI), DefaultBB, CaseBBs);
return eraseInstFromFunction(*SEI);
return nullptr;
// If the enum does not have a payload create the enum/store since we don't
// need to worry about payloads.
if (!IEAI->getElement()->hasAssociatedValues()) {
EnumInst *E =
Builder.createEnum(IEAI->getLoc(), SILValue(), IEAI->getElement(),
Builder.createStore(IEAI->getLoc(), E, IEAI->getOperand(),
return eraseInstFromFunction(*IEAI);
// Ok, we have a payload enum, make sure that we have a store previous to
// us...
SILValue ASO = IEAI->getOperand();
if (!isa<AllocStackInst>(ASO)) {
return nullptr;
InitEnumDataAddrInst *DataAddrInst = nullptr;
InjectEnumAddrInst *EnumAddrIns = nullptr;
llvm::SmallPtrSet<SILInstruction *, 32> WriteSet;
for (auto UsersIt : ASO->getUses()) {
SILInstruction *CurrUser = UsersIt->getUser();
if (CurrUser->isDeallocatingStack()) {
// we don't care about the dealloc stack instructions
if (CurrUser->isDebugInstruction() || isa<LoadInst>(CurrUser)) {
// These Instructions are a non-risky use we can ignore
if (auto *CurrInst = dyn_cast<InitEnumDataAddrInst>(CurrUser)) {
if (DataAddrInst) {
return nullptr;
DataAddrInst = CurrInst;
if (auto *CurrInst = dyn_cast<InjectEnumAddrInst>(CurrUser)) {
if (EnumAddrIns) {
return nullptr;
EnumAddrIns = CurrInst;
if (isa<StoreInst>(CurrUser)) {
// The only MayWrite Instruction we can safely handle
// It is too risky to continue if it is any other instruction.
return nullptr;
if (!DataAddrInst || !EnumAddrIns) {
return nullptr;
assert((EnumAddrIns == IEAI) &&
"Found InitEnumDataAddrInst differs from IEAI");
// Make sure the enum pattern instructions are the only ones which write to
// this location
if (!WriteSet.empty()) {
// Analyze the instructions (implicit dominator analysis)
// If we find any of MayWriteSet, return nullptr
SILBasicBlock *InitEnumBB = DataAddrInst->getParent();
assert(InitEnumBB && "DataAddrInst is not in a valid Basic Block");
llvm::SmallVector<SILInstruction *, 64> Worklist;
llvm::SmallPtrSet<SILBasicBlock *, 16> Preds;
while (!Worklist.empty()) {
SILInstruction *CurrIns = Worklist.pop_back_val();
SILBasicBlock *CurrBB = CurrIns->getParent();
if (CurrBB->isEntry() && CurrBB != InitEnumBB) {
// reached prologue without encountering the init bb
return nullptr;
for (auto InsIt = ++CurrIns->getIterator().getReverse();
InsIt != CurrBB->rend(); ++InsIt) {
SILInstruction *Ins = &*InsIt;
if (Ins == DataAddrInst) {
// don't care about what comes before init enum in the basic block
if (WriteSet.count(Ins) != 0) {
return nullptr;
if (CurrBB == InitEnumBB) {
// Go to predecessors and do all that again
for (SILBasicBlock *Pred : CurrBB->getPredecessorBlocks()) {
// If it's already in the set, then we've already queued and/or
// processed the predecessors.
if (Preds.insert(Pred).second) {
// Check if we can replace all stores to the enum data with an enum of the
// stored value. We can also handle tuples as payloads, e.g.
// %payload_addr = init_enum_data_addr %enum_addr
// %elem0_addr = tuple_element_addr %payload_addr, 0
// %elem1_addr = tuple_element_addr %payload_addr, 1
// store %payload0 to %elem0_addr
// store %payload1 to %elem1_addr
// inject_enum_addr %enum_addr, $
if (createValueFromAddr(DataAddrInst, nullptr, DataAddrInst->getLoc())) {
SILValue en =
createValueFromAddr(DataAddrInst, &Builder, DataAddrInst->getLoc());
// In that case, create the payload enum/store.
EnumInst *E = Builder.createEnum(
DataAddrInst->getLoc(), en, DataAddrInst->getElement(),
Builder.createStore(DataAddrInst->getLoc(), E, DataAddrInst->getOperand(),
// Cleanup.
recursivelyDeleteTriviallyDeadInstructions(DataAddrInst, true);
return eraseInstFromFunction(*IEAI);
// Check whether we have an apply initializing the enum.
// %iedai = init_enum_data_addr %enum_addr
// = apply(%iedai,...)
// inject_enum_addr %enum_addr
// We can localize the store to an alloc_stack.
// Allowing us to perform the same optimization as for the store.
// %alloca = alloc_stack
// apply(%alloca,...)
// %load = load %alloca
// %1 = enum $EnumType, $, %load
// store %1 to %nopayload_addr
auto *AI = dyn_cast_or_null<ApplyInst>(getSingleNonDebugUser(DataAddrInst));
if (!AI)
return nullptr;
unsigned ArgIdx = 0;
Operand *EnumInitOperand = nullptr;
for (auto &Opd : AI->getArgumentOperands()) {
// Found an apply that initializes the enum. We can optimize this by
// localizing the initialization to an alloc_stack and loading from it.
DataAddrInst = dyn_cast<InitEnumDataAddrInst>(Opd.get());
if (DataAddrInst && DataAddrInst->getOperand() == IEAI->getOperand()
&& ArgIdx < AI->getSubstCalleeConv().getNumIndirectSILResults()) {
EnumInitOperand = &Opd;
if (!EnumInitOperand) {
return nullptr;
// Localize the address access.
auto *AllocStack = Builder.createAllocStack(DataAddrInst->getLoc(),
SILValue Load(Builder.createLoad(DataAddrInst->getLoc(), AllocStack,
EnumInst *E = Builder.createEnum(
DataAddrInst->getLoc(), Load, DataAddrInst->getElement(),
Builder.createStore(DataAddrInst->getLoc(), E, DataAddrInst->getOperand(),
Builder.createDeallocStack(DataAddrInst->getLoc(), AllocStack);
return eraseInstFromFunction(*IEAI);
SILInstruction *
visitUnreachableInst(UnreachableInst *UI) {
if (UI->getFunction()->hasOwnership())
return nullptr;
// Make sure that this unreachable instruction
// is the last instruction in the basic block.
if (UI->getParent()->getTerminator() == UI)
return nullptr;
// Collect together all the instructions after this point
llvm::SmallVector<SILInstruction *, 32> ToRemove;
for (auto Inst = UI->getParent()->rbegin(); &*Inst != UI; ++Inst)
for (auto *Inst : ToRemove) {
// Replace any still-remaining uses with undef values and erase.
return nullptr;
/// We really want to eliminate unchecked_take_enum_data_addr. Thus if we find
/// one go through all of its uses and see if they are all loads and address
/// projections (in many common situations this is true). If so, perform:
/// (load (unchecked_take_enum_data_addr x)) -> (unchecked_enum_data (load x))
/// FIXME: Implement this for address projections.
/// Also remove dead unchecked_take_enum_data_addr:
/// (destroy_addr (unchecked_take_enum_data_addr x)) -> (destroy_addr x)
SILInstruction *
visitUncheckedTakeEnumDataAddrInst(UncheckedTakeEnumDataAddrInst *TEDAI) {
if (TEDAI->getFunction()->hasOwnership())
return nullptr;
// If our TEDAI has no users, there is nothing to do.
if (TEDAI->use_empty())
return nullptr;
bool onlyLoads = true;
bool onlyDestroys = true;
for (auto U : getNonDebugUses(TEDAI)) {
// Check if it is load. If it is not a load, bail...
if (!isa<LoadInst>(U->getUser()))
onlyLoads = false;
if (!isa<DestroyAddrInst>(U->getUser()))
onlyDestroys = false;
if (onlyDestroys) {
// The unchecked_take_enum_data_addr is dead: remove it and replace all
// destroys with a destroy of its operand.
while (!TEDAI->use_empty()) {
Operand *use = *TEDAI->use_begin();
SILInstruction *user = use->getUser();
if (auto *dai = dyn_cast<DestroyAddrInst>(user)) {
} else {
return eraseInstFromFunction(*TEDAI);
if (!onlyLoads)
return nullptr;
// If our enum type is address only, we cannot do anything here. The key
// thing to remember is that an enum is address only if any of its cases are
// address only. So we *could* have a loadable payload resulting from the
// TEDAI without the TEDAI being loadable itself.
if (TEDAI->getOperand()->getType().isAddressOnly(*TEDAI->getFunction()))
return nullptr;
// Grab the EnumAddr.
SILLocation Loc = TEDAI->getLoc();
SILValue EnumAddr = TEDAI->getOperand();
EnumElementDecl *EnumElt = TEDAI->getElement();
SILType PayloadType = TEDAI->getType().getObjectType();
// Go back through a second time now that we know all of our users are
// loads. Perform the transformation on each load.
SmallVector<LoadInst*, 4> ToRemove;
for (auto U : getNonDebugUses(TEDAI)) {
// Grab the load.
LoadInst *L = cast<LoadInst>(U->getUser());
// Insert a new Load of the enum and extract the data from that.
auto *Ld =
Builder.createLoad(Loc, EnumAddr, LoadOwnershipQualifier::Unqualified);
auto *D = Builder.createUncheckedEnumData(Loc, Ld, EnumElt, PayloadType);
// Replace all uses of the old load with the data and erase the old load.
replaceInstUsesWith(*L, D);
for (auto *LD : ToRemove) {
return eraseInstFromFunction(*TEDAI);
SILInstruction *SILCombiner::visitStrongReleaseInst(StrongReleaseInst *SRI) {
// Release of ThinToThickFunction is a no-op.
if (isa<ThinToThickFunctionInst>(SRI->getOperand()))
return eraseInstFromFunction(*SRI);
if (isa<ObjCExistentialMetatypeToObjectInst>(SRI->getOperand()) ||
return eraseInstFromFunction(*SRI);
// Retain and Release of tagged strings is a no-op.
// The builtin code pattern to find tagged strings is:
// builtin "stringObjectOr_Int64" (or to tag the string)
// value_to_bridge_object (cast the UInt to bridge object)
if (isa<ValueToBridgeObjectInst>(SRI->getOperand())) {
return eraseInstFromFunction(*SRI);
// Release of a classbound existential converted from a class is just a
// release of the class, squish the conversion.
if (auto ier = dyn_cast<InitExistentialRefInst>(SRI->getOperand()))
if (ier->hasOneUse()) {
return SRI;
return nullptr;
SILInstruction *SILCombiner::visitCondBranchInst(CondBranchInst *CBI) {
if (CBI->getFunction()->hasOwnership())
return nullptr;
// cond_br(xor(x, 1)), t_label, f_label -> cond_br x, f_label, t_label
// cond_br(x == 0), t_label, f_label -> cond_br x, f_label, t_label
// cond_br(x != 1), t_label, f_label -> cond_br x, f_label, t_label
SILValue X;
if (match(CBI->getCondition(),
// xor(x, 1)
m_ApplyInst(BuiltinValueKind::Xor, m_SILValue(X), m_One()),
// xor(1,x)
m_ApplyInst(BuiltinValueKind::Xor, m_One(), m_SILValue(X)),
// x == 0
m_ApplyInst(BuiltinValueKind::ICMP_EQ, m_SILValue(X), m_Zero()),
// x != 1
m_ApplyInst(BuiltinValueKind::ICMP_NE, m_SILValue(X),
m_One()))) &&
X->getType() ==
SILType::getBuiltinIntegerType(1, CBI->getModule().getASTContext())) {
SmallVector<SILValue, 4> OrigTrueArgs, OrigFalseArgs;
for (const auto Op : CBI->getTrueArgs())
for (const auto Op : CBI->getFalseArgs())
return Builder.createCondBranch(CBI->getLoc(), X,
CBI->getFalseBB(), OrigFalseArgs,
CBI->getTrueBB(), OrigTrueArgs);
// cond_br (select_enum) -> switch_enum
// This pattern often occurs as a result of using optionals.
if (auto *SEI = dyn_cast<SelectEnumInst>(CBI->getCondition())) {
// No bb args should be passed
if (!CBI->getTrueArgs().empty() || !CBI->getFalseArgs().empty())
return nullptr;
auto EnumOperandTy = SEI->getEnumOperand()->getType();
// Type should be loadable
if (!EnumOperandTy.isLoadable(*SEI->getFunction()))
return nullptr;
// Result of the select_enum should be a boolean.
if (SEI->getType() != CBI->getCondition()->getType())
return nullptr;
// If any of cond_br edges are critical edges, do not perform
// the transformation, as SIL in canonical form may
// only have critical edges that are originating from cond_br
// instructions.
if (!CBI->getTrueBB()->getSinglePredecessorBlock())
return nullptr;
if (!CBI->getFalseBB()->getSinglePredecessorBlock())
return nullptr;
SILBasicBlock *DefaultBB = nullptr;
match_integer<0> Zero;
if (SEI->hasDefault()) {
// Default result should be an integer constant.
if (!isa<IntegerLiteralInst>(SEI->getDefaultResult()))
return nullptr;
bool isFalse = match(SEI->getDefaultResult(), Zero);
// Pick the default BB.
DefaultBB = isFalse ? CBI->getFalseBB() : CBI->getTrueBB();
if (!DefaultBB) {
// Find the targets for the majority of cases and pick it
// as a default BB.
unsigned TrueBBCases = 0;
unsigned FalseBBCases = 0;
for (int i = 0, e = SEI->getNumCases(); i < e; ++i) {
auto Pair = SEI->getCase(i);
if (isa<IntegerLiteralInst>(Pair.second)) {
bool isFalse = match(Pair.second, Zero);
if (!isFalse) {
} else {
return nullptr;
if (FalseBBCases > TrueBBCases)
DefaultBB = CBI->getFalseBB();
DefaultBB = CBI->getTrueBB();
assert(DefaultBB && "Default should be defined at this point");
unsigned NumTrueBBCases = 0;
unsigned NumFalseBBCases = 0;
if (DefaultBB == CBI->getFalseBB())
// We can now convert cond_br(select_enum) into switch_enum.
SmallVector<std::pair<EnumElementDecl *, SILBasicBlock *>, 8> Cases;
for (int i = 0, e = SEI->getNumCases(); i < e; ++i) {
auto Pair = SEI->getCase(i);
// Bail if one of the results is not an integer constant.
if (!isa<IntegerLiteralInst>(Pair.second))
return nullptr;
// Add a switch case.
bool isFalse = match(Pair.second, Zero);
if (!isFalse && DefaultBB != CBI->getTrueBB()) {
Cases.push_back(std::make_pair(Pair.first, CBI->getTrueBB()));
if (isFalse && DefaultBB != CBI->getFalseBB()) {
Cases.push_back(std::make_pair(Pair.first, CBI->getFalseBB()));
// Bail if a switch_enum would introduce a critical edge.
if (NumTrueBBCases > 1 || NumFalseBBCases > 1)
return nullptr;
return Builder.createSwitchEnum(SEI->getLoc(), SEI->getEnumOperand(),
DefaultBB, Cases);
return nullptr;
SILInstruction *SILCombiner::visitSelectEnumInst(SelectEnumInst *SEI) {
if (SEI->getFunction()->hasOwnership())
return nullptr;
// Canonicalize a select_enum: if the default refers to exactly one case, then
// replace the default with that case.
if (SEI->hasDefault()) {
NullablePtr<EnumElementDecl> elementDecl = SEI->getUniqueCaseForDefault();
if (elementDecl.isNonNull()) {
// Construct a new instruction by copying all the case entries.
SmallVector<std::pair<EnumElementDecl *, SILValue>, 4> CaseValues;
for (int idx = 0, numIdcs = SEI->getNumCases(); idx < numIdcs; ++idx) {
// Add the default-entry of the original instruction as case-entry.
std::make_pair(elementDecl.get(), SEI->getDefaultResult()));
return Builder.createSelectEnum(SEI->getLoc(), SEI->getEnumOperand(),
SEI->getType(), SILValue(), CaseValues);
// TODO: We should be able to flat-out replace the select_enum instruction
// with the selected value in another pass. For parity with the enum_is_tag
// combiner pass, handle integer literals for now.
auto *EI = dyn_cast<EnumInst>(SEI->getEnumOperand());
if (!EI)
return nullptr;
SILValue selected;
for (unsigned i = 0, e = SEI->getNumCases(); i < e; ++i) {
auto casePair = SEI->getCase(i);
if (casePair.first == EI->getElement()) {
selected = casePair.second;
if (!selected)
selected = SEI->getDefaultResult();
if (auto *ILI = dyn_cast<IntegerLiteralInst>(selected)) {
return Builder.createIntegerLiteral(ILI->getLoc(), ILI->getType(),
return nullptr;
SILInstruction *SILCombiner::visitTupleExtractInst(TupleExtractInst *TEI) {
if (TEI->getFunction()->hasOwnership())
return nullptr;
// tuple_extract(apply([add|sub|...]overflow(x, 0)), 1) -> 0
// if it can be proven that no overflow can happen.
if (TEI->getFieldIndex() != 1)
return nullptr;
if (auto *BI = dyn_cast<BuiltinInst>(TEI->getOperand()))
if (!canOverflow(BI))
return Builder.createIntegerLiteral(TEI->getLoc(), TEI->getType(),
APInt(1, 0));
return nullptr;
SILInstruction *SILCombiner::visitFixLifetimeInst(FixLifetimeInst *fli) {
// fix_lifetime(alloc_stack) -> fix_lifetime(load(alloc_stack))
if (auto *ai = dyn_cast<AllocStackInst>(fli->getOperand())) {
if (fli->getOperand()->getType().isLoadable(*fli->getFunction())) {
// load when ossa is disabled
auto load = Builder.emitLoadBorrowOperation(fli->getLoc(), ai);
Builder.createFixLifetime(fli->getLoc(), load);
// no-op when ossa is disabled
Builder.emitEndBorrowOperation(fli->getLoc(), load);
return eraseInstFromFunction(*fli);
return nullptr;
SILInstruction *
visitAllocRefDynamicInst(AllocRefDynamicInst *ARDI) {
if (ARDI->getFunction()->hasOwnership())
return nullptr;
SmallVector<SILValue, 4> Counts;
auto getCounts = [&] (AllocRefDynamicInst *AI) -> ArrayRef<SILValue> {
for (Operand &Op : AI->getTailAllocatedCounts()) {
return Counts;
// %1 = metatype $X.Type
// %2 = alloc_ref_dynamic %1 : $X.Type, Y
// ->
// alloc_ref X
SILValue MDVal = ARDI->getMetatypeOperand();
if (auto *UC = dyn_cast<UpcastInst>(MDVal))
MDVal = UC->getOperand();
SingleValueInstruction *NewInst = nullptr;
if (auto *MI = dyn_cast<MetatypeInst>(MDVal)) {
auto MetaTy = MI->getType().castTo<MetatypeType>();
auto InstanceTy = MetaTy.getInstanceType();
if (auto SelfTy = dyn_cast<DynamicSelfType>(InstanceTy))
InstanceTy = SelfTy.getSelfType();
auto SILInstanceTy = SILType::getPrimitiveObjectType(InstanceTy);
if (!SILInstanceTy.getClassOrBoundGenericClass())
return nullptr;
NewInst = Builder.createAllocRef(ARDI->getLoc(), SILInstanceTy,
ARDI->isObjC(), false,
} else if (isa<SILArgument>(MDVal)) {
// checked_cast_br [exact] $Y.Type to $X.Type, bbSuccess, bbFailure
// ...
// bbSuccess(%T: $X.Type)
// alloc_ref_dynamic %T : $X.Type, $X
// ->
// alloc_ref $X
auto *PredBB = ARDI->getParent()->getSinglePredecessorBlock();
if (!PredBB)
return nullptr;
auto *CCBI = dyn_cast<CheckedCastBranchInst>(PredBB->getTerminator());
if (CCBI && CCBI->isExact() && ARDI->getParent() == CCBI->getSuccessBB()) {
auto MetaTy = cast<MetatypeType>(CCBI->getTargetFormalType());
auto InstanceTy = MetaTy.getInstanceType();
if (auto SelfTy = dyn_cast<DynamicSelfType>(InstanceTy))
InstanceTy = SelfTy.getSelfType();
auto SILInstanceTy = SILType::getPrimitiveObjectType(InstanceTy);
if (!SILInstanceTy.getClassOrBoundGenericClass())
return nullptr;
NewInst = Builder.createAllocRef(ARDI->getLoc(), SILInstanceTy,
ARDI->isObjC(), false,
if (NewInst && NewInst->getType() != ARDI->getType()) {
// In case the argument was an upcast of the metatype, we have to upcast the
// resulting reference.
NewInst = Builder.createUpcast(ARDI->getLoc(), NewInst, ARDI->getType());
return NewInst;
SILInstruction *SILCombiner::visitMarkDependenceInst(MarkDependenceInst *mdi) {
if (mdi->getFunction()->hasOwnership())
return nullptr;
// Simplify the base operand of a MarkDependenceInst to eliminate unnecessary
// instructions that aren't adding value.
// Conversions to Optional.Some(x) often happen here, this isn't important
// for us, we can just depend on 'x' directly.
if (auto *eiBase = dyn_cast<EnumInst>(mdi->getBase())) {
if (eiBase->hasOperand() && eiBase->hasOneUse()) {
return mdi;
// Conversions from a class to AnyObject also happen a lot, we can just depend
// on the class reference.
if (auto *ier = dyn_cast<InitExistentialRefInst>(mdi->getBase())) {
if (ier->use_empty())
return mdi;
// Conversions from a class to AnyObject also happen a lot, we can just depend
// on the class reference.
if (auto *oeri = dyn_cast<OpenExistentialRefInst>(mdi->getBase())) {
if (oeri->use_empty())
return mdi;
// Sometimes due to specialization/builtins, we can get a mark_dependence
// whose base is a trivial typed object. In such a case, the mark_dependence
// does not have a meaning, so just eliminate it.
SILType baseType = mdi->getBase()->getType();
if (baseType.isObject() && baseType.isTrivial(*mdi->getFunction())) {
SILValue value = mdi->getValue();
return eraseInstFromFunction(*mdi);
return nullptr;
SILInstruction *SILCombiner::
visitClassifyBridgeObjectInst(ClassifyBridgeObjectInst *CBOI) {
if (CBOI->getFunction()->hasOwnership())
return nullptr;
auto *URC = dyn_cast<UncheckedRefCastInst>(CBOI->getOperand());
if (!URC)
return nullptr;
auto type = URC->getOperand()->getType().getASTType();
if (ClassDecl *cd = type->getClassOrBoundGenericClass()) {
if (!cd->isObjC()) {
auto int1Ty = SILType::getBuiltinIntegerType(1, Builder.getASTContext());
SILValue zero = Builder.createIntegerLiteral(CBOI->getLoc(),
int1Ty, 0);
return Builder.createTuple(CBOI->getLoc(), { zero, zero });
return nullptr;