blob: d8fb87f60f5fd3edc7ecfe7c78bf957fd2d06da9 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- SILCombinerBuiltinVisitors.cpp -----------------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#define DEBUG_TYPE "sil-combine"
#include "SILCombiner.h"
#include "swift/SIL/DebugUtils.h"
#include "swift/SIL/DynamicCasts.h"
#include "swift/SIL/PatternMatch.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILBuilder.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILVisitor.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Analysis/ARCAnalysis.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Analysis/AliasAnalysis.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Analysis/ValueTracking.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Utils/CFGOptUtils.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Utils/InstOptUtils.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallPtrSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
using namespace swift;
using namespace swift::PatternMatch;
SILInstruction *SILCombiner::optimizeBuiltinCompareEq(BuiltinInst *BI,
bool NegateResult) {
// Canonicalize boolean comparisons.
if (auto OpTy = BI->getArguments()[0]->getType().getAs<BuiltinIntegerType>())
if (OpTy->isFixedWidth(1))
// cmp_eq %X, -1 -> xor (cmp_eq %X, 0), -1
if (!NegateResult) {
if (auto *ILOp = dyn_cast<IntegerLiteralInst>(BI->getArguments()[1]))
if (ILOp->getValue().isAllOnesValue()) {
auto X = BI->getArguments()[0];
SILValue One(ILOp);
SILValue Zero(
Builder.createIntegerLiteral(BI->getLoc(), BI->getType(), 0));
SILValue Inverted(Builder.createBuiltin(
BI->getLoc(), BI->getName(), BI->getType(), {}, {X, Zero}));
auto *Xor = Builder.createBuiltinBinaryFunction(
BI->getLoc(), "xor", BI->getType(), BI->getType(),
{Inverted, One});
replaceInstUsesWith(*BI, Xor);
return eraseInstFromFunction(*BI);
IsZeroKind LHS = isZeroValue(BI->getArguments()[0]);
IsZeroKind RHS = isZeroValue(BI->getArguments()[1]);
// Can't handle unknown values.
if (LHS == IsZeroKind::Unknown) {
return nullptr;
// Canonicalize i1_const == X to X == i1_const.
// Canonicalize i1_const != X to X != i1_const.
if (RHS == IsZeroKind::Unknown) {
auto *CanonI =
Builder.createBuiltin(BI->getLoc(), BI->getName(), BI->getType(), {},
{BI->getArguments()[1], BI->getArguments()[0]});
replaceInstUsesWith(*BI, CanonI);
return eraseInstFromFunction(*BI);
// Can't handle non-zero ptr values.
if (LHS == IsZeroKind::NotZero && RHS == IsZeroKind::NotZero)
return nullptr;
// Set to true if both sides are zero. Set to false if only one side is zero.
bool Val = (LHS == RHS) ^ NegateResult;
return Builder.createIntegerLiteral(BI->getLoc(), BI->getType(),
APInt(1, Val));
SILInstruction *SILCombiner::optimizeBuiltinCanBeObjCClass(BuiltinInst *BI) {
assert(BI->hasSubstitutions() && "Expected substitutions for canBeClass");
auto const &Subs = BI->getSubstitutions();
assert((Subs.getReplacementTypes().size() == 1) &&
"Expected one substitution in call to canBeClass");
auto Ty = Subs.getReplacementTypes()[0]->getCanonicalType();
switch (Ty->canBeClass()) {
case TypeTraitResult::IsNot:
return Builder.createIntegerLiteral(BI->getLoc(), BI->getType(),
APInt(8, 0));
case TypeTraitResult::Is:
return Builder.createIntegerLiteral(BI->getLoc(), BI->getType(),
APInt(8, 1));
case TypeTraitResult::CanBe:
return nullptr;
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled TypeTraitResult in switch.");
SILInstruction *SILCombiner::optimizeBuiltinIsConcrete(BuiltinInst *BI) {
if (BI->getOperand(0)->getType().hasArchetype())
return nullptr;
return Builder.createIntegerLiteral(BI->getLoc(), BI->getType(), 1);
/// Replace
/// \code
/// %b = builtin "COWBufferForReading" %r
/// %a = ref_element_addr %b
/// \endcode
/// with
/// \code
/// %a = ref_element_addr [immutable] %r
/// \endcode
/// The same for ref_tail_addr.
SILInstruction *SILCombiner::optimizeBuiltinCOWBufferForReading(BuiltinInst *BI) {
auto useIter = BI->use_begin();
while (useIter != BI->use_end()) {
auto nextIter = std::next(useIter);
SILInstruction *user = useIter->getUser();
SILValue ref = BI->getOperand(0);
switch (user->getKind()) {
case SILInstructionKind::RefElementAddrInst: {
auto *REAI = cast<RefElementAddrInst>(user);
case SILInstructionKind::RefTailAddrInst: {
auto *RTAI = cast<RefTailAddrInst>(user);
case SILInstructionKind::StrongReleaseInst:
useIter = nextIter;
// If there are unknown users, keep the builtin, and IRGen will handle it.
if (BI->use_empty())
return eraseInstFromFunction(*BI);
return nullptr;
static unsigned getTypeWidth(SILType Ty) {
if (auto BuiltinIntTy = Ty.getAs<BuiltinIntegerType>()) {
if (BuiltinIntTy->isFixedWidth()) {
return BuiltinIntTy->getFixedWidth();
return 0;
SILInstruction *SILCombiner::optimizeBuiltinTruncOrBitCast(BuiltinInst *I) {
assert(I->getBuiltinInfo().ID == BuiltinValueKind::TruncOrBitCast &&
"BuiltinInst is not Trunc");
SILValue Op = I->getArguments()[0];
SILValue Source;
if (match(Op, m_ZExtOrBitCast(m_SILValue(Source)))) {
SILType ResultType = I->getType();
SILType SourceType = Source->getType();
SILType SourceTargetType = Op->getType();
unsigned ResultTypeWidth = getTypeWidth(ResultType);
unsigned SourceTypeWidth = getTypeWidth(SourceType);
unsigned SourceTargetTypeWidth = getTypeWidth(SourceTargetType);
if (ResultTypeWidth == 0 || SourceTypeWidth == 0 ||
SourceTargetTypeWidth == 0) {
// Not all types involved have fixed width
return nullptr;
if (SourceTargetTypeWidth <= SourceTypeWidth) {
return nullptr;
if (ResultTypeWidth < SourceTypeWidth) {
return nullptr;
// Reach here if and only if:
// SourceTargetTypeWidth > SourceTypeWidth and ResultTypeWidth >=
// SourceTypeWidth
auto *NI = Builder.createBuiltinBinaryFunctionWithTwoOpTypes(
I->getLoc(), "zextOrBitCast", Source->getType(), ResultType, ResultType,
replaceInstUsesWith(*I, NI);
return eraseInstFromFunction(*I);
return nullptr;
SILInstruction *SILCombiner::optimizeBuiltinZextOrBitCast(BuiltinInst *I) {
assert(I->getBuiltinInfo().ID == BuiltinValueKind::ZExtOrBitCast &&
"BuiltinInst is not ZExt");
SILValue Op = I->getArguments()[0];
SILValue Source;
if (match(Op, m_ZExtOrBitCast(m_SILValue(Source)))) {
SILType ResultType = I->getType();
// We can't extend to a size *smaller* than the source.
// As such, this transformation will always maintain correctness
auto *NI = Builder.createBuiltinBinaryFunctionWithTwoOpTypes(
I->getLoc(), "zextOrBitCast", Source->getType(), ResultType, ResultType,
replaceInstUsesWith(*I, NI);
return eraseInstFromFunction(*I);
// Optimize a sequence of conversion of an builtin integer to and from
// BridgeObject. This sequence appears in the String implementation.
if (auto *BO2W = dyn_cast<BridgeObjectToWordInst>(Op)) {
if (auto *V2BO = dyn_cast<ValueToBridgeObjectInst>(BO2W->getOperand())) {
if (auto *SI = dyn_cast<StructInst>(V2BO->getOperand())) {
if (SI->getNumOperands() == 1 && SI->getOperand(0)->getType() == I->getType()) {
replaceInstUsesWith(*I, SI->getOperand(0));
return eraseInstFromFunction(*I);
return nullptr;
/// Optimize builtins which receive the same value in their first and second
/// operand.
static SILInstruction *optimizeBuiltinWithSameOperands(SILBuilder &Builder,
BuiltinInst *I,
SILCombiner *C) {
// Handle all builtins which can be optimized.
// We have to take special care about floating point operations because of
// potential NaN values. E.g. ordered equal FCMP_OEQ(Nan, Nan) is not true.
switch (I->getBuiltinInfo().ID) {
// Replace the uses with one of the (identical) operands.
case BuiltinValueKind::And:
case BuiltinValueKind::Or: {
// We cannot just _return_ the operand because it is not necessarily an
// instruction. It can be an argument.
SILValue Op = I->getOperand(0);
C->replaceInstUsesWith(*I, Op);
// Return 0 or false.
case BuiltinValueKind::Sub:
case BuiltinValueKind::SRem:
case BuiltinValueKind::URem:
case BuiltinValueKind::Xor:
case BuiltinValueKind::ICMP_NE:
case BuiltinValueKind::ICMP_SLT:
case BuiltinValueKind::ICMP_SGT:
case BuiltinValueKind::ICMP_ULT:
case BuiltinValueKind::ICMP_UGT:
case BuiltinValueKind::FCMP_ONE:
if (auto Ty = I->getType().getAs<BuiltinIntegerType>()) {
// FIXME: Should also use SILBuilderWithScope?
return Builder.createIntegerLiteral(I->getLoc(), I->getType(),
APInt(Ty->getGreatestWidth(), 0));
// Return 1 or true.
case BuiltinValueKind::ICMP_EQ:
case BuiltinValueKind::ICMP_SLE:
case BuiltinValueKind::ICMP_SGE:
case BuiltinValueKind::ICMP_ULE:
case BuiltinValueKind::ICMP_UGE:
case BuiltinValueKind::FCMP_UEQ:
case BuiltinValueKind::FCMP_UGE:
case BuiltinValueKind::FCMP_ULE:
case BuiltinValueKind::SDiv:
case BuiltinValueKind::UDiv:
if (auto Ty = I->getType().getAs<BuiltinIntegerType>()) {
// FIXME: Should also use SILBuilderWithScope?
return Builder.createIntegerLiteral(I->getLoc(), I->getType(),
APInt(Ty->getGreatestWidth(), 1));
// Return 0 in a tuple.
case BuiltinValueKind::SSubOver:
case BuiltinValueKind::USubOver: {
SILType Ty = I->getType();
SILType IntTy = Ty.getTupleElementType(0);
SILType BoolTy = Ty.getTupleElementType(1);
SILBuilderWithScope B(I);
SILValue Elements[] = {
B.createIntegerLiteral(I->getLoc(), IntTy, /* Result */ 0),
B.createIntegerLiteral(I->getLoc(), BoolTy, /* Overflow */ 0)
return B.createTuple(I->getLoc(), Ty, Elements);
// Replace the type check with 'true'.
case BuiltinValueKind::IsSameMetatype:
return Builder.createIntegerLiteral(I->getLoc(), I->getType(), true);
return nullptr;
/// Match an index pointer that is fed by a sizeof(T)*Distance offset.
static IndexRawPointerInst *
matchSizeOfMultiplication(SILValue I, MetatypeInst *RequiredType,
BuiltinInst *&TruncOrBitCast, SILValue &Ptr,
SILValue &Distance) {
auto *Res = dyn_cast<IndexRawPointerInst>(I);
if (!Res)
return nullptr;
SILValue Dist;
MetatypeInst *StrideType;
if (match(Res->getOperand(1),
BuiltinValueKind::SMulOver, m_SILValue(Dist),
0))) ||
0)))) {
if (StrideType != RequiredType)
return nullptr;
TruncOrBitCast = cast<BuiltinInst>(Res->getOperand(1));
Distance = Dist;
Ptr = Res->getOperand(0);
return Res;
return nullptr;
/// Given an index_raw_pointer Ptr, size_of(Metatype) * Distance create an
/// address_to_pointer (index_addr ptr, Distance : $*Metatype) : $RawPointer
/// instruction.
static SILValue createIndexAddrFrom(IndexRawPointerInst *I,
MetatypeInst *Metatype,
BuiltinInst *TruncOrBitCast,
SILValue Ptr, SILValue Distance,
SILType RawPointerTy,
SILBuilder &Builder) {
CanType InstanceType =
// index_raw_pointer's address type is currently always strict.
auto *NewPTAI = Builder.createPointerToAddress(
I->getLoc(), Ptr, SILType::getPrimitiveAddressType(InstanceType),
/*isStrict*/ true, /*isInvariant*/ false);
auto *DistanceAsWord =
Builder.createBuiltin(I->getLoc(), TruncOrBitCast->getName(),
TruncOrBitCast->getType(), {}, Distance);
auto *NewIAI = Builder.createIndexAddr(I->getLoc(), NewPTAI, DistanceAsWord);
auto *NewATPI =
Builder.createAddressToPointer(I->getLoc(), NewIAI, RawPointerTy);
return NewATPI;
/// Optimize an array operation that has (index_raw_pointer b, sizeof(T) * Dist)
/// operands into one that use index_addr as operands.
SILInstruction *optimizeBuiltinArrayOperation(BuiltinInst *I,
SILBuilder &Builder) {
if (I->getNumOperands() < 3)
return nullptr;
// Take something like this:
// %stride = Builtin.strideof(T) * %distance
// %ptr' = index_raw_pointer %ptr, %stride
// = builtin "takeArrayFrontToBack"<Int>(%metatype, %ptr', ...
// And convert it to this:
// %addr = pointer_to_address %ptr, strict $*T
// %result = index_addr %addr, %distance
// %ptr' = address_to_pointer result : $RawPointer
// = builtin "takeArrayFrontToBack"<Int>(%metatype, %ptr', ...
auto *Metatype = dyn_cast<MetatypeInst>(I->getOperand(0));
if (!Metatype)
return nullptr;
SILValue Ptr;
SILValue Distance;
BuiltinInst *TruncOrBitCast;
SILValue NewOp1 = I->getOperand(1), NewOp2 = I->getOperand(2);
// Try to replace the first pointer operand.
auto *IdxRawPtr1 = matchSizeOfMultiplication(I->getOperand(1), Metatype,
TruncOrBitCast, Ptr, Distance);
if (IdxRawPtr1)
NewOp1 = createIndexAddrFrom(IdxRawPtr1, Metatype, TruncOrBitCast, Ptr,
Distance, NewOp1->getType(), Builder);
// Try to replace the second pointer operand.
auto *IdxRawPtr2 = matchSizeOfMultiplication(I->getOperand(2), Metatype,
TruncOrBitCast, Ptr, Distance);
if (IdxRawPtr2)
NewOp2 = createIndexAddrFrom(IdxRawPtr2, Metatype, TruncOrBitCast, Ptr,
Distance, NewOp2->getType(), Builder);
if (NewOp1 != I->getOperand(1) || NewOp2 != I->getOperand(2)) {
SmallVector<SILValue, 5> NewOpds;
for (auto OldOpd : I->getArguments())
NewOpds[1] = NewOp1;
NewOpds[2] = NewOp2;
return Builder.createBuiltin(I->getLoc(), I->getName(), I->getType(),
I->getSubstitutions(), NewOpds);
return nullptr;
/// Get operands of a binary bitop builtin where one operand is an integer
/// literal.
static bool getBitOpArgs(BuiltinInst *BI, SILValue &op, APInt &bits) {
OperandValueArrayRef Args = BI->getArguments();
if (auto *IL = dyn_cast<IntegerLiteralInst>(Args[0])) {
op = Args[1];
bits = IL->getValue();
return true;
if (auto *IL = dyn_cast<IntegerLiteralInst>(Args[1])) {
op = Args[0];
bits = IL->getValue();
return true;
return false;
/// Optimizes binary bit operations. Optimizations for "and":
/// x & 0 -> 0
/// x & ~0 -> x
/// (x & c1) & c2 -> x & (c1 & c2)
/// The same optimizations are done for "or" and "xor".
template <typename CombineFunc, typename NeutralFunc, typename ZeroFunc>
SILInstruction *optimizeBitOp(BuiltinInst *BI,
CombineFunc combine,
NeutralFunc isNeutral,
ZeroFunc isZero,
SILBuilder &Builder,
SILCombiner *C) {
SILValue firstOp;
APInt bits;
if (!getBitOpArgs(BI, firstOp, bits))
return nullptr;
// Combine all bits of consecutive bit operations, e.g. ((op & c1) & c2) & c3
SILValue op = firstOp;
BuiltinInst *Prev;
APInt prevBits;
while ((Prev = dyn_cast<BuiltinInst>(op)) &&
Prev->getBuiltinInfo().ID == BI->getBuiltinInfo().ID &&
getBitOpArgs(Prev, op, prevBits)) {
combine(bits, prevBits);
if (isNeutral(bits)) {
// The bit operation has no effect, e.g. x | 0 -> x
C->replaceInstUsesWith(*BI, op);
return BI;
if (isZero(bits))
// The bit operation yields to a constant, e.g. x & 0 -> 0
return Builder.createIntegerLiteral(BI->getLoc(), BI->getType(), bits);
if (op != firstOp) {
// We combined multiple bit operations to a single one,
// e.g. (x & c1) & c2 -> x & (c1 & c2)
auto *newLI = Builder.createIntegerLiteral(BI->getLoc(), BI->getType(),
return Builder.createBuiltin(BI->getLoc(), BI->getName(), BI->getType(),
{ op, newLI });
return nullptr;
/// Returns a 64-bit integer constant if \p op is an integer_literal instruction
/// with a value which fits into 64 bits.
static Optional<uint64_t> getIntConst(SILValue op) {
if (auto *ILI = dyn_cast<IntegerLiteralInst>(op)) {
if (ILI->getValue().getActiveBits() <= 64)
return ILI->getValue().getZExtValue();
return None;
/// Optimize the bit extract of a string object. Example in SIL pseudo-code,
/// omitting the type-conversion instructions:
/// %0 = string_literal
/// %1 = integer_literal 0x8000000000000000
/// %2 = builtin "stringObjectOr_Int64" (%0, %1)
/// %3 = integer_literal 0x4000000000000000
/// %4 = builtin "and_Int64" (%2, %3)
/// optimizes to an integer_literal of 0.
SILInstruction *SILCombiner::optimizeStringObject(BuiltinInst *BI) {
assert(BI->getBuiltinInfo().ID == BuiltinValueKind::And);
auto AndOp = getIntConst(BI->getArguments()[1]);
if (!AndOp)
return nullptr;
uint64_t andBits = AndOp.getValue();
// TODO: It's bad that we have to hardcode the payload bit mask here.
// Instead we should introduce builtins (or instructions) to extract the
// payload and extra bits, respectively.
const uint64_t payloadBits = 0x00ffffffffffffffll;
if ((andBits & payloadBits) != 0)
return nullptr;
uint64_t setBits = 0;
SILValue val = BI->getArguments()[0];
while (val->getKind() != ValueKind::StringLiteralInst) {
switch (val->getKind()) {
// Look through all the type conversion and projection instructions.
case ValueKind::StructExtractInst:
case ValueKind::UncheckedTrivialBitCastInst:
case ValueKind::ValueToBridgeObjectInst:
val = cast<SingleValueInstruction>(val)->getOperand(0);
case ValueKind::StructInst: {
auto *SI = cast<StructInst>(val);
if (SI->getNumOperands() != 1)
return nullptr;
val = SI->getOperand(0);
case ValueKind::BuiltinInst: {
auto *B = cast<BuiltinInst>(val);
switch (B->getBuiltinInfo().ID) {
case BuiltinValueKind::StringObjectOr:
// Note that it is a requirement that the or'd bits of the left
// operand are initially zero.
if (auto opVal = getIntConst(B->getArguments()[1])) {
setBits |= opVal.getValue();
} else {
return nullptr;
case BuiltinValueKind::ZExtOrBitCast:
case BuiltinValueKind::PtrToInt:
val = B->getArguments()[0];
return nullptr;
return nullptr;
return Builder.createIntegerLiteral(BI->getLoc(), BI->getType(),
setBits & andBits);
SILInstruction *SILCombiner::visitBuiltinInst(BuiltinInst *I) {
if (I->getFunction()->hasOwnership())
return nullptr;
if (I->getBuiltinInfo().ID == BuiltinValueKind::CanBeObjCClass)
return optimizeBuiltinCanBeObjCClass(I);
if (I->getBuiltinInfo().ID == BuiltinValueKind::IsConcrete)
return optimizeBuiltinIsConcrete(I);
if (I->getBuiltinInfo().ID == BuiltinValueKind::COWBufferForReading)
return optimizeBuiltinCOWBufferForReading(I);
if (I->getBuiltinInfo().ID == BuiltinValueKind::TakeArrayFrontToBack ||
I->getBuiltinInfo().ID == BuiltinValueKind::TakeArrayBackToFront ||
I->getBuiltinInfo().ID == BuiltinValueKind::TakeArrayNoAlias ||
I->getBuiltinInfo().ID == BuiltinValueKind::CopyArray ||
I->getBuiltinInfo().ID == BuiltinValueKind::AssignCopyArrayNoAlias ||
I->getBuiltinInfo().ID == BuiltinValueKind::AssignCopyArrayFrontToBack ||
I->getBuiltinInfo().ID == BuiltinValueKind::AssignCopyArrayBackToFront ||
I->getBuiltinInfo().ID == BuiltinValueKind::AssignTakeArray)
return optimizeBuiltinArrayOperation(I, Builder);
if (I->getBuiltinInfo().ID == BuiltinValueKind::TruncOrBitCast) {
return optimizeBuiltinTruncOrBitCast(I);
if (I->getBuiltinInfo().ID == BuiltinValueKind::ZExtOrBitCast) {
return optimizeBuiltinZextOrBitCast(I);
if (I->getNumOperands() >= 2 && I->getOperand(0) == I->getOperand(1)) {
// It's a builtin which has the same value in its first and second operand.
auto *Replacement = optimizeBuiltinWithSameOperands(Builder, I, this);
if (Replacement)
return Replacement;
// Optimize this case for unsigned and equality comparisons:
// cmp_*_T . (zext U->T x, zext U->T y)
// => cmp_*_T (x, y)
switch (I->getBuiltinInfo().ID) {
case BuiltinValueKind::ICMP_ULT: {
if (auto *ILOp = dyn_cast<IntegerLiteralInst>(I->getArguments()[0])) {
if (ILOp->getValue().isMaxValue()) {
auto *Zero = Builder.createIntegerLiteral(I->getLoc(), I->getType(), 0);
replaceInstUsesWith(*I, Zero);
return eraseInstFromFunction(*I);
case BuiltinValueKind::ICMP_ULE:
case BuiltinValueKind::ICMP_UGE:
case BuiltinValueKind::ICMP_UGT:
case BuiltinValueKind::ICMP_EQ:
case BuiltinValueKind::ICMP_NE: {
SILValue LCast, RCast;
if (match(I->getArguments()[0],
m_SILValue(LCast))) &&
m_SILValue(RCast))) &&
LCast->getType() == RCast->getType()) {
auto *NewCmp = Builder.createBuiltinBinaryFunction(
I->getLoc(), getBuiltinName(I->getBuiltinInfo().ID),
LCast->getType(), I->getType(), {LCast, RCast});
replaceInstUsesWith(*I, NewCmp);
return eraseInstFromFunction(*I);
case BuiltinValueKind::And:
if (SILInstruction *optimized = optimizeStringObject(I))
return optimized;
return optimizeBitOp(I,
[](APInt &left, const APInt &right) { left &= right; } /* combine */,
[](const APInt &i) -> bool { return i.isAllOnesValue(); } /* isNeutral */,
[](const APInt &i) -> bool { return i.isMinValue(); } /* isZero */,
Builder, this);
case BuiltinValueKind::Or:
return optimizeBitOp(I,
[](APInt &left, const APInt &right) { left |= right; } /* combine */,
[](const APInt &i) -> bool { return i.isMinValue(); } /* isNeutral */,
[](const APInt &i) -> bool { return i.isAllOnesValue(); } /* isZero */,
Builder, this);
case BuiltinValueKind::Xor:
return optimizeBitOp(I,
[](APInt &left, const APInt &right) { left ^= right; } /* combine */,
[](const APInt &i) -> bool { return i.isMinValue(); } /* isNeutral */,
[](const APInt &i) -> bool { return false; } /* isZero */,
Builder, this);
case BuiltinValueKind::DestroyArray: {
SubstitutionMap Substs = I->getSubstitutions();
// Check if the element type is a trivial type.
if (Substs.getReplacementTypes().size() == 1) {
Type ElemType = Substs.getReplacementTypes()[0];
auto &SILElemTy = I->getFunction()->getTypeLowering(ElemType);
// Destroying an array of trivial types is a no-op.
if (SILElemTy.isTrivial())
return eraseInstFromFunction(*I);
case BuiltinValueKind::CondFailMessage:
if (auto *SLI = dyn_cast<StringLiteralInst>(I->getOperand(1))) {
if (SLI->getEncoding() == StringLiteralInst::Encoding::UTF8) {
Builder.createCondFail(I->getLoc(), I->getOperand(0), SLI->getValue());
return nullptr;
if (I->getBuiltinInfo().ID == BuiltinValueKind::ICMP_EQ)
return optimizeBuiltinCompareEq(I, /*Negate Eq result*/ false);
if (I->getBuiltinInfo().ID == BuiltinValueKind::ICMP_NE)
return optimizeBuiltinCompareEq(I, /*Negate Eq result*/ true);
// Optimize sub(ptrtoint(index_raw_pointer(v, x)), ptrtoint(v)) -> x.
BuiltinInst *Bytes2;
IndexRawPointerInst *Indexraw;
if (I->getNumOperands() == 2 &&
match(I, m_BuiltinInst(BuiltinValueKind::Sub,
m_BuiltinInst(Bytes2)))) {
if (match(Bytes2,
m_BuiltinInst(BuiltinValueKind::PtrToInt, m_ValueBase()))) {
if (Indexraw->getOperand(0) == Bytes2->getOperand(0) &&
Indexraw->getOperand(1)->getType() == I->getType()) {
replaceInstUsesWith(*I, Indexraw->getOperand(1));
return eraseInstFromFunction(*I);
// Canonicalize multiplication by a stride to be such that the stride is
// always the second argument.
if (I->getNumOperands() != 3)
return nullptr;
if (match(I, m_ApplyInst(BuiltinValueKind::SMulOver,
m_ValueBase(), m_IntegerLiteralInst()))) {
I->swapOperands(0, 1);
return I;
return nullptr;